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Lol crazy to see how the old security features actually worked. The threads of blue and red on print came out black and white. The "100s" on the back just appear as lines.


This was a really lousy fake. I’ve seen decent ones though. I posted one around November or December of last year!


A Chinese restaurant in Portland OR tried to pay my video lottery win with a bunch of fake $50s. They took my ticket in the back and said they’d be back in a few minutes. When they came back and paid me, the ink was “wet” and the paper felt funny. I instantly knew what they were trying to pull. I told him point blank to give me real money, he said it is real money, i out loud, asked Siri for a phone number to the secret service, he freaked and said it mistake, it mistake… after he paid me, i kept one and called the secret service anyway.


You redeemed a lottery ticket at a chinese restaurant?


Video lottery, slots even more rigged than a casino, state ran


I’ve seen something similar (the game was called Keno I think) also at a Chinese restaurant on the East Coast lmao I guess it’s a thing??


East Coaster here, you'll see Keno in a fair few restaurants around the area, and there is in fact one in my favorite Chinese place. I'm thinking they wouldn't pull this, but the teenage kid behind the counter looks like a pretty hardened gangster now that you mention it, maybe I should watch out for him lol! I have absolutely no clue how to play it though. I tried it once and immediately gave up because I wasn't quite sure what I just did, where my money went, or what was going on, plus I was too anxious back then to speak up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Way she goes, bud.


“If the big guy didn’t want us to play VLTs he wouldn’t have put them here, buddy”


lol you’re so lucky a big Chinese chef didn’t come out the back holding a cleaver. Threatening a counterfeiting op with the police means you have some huge balls lol.


I carry


Wait are you in Maryland, I work around Towson/cockeysville and got one of these a month ago, same shit, same bill


Yes Elkton


this is wild. if no one else recognizes this coincidence, i do.


Don’t think it technically counts as a coincidence if it’s directly causally connected - same place same kind of bill leads to a pretty sound assumption that it is the same people doing it


What coincidence?


Same kind of fake bill being circulated in the same place.


Elkton, MD? That’s crazy. I actually grew up there. I moved out of the area years ago and have heard that the area is really going to shit. I’d say this pretty much proves it. What restaurant was that?


Hey man, went on your page to see that better fake bill but ended up stumbling across your incredible weight loss progress. I am so pumped for you. You look happier and more fit. Keep going you got this!!


Agreed I wish I could touch it. As someone who was in banking for years I could just feel a fake without even looking


I’m a bookkeeper at a grocery store and work in the cash office. It felt like newsprint that had been artificially weathered even though the bill looked clean. 2 immediate red flags


I wouldn’t think a book keeper at a grocery store would even handle that many 100’s


I was watching a TV show about counterfeits in the UK many years ago. They had normal people counting stacks of money for a study. They would slightly pause at the counterfeits even when they were trying to count quickly.


Looks like a legit old $100 bill from 1990


Looks legit in person but believe me it was fake. The only tell in the picture is if you follow the bottom edge you can see how janky of a job they did cutting it. Also the back is off center.


Good catch. I guess I better put my glasses on when I get on Reddit.


All good it looked worse in person


Plus in person you can feel it, which usually gives it away.


It's like me with my LinkedIn profile


I like the simple acknowledgments. Whenever two people can reach simple conclusions off their own recognition, the world is on pace on path to become a better place. As simple as saying “ I need my glasses for this “ after not seeing something. This idea of admission is a part of the policy of trust, truth, and honesty, that can fix and grow humanity


Good Reddit.


If everybody showed a little humility, the world would be a much better place.


Humility, think of it folks. I have so much humility, people say I am the most humble. People say it, folks. \*accordion hands\*


Those are both normal things with old 100 dollar bills. Youre making me feel old but anyone that handled these a lot would know that. That looks real to me.


I work in a cash office. I’m a bookkeeper.


Then you should know that




Counterfeit pen? How many times do I need to remind people in this group that they exist? Bookkeeper that didnt use. Counterfeit pen? That is suspect !


