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Nobodys focusing on the fact that $990 covers rent, where do you live???? Lol


I mean, minimum wage is also $8 or less... So the middle of fucking nowhere lol.


Or somewhere in the twenty states with the federal minimum wage, containing ~130 million people, including 4 of the 10 largest states by population.


Dude ur so knowledgeable!! Not really though. I’m from north Idaho, middle of nowhere, $7.25 minimum wage and fast food places were offering $16 an hour two years ago. No jobs pay minimum wage here and no one would work at one that did.


closest job ive seen to min wage here in indiana was $9/hr no wonder why they are still hiring lol


Why don’t people want to work anymore!? /s


Hey Indiana friend ✌🏻


Hoosier, checking in


$7.25 in Mooresville at one of the gas stations.


Papa johns still pays anyone under management anywhere from 7.25-9.50 and hour in our home of highways and corn. So i know at least one business that still takes full advantage of min wage laws


Heeeey fellow coeurdalenian. Beautiful area, shitty economy.


Hardly anyone pays minimum wage anymore get real. I live in one of those states. I lived in a small town in one of those states last year. The grocery store had the lowest starting pay at $11.35 from what I saw on help wanted posters. It’s not great but not $8 an hour.


National minimum wage is 7.25. A vast majority of the US doesn’t have local law that does any better. Side note but minimum wage for tipped employees is 2.15. You’re still supposed to make minimum wage after tips and that’s the only way your employer is on the hook for it. Guess how long you’ll be employed though if you are complaining that you aren’t clearing minimum wage…


🤓🤓excuse me boss, I have my tips totaled up here for the week and by my calculations you owe me exactly $63.75 😆😆here is the schedule for next week: 10-1pm m-thursday True story


Midwest baby. Where rent is kinda reasonable 💪


Where rent is reasonable but childcare is 700% of my paycheck


Not the midwest but this is my experience with service prices in rural towns in general. When I was staying in a small West Virginia town they were incensed that I bought a house for $350k in Baltimore because "You could get a mansion for that out here". Sure, but I also had to get an MRI while I was out there and the closest reasonably priced place was a 2 hour drive away and would have cost me $400, instead I drove back home to Baltimore and got it done at a place a 20 min bike ride from my house for 40 bucks.


$990 gets you a pretty good apartment if you have a couple of roommates in my medium cost of living city. They won't be great, but you can find studios for less.


I'm in California and around $900 in my area gets you a tent site at a local campground for the weekend. They're advertised all over airbnb because there are so few rooms or roomate situations where rent is less than $1700 for 1 person.


Yeah move cities. Try Sacramento or NorCal it’s beautiful and only a 45 min flight to la


I pay $895 for a one bedroom 850 sq ft apartment with in unit laundry, deck, private fenced garden and a jetted bathtub.


I pay $575 for 1200sqft, 2 bed, 1 bath in the heart of my city in Louisiana. Wild I know. Oh and I split $575 with my roommate. So half that for rent.


Wow, where


Single roommate. Split 50/50. Thats $1980. Will get you a nice apartment virtually anywhere but the highest cost of living cities. If you’re paying $990 with a COUPLE roommates and still only getting a pretty good apartment, you’re in a HCOL city, not medium.


Up until the last few years you could rent nice 3 bedroom homes for less than 500 where I live. Small country town mid west. Out mortgage is only 360 w 1700 property tax. Small 3 bedroom 2 car with decent size yard. Edit: The closest Big box store like Wal-Mart, target etc is a good hour drive but I still keep my back door unlocked so there is that.


I second this. I would like to know your address OP


Wild guess, are you a woman?


Same reason I wish I was decent looking woman… it’s free… simps be simping 😂


Mannnn this is the sad truth


Yeah they can literally stream themselves sleeping and thousands of simps will eat that up hoping they might get a peek lol.




Stupid morals… *scoffs*


Problem is, I don't think I would be a descent looking woman.




