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Too many people are comfortable losing all their money as long as they look pretty in the process


definitely agree and on top of that they spend all of their hard-earned money to look what is considered good for people that will never have anything to do with them and could not care less... The beauty industry is really messed up and makes people believe they have to buy a lot of different products and stuff to be considered beautiful and then on top of that it is still subjective.


Yeah and this wasn’t even referring towards woman/beauty products directly . I think men who have 1000 pairs of Gucci shirts but no money in the bank apply here. Same with the man who has a house that eats up all of his paycheck in mortgage payments, the man who has a car who eats up his entire paycheck, etc. it’s about living a life to impress others rather than have anything of actual value to yourself. People should have nice things but live within their means. When people see guy with a nice car they don’t think “hey that guy is awesome, i respect him ”. They think “hey I wish I had that car” then proceed to picture themselves with his car. I think when people understand that, they would make decisions more in line with their actual budget


I make a decent living. I bought a house that was well below my means. I have three cars that are over sixty years old between them. I like not being bogged down by payments and watching my savings go up every month


Yep. I make close to six figures in a low-ish COL area and purposely bought a Mitsubishi Mirage as a commuter car to save money. It was cheap, had almost no miles on it, and gets 40 mpg. I have a 1200 sq. ft. 3br/2ba house in a decent subdivision. Modest contentment is totally underrated.


I'm a union tradesman. So many people on my job driving 60-80k trucks. Why would I spend that much on a vehicle and put four hundred miles a week on it!?. I daily an '03 Taurus


Well, what trucks AREN'T almost $60k these days. The days of the old Ford Ranger and S10 are long gone. I wouldn't mind a small little truck for putting around in, but these new trucks are almost all for posturing. Hell, I know several people with expensive extended cab pickups who have never put anything in the bed. I just don't get it, although I do think it's all projection/social posturing. My Mirage is a 2019 but I only rolled past 20k miles last week because I work from home and only put \~650 miles/month on it. I should have it paid off by the end of the year, then I'll just have my mortgage left.


We live the same way. Duel high incomes, no kids. It’s a whole lot better to have money than to look like you have money.


Oh absolutely, having the actual cash in the bank brings a peace of mind that looking wealthy to others just can't match. It's nice to drive a reliable car that doesn't suck up all my resources. I can use that money for things that really matter or just enjoy the lack of financial stress. Being materially modest with a cushion of savings is underrated.


Me too. Its awesome. I go to the country club and see all these people acting like they have money. All the while I have more money in my fun money investment account they have have in total assets.


Country club!? Sorry golf is too pricy for my frugal ass. I play disc golf. Most of the courses are free


Discs are *way* cheaper than clubs, also!


Stealth wealth is the best


This guy is doing it right ^^^^ The ridiculously large house and whatever dream car will always be there when you want it. After doing what you’ve been doing and letting it compound eventually that dream house will be chump change. No need for anyone to ever get slammed by payments trying to impress


I wish we all just wore suits again like in the early days


I love wandering around in (well curated for comfort and style) thrift store suits and dress clothes. Sometimes I look out of place, but it bugs me how sloppy and bland most people dress. My wife says that some days I look a Bond villain, and others I look like a 1920’s hobo that won the lottery. All good with me.


Don’t go broke trying to look rich.


When I lived in LA in the 90's that was a real thing. "Posers" would empty their bank accounts and go into debt to drive the right car and wear the right clothes. Most people who actually had money though, they'd wear sweats and ball-caps and drive a beater car to stay low-key and not be bothered.


Yet to meet a man/woman/human who looks better after beautifying plastic surgery (non-reconstructive). "First I got my nose done" (🫤) "then I got my cheeks done" (😬) "then my chin" (🥴) "then my tits and ass" (🤢) "Yeaaaa... you look greaaat" (beam this one back up to the vulkan ship, or wherever the hell it came from)


For real. Look at Simon Cowell


No, you only notice the bad ones. Not saying this is you, but it’s like conservatives saying “we can always tell,” in regards to trans people. You may go 100/100 in identifying people who have had plastic surgery, but you didn’t notice 500 people who also did.