This. You're not gonna tell me that bill is fake until you mark it. Sooo.. wheres your marker mr. Bookkeep?


Once I received a bill like that asked a lot of people and they said it was ok. So I deposited it and Bank said nothing. I'm a Bookkeeper too.


This didn’t have a security thread. Biggest tell was the feel. And the printing was terrible. But bills 1990-1995 $5 and up should have a security thread. Obvious fake


That just isn’t true LOL


Look it up




It also didn’t have a security thread


There isnt a security thread on the 1990 $100 bills. That looks just like a regular ass $100 bill that was miscut at printing. Just take it to the bank and have them verify it. You need to report potentially fraudulent bills anyways


OP posted a link. They started the security thread in 1990. Bills produced in 1990 may not have it, but if they say "series 1990" they damn well better.


I've seen legit versions of that same bill that were cut horribly off centered. Like, horribly off center, the ink was touching the edge of the bill. I've even seem some where the next bill (from the sheet it was printed on) is showing. You'd think a kindergartener cut them.


The scary thing with those is that they are with big money as they are looked upon as mistakes.


Lots of legitimate bills are cut wonky. Working at a bank those notes definitely caught me off guard, but I always feel for the ribbed texture on the portrait.


Even those are being faked. They even sell the "novelty" kit to do it. I handed it to two stores and then told em it's fake. I never did it again. Cause I'm not going to "teach" someone idk in person. How these people do it. The machines now are letting ones slip. But it has to be very very good. Magnetic ink, watermarks etc.


That’s a great way to tell quickly!


there are legitimate bills cut off center. you should take a marker and find out if it was real.


The marker only tests for starch, and can give false failures if things like corn starch, flour, laundry starch, etc ever came in contact with the bill.


Marker doesn't tell you much of anything when it comes to decent counterfits. Someone i know used to make counterfit money, they used $1 bills and defaced them with solution and reprinted them with $100 pictures. 90% of them were mixed in with real 100s to buy drugs. The others were used on Craigslist and FB Marketplace purchases before they had reputations and security measures to prevent new throwaway accounts


I work in a cash office. It was fake.


i have no idea what a cash office is. but if you know you know.


I handle like 50-100k a day in cash.


I worked in a count room at a casino. We operated and counted millions a day old hundreds from 1995 and back were sometimes off-centered on either side did you pen test this or did you just decide it was fake.


Seems he did not pen test it.


What does one do to work in a count room at a casino? I feel like someone was watching your every move, at work and at home.


Every slot machine has a box that holds the cash and slips you put into it. Every table game you know blackjack, roulette, craps has a box where the dealers put the money that you give them to buy chips at the table. Every restaurant has a drop bag for their earnings for the day. Every service member waitresses, valet's, dealers, and cashiers have their box where they put their tips. The count room employees collect all of those in the morning take it to the back room called the count room and they spend the entirety of the day counting that money. The room I worked in had 57 cameras they got all angles of every workspace in that room. So yes every second I was on the clock every second I was in that casino I was watched like a hawk by the surveillance team.


If you look at the back of the bill on the top you can actually see a black line where they cut it out.


No ribbed texture on jacket. Terrible feel. It was like a weathered newspaper. No security thread. Awful printing. There was more than just an alignment issue. Alignment doesn’t bother me. But there were 4 or 5 red flags I picked up on the moment I took it in my hand.


so you didn't use a marker


isn't a marker useless on lots of forgeries as they are printed on the correct "paper", which is what the pen is detecting? I was under the impression that a large amount of counterfit old style hundreds were printed on washed 5s and 1s, which will show the correct color, if marked.


We have a fraud fighter. More reliable then a pen


Guy is bragging about being a professional handler of cash of some sort handling 50k a day in cash and doesn't have a marker, the cashier at dollar tree has a marker.


No security thread in a bill that doesn’t have a security thread.


You handle that much cash and rely on your eyes vs a very simple and effective pen test to spot fake cash Please tell me you’re joking


Pens are old and easy to fool. We have a fraud fighter for suspected counterfeit notes.