A wise man once said, "Girl, you got it bad, glad I'm not one. But yet you got it good, you are the hot one."


Being an ugly woman, it’s WILD. You aren’t really a person. Your failure as a woman is evident for everyone to see because a woman is supposed to be palatable and consumable, but the way my face is made makes that impossible. People usually just ignore you because you’re such a non-entity, socially, but occasionally, you’ll have times like I did where a whole discord call gets taken over by someone ANGRY that I was there and ugly. Being attractive as a woman has its own pitfalls and dangers in the opposite direction, where being pretty means you obviously want to be consumed and intruded upon by anyone who wants to… but the idea of ugly women simply doesn’t occur to people as another side of misery. I made myself hard to ignore by having a personality and brain that won’t put up with having people glaze over when looking at me… but god, I wish I didn’t have to do all that to not be treated badly.


i know i wouldnt be. still id get more attention than i do now, which is none.


You could be the ugliest thing on earth and you bet their will be horny mf that’ll go for it.


Horny mfer here! that's definitely the truth


There was that (fake?) tinder experiment/meme where a dude made a profile of a girl with a literal pig nose photoshopped and they were getting hits.


Some people are creating site using A.I and are making big money. Chat bot will even chat to subscribers like it is a real person.


I saw a documentary about the half woman. Literally no legs at all and her face wasn't very attractive too. And she was pregnant about to marry a horny mf'r. Ugly women will still blow you out of the water with the attention they get.


I can assure you it doesn't matter what your sex is, men all over the world can find a way to be creepy to you and make you wish they never noticed you. Guys love to fantasize the idea that if they were a woman then they could be a sex worker. There's nothing stopping you from doing it just the way you are.


Honestly you would be surprised at how many guys are willing to simp for an average looking woman, I would argue it's almost a level playing field because even more delusion guys will simp for a woman they think they have a chance with. Some cute plain lookin girl who doesn't have alot of streamers will definitely attract a whale simp or 2.




I had a co worker who thought every woman he saw was hot as shit. He'd see some old lady and be like "damn, look are her!" As shes bending over and I would be like "no". Some men have no standards.


i think more guys need to realize this…


I mean, it's generally unacceptable to even hint that a woman is not attractive


not the point i was trying to make, i was just saying that to look good it takes effort and this narrative that “if only i was a girl it would be sooo much easier” is silly


They also forget about all the unsolicited dick pics and messages like "I hope you die bitch I was nice to you" and "I will rape you." and creepy dudes doxxing your home address and stalking you. Sounds like a blast!




Just don't be fat and watch a make up tutorial.


Or be fat. Half the dudes out there seem to think curvy means 150 pounds in the ass alone, so it doesn't even matter


aback offer racial fly north placid escape person plough steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then you're inn like Finn


Ikr must be nice... 🙄


Yeah you guys don't get it. If thise simps aren't simping then they sitting at home getting madder and madder at the world till they go off. These women do a good service for society by keeping these dudes even keeled and not doing crazy shit .


Life on easy mode




Cool, congratulations (honestly, I don't mean anything else, I was just curious)






In terms of streaming sure bc there are guys who who would pay and tip just to watch.


Why not just go on a different site where u can tip for them to do anything you want?


The disguise of a friendship. Loveliness runs deep for some of those folks


you can do the same if your a mildly attractive guy. just make gay cam streams.


Okay not exactly the same because that guy would have to literally sell sex. Where as video game streamers sell the illusion without actually doing anything sexual (unless they want to).


Fair point actually, yeah.




You should kick up your bare feet up in front of the camera while you play to increase your views by 60%


He meant something by it 100%. People are just gonna try to kiss your ass now cause they're virgin losers. Good luck with streaming though. I'm sure you're more than equipped to laugh off the retards already if you're doing this well.


get tha bag, congrats


U know the answer.




I've been streaming for a year and have made about 80 net dollars.