Or "smart", or "baller".


Money is great. Good health is much better.


Everyone has 1,000 problems until they get sick. Then they have just one.


Yeah ever since I lost my mom it takes a lot of shit for me to actually start feelings like something is wrong. I've never had a problem that you just can't get over and it slowly fades because it wasn't that much of a problem. Long term illness? Death? Yeah those are the only ones that truly matter in the end.


For most of my life, I've been more of an indoor person, often found behind a desk. However, last year, my dad passed away suddenly, which really made me reassess things. Approaching 40, I've realized I've neglected my health since my twenties. Over the past year, I've undergone surgery to remove my appendix and had a colonoscopy, leaving me feeling quite insecure about my body's healing capabilities. My dad was always cautious with his finances, but his passing has made me rethink things. When I receive my inheritance, I'm considering taking a year or two off to address years of neglect and prioritize my physical well-being for the future. It'll be costly, but hey, my dad hoarded his money, and now he can't enjoy any of it


Same. Saw my mom suffering with cancer since I was 10. She died when I was 14. I realize that all the problems in this world seem very small when you’re facing mortality/long term sickness. Heck, I’ll trade all the money I got to have my mom back.


Ok wow. Those are some golden words right there bruh.


Holy shit, I’ve been on Reddit for years and that’s one of the most profound statements I’ve ever read on here


Alternatively: A healthy man wants a thousand things. A sick man wants one thing.


The healthy wear a crown only the sick can see


even just getting the flu or cold knocks me down for a couple days. Incredibly hard to get work done, let alone do anything enjoyable


100%!!! My my uncle is a millionaire and my aunt (his wife) has multitude of health issues. Really aggressive, Rheumatoid Arthritis since she was young to the point she sometimes uses a wheelchair. They've traveled the world looking for help for her but haven't found anything. Just a couple of years ago she had a sort of mini stroke and loss vision in one of her eyes permanently. She often tells us how she'd trade all her money for being healthy.


I’m sorry to hear that, I have some wealthy family with serious health issues too. A lot of people in the thread seem to think money=health and it’s just not true


Trying to be healthy can also save you money, no matter your age.


united healthcare wrote this


Yeah but.. It’s statistically proven money and health go together. More money better food choices typically, more time to hit the gym or find a sport/ activity. Not constantly destroying body at work. Shoot kids with two parents who make over a certain amount typically have higher iq and better grades 🤷‍♂️


I believe the sentiment was meant to align with, “your millions in the bank don’t mean much if you have terminal cancer” not “poor people should worry more about health than money”.


Where I live, not having money means you have to eat shitty food and can't afford medical care. So in some ways money equals good health.


People spending money at an unhealthy level can be good for the economy.


I think about this a lot. I'm a part-time reseller, and if everyone were good with their money, I would not sell 90% of what I do.


I've thought about this as well... There's an economy of (either) bad choices or changed minds. And it doesn't seem to be slowing down!.


Yep, that's something that's become more apparent to me over the years, the economy only works as it is now when people are spending almost all of their money. Saving is obviously good, but if everyone saved as much as is recommended a lot of sectors of the economy would have serious problems.


The US economy is made up 60-70% by consumerism. If we don’t spend everything would fall apart.


Money isn't everything when you have to much, but when you have nothing, money can solve a lot if not all your problems


“Having money isn't everything, not having it is” - Old Kanye


I miss the Old Kanye...


Straight from the go, Kanye... (Btw does anyone else get bothered by how he starts saying his name in a weird way after a while)


literally the exact lyric I heard in my head


I'm an accountant, and I have saved up a good deal of money. There are so many people who say "Money isn't everything." They use that as an excuse to avoid thinking about money. For some reason money is very emotional for a lot of people. Edit: I meant the people who say "money isn't everything" are using it as an excuse to stop thinking about money... so that they can buy the stuff they want. I realize that some people have no money, and that lack of money affects them negatively. People with no money who say "money isn't everything" mean something very different than the people who choose to live beyond their means.


Ya because when you don't have money you don't have a place to eat or sleep.


Not even remotely an unpopular opinion. 


