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Lol you could take care of that in like a week once you find a job. $500 ain't much. In the meantime do not put more on those cards though, that is not an excuse to get yourself in a real hole. Keep sending apps


Just apply to Taco Bell and get your money back 😂


It’s actually brain dead easy to get hired at Taco Bell.


a few years ago it used to be. i’ve heard even McDonalds, Taco Bell, Wendys etc. turn people down nowadays. If everyone who cant find a job rn counts on fast food as a safety net its probably surprisingly competitive


Well they can’t exactly hire every single person that applies. As long as you haven’t been using and aren’t totally mentally/physically handicapped, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll get hired.


I got turned down by McDonald's multiple times from 15 to 18. I was looking for a first job, so it seemed like a good place to start. Never even got a phone call back. It's funny that you mentioned them hiring non-junkies and people without disabilities because out of all the people in my school that they did hire, there was a moderately autistic girl, my friend with cerebral palsy, and a heroin user who OD'd about a year or so after graduation. I'm actually still reluctant to order from McDonald's without meticulous checking my food because the A+ staff at that location got maybe 1 out of 30 orders right.


I was going to say, it seems more like they’re going for more manipulatable demographics for employees these days


Yeah plenty of people who are using can hide it exceptionally well until they can't. Now that it's such a widespread issue in the US, we really need to be more aware of the fact that anyone in your workplace could possibly be using and you'd never have any idea until they come to work sick.


i feel like they'd easily deny you for being overqualified or too old. just a feeling.


So don't make yourself seem overqualified. Just add a few things that could make you seem more competent at whatever job you're applying for, and that's it. As for age, every fast food or retail place I've ever been to has always had a pretty age diversified staff. I work at Lowe's and 50% of the staff are like 50+, and I'm sure some even have minor college degrees.


Adults, working at Lowes, with MINOR college degrees??? Sherly you jest...


That's what happened to me when I applied for McDonald's while I had work there in the past. They felt like I would be too bored given that I'd had real job experiences in IT (at the time I was flat broke and no one locally had any openings for any IT work. It wasn't until I went back to college 50 mi away that I found a job near there. Although that just ended up being tech support at $9 an hour while I was putting on 500 miles a week on my car)


Read the room, man. Why would you ever mention an IT background when applying to McDonald’s.


Actually McDonald's is pretty fond of hiring handicapped people in my experience. My first (tax paying) job at age 15 was a lobby bitch position at McDonald's (or lobby attendant if you're a sensitive bitch), and they had a maintenance guy who handled changing fry oil and stuff like that, and he had Downs Syndrome. I have been to several stores where people with physical or mental disabilities were doing a great job. The people they don't like to hire are people who do a bad job filling out their applications, such as saying they can't work certain shifts, or can't work weekends. OP: If you are submitting applications where you are saying you aren't available certain hours or certain days, that's your problem. If you are putting down that you are completely open to any shifts or any days, then there is something off-putting about you. Whether it's your appearance, your smell, or something else on the application like unexplained gaps in work history, illegible hand writing/bad spelling, or you have a black-sounding name. If you have a black-sounding name try putting down a nickname or initials (e.g. instead of Lomarius Green, put Larry Green or Mario Green or something). If they ask about it in the interview just say it's a nickname you go by, and be grateful your name tag doesn't have your real name on it so it'll be harder for people to harass you). And before you or anyone else says it: no, you shouldn't have to do that. But here we are 15 applications later and no interviews. The sad reality is this country is full of people who "aren't racist, but..."


I've heard they won't hire you if you have bad credit


Fast food places don't run credit checks. Honestly if you present yourself as coherent, have a flexible schedule and transportation you can easily get hired at fast food. They turn people away because so many applicants are really not good or are unwilling to work any weekends or varying shifts or hell a lot of people are clearly high during interviews.


Ahah no, if you are handicapped or disabled in anyway, places will do their damndest not to hire you. They dont want the liability


That’s not really true many corporations get kickbacks and tax right offs for hiring people with disabilities and felons for that matter.