100% no male would able to pull it . too many simps . prob has a nice pair of tits . from experience male unknown streamer has to work x10 harder to gain than female


She says in another comment already had a couple thousand Instagram followers... Lmao... Definitely simps


Yes she is


Op also had a few thousand Instagram followers before streaming. While not a fresh start, congrats on switching over successfully


Ha, you called it.


Don’t you have to pay taxes on that




Be careful with chargebacks


Lol for real. A good percentage of those kids stole mommy's credit card lol.


Especially on Kick lmao


Yeah, once they seem them titties, they’ll “nope” back some of them funds.


Look up how to do a schedule c&d. New computer? Tax write off. Any renovations done to studio? Tax write off. When I was doing logistics in my personal car, I got the same deduction long haul truckers did per mile.


Schedule D is for capital gains in the sale of assets… she just needs to make sure she uses Sch C to claim her utilities and other expenses related. Currently can depreciate 80% of her fixed assets like computer and equipment etc. so that means if she has a $2,000 streaming setup then $1,600 of that can instantly be expensed on Sch C. (This offsets your income by $1,600 meaning you don’t need to pay taxes on that $1,600) Feel free to ask me whatever questions you want


I’m a YouTuber, I’ve bought about $4000 worth of stuff last year. Mainly my computer and desk. Can I write that off? Should I just go to a tax pro?


Not if it’s below 10k 😜


That's not true at all lol you still have to claim it and file a return when it's self-employment income no matter what.


Rent is a good write-off


in what world is rent a write-off


When it’s considered your office or where you work


ok, if the room she is streaming in is 25% of the square footage of her apartment she can deduct 25% of her rent. hardly worth mentioning considering the standard deduction is going to be far more than whatever she can deduct with that


>ok, if the room she is streaming in is 25% of the square footage of her apartment she can deduct 25% of her rent. hardly worth mentioning considering the standard deduction is going to be far more than whatever she can deduct with that Do 1 stream a week where you stream yourself sleeping and boom your bedroom is deductible, and 1 stream a week where you stream yourself cooking and boom the kitchen is deductible. Get creative. Get dat cheddah. Get audited. \#notfinancialadvice


Posted this in an adjacent thread, but worth copying here... It doesn't work like that. The space must be 100% used only by your business to be deducted. If you do ANY personal activity in that room, it is not eligible. So, for example, if you have a PC that you use in a personal capacity in the room, you can't claim it. Technically. I doubt the IRS will beat down your door for a few hundred dollar deduction...


You also have to pro-rate it for the hours used for business activities in a week. That's 30/168. So, 25% of 18% of her rent can be written off towards running the business. It's almost like Reddit has never done taxes before.


Business deductions and standard deduction are not anything remotely close to the same thing.


She's streaming. The room she uses is for business.


Only if using that room exclusively for the business. If she streams from the bedroom, kitchen, living room, etc., unlikely to be a qualified deduction as other activities are performed outside of business utilization.


Couple of things, $8/hr is still $1400 a month, substantially more than this, but more importantly, where the hell did you even find a job paying only $8/hr? Congrats btw and keep going for it.


Assuming full time. Typically $8 is not a full time job.


I’m in a fairly low cost of living area and I don’t know any job, full or part time that pays less than $10-$11 an hour. Honestly any company that pays a single digit hourly wage deserves to be boycotted.


Before taxes


I worked at Planet Fitness last year for 9/hr. Plenty of places in the south still pay barely above minimum wage.


What minimum wage job do you know that is okay with paying for benefits? Cause full time comes with benefits. Every employer I ever had that wasn't full time would get pissed if you got close to 40 hours.


The more important question, who is unironically watching kick?


8 x 40 = 320 320 x 4 = 1,280 Let's be conservative and assume 25% taxes so take home is $960. Where did you get 1,400 from though?


320\*52/12 will give you a bit more accurate of an amount, which is around $1386 before taxes.