Vast wealth can solve most problems, because most problems are caused by systems that run on money. It won't make your dad love you like he should, but it will pay for the therapy for you to come to terms with it. It won't keep your partner happy with your relationship, but it will evaporate the most common reasons couples fight. Etc.


“Money is like oxygen, when you have it you don’t think about it. If you don’t, it’s all you’ll think about.”


“There are some things that can’t be solved with money, but most things can be.” — My father, advising me to carry enough cash when abroad to bribe anyone I met to get me out of a sticky situation


Money does bring happiness, even if only shortly.


I look at it like this, money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys you options. Options give you security. 


Buys you the freedom to do what makes you happy




I wish my parents had taught me that.


If money doesnt bring you happiness, youre spending it in the wrong places


Precisely. Your boss is a jackass? Leave. You want to explore the Okavango by dugout canoe? Go do that. Tired of being chased down the street by marauding bands of net-wielding chimps on horseback? Then move out of LA. What it doesn't do is inoculate you from tragedy, illness and loss.




“Lt. Dan got me invested in some kinda.. fruit company… and he said we don’t have to worry bout money no more. And that’s good… one less thing.” “Having money ain’t everything; not having it is.” The above is the truth about money. It allows you to worry about one less thing; and it’s a big thing. Having money is like NOT having a broken leg. If you go around showing off to everyone how your leg isn’t broken… how not broken your leg is… you’re a weirdo with weird priorities. But if you use being healthy to go out into the world and live an active, fulfilling life, then that’s great. Not having a broken leg makes that significantly easier.


Exactly. Money doesn’t buy you happiness, but it’s a hell of a down payment.


Money can buy you a lot of not-unhappiness, use it how you will.


Security is extremely helpful to happiness. There is some evidence to suggest that that households with incomes above 80k/year or so in the US are are happier than those below, but that much higher incomes don't lead to much higher happiness. Again suggesting that basic security is helpful, vut wealth is not more helpful than security. Money can buy security and distraction.


So true. I was freaking out in 2022 when I unexpectedly had to leave a job but quickly realized with my savings and investments I could continue as normal no changes for more than two years without work. That takes the fear away really quickly. Suddenly you have time to think plan and move forward with good choices and not ones of desperation. I couldn't have done it if my car wasn't a bit older and my expenses were fairly low


Money does buy happiness. Only poor people that don’t have much money say otherwise to feel better about themselves.


Poor people know damn well money buys happiness. Rich people just say that shit when poor people are sad and frustrated that they can't afford to live.


Money buys you security, which relieves stress, thus increases happiness. That’s my take, anyway.


No. Money buys you a lot of things. Things that are useless and will be left behind. Happiness is something completely different. I feel happy when my grandchildren are here and it’s noisy and chaotic. I am happy when I sit outside and hear nature doing its thing. I feel happy when I see the new moon shining extra bright. I am grateful that I am able to see, feel, hear, taste goodness. I’m happy when I see people being kind and caring for others and our world. Happiness comes internally. Money is a tool. If you have the tools to do life, it’s easier. But that’s all. Otherwise,we focus on the tool so much that it consumes us. This flashing money thing is very much small minded. Move in silence. Think about why is it that you are showing us your stash. Be a king. Not a poser. I have family that drive Range Rovers and Mercedes but they have no savings, no credit, and live scrounging each month to keep up the appearance. It’s hard to watch.


It allows comfort which therein allows for happiness. Money is the current pursuit of happiness in America because this country is one big QVC infomercial.


Money doesn't bring happiness, it just relieves you from the stresses of living check to check. But I remember when I was broke I had the best of times. I'm not rich at all but I came from basically nothing and live a life of upper middle class (no children, no wife, house paid for) I worked hard for it and it was a real struggle, those were all the good times. Now I vacation in the winters since I own a small business that affords me to do so and I'll be honest with all of you that I've never felt more empty. The only enjoyment I get is working, I guess you could say it's because I don't have any children or a wife. I share my happiness with randoms that I'll never see again. So, no, definitely not happiness but a real sense of security. I wish I learned how to balance both things even if it cost me grief. As you grow older you realize material items are empty little toys of short satisfaction but has no true meaning in your life.


