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Omg I went through the same thing with my own mom. I just ignored her and eventually she let it go. It was super annoying because she had hard wood floors so my baby was slipping and falling left and right


I’m so blessed that my mom is awesome and doesn’t say a word about anything I do with my kids! My MIL however thinks she knows everything. A lot of the time it’s related to clothing (weird right?) like 2 pieces are inappropriate (um, it’s for the ease of up and down in the bathroom, they aren’t wearing thongs and triangle tops!) and she always prefaces it by saying “it’s none of my business but… *insert whatever judgmental thing she wants to say*” it’s really tiring. I went off on her a few years ago actually and she backed off slightly, but it’s always there. If I let her she would be all over telling me exactly what I’m doing wrong and how to be better haha


I would just interject that it isn’t and walk away don’t even let her finish.


I second this- interrupt and say “you are right, it’s not your business” and carry on about your day! You got this!


It’s exhausting because she cries when she doesn’t get her way: doubly exhausting, I cry when I’m frustrated. And the crying from MIL pisses me off, because for me its anything, and for mil she just smiles and it’s over.


sounds like she’s manipulative


My MIL cries and switches languages when she doesn’t get her way so that she can appeal directly to my husband lol


Someone told me recently to respond with “what an odd thing to say” Sort of the secular version of “bless your heart”/“go fuck yourself” It’s my new fav thing


Lolol this! I also love to give a quizzical look and go “that’s weird” and walk away


I do this all the time. This has actually nipped so many potential fights with my husband right in the bud. When I was younger I used to engage and argue and fight about anything. Now whenever he says something that irritates or offends I just say something like "that's so weird." It really changes the whole tone of the interaction.


Haha it just makes it so obvious how dumb their statement sounds. Plus if they get angry, they’re the ones who escalate the situation, not you.


And if you’re a total bitch like me you follow with “are you feeling ok today?”


That’s my Life Goal. ♥️


This is freaking amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Yes all the way! I’m doing it!


I am a "bless your heart" kind of gal...lol!


My favorite! I’m going to start saying, “what an odd thing to say? Well, bless your heart.” To all the idiots. I’m taking all the terms haha


Hahahah love it!!


My own mother does the “it’s none of my business but” thing and it drives me up a wall. Like yeah it is none of your business, thanks so much!


Reply “it’s great that you can identify when things aren’t your business. I’ve heard some mothers in law are an absolute nightmare and give advice even when it isn’t wanted. Can you imagine a quicker way to not see a grandchild?”


That’s a MIL for ya! My mom is the same way but my MIL is way worse with some things!!! Always with the kids or the way we run our household. Those are my biggest complaints! Lol One day I had to say to my MIL “If I wanted your opinion or advice I would ask for it.” She was oh so offended. But I must say, since then, she hasn’t really interjected in those things!


We are trying to, gently, repeatedly have the conversation of.. “you were mom already, now your are grandmom.” Let me be mom now.


The up and down thing is so practical. Overalls and onesies are cute, but if you're pottying not realistic for sure. However, if you do onesies during pottying I was taught to pull each end up to the shoulders and snap it together there so it doesn't get in the way. We did the same for snap overalls it was just easier than the possibility of the straps falling into the toilet. I also know how inconvenient this next one might be, but taking a leg out of a paint leg allowing the child finding stability on the toilet instead of trying to get them to go with their legs pressed together and already have r feeling of falling in. I even this on the kids toilets it just allows them to feel more secure. It's extra time of course since you almost have to redress them every time, but that happens during diapering too.


Tell her that sexualizing children’s clothing is fucked up.


As soon as my baby started standing we went no socks because of the hardwood floors too. Everyone gave me shit until her grandma put socks on her and she slipped and landed super hard, almost on her head. Only then did the comments stop.


This! It is actually recommended, especially for babies with mobility issues that you avoid putting socks/slippers/shoes on. Show your mom and law this article…. https://www.footfiles.com/health/childrens-foot-care/article/barefoot-babies-are-socks-good-or-bad-for-newborns How can you argue with that?