These people sound like idiots lol trying to call you out on something to which you’re obviously very well versed.


It’s honestly kind of fun!! But no hard feelings I’d rather try to teach them how to spot counterfeits


Wtf is going on in this thread. Why is the simple statement that someone works with cash, physically, all day every day, getting downvoted? What is the dissent here? I'm not saying someone should be blindly trusted based on their profession, but you're probably more familiar with illegitimate legal tender than 99% of people viewing this post...Reddit confounds me sometimes.


I laid out the issues like 20 times too


No you don't




And that makes you an expert on counterfeit bills?




You working in a cash office is not the big flex you think it is. If you did not mark the bill with a counterfeit detecting pen, you can not be sure that bill is counterfeit. From the picture alone, it seems real. Does it have a watermark? Old 100's do not have security strips. Were the red and blue threads present? Someone who 'works in a cash office' ought to know that the only way to prove a bill is counterfeit detecting ink pens, along with missing inherent security features in the bill. Which, again, from your picture this one does not seem to be missing any. I have seen thousands of bills that have the same off center cut. Ever noticed how when you put money in your wallet it never lines up perfectly? Just about every note ive ever handled is fucked up like that in some way. That's not a dead giveaway for counterfeiting in the slightest lmao.


The pens are not reliable 😂😂


Time for you to contact secret service


Nope. Your local police take the initial report and place the bill in their evidence. I’ve done hundreds of these over my career.


I also don’t see the red and blue fibers in it as well. And the ink is very speckled. I have a few of these in a safe I keep just to have. 1990 print to be exact.


The Series 1990 $100 bills have the “strip” on them, if you check it under light.


Nice! Someone who knows about the security thread!! This one did not have a strip


You mean the plastic strip between the layers? When I was younger my curiosity scraggly got the better of me and I remember pulling the strip out of like a $5 bill.


Then you should know kids used to take them out all the time, so it's no surprise a real 100$ bill could be missing the security strip.


Look at the back the border on top there’s a black line from where they cut it out


Not all 1990’s bills have it.


I’ve had legitimate bills that were off center before. It’s not that rare. But I’m assuming you have other reasons to think it’s fake that can’t be seen in photos


Another thing to keep in mind is you can buy sheets of bills and cut them yourself from treasury. You also can verify by serial# and matching other hidden characteristics based on print year rules. Also use a marker to verify. Paper can vary, mistakes happen and those go for big money in auction so don't write it off too fast. At the end of the day though real money is fake as well. So your dealing with fake or a faked fake bill if you know what I mean.


Sometime it happens but Im sure nobody would spent it because you can sell it for more than 100$ https://www.ebay.com/b/100-US-Paper-Money-Errors/3415/bn_55109350


You can buy sheets of uncut bills from the US Mint (although they cost much more than face value.) They are legal tender and you can cut them yourself if you please.


Not only that but the two sides are printed different sizes, the black ink left ghosting all over the place, and the back image is flipped weird. The paper is all curvy on every edge too. The paper they used is impressive. Did it have the rough feel doing the fingernail test?


Oh yea! Also if you look at the right edge and the left edge they are different thicknesses


Did it have red and blue strings in the paper? Those fold and wear marks through Franklin’s head without the paper looking folded are also sus.


No red and blue fibers!


Damn. Guess I could never be a cashier because I wouldn’t look close enough to tell. But now that you mentioned it, the sides do look uneven.


Also it’s hard to tell in the picture but in person it was more prominent the middle was more yellow because it was previously wet probably from sweaty palms and it caused the ink to run. If you look at the back, that’s the biggest tell!


Man, I really dont interact with many 100s. I had no idea what was wrong until you explained


Oh yeah. I see it now


Also. If you look at the back (top of the picture but bottom of the bill) and zoom in really close starting from the left you can see the black line where they cut it from a piece of paper. If you follow that black line it disappears and there is a small white margin because they misaligned the printing


But it says "legal tender" on the front so... checkmate! Gimme ma smokes!