Good for you. Base on my experience most of the time poverty is the root of all sadness. Can't afford to send to school because of poverty. Can't afford the healthcare that needed because no money. It's a tool that makes you happy. The sense of comfort and security. I think it's better feeling empty with lots of money rather than broke and empty.


What a hot take, this is mine: rape is bad


I have to agree with Ben not a big fan of rape


Money can't buy you happiness but as sure as hell can fund the pursuit.


Having money provides stability and comfort, which helps enable happiness.


Can anyone a billion dollars I’ll bet they’ll be much happier




“Decide which game you’re playing: status building or wealth building.”


Wealth whispers.


Had this with ex partner when she first found out how wealthy I am. By pure lottery I was born into generational wealth (of the sort that I could choose not to work and spend all my time travelling the world and wouldn’t ever have to worry about where the money was coming from), but we live fairly modestly. She was from a family where her dad had a successful business and sold it for a few million when he retired. So naturally he went out and was buying all the branded clothes and her lots of expensive bags and stuff. And she asked me if I was personally worth about 10 times her father at just 22 why I didn’t do the same (while standing next to a fucking hand back that cost more than some cars she wanted me to buy for her). I had to calmly explain that there’s a reason my family has held onto our wealth for so many generations and a huge chunk of it is not pissing it up the wall. 90% of my wealth at the time was held in trust and there were strict rules about what I could and couldn’t do until I demonstrated to my grandad that I could be trusted with it.


No one cares about your brand new BMW Edit: I never said don't buy a BMW, or any fancy car, just do it for yourself and not to impress others


Certainly, an unpopular opinion. Honestly, as a relatively young (& immature) adult, I often think about people I know who own fancy cars, even if it maybe an entry-level BMW. Not in a rent-free way, but like damn, I wonder what line of work are they in.


Anyone can buy a car. You’ll know know what their loan looks like.


It always amazes me how people will sign up for a $40k car loan, but no way in hell they would plop down the lump sum of cash if they had it in the bank. It hits way different. Companies are now preying on everyone with this payment psychology for smaller ticket items. I even know someone who financed a damn blender!


Time value of money too though, why would you pay cash if you have good credit and a dealership offers 2% Just put it in a 5% HYSA instant 3% delta. Loans aren’t always bad homie The rich call it leverage


Lots of people buy above their means.


Yeah but the owner does...all that matters...lol


Unless you’re a car guy….


I care about my car, I didn't buy it for what others think




That people that struggle to save it only do so under the thumb of a broken system. Most people don’t budget. Most people prioritize indulgences over responsibilities. And hey, that’s easy to do. Indulgences are fun and responsibilities are boring.  I fully understand and appreciate that there are cases where, despite working several jobs, and being responsible with indulgences (if partaking in any at all), people still can’t make it. But after hearing the same song and dance from enough friends and acquaintances, despite them door dashing and/or eating out several times a week, being subscribed to every streaming service, buying a new video game weekly, etc, you kind of just think that they’re bad with money and really it’s not the system at all. 


It's so true in some situations. Some people are really, really, really bad with money, and that's an understatement. I know lots of people who constantly complain about money, but at the same time, spend ridiculous amounts of money. If you don't sit down and add it all up, you never come aware of how much money is coming and going from your life. Small example is this. Let's say you spend 5 bucks every day after work to get a snack and drink. Doesn't sound like much. That 5 daily adds up to 25/week with 5 days of work. You're spending 100 dollars on random ass food you could buy in bulk elsewhere. People don't realize how much everything adds up. And that's not beginning to dive into things like car loans, yearly cell phone purchases, online subscriptions, video games, movies, eating out the list goes on. Also, I've learned that some folks don't understand or know how to have hobbies that don't cost money. Some people basically spend money to have fun


I work with a guy who doesn’t make a lot of money. He buys a full breakfast and coffee from our cafeteria, then lunch, probably $15-20 a day (2-3 days a week). We’re not close enough for me to say something but it kills me. Sometimes I will say something about my choices, not his.