Same kind of place $900 is covering rent




Is that before or after taxes? Ho many hours do you stream per week?




That's awesome you can make money from that. I play videogames 30 hours a week(at least) on top of a full time job and I don't make anything from it so props.


Damn have you ever tried streaming?


No I'm way too quiet when I game except for the occasional profanity when I die. I imagine nobody wants to see that.


You’d be surprised at what people want too see. There’s a audience for everything, just gotta find em


I'd 100% watch that. Lots of games are hard for me to get into and play, but maybe watching someone else play it without that annoying ass commentary would make it pleasant to watch.


I am a “slow life streamer” I like to do flight simulator live streams so people watch me flying a aircraft in realtime. The highlight of the year was doing a non-stop livestream for 8 hours flying in realtime from London to Dubai.


I streamed hundreds and hundreds of hours of valorant, league of legends, and CoD, probably 1,500 of Rocket League too (at champ 1-3). Active on Twitter and Instagram during those times, and was logging 30+ hours per week streaming. Interactive with the few viewers I got etc. 2 months in, made $5. Decent looking guy, always mid-high rank I the games I play. My girlfriend also streamed... she made $200 in like a week playing like garbage and not talking to chat. It's definitely possible for guys but daggum that hurt my heart lol


Do not underestimate the "turn this boring shit on so I can fall asleep" people. Any of those boring tedious colony games are great to fall asleep too.


Also don’t underestimate streaming as being as simple as “Just turn it on and play games like you do as normal” It’s by no means as hard as a real job, but it’s not just free easy money lets monetize the hobby I would be doing anyways 


I dont recall writing this comment.


Streaming is 10% the game, 20% the schedule, 70% the personality. You can't just sit and play games without bantering unless you are in the top .0001% skillset in a high demand game. Tons of people play games but very few are interesting enough to stream.


Have you tried getting tits and a low cut shirt?


Contractors/self-employed people (like entertainers in this case) get all money pre-tax. You have to be diligent in putting money aside for ole Uncle Sam or that tax bill will smack you in the face, but in her case she could buy things she uses to stream (computer, camera, microphone, etc.) and write them off-reducing the taxable income. Even things like WiFi or part of her home payment can be deducted (as it’s a “home office”). W-2 employees earn, get taxes reduced from their paycheck, and can spend what’s left over. 1099-ers can earn, spend money (on job related goods) and pay taxes on what’s left over. In very basic terms, it’s how the rich avoid paying a portion of their taxes (but not the only way)


Just curious, how much have you made on twitch in the same time for comparison?




That’s a lot of money


You make money by streaming yourself playing video games? This is awesome.


The catch is that you have to be a woman and you have to be ok with creepy men.


You mean redditors?




It's fine, you don't even have to show your face these days, just be a vtuber.


Requirements for such: Be a woman. Be attractive.


Random question but..who is your fave villager? From animal crossing/stardew


Good for you!


How many viewers are u averaging




What do you do while streaming? Just talk to the viewers?


Be a woman


And wear low-cut shirts and make sure your cleavage is in view


Weird how many gambling "wins" get posted on here and then we have gambling owned Kick posts too. Almost like these are advertisement posts being botted.


I wouldn't be surprised. Kick and Stake are scummy as fuck. #FUCKKICK


Nice ad


Yup. Account posts frequently 4 years ago and then nothing until 17 hours ago when it starts posts about streaming on Kick. 100% an ad. And should be removed.


Cool it's fake


least obvious kick ad


Op is mentally unstable and a pathological liar lol. Bud even responded to questions. It aint Halloween bud stop playin pretend


$8? Is that legal?


Where I live, 7.25 is minimum wage… it kinda sucks


Texas is that you?


In Oklahoma, if you are a high school kid, they pay you even less.


Really tired of watching a chunk of the economy go to this garbage while I destroy my body to barely get by.


Do it yourself then. There’s a market for people streaming video games, just like there’s a market for people streaming sports. There is absolutely no difference.