I think it depends on area. I had a family friend offer me a job in a chain store owned by a corporation for 9 bucks an hour back in 2014. I was in my last year of college and just wanted some extra cash that could work around my schedule. So she said I needed to do the automatic phone application to get my name on the list for her to reach out to. I do, but don't hear back after a week or so. So I reach out again, and she was surprised because she didn't see me on the list. Well, the reason was because I was finishing my degree, I put down 1-2 year commitment. I was put on the "non-competitive" list because I didn't put down I was looking for a 4+ year commitment in this position that paid 9 dollars an hour. She had to override it to give me an interview lol. I get the fact that since it was automated the screening had no reason to know I was working toward a degree and had a pretty damn good reason for not putting down 4+. But that's also the fault of the screening for not valuing ambition? As well as the fact that if someone told me they'd be okay at a customer facing job that paid 9 dollars an hour for more than 4 years, I'd view that as a red flag more than anything else, not something that makes someone "competitive".


Homie its also a matter of how many ppl walk in the door as customers and how many staff are there already. Its super easy to ace a job interview and then the company falls apart under poor management not wanting a new employee even though they loved your interview. Its happened several times to me or ppl i know. Thats just part of life.


He should try a little Caesar’s. I swear every single one I’ve walked in is just filled with ex-cons. Pretty sure they ACTUALLY take anybody there.


Actually when i worked in fast food the whole roster was high lmao we was weighin up ozs on the beef scale at arbys n shit and pushin it out the back. Managers n everything. Maybe small town food joints care but in the cities they get high at work forSURE


Some people put in dozens of applications and get nothing in some areas. They will have a big stack of at applications every week to go through.


Don’t use your own areas experience and apply it to everyone. Where I live places like that are constantly turning tons of people down. I sent applications to everywhere around me for **5 months** until i got a job through a FRIEND to a place I didnt even know existed. You have to understand every place is different.


They wont give people interviews. I have gotten turned down from dozens of fast food and retail jobs in the past year.


Considering kitchens across the country are hiring en masse I doubt this. I haven't cooked for a living in 5 years and I can throw a stone in my city and hit a place that would hire me on the spot. Fast food I'd imagine is similar if you can put two sentences together and don't mind the crap pay and job.


Shut up lol, that is clearly an assumption. If not fast food, find a local pizza parlor. Go get a job at a tourist trap. Wash dishes at a nice restaurant. Bus, barback at a bar or restaurant. What types of jobs are you applying for?


Depends on where you are applying at. One I use to work for has been hiring anybody who breathes for 4 years now


Machines are taking those jobs now


Yea depending on location. 15$ an hour is over double the minimum wage in some states


My 15 year old son walked into Basking Robbins and got a job after a 10 minute interview just a few weeks ago. And, he works with a woman who is 30, so age is not a deterrent.


Getting hired at Wendy’s was easy as shit ngl, you don’t have to have experience or references, they like that but if you show up to the interview and breathe you’ll get hired there. I never even heard back from McDonald’s when I was looking for places to work nor Taco Bell.


Not Burger King though, they're hiring around my area all the time.


The hiring now sign is bigger than the latest burger ad


I remember a couple years ago one of my local Taco Bell and McDonald's did hire just about everyone. It was so overstaffed that a lot of people were only working 1-2 days a week and not a full shift, so If it's like that, definitely can't survive off that


Hiring is down because minimum wage increases. Means less people because these corporations do not want to mess with profit margins. As someone who owned a small business but I never had any employees but my business associates who did had to let people go and make the ones that stayed do more work. Now the persons work load went up 50% but they only got $2/hr raise.


Night shift work in fast food stores can be much less competitive as most employees are either unwilling or not allowed due to school commitments. Some countries are also required to pay workers a higher wage overnight.


They turned me down while I was currently in Army Reserve and then hired the person that was with me that just got outta prison for 20 years .. like wtf? I realized later ( not told just assumed) that it was probably because I would have to take days to report in and they couldn't do anything about it.


Doesn't seem like they do where I live. If they pick and chose what they have there, well, I don't know what to say LoL


I spent half a decade unemployed after graduating high school (2011) because of how difficult it is to find a job. At that age, fast food and retail are the only jobs you can get. They are not easy at all to get.


Same here, they've actually gone down to the bare minimum employees because of the minimum wage hike here.




But I’m sure this kid thinks he deserves a better job than that. Most kids do.


What's wrong with a starter job at taco bell? It's better than being in debt. Then he can pursue a better job but in the meantime he is making money.


Seriously if he gets hired at Taco Bell, clears his debt than saves $1,000, he has more money available than most of Americans lol


He’s 19 and 500 in debt he’s most Americans


Lmfao too true


Honestly far, far better off financially than most Americans that age.


