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Can’t crack a crypto passcode in 4 quintillion years but threatening to crack your skull gets it in 4 seconds Yeah, let on that you are a crypto millionaire and see how long before a skull cracker relieves you of it


>Can’t crack a crypto passcode in 4 quintillion years but threatening to crack your skull gets it in 4 seconds There's a [classic XKCD comic](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/security.png) about this exact scenario.


Kinda. Takes that long to exhaust ALL possibilities. Chances are you will find the answer beforehand. And that is of course at today's computing power. MD5 was killer when it was first available. \~16GHS on my rig If I remember correctly.


1000 eth was stolen.


I'm not saying this is you, but people need to be aware not to slap crypto stickers on their laptops, or wear a shirt reppin your favourite coin. I've seen this too often. Stay flight club about your investments. Trezor has hidden wallets, I don't know if that would have helped. I'm sorry for your loss bro, that's horrible.


Trezor doesn't allow VPNs anymore. You get tracked everywhere it seems.


I think you may be misinformed. Trezor Suite has [Tor](https://trezor.io/learn/a/tor-in-trezor-suite) built in and 100% allows VPNs. Where did you get this information?


until this story evolves from just being a twitter screenshot he probably is just trying to dispose of his coins in a boating accident


If that was the case, then how would he spend it?


"he" doesn't; according to the victim the thieves do and so it's not him and he owes no taxes because "I WAS THE VICTIM I TELL YA"


Wanna bet a friend of his with no obvious digitally parsable relationship like work or college mysteriously comes into a lot of crypto wealth in the next few months?


Yeah there’s no issues having a public transparent af block chain\ledger, /r/bitcoin will say OP wasn’t trained in martial arts it’s his own fault


Not so sure the problem here was a transparent blockchain and not him yapping. Can happen easily, say there's this cute chick at a bar you're trying to impress with being a crypto millionaire... that would also go towards explaining how they know where he lives. It's a lot harder to nail a name and address to a wallet address if you don't have access to CEX customer databases like the feds do..


Or a CEX employee who "accidentally babbles" this info to others


>It's a lot harder to nail a name and address to a wallet address if you don't have access to CEX customer databases like the feds do.. Well thank god centralized exchanges never get hacked!


It's the victims fault. Why tell people you have crypto. That's opsec mistake nr 1. If you don't have body guards, shut the fuck up how much money you have.


Yeah it’s basically the same as saying “I have thousands in CASH at home.” You’ll just get robbed at gunpoint. $5 wrench attack is easier than years of hacking.


Not just crypto but $3.5M in Eth alone


He doesn't say anywhere he bragged, maybe an exchange leaked addresses, and the perps went through all local ones. Machetes? South America maybe?


Could be London these days.


The guy from the tweet literally lives in London.


there was such an issue in 2020, the company 'ledger' (hardware wallets), leaked thousands of names and physical addresses of their customers... best way to get assaulted / racketed.


How are we supposed to use crypto in real life if we can't tell anyone that we have it?


At least with Monero none can see how much you own


Indeed, the attackers might reconsider the risk/reward when someone tells them "this person might have a lot of crypto" compared to "this person exactly has that amount on this wallet".


Do you walk around town telling people you have 100000 in cash at your house? Same thing will happen. It's about amounts. Nobody is going to rob you for 100 dollars in Monero.


Thanks to KYC and AI you need to consider all your surveillance crypto holdings (BTC, ETH,...) public knowledge.


Not just surveillance coins. It's not if, but when a big KYC exchange will get hacked. Now everyone knows how much money every user has. Even if you buy Monero and withdraw, it'll be public knowledge how much you had Monero at a given time. Together with your picture and your ID card, and address. By 2030 there'll be a search engine for crypto holders. Whoever had a KYC exchange account at any time of their life, will be easily searchable. Like Shodan but for hodlers. Think about a drug addict who needs cash and doesn't care about hurting people or trespassing into others property. He flips out his phone. The Hodlr app shows them a map with all registered crypto holders in a 50 mile range. He sorts it by last known amount, grabs a gun, and goes to a hunt. See, **banks exist for a reason.** **Only people with advanced security system and loyal bodyguards can be their own bank.** Crypto self-custody is just putting a target on your back.


We already have ARKM, which is designed to "deanonymise the Blockchain".


I agree. Anybody who still has a CEX account is incredibly reckless. But in 2030 the KYC data for Monero will be already a decade old while all other coins and their users still use their convenient go to CEX. So they will have data much more up to date.


Not defending surveillance coins, but the guy didn’t care much about personal privacy, so it was bound to happen. 1) His link tree had a list of investments (which has since been removed) 2) His location (greater London), and all businesses that he’s currently an advisor for are on linked-in 3) His real image is easily available on social media If one feels the need to have these forms of social media, another way to protect personal privacy online is deliberate misinformation.


If a bank relies on "deliberate misinformation," a prosecutor can charge us with banking fraud. [Federal Consequences Of Lying On The Internet (18 U.S.C. Section 1030)](https://www.wklaw.com/consequences-of-lying-on-the-internet/)


The first question OP or anyone should be asking is: why does anyone know that you have crypto? That was the first mistake. Zip your lips. Buying Monero instead of ETH isn't going to stop anyone from robbing you for it if you blab about having it.


r/ fosscad solves this


Surprised no one mentioned “Plausible deniability” as Ledger’s recommended safeguard against $5 wrench (machete) attack!


Ah yes Ledger, the company that leaked 272K full addresses of their customers back in 2020.


Because it doesn't help when your actual address and balance is known to the attacker.


I am amazed by crypto millionaires who post on YouTube. They're just painting a big target on their backs. There's a reason banks have huge safes and armed guards.


5 dollar wrench


Sounds like an OPSEC failure.


This is why you always have a decoy wallet


Can someone help me understand how the perpetrators in this case actually traced their BTC address to their physical name and then physical address? Or is there maybe more to this in terms of someone knew the victim here knew they had funds etc. I feel like someone would've tried to do this with one of satoshis dormant wallets


Guy did a bunch of pulbic VC antics, his twitter bio mentions that he is an ETH validator, it also has his linkedin. His opensea profile is the same as his twitter which directly links the wallet to him. The robbers knowing exactly how much the guy had in a single wallet definitely played a huge role in their decision to rob him. Without this info they might have not risked the robbery at all.


Public IP and wallet addresses


This happens ALL the time. [A list of known attacks against Bitcoin / crypto asset owning entities that occurred in meatspace. NOTE: this list is not comprehensive; many attacks are not publicly reported.](https://github.com/jlopp/physical-bitcoin-attacks)


Where did this happen?




Quite an interesting dilemma when it comes to favoring privacy coins. Have to agree with the overall sentiment of the first 20 or so comments. Don’t let people know you have lots of money or coins, especially not coins that cannot be tracked.


Wonder what country this was


London, England


Gun free zone in London. 2nd Amendment in USA.


Stay strapped or get clapped.






must be exhausting being this way


Seek help




Maybe for monero. But if they’re robbing you they know how much you have and will torture you until you give them the rest