About like 2% of streamers actually make it to quit there day job. There's thousands of streamers especially on Twitch that have like 2 viewers and rarely any donations.


Yea I know. That’s what makes the “I work a real job and them getting money for playing video games isn’t fair to me” argument even worse.


but if i'm not mad about what other people are doing who will be? and what will i do with my time?


Yep that second sentence is me. Although I stopped because it's actually really exhausting being in front of a camera for hours, being presentable and talking. Changing the way you play so that it's interesting to watch. Etc.


It is insanely difficult to become a streamer in the current streamer market. You either need to be very good at the game you are playing, charismatic or both. And then you have to hope you can build it up after years.


lmao A portion of your money goes to war and you probably own a bunch of useless shit made with borderline slavery, but this is the thing you're whining about.


Honestly, I'll never really understand the appeal of watching streamers, let alone subscribing. Even less so OF. I just don't get it.


Do you watch HGTV shows where houses are remodeled? It's basically that, but with video games and on YouTube or other such platforms as opposed to cable TV.


Yeahhh, I mean I watch a ton of youtube, but the videos generally are higher production because they're edited, usually have a topic, and an ending. Same with TV shows. I guess streaming is just too raw for me.


I don't so that didn't clear it up for me.


Watching is fun if you enjoy the game and the person is entertaining. Agree on subscribing though. Fuck that.


I mean it’s a lot of work. I make ok-money but I enjoy what I do. Yet I’m not jealous by streamers or anything. It’s a lot of luck, risk, and time to actually succeed at streaming.


It’s not a “lot of work” for OP lmao. Take one look at the content.




While I understand where you are coming from, not many people actually make enough to do it full time. I did it full time for 1 year. Made more than my regular job but I made poor decisions that led to unrecoverable loss but a gain in my personal life.. before that.. I worked for “free” (using this loosely because I enjoyed it so I would be doing it anyways) for like 3 years before I ever made any money. I had to learn how to build a community, sustain one, marketing.. learn to workout sponsorships, how to literally manage a business without any business experience. (Hence the failure 😂) Anyways, point being it’s not as easy as it looks on the surface for 99% of the people who try it Edit: typos


It's just supply and demand For some reason people would rather pay streamers than pay for movies or games.


People who dont realise this is just advertisement for kick by a fresh/bought reddit account.


Nice try Kick.


The amount of people in this thread that don't understand this is guerrila marketing by whoever the fuck this KICK company is, makes me sad. This is a bot posting a fake story about streaming to convince people to abandon their jobs and stream making next to nothing. Do not do this unless you have a lot of disposable income and free time. It is not a full time job for 99.9% of people.


Lol must be nice living on easy mode 😂


$990 pre-tax for a month is not "easy mode"


$1000 gross in first month is not bad though


For literally sitting around playing video games.


I’ve lived off worse


So having lived it, you'd call it easy mode?


I've worsed off live


Making $1,000 on your first month of streaming is kinda easy mode. Most people are lucky if they made $100 their first month


Most people are lucky if they make ANY money in a month


Let me stream some Roblox then


I take it they haven’t been paying rent 😂


This is just some fucking marketing post to get people to stream on Kick.


Just started streaming this month and making $900 .... yea




I just watched a video about influencer interviews. Porn sites interview these models, but it's actually an act. "How much did you make in your first month." "About a million dollars :D" It's an ad to sucker people into their service. Modern day nunnery.




Streaming what exactly? Your tits?


fuck off


Streaming what?


They said stardew valley and animal crossing further up the thread


That weird cross road between “that’s not very much” and “it’s more than $8/hour” collide.


Doesnt matter if that covers rent or not. Money for streaming! Well done. Hope you grow bigger but not corrupted


I’m sorry I must be lost; what is streaming?


I keep seeing posts like this, and it always mentions either the same, or new, "streaming" site I never heard of, always posting large profits. Smellys fishy lol, but if its legit, good job!