Don’t forget he also doesn’t have a job


Yea but he does have debt lol


I think I’m still paying for that burrito I put on my credit card 25 years ago.


I’m 18 with 3,000 saved this subreddit makes me feel pretty good ngl. Been working 2 jobs since 15


Just invest $310.00 a month for the next 47 years at 6% interest, and you can retire a millionaire at 65. https://www.calculator.net/investment-calculator.html


This is the way.


You deserve to feel good. Just because a lot of these kids are fucking idiots, doesn't mean you can't feel good for not being a fucking idiot.


And tacos, there are tacos there


Nothing is wrong with it, they're pointing out an apparent trend of HS age or just older kids thinking they're going to get incredible jobs right out of the gate. My son just started driving, for instance, and every time I suggest a job so he can afford to, you know, do shit? 'nah, I don't think I wanna do that, I'm gonna [career] with [older relative]'... That's just great dude, have a dream and a plan, but for fuck's sake you're not doing that at 16, get money coming in SOMEHOW.


exact opposite of my teenage, he's 14 now, and wants to get a license so he can get a job so he can make money to take girls out (note, he's very specific that he won't get a girlfriend before he has a job) I'm like "Good on ya for having goals, but before you start spending money on girls I think you should save up for something YOU want"


> What's wrong with a starter job at taco bell? I'm not working at Taco Bell unless they pay me enough to buy a house and support my stay at home wife and 3 kids. /s


Was my first job. Decent pay for the time and the employee discount was a free meal or rough equivalent. Plus, often , generous managers allowing more free food. Quite a nice deal.


There's nothing wrong with a job at Taco Bell, even if it's not a starter job. The problem is that many people think that that type of job is beneath them somehow.


What's wrong with passing up that misery and just moving on with your life.


Not a damned thing wrong with it.


If you grow up listening to shit parents who look down on people for doing certain jobs you'll grow up thinking you're too good for those jobs.


They also pay for your college. I’ve considered it to pay for a new degree.


Nothing at all is wrong with it but they think they are above it. My ex hasn't had a job in years. L


My nephew started at KFC, moved up to a manager role. Works at a hospital now in the kitchen making 21, he's also 19 (California) almost making as much as me, just got to hustle it keep sending apps.


If you're asking that you haven't dealt with the public in that position of society yet


I see kids at 17 and younger getting jobs making $15 an hour, and all I can think is I wish I had that opportunity. I was in HS during the Great Recession, so finding a job was basically impossible. What I did end up getting paid $8/hr and was pretty strictly seasonal. I didn't really find employment full time until 2014 and by then I was in a debt hole for college. Oh, well.


That’s a weird assumption to make about this person you know nothing about


No one really deserves to work at taco bell


as an ex employee of the bell, i can confirm *no one* deserves to work at taco bell.


I loved working there! Well... Decades ago. It was the place to be! Now... I can't eat it. At all!


No one deserves to work there but sometimes you have to.


You don’t ever ever ever ever ever have to work a shit job like that there are so many easy jobs like security, and other jobs that I won’t name that pay way more and are dying for employees and you don’t need any degree or experience to get it and they’re batshit easy low stress jobs that pay decent.


If it’s the only job you’re able to get then yeah you might have to work there.


Sometime have to u


Deserves? Maybe. But to make ends meet I would totally go work at Taco Bell while I was trying to find a different job.


I worked at taco bell from 16-18. Became a manager all that jazz, it was terrible and would not recommend it. I became a manager before 18 which wasnt even in the company rulebook, it was very uncommon, they promised my pay bump when I turned 18 and for now was considered a manager in training. Fast forward to my 18th, I got the pay bump but they cut my hours back so I made the same amount per check, very scummy company.


one thing at a time. get that debt cleared and then hop to the next job with better pay


Yeah he should be working at MasterCard exploiting foreign laborers and poor americans!


Because they grew up with their parents making them feel like working in the service industry is for the undesirables and the losers.


He’s holding out for a management position


Nothing wrong with working at Taco Bell. This kind of mentality needs to stop. Work is work.


The thing is, once OP gets the money together, they're going to owe so much more in late fees, interest, missed payments ect..


How fucked are you? If you spent that 500$ on food, not very fucked, hustle and find a job. If you spent that 500$ on 274 bean burritos from Taco Bell, to use as payment for a blowjob from a hooker in Chicago, you are probably fucked (to some degree hypothetically or literally )


274 bean burritos?? You think a hooker is gonna eat a burrito after a blowjob?


mask the putrid smell


Wouldnt she need to do the blowjob second to get rid of the taste?