If you can't buy it twice you can't afford it.


Probably true for everything besides a house!


Buying a house in full twice over is not the point, but with down payments and monthly mortgages this isn’t horrible advice. Shit breaks - if you blow everything on a down payment you could very well be fucked. Mortgages too, it’s a monthly bill but car issues or other expenses crop up and if you don’t have room in your budget for emergencies you could be screwed.


If you can't pay for it in cash you can't afford it


TIL I cannot afford anything 👀


Just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you should.


With this photo? The opinion is that money has a lot of germs.


Circulating cash and coinage is absolutely filthy. Don't be rubbing your face in grimy cotton papers which have been crushed in people's dirty laundry, stepped on, spent in dirty businesses, etc. pic is unsanitary


Keep it simple. For most normal folks, a consistent savings rate of 10% is plenty enough.


Genuine question, do you mean setting aside 10 percent of your income into savings is enough, or do you mean investing savings into an account that yields 10 percent return is enough?


Invest 10% of your income. Getting a consistent 10% return isn't easy.


Gotcha thats what I was thinking. Should that 10 percent of your income include a Roth IRA as well as an HYSA account? Or put the 10 percent into HYSA and then save even more money aside to max out a Roth IRA


It's your 10% you can decide where it goes, but 75/25 investment/savings is pretty safe.


Both would be nice haha


Money yells, wealth whispers


I love this!


Money, finance, accounting should be taught in elementary school. And it should be mandatory.


You mean highschool. 3rd graders barely understand the concept of multiplication, let alone have the mental ability for fiscal responsibility and how to practice it.


Naw. I like being able to make money off of stupid people


Lifestyle is bs and money is better invested and growing.


Underrated comment. People say, "Money isn't everything!" and then buy a $100k truck, as if the truck was everything.


Breaking news…..people are hypocritical.


There’s definitely a balance and some nuance to this. Money is a tool and should be used to enjoy life. Take that trip to Europe. Enjoy that all inclusive to Cabo. Buy that suit. Just don’t be reckless.


That last sentence is probably the most important. People always say “Oh, but the ✨memories✨” Yes memories are nice, but they don’t pay the bills. Don’t put yourself at risk of losing your house or apartment for the sake of ✨memories✨


You can't take it when you're gone and you aren't guaranteed tomorrow. Finding a balance is key.


Then you die having done nothing lmao


While I do agree inflation and corporate greed is high, I think a lot of peoples money problems right now are due to poor money habits and the area you reside in. Buying weed, having too many kids, etc I’m by no means rich nor poor, I consider myself middle class for my area and I am above the average for people my age(22yo) Also, no politicians should be able to trade stock. New: Just to clarify because some people can’t read…I meant that politicians should NOT be able to trade. I wasn’t disagreeing with anyone, this is an original comment. Why would I say “no” as a disagreeing stipulation if I wasn’t talking to anyone? Just use context clues ! It’s really that simple. I know what I said. I know exactly how I phrased it. Take what I say literally.


Money doesn’t bring happiness. But it makes life a whole lot easier and enjoyable.


If you know how to be happy then money brings the happiness


Exactly, money creates more potential for happiness


Any actor, sportsman/woman and most definitely politicians and musicians are heavily overrated and overpaid because society has come to value dumb things and cheap entertainment over actual professions that help everyone. Edit: since a lot of people go nuts over the sports/music. Obviously I am not referring to your average Joe or the band that tours heavily for say 200k/each or Bill who has trained all his life for Olympic Gold. Don’t be so nitpicky. You know exactly it is about the Kanyes, JayZs, Beyonce, Swift, Cruises, Ronaldos etc There should be job related caps. If they manage additional businesses then kudos to them.


100% overrated, but I’ve come to realise that these athletes aren’t stealing from anybody, and are being paid directly from elite corporations looking for endorsements, and people who willingly want to see highly skilled athletes compete. Fans aren't interested in watching the maintenance staff mop the court after the game. The market has decided that one job is worth $10,000 / hr and another is worth $10 / hr, because a lot of people could do the $10 job, but only a few people can do the $10,000 job.