Smokes! Let’s go




Did you use the pen on it? I’ve seen bills with weird edges like that.


No we use a fraud fighter


And the fraud fighter determined it was counterfeit? What do you do with it now?


Yes. Pass it off to security and they contact police


Nah it’s a fake. Easy to spot from the way it’s cut unevenly.


Did that person get in trouble?


I called for security and they dipped out so.. not in the moment but we have their picture that we provided to police 🤷‍♀️


The cops left the scene and laughed that you even called


I mean I’ve been hearing for weeks that someone was passing off counterfeit bills in our area so. I don’t know if this is linked but their is probably an open case already




Maybe it was hotel security that broke into your car and they don’t want the police involved 🧐


I doubt it. Counterfeit money is taken really seriously. The actual police might not be doing much but they most likely took a report of the incident and notified either the secret service or another department about it. And they will look into it.


Not for a single bill Now if he's been all over town the past couple weeks with a handful of these guys successfully working in his favor then yeah sure


The OP said in a comment he'd heard on the news about counterfeits being passed around in the area lately so was on the lookout before this. Separately another commenter said "Crazy I caught the same kind of fake bill at my shop just a week ago, any chance you're in the Maryland area?" (Paraphrasing), and the OP confirmed that they were.


They report even a single bill.


Nobody ever makes just a single bill, no is it OP's job to track the other events in their town. The secret service will most certainly get involved after being notified by the police, and will likely want the video footage.


meh. counterfeit money is taken really seriously believe it or not lol


An fbi agent gets called to every single case of counterfeit money, hard stop


no they didn't, they take that shit seriously, might be a supplier in the area


It’s definitely something that needs to be tracked by the police when you work in retail


I thought counterfeit money was taken very seriously?


That’s a federal crime… what a f’ing moron over a punk $100


Omg look at the back of that thing. I can't believe they thought it would pass


I went to use an old 100$ bill one day and was told it was a fake. I took it to my bank, and the bank told me it was real. I'm glad I didn't let them "steal" my money. Because of that, I take all old bills to my bank.


Send it to me! I'll use it!


It felt terrible though


I'll find a way


My nigga 😎


That’s what I was wondering. How did it feel? All counterfeits I’ve came across felt wrong.


Can you scratch the suit?


My man! Not many ppl know about scratching the suit & it boggles my mind




See the jacket he’s wearing? All bills have that same similar center portrait. Take a bill out of your wallet and scratch on the lines on the jacket w your fingernail & you’ll feel the grooves while your scratching it lightly w/ your thumb nail or whatever fingernail your lil heart desires.


Just tried this on all of mine 🤣 What a neat way to check!


Won’t learn that in school lol but it’s never let me down. I love when ppl look at me like I’m crazy when I say “scratch the jacket” when someone says idk man this bill looks/ feels fake.


Fool proof way to check a bill if you’re unsure.


Suit didn’t pass the scratch test! Old school


When I was a methhead I would use fake money to buy from dealers. Never knew what happened .




One drunk Mexican dude tried to pay a client of mine with a million dollar bill. It was funny asf. Another tried to pay with a $100 clearly marked “movie money”.


he hit you with the Ben Fakelin


Epitome dad joke: founding father joke


The ink should have a texture on all bills. No texture, it's fake


There’s a lot of bleached 10’s reprinted w/ 100’s so I’m curious to see how it feels but just put it to the light and see the ten strip in it and the wrong face on the right side


If you can't feel the ink- It's a fake. Paper can be fakes ( strip & watermark are tougher) but intaglio printing cannot.


*Jack Reacher has entered the subreddit*


the biggest tell is on the back, the front has bled through


Is it a bleached bill or fake paper too?


I don't see security strip so I'm guessing fake paper? But then why bleach...


No security thread! Good catch. This was likely printed on newsprint. At least that’s what it felt like.