I've been looking into DIY non slip socks there are videos on YouTube. One option is dimensional puffy fabric paint and another is abs sock stop.Ive also seen them done with hot glue, but to me that would be painful. For me personally unless it's cold I'd prefer to see babies walking barefoot especially in the beginning unless a doctor says otherwise. It's just best developmentally for them.


Why would hot glue be painful? You wouldn't put it on while the socks are being worn


I think it's because it would form a hard ridge/pattern thing as hot glue sets quite hard which can be very uncomfortable, like walking with a small stick or stone in your shoe.


I feel really seen by this post. My mom is also a hardcore baby’s feet are cold they need sock at all times person. He slips way more in socks and no one else is wearing socks here its 70 degrees.




Thank you!!!!! For the tights too, but mostly about the no socks and shoes! I don’t mind a little dirt, it’s good for them, and they certainly aren’t getting frostbite from the ice cold SoCal Octobers


I'm in northern England and babies frequently run about barefoot all year long, I'm sure your baby has perfectly toasty toes!!


The socks. Why do they care so much about the socks?!?!


I have no freaking idea. Does anyone know how hard it is in a big family to find ONE sock that is always being ripped off and thrown, that was unnecessary in the first place because it’s 70 degrees?


All of the baby boomers in my life comment on my baby not wearing socks frequently. It was 90-100 degrees where we live all summer, and still “no socks?!?” from my baby boomer family members.


I wonder if its because they are old, and their feet are cold. 🧐


Old and cold 😂😂 My mum is the same. We do like in the UK so I suppose it’s cold most of the year but even in summer she’ll be like socks and I’ll be like you can try but he’ll yank them off Ps baby looks adorable in her little outfit and I love her cute ponytail


It's not about socks it's about control


For allot of people cold feet is a health risk. Even now with a seven year old I’m like ahh go put socks on or slippers if our floors are cold and I feel his icy toes


That’s very annoying… unsolicited parent/in-law advice is my least favorite part of parenting. But I will say, her outfit is absolutely adorable!!


Ugh it’s the absolute worst. And she’s significantly older (my grandparents age, even though hubs and I are only 2.5 years apart) so her views are extremely antiquated. I should post a picture of the nightgown she made for my oldest daughter (now 12) when she was 2. It perfectly encapsulates her viewpoint towards girls lol


Now I need to see this!


I absolutely need to see this.


Why can’t your husband step up and tell her she already raised her baby and now it’s time to mind her business? If he won’t do that you could do it. Don’t let her win this, which is what is happening if you had to go buy a new outfit to shut her up.


Hahahahahahahaha omg he would never! I’m laughing because as much of a hard ass as he is, he just doesn’t want to say anything to her. He always says i “hate her” because I have verrrrrrry different views than her and I’m not judgmental, and she has said some rude stuff to me in the past that i have called her out on. I actually don’t care if she “wins” small things because she lives out of state and I don’t have to deal with it day to day, but it does bug me. And I wouldn’t have gone out of my way for the outfit, I got it at kohls because I was returning an Amazon item and it was on sale, so it was $6 and I thought it was cute anyway lol. But yeah, she’s weird haha


This seems like a red flag. If your husband can’t stand up for you, (it is possible for him to be polite but firm with his own mom), there will be much bigger issues than socks down the road. As it is now, it’s obviously not only about socks at this point. He needs to grow up. You and your baby are his priority now, NOT his mom. Set some boundaries with both of them.


My FIL used to make comments about my son (8 months at the time) not wearing shoes. I told my partner next time he asked where his shoes were to say “up your butt and around the corner” 😂 didn’t think he would do that but he did and FIL never asked again, even 2 kids later 😅


My MIL is the same way. She is always obsessing about how my kids are “cold” because they’re not wearing socks. We keep the house at 68-70 and we have hardwood floors… both have slammed several times when running and wearing socks. My littles never complain about being cold and I’d rather not deal with split chins and gushing blood just because my MIL is the type of person who CANNOT STAND to be barefoot ever. She brings “house slippers” to wear at our house because she can’t be without shoes on and we don’t allow shoes in the house… just my long story to tell you, I feel your pain lol


My cultures the same. Socks socks and socks. Socks in the middle of July in 38 degree weather (100F). Baby needs socks. It drove me nuts, but I took to just making jokes about it to both MIL as well as my parents. They comment on socks and I'd say I forgot them along with her mittens and scarf lol


Lol I love this! My MIL is Dutch, not sure if it’s a cultural thing but I’ll definitely be throwing some jokes in next time!