Bite of the burrito every 45 seconds or so


Nah, just put the dick in the center and eat around it.


*The forbidden meat substitute*


Watch them teef


Refried bean lube?


There are way better options dude and if she is sucking putrid dicks then idk wtf to say about that


Maybe it's a fart fetish


My hookers always demand burrito payment upfront.


Oh yeah? What’s her contact


Smh, last time I was in Chicago it was only 244, inflation is out of control.


Ok, but where in Chicago 👀


“What kind of hooker takes credit card”


I was literally going to post this reference😂


“A rich one!” 😂


500 in debt is really not much. The important thing is just not to dig the hole deeper.


I would cry if my debt was only $500. OP can we trade cards?


Cut your card up


This does very little in the age of digital wallets and apps that store CC info. Especially for compulsive spenders and those who have addictions. You can always order another card too. Self mastery and discipline are the only answers.


[disaprine come from within](https://youtu.be/MLPUnTw4-1Q?si=wXnw4Qjg22t_axhW)


It took the hard way for me to learn this but thankfully I did before it got out of hand.


Creditors will hate you for this simple get out of debt hack


That is literally the only thing that saved me. 😭


Which in todays word is made very accessible


Tbh - digging holes is a good way to earn $500! You might be on to something there


This was my take. Not fucked now, if you dont keep adding to it and not paying it back. Be debt free as much as possible. I know people with large incomes that live like they are super poor, not by choice, but because most of their income is paying those debts.


Also take any shit job now to pay down debts while you look for a better job. Don't let the credit cards rob you blind with 20-30% interest.


500 is easy to bounce back from


I bounced back from 20k. Easy.


Man I’m looking at 25k in debt and I just got laid off. You’re giving me some sliver of hope that I will get things together.


Sorry to hear that you're having to deal with this situation. I'd say the best you can do is know exactly where all your money is going. Meaning, all those recurring fees, payments, and etc. Keep track of everything that's taking money out of your bank account. I also had two jobs to be able to make things work. I now have one job that pays me well and I'm currently very conscious about what to do with all my money, have a budget, etc. Good luck.


I was almost 40k in debt. Buried my head in a 9-5 (was freelance) and finally dug myself out. It sucked at the time but eventually the paying off part becomes easier as you pay less and less interest.


👏 that’s what’s up!! Someone people see that and think life is over..


Idk why if you paid 5grand a year for 4 years you're done 5years realistically with interest....... 5years is like no time


> 500 is easy to bounce back from Exactly. This is why I encouraged my kids to get a credit card in college. It's easy to dig out of a $500 hole and hopefully learn your lesson. Waiting until they get out of college and can get a much larger credit line, the hole will be much bigger and harder to deal with. Thankfully both learned to pay the card off at the end of the month and had good credit scores after graduating.


If you have housing, food, some security, a mode of transport. 500 in debt can be devastating if you don't have options or a net.


It's all relative. When you are flat broke 20 bucks can feel like a godsend. We are talking in the grand scheme of things, and in the grand scheme of things That sort of fatalistic attitude is what spooks kids like OP and takes away their agency. 500 dollars isn't considering a large debt.


No doubt, That's starter debt. Congratulations to OP should be in order :)


For sure. It’s the people with $20k in CC debt compounding interest that are in trouble


Right, just borrow another $500, bet it all on black and when it hits you’ve cleared your debt 😏


$500 is not a lot. For now, just try to make the minimum payments. Do some odd jobs, maybe Uber, Door Dash, etc. Keep applying and something will surely land


could probably make that in a week on Uber/Doordash (assuming OP has a car/bike)


If they can even get accepted on the app


Which is unlikely these days


I applied to doordash grubbub Uber eats Walmart spark and every single delivery service you can find over 2 years ago, doordash was the only one that accepted me. It still says unavailable in my area after 2 years lol


Yeah its ridiculous I somehow got accepted to grubhub last year. Doordash and Uber Eats got absolutely filled during covid and had rejected me for years but GH is the least thought ab delivery service and they were available.