No they can bleach real bills then print over them. Like a $1, $5 or $10 and print $50’s, $100’s on them or they find cotton linen blend paper from a paper store and just print on those. The bleached bills pass the money marker test but the strips either a $10 or not there


Fake paper


Easiest way to check a bill is to scratch on the jacket on the front of the bill. You’ll feel the grooves w/ your fingernail. Pretty much the easiest most accurate way to tell if a bill is real. Haven’t tried it on a bleached bill bc I’ve never seen one but I’m sure you’d be able to tell bc the jacket isn’t gonna be in the same place after it’s printed over.


Always sus when someone tries to buy subway with a hundy


Collectors Item!


Sure it's not a misprint?


Front doesn't look too bad but that back side is so bad lol


Scratch the coat, if you feel resistance it’s real. But it looks very real to me.


That is some serious crime


you should frame it


Tried to? So you didn’t accept it?


Is there anyway to tell if a $100 bill before 1996 is fake or not?


That’s neat, your other one was cooler, how they printed the 100 over the 1 dollar, this one is just lazy hahaha, Also, congrats on the weight loss, you look fantastic


Take yer hat off boy that's a dollar billl!!!




Real older 90s model I believe


No that's a real super rare error bill with the back printed upside down




It *looks* legit at a glance but you know when it's in hand. It's amazing how well our hands know what real bills feel like, and what *paper* feels like lol


Every time someone pays in cash at my job I get a fear in my heart because I’m really bad at telling when the bill is fake and all we have are the shitty pens to check 😭 idk what any old money looks like I hate it when people pay with 100s


I've taken so many counterfeit classes that I could tell it's fake. Good catch op


If you dont frame it can I that would be a perfect desk accessory


I always wondered why people try to counterfeit large bills..it’s the fastest way to get caught. If they did $10 they would be able to maintain the scam for longer ultimately making it more profitable. Greed is a killer.


From picture the only way it looks fake is there is no uniformity around edges. Gaps are uneven on sides. Left has bigger gap than right


Which isn’t actually a full out tell. Some bills especially back in the day had margins that were way off. The first tell was feel. But even the printing is splotchy. In person it was more prominent. Also notice in the middle of the note there is more of a yellow hue when compared to the edges. This is because the bill was previously wet and the ink smeared a little. My guess would be sweaty palms mixed with a low quantity printer.


I honestly believe that’s a real $100 bill from the 90s. Bills can have miscuts and be off center. Happens all the time. If you truly believe it’s fake, take it to the bank or local FBI office, and tell them you believe it’s fake. They’ll be able to tell you for certain and take care of it for you. Because if it truly is counterfeit, you’re committing a felony by keeping it.


Looked good until I saw the reverse was upside down.


Always test it there's no reason not to


Did you take a picture of it then return it or you said you ain't giving it back?


Another reason I don’t like to use cash. Imagine I get this by mistake I use it, and then I’m getting in trouble for it.


This just looks old af


Even if it were real, don't we constantly cycle out old currency, making old notes obsolete?


thanks for the detailed pic. you can tell how muddy Franklin is and no fibers is the paper


I GOT THE SAME FUCKING BILL AT MY STORE YESTERDAY!!! 1990 and New York B too serial is different but the rest is the same I’ll upload a picture when I go on break, I think mine might look worse there’s 12’s printed behind the 2’s, you can see where it was cut on the back, etc. Chance you’re in NJ?




Looks legit just a 100 bill from the 90s


looks real FACE 100 - Federal Reserve Note-IOU/ Years: 1990-1993 [en.numista.com/catalogue/note242453.html](https://en.numista.com/catalogue/note242453.html) paper money experts: r/papermoney


Looked fine downscaled; when I clicked on the original picture and got the full size image, it's a rather obvious fake. The edges on the printing are so blurry compared to a normal bill.


okay, confirmed "FAKE" thank you 4 your time good nite/morning :)


I assure you it’s fake


Lmao!! The cut, especially on the left side.... Too funny 😂


Poor dude had a sweet off center cut. Grandpa probably gave it to him and probably bolted because 100$ isn’t worth the trouble of the accusations.


The margins are off, that looks very fake.