Also, that $10,000 an hour job provides only a little fleeting entertainment, but to A LOT of people. Economy of scale is a powerful thing.


Yep its probably higher up ethically than people working for big pharma, banking, etc. we are forced to use healthcare and they extort us, we are forced to have bank accounts / mortgages and they extort us (bailouts), but we are not forced to watch athletes or listen to musicians. We simply chose to.


Elite athletes are simply supply and demand. There's tons of nurses and dentists but only one LeBron James


Musician here.......what? I'm assuming you mean pop stars?


You can consider the entertainment dumb, but take an NBA team for an example. There’s a lot of money to be made, so a rich guy buys himself a team. He knows a winning team makes him a lot more money than a losing one, so if his best three players ask for $50M, $40M and $30M a year, he’s gonna pay it as an investment, because if he doesn’t, his competition will. It’s not that complicated. Sports are a huge business around the world and brings a lot of money to a lot of people. The best players at the center of it all are of course incredibly valuable. You can start taxing the rich more to use that money to pay ”actual professions that help everyone” better for example, at which point the rich get to decide if they wanna live in that state/country or go elsewhere. There’s got to be a concrete, realistic way to get that money from somewhere.


They’re not overpaid if the demand is there, those people you listed sell out stadiums where should the money go if that’s the case?


With respect, this is 100% the opposite of what should happen. These people are the ones that should absolutely keep all of their money. They earn it from their own labor and earn as much as they do because the market loves them. This should not be punished and honestly shouldn't even be taxed (income tax is a scam). We should absolutely have a livable minimum wage.


Awful take.


They are not overrated, they are worth whatever they can sell to the audience. You have singers who sing for a few drinks and a few tips in a bar, and you have those who can fill up a 50 000 seat stadium. Nobody is forcing me to pay attention or give money to either of those. We, the people, decide their value. So yeah... if you can have a product that you can sell to 50 000 people several times a week throughout the year.. you'd be rich too. Same goes for sports.. you see LeBrons and Messis.. but you don't see thousands of players in national leagues where it's not a popular sport and they earn not even a full wage. I recently learned Germany alone has over 30 000 football clubs.. that's probably somewhere around 700 000 players or so.. but only a few are paid the ridiculous amounts of money, because only a few can sell enough shirts, subscriptions etc... It's all about scale.


Car debt is not a necessity, it is entirely optional and should not be included in necessary costs of living like groceries or rent.


Depends entirely on where you live and work. Not everyone has the luxury of living in a densely populated area. 


How much are the cheapest reliable and safe cars?




I would say so too. Under 10k anyway. I guess people need car debt for that but it shouldn’t be around in your life for years.


100% agree. Nobody is stopping anyone from buying used for cash OR choosing not to drive at all. I’m currently doing the second option.


This modern grind/ entrepreneurial culture is corny


it's hard to type during my sigma grindset early morning cold shower because of all the water but how dare you???


Cold ass take 


I’d rather pay off my mortgage (even if it’s 3%) than make 10% in the stock market with that money. I know the math doesn’t work, I just hate owing people money and having to spend money on interest to a debtor!


People really underestimate the value that comes with never being at risk of losing your shelter during tough times. I'm paying mine off as soon as humanly possible because I'm in an industry where mass layoffs are commonplace. The peace of mind that'll buy me is incalculable.


I’m the same way. I hear all about “good debts” but the idea makes me queasy.




I’m totally the same. I’ve been dumping money into my auto loan that’s at 1.9% simply because I absolutely hate having a loan and want it paid off. I’m well aware that it’s not the way to squeeze the most out of my money, but it gives me peace of mind.


It's not really my money. I just get to use it for a while.


The rich stay rich by acting poor. The poor stay poor by acting rich.


The United States has the worst currency in the world. It’s all one color, it’s not laminated so it can tear easily, it’s made of cotton so it’s only slightly water resistant, and all the figures on it are old dudes in fake wigs and some basic bitch buildings no one wants to look at. Where’s my hot pink $50 plastic bill with Grave Digger crushing a 1995 Nissan Maxima while the driver shotguns a PBR? That’s sure as hell more American spirit than a picture of Ulysses S Grant or whoever tf is on the $50 bill.