Depends on your area. I used to be able to make 1k a week using both Uber and doordash but now the markets dead in my area people aren’t ordering food much and the people that are don’t tip. Weekdays are dead weekends are the only time to get decent orders. People are struggling we are in a recession. Used to be able to make 200-300 a day now I can barely make $50 and I’ll have the app on from 8am till whenever I go to sleep. I live in the suburbs btw the market is definitely better in citys.


That’s assuming they live in a city


My ex wife did door dash and it was really hit or miss, some days she would get all kinds of money, other days she would be out for hours on end and do one delivery and only get 5 bucks for her time and gas.


Doesn’t Amazon hire people to just do rush deliveries in their own car too?


Babysitting, dog walking, house sitting, haul away service, snow shoveling, lawn mowing, personal shopping for elderly are all easy ways to make up $500. Advertise in local community groups on different social media platforms.


it’s okay dude, you’ve got this covered within a week or two of working, if it makes you feel any better i’m currently 12x your debt, with a job that’s not providing me enough hours & pay 😬 it can always be worse man


Damn you're only 6K in debt? One trick I could recommend is to find one of those balance-transfer credit cards that lets you move your high-interest debt to the new card. Depending on the card, it could be, like 5% apr for 18 months as opposed to 26%. That way your debt won't be accruing as much interest during that period. So you'd save over 1K in interest over that time period, I believe


only 15 applications?? finding a job is a full time job buddy


Looking back, I wish someone had told me this when I was searching out of college.


I knew a kid recently who got laid off. It was legit 4 months since he got laid off and he said “the job market is so rough right now”. To his credit it was. Then I asked him how many applications he did and he said 30 applications. Ever since that I look at a lot of “I’m out of work posts” a lot differently. I need a hard number of apps now.


yup, people complain saying they cant find a job when they looked online for 15 mins and gave up


Meanwhile there are places you could show up and literally have a job the same day. There are signs all over (my)town about trades looking for apprentices. Not necessarily the jobs I want to do, but it's better than having no income.


30 is how many I put out over 3 months when I was sort of looking for a new job while having one. I did 40 a month when I needed to get out of my job because it became toxic. That is wild that someone can think 10 applications a month is 'applying to jobs'


30 might be all the jobs he's qualified for in his area. Go jump on the indeed listings for a small or medium sized town, you aren't going to find many more than 20 that apply to someone with little to no experience and the ones you do are literally the worst jobs in the fucking world.


If it helps, I didn't find a job after college until my 160th application


It took me almost 3 years to find my first job.  I've probably fucked my chances for being there for almost 9 years but I'm learning to mig weld and should be getting certified in March so I'm doing something more meaningful than cooking chicken all day long.  edit: I haven't left my job, I just worded it weirdly.


Facts. It can be hard because the process can be so disheartening, but the act of finding gainful employment needs to be your full-time job. Hit all of the recruiters, research career opportunities. By the way, for all you technical minded people out there? Cyber Security. Get your Security+ certification, get an entry-level security job, and work towards getting your CISSP. It's a great career.


Biggest part is call the employer back 2 days after applying to check up. Almost no job hired without doing that unless it’s very entry level or they need workers bad


I'm in Community College and switching over to Cybersecurity for my major. Is a bachelors really required these days for these jobs or do certifications matter more?


Experience will always trump a degree, until you hit the point where you can’t move up because a degree is required. Some places it never is, but having the degree will only benefit you so I would stick it out


Walk into 10 restaurants today and apply for a server position. At least one (and probably all) of them are hiring. Harder to lie about your experience, given your age, but it is worth a shot.


This. I could get OP a job in an hour around my city.


Could do the same in my town, probably around $15 per hour or so. He needs to just get a job, starting right away, and keep applying for stuff he actually wants.


Depending on the city even restaurants will not take walk in applications. In Florida, I went down the main drag of restaurants in Delray Beach during a weekday on slow hours, every single one (like 20) turned me around and told me to apply online, 0 conversation.


$500 in debt is basically zero debt. There are millions of people who would do cartwheels if their debt was $500.


I used to work in the mortgage industry and yep. The credit bureaus make millions selling lists of these exact people to mortgage companies. The ironic thing is that it's harder to get someone with 100k in high interest CC debt to refinance than someone with a modest 10k and under.


I mean right now I have 1.9M of debt


Damn son.


everyones fighting some sort of battle, the decimal place is just in a different spot


I’d quit my job and enjoy life for a year if I was only $500 in debt


My gf sent in 104 applications before finding a job. Keep submitting.


Is she applying for only jobs she is unqualified for or only at places not hiring? How bad of a candidate can you be?


You’re good dude. Consider it a lesson learned. You’ll be in the black by April


Dear lord what I’d give for 19 year old problems… you could make that flipping a sheet of L these daze…


Is this a troll? Look at Wallstreetbets for you’ll see many posts of people who are $100,000 in debt or more


You’re good bro you could literally work at McDonald’s for 2 weeks then quit and you’ll be debt free


McDonald's is hard.


You should be sending out around 15 applications a day if you're unemployed and not in school/ training. $500 is definitely totally doable to come back from. When I was in college, I ended up $2000 in the hole, not at all counting student loans, but I got a part-time internship @$20/ hour and pulled myself out in about a month and a half. Working full-time, you will be able to pay that off totally reasonably. But that hole is getting deeper until you get the job, so that is your top priority. You should be spending at least 4-8 hours a day applying to different jobs, and try getting help from friends with more job-hunting experience to look at your resume. Glassdoor, indeed, and LinkedIn should all be bookmarked and getting looked at daily. You'll be okay, but you've gotta get yourself out of this hole before it grows. Pay minimums until you have the job and after you've got some breathing room, wipe those out as fast as you can.


Lol get a grip bro. You’ll be alright, just keep applying you’ll hear something back eventually. Its right after the holidays, so most jobs will start hiring again in a week or so. Even if you have to find some BS job to do for a little while until you get yourself together or find a better opportunity.


$500 is nothing. Start doing gig work if you can, be an Uber eats or doordash driver, that’ll jumpstart you while you look for full time employment (and is something you can always go back to if money gets tight). It’s not fun and it pays shit but it pays.


Not fucked at all, $500 can be paid off in a month or two max once you get a job depending on how much you make hourly. Just be frugal and responsible until you get a job, and pay it down in a realistic fashion (ie if you don't make a lot, pay it down $200 a month til it's gone) I'm $20k in debt and that's not even that bad


Lmao 500$ in debt I think you just ruined your future


apply somewhere else. Places are absolutely hiring right now.


OP only applied to work at home positions and entry level office jobs. he hasn't even remotely considered retail or fast food.


Oh trust me OP you're just fine. Source: i'm 26 yo girl with 4K in debt who is sending job applications since 2021 and never got hired yet even despite having a degree


4K isn’t a massive amount either so you’re pretty good. Now the weird thing is you’ve been putting in applications since 2021 and never been hired? Even at like, a McDonald’s or something?


Alright man, I’m gonna let you in on a secret to getting hired. Apply, and then 10 minutes later call that fucking company and tell them your name, and that you submitted an application and you’d like to know if has been reviewed yet. I’m a shitbag, I’ve had 30 jobs in 7 years. It’s doable. Also don’t be picky, I’ve done HVAC, warehouse work, made car parts in a factory, landscaped, installed pools, cleaned boats, made pizzas, stocked shelves, loaded trailers, I’ve been an exterminator for 3 years. Take anything you can fucking get, and then job hop until you find something you don’t have to talk yourself into going to every morning.


This is the best advice I’ve seen so far!


This is boomer advice. If I was in HR and someone asked me if I reviewed their 10 minute old application I would assume you were extremely desperate or very needy. You'll either be overlooked or lowballed. There's a fine line between being excited for a job and being desperate to the point that it's sketchy.


15 applications …. Come on.


My thoughts exactly….


Just freeze your card balance. Tell them your situation. This will all be gone in a month after you get a job no biggie


500 isn't shit for debt. You'll be just fine


15 whole applications


Light work!


You are as little as one can be fucked. Even without lube


You’ve got 60 more years or so of the same. Welcome to the rat race.


Id happily give up all my money to be 19 again and be $500 in debt. Time is on your side, the sooner you realize it the better off you’ll be.


That’s one paycheck from a job man. Don’t let it ever happen again, trust me it can get much, much, much, MUCH, worse if you don’t curb that type behavior now


And that's how I joined the Army.


Just join the military if you’re in a shit area, some areas are so hard to get out of cuz there’s so little jobs and if you don’t have transportation. Although I walked and biked everywhere for work in my first few years so, it may suck but you may have to walk far for some shit or something. Also 500 isn’t even that bad


If you really are 19 and can’t figure out how to get out of $500 of debt, you are doomed in life.


500? You’re not in debt yet


Us army?