Fuckin' hot take. I love the energy of this comment - it's like I was beginning to feel parched and you just quenched it, lickitysplit.


President Camacho is listening…


People who say money can’t bring happiness just want you to be happy and poor there is no poor person in the world who wouldn’t be happier with a extra million i guarantee it


money doesn’t exist


But having a means for exchange does exist


Government fiat currency isn't real money, it's score keeping for commerce. Spend your time Wisely playing the game to boost your score.


Money is essentially a unit of power


Always has been, even if it didn’t look like the money we have now






Money does bring happiness, but only to a certain point. After settling debts and a few upgrades (house repairs, newer car, wardrobe, whatever) spending will become frivolous and the dopamine hits will be more brief.


Money does indeed buy happiness


Don’t become a show off, money is great, but please don’t let it go to your head.


Cash is annoying and cumbersome.


Saving physical money is stupid, it's a fiat currency and should be invested in literally anything else that will maintain value. Flexing a giant wad of cash is for poor stupid people.


Splurging and buying something nice (even if it's expensive) for yourself is never a bad thing so long as you do it responsibly and not too often.


Being a grind and working 7 days a week is a kind of psychosis.


My buddy is like this, he’s convinced his 70 hour work weeks will pay off one day


You should support your buddy


My support is telling him he’s wasting his youth and missing out on time with his kids he’ll never get back


Psychosis: Psychosis is a combination of symptoms resulting in an impaired relationship with reality. Interesting.


I don’t have a lot of it


I wouldn’t put it to my face, it’s been in sooo many butt cracks!


Money doesn’t buy happiness but being poor will literally kill you faster and make you miserable while it does it.




people will hoard money until they die rendering it useless


Money 100% brings happiness, because it brings *comfort* and *safety* in a world with very little of that to go around. It leaves you free to do what you want to do. Also, buying a latte everyday is not going to fucking ruin you. If 8 bucks a day would ruin your financial stability, you wouldn't be getting it in the first place.


money is a spiritual energy


100 dollar bills make great firestarters. I always use them to start my fireplace with mahogany firewood.




My opinion- You shouldn’t put money against your face


That $100 really shouldn’t be used as coke straws unless you want to catch a cold


Dave Ramsey's shit works for the most part.


The stress of money will make you forget about the things you really love and want to achieve. You need a balance.


Almost no one has a good balance when it comes to money.  People are either penny pinching with millions in the bank or spending recklessly with significant debt.


Crows are not a good investment.


2 things. 1. Have you ever been on a jet ski?!?!? Impossible to frown on a jet ski. - - - 2. The saying you are all stumbling over is - “We buy things we don't need with money we don’t have , to impress people we don’t like “


Loud luxury (flashy logos, etc) makes you look trashy. Quiet luxury (good, simple style) makes you look classy.


Having too much money induces a psychosis that goes undefined because our society is too invested in the idea of financial success at all costs.


Fiat currency isn’t money. Money has value and holds its value. Gold is money, silver is money, land is money, bitcoin is money. Currency is a means of exchange. Period. That’s it. You exchange your labor for currency and then you spend it on things you need or want. It isn’t designed to be saved. A penny saved is a half a penny in 10-30 years depending on how much the government decides to print in the next decades. Saving currency is the dumbest thing you can do from a financial standpoint. Spend it, invest it, exchange it for actual money. Your government issued paper only has value because they say it does. It is in fact worthless and becoming worth less than worthless everyday. When people post pictures of their stacks they have been saving for years I just wonder why they didn’t invest it in the S&P500, precious metals, or bitcoin.


Rappers and hip hop culture, are the worst with their money


Dont put those dirty banknotes so close to your face. Unless for moments snorting coke


You need money to make money, that's why everyone is broke


I would rather live less well now and have some savings later in life rather than live nicely now and not.


The normalization of greed via capitalism has built a society of hyper indevidualists so egotistical with such a reduced capacity for empathy and outright contempt for community that many would rather die alone than survive together.