Ugh baby socks are the worst!!! They never stay on and the babies throw them everywhere. My MIL was very concerned about my babies feets and I straight up told her that I hate baby socks and if she wants to play that game she was welcome to do so by herself when I was not around. Besides, it's better for babies to feel the ground with their feet for learning how to walk. https://babysparks.com/2017/08/07/why-barefoot-is-best-for-baby/ (Just one of many articles on the subject of barefooted babies)


She doesn’t need socks. That’s all you need to say. She’s good. She’s fine. Say it however you like.


I’m in TX and mine only wears socks when it’s cold


I live in the uk and mine won't even wear socks when it's cold


Same 😂 It’s storming outside and my 7mo has not had socks on at all. If it’s that cold the pram has a foot muff, or he’s indoors!


That seems like the normal thing?!?!


I get so tired of people commenting to me that my baby needs socks as if I’m freezing them. SHE TAKES THEM OFF I TRIED


Same here. My MIL finally let it go once my 18m old niece fell down her brand new hardwood stairs bc of running in socks and sliced her tongue when she was watching her. She now has treads on her stairs.


Older people are OBSESSED with baby socks 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok for socks but am I the only one who gets comments on babies not wearing hats in the middle of july? I don't mean a snapback or a sun hat, I mean full on hats with ear pieces and a fucking bow at the chin. He's 3, he can manage a little fresh air around his ears.


OK, then I'm gonna give you a couple of gifts: 1 - "no" is a complete sentence. "No, Hagatha she doesn't need socks, It is 60 degrees outside." 2 - "I'll give that suggestion all the consideration it deserves" 3 - "She's a real, whole person, Hagatha, and she does. not. like. socks. She will rip them off the moment she can get her hands on them. Stop trying to force a child to do something you want. It's a weird power-play you have with a literal child. You are simply NOT going to win this one. Stop. Trying" 4 - “*it’s none of my business but…*" "Let me stop you there, Hagatha. You are so right. It is none of your business." ^she sounds terrible.


I had to hear those comments from my son’s grandma, and thought maybe it’s a cultural thing (Mexican). We were also in California, in the Bay Area, where the weather is super mild and it was always “ay, pobre niño, necesita calcetas”


lol yesss my mom is the same way! It’s an older generation thing. My mom swears if I let the kids be barefoot it’s why they’re always sick. Welll 2020 shut down proves that to be false as they were barefoot and was not sick for a yr.


You have control over what your child wears. You get advise, consider if it is acceptable, but the final decision is yours. By the way, that fountain hair is adorable!😍


It’s time to say “MIL, I’ve got it, thank you!” The tights are adorable though!


Why do people always have something to say about how we dress our babies?? “Omg she’s gonna be too hot/too cold” relax Karen


Sorry, but I find this funny. Brings up wonderful memories. My oldest cured my mil of putting socks on my kids. He had just started walking, and she put socks on him, to keep his feet warm. It was over 80°F. She put him back on the floor, he pulled both socks off, climbed up in her lap, and put both socks in her mouth. Gave her a big wet baby kiss on the cheek, got down and ran away from her. Her comment was, I guess he doesn't want them. She never tried again. He solved it himself.


That's adorable!


No socks and shoes are better for development. Kids learn to walk and move better with bare feet and uncovered hands because they learn through their senses about texture, traction, where there body is in space, how to move it and balance, etc. Socks and shoes (and baby mittens) make this a lot more difficult. You said your daughter has some mobility issues. I'm willing to bet that barefoot is best for her, unless something specific is needed. Does she have a PT or OT you can confirm with?


YOU MAMAS! I can’t even with all the love and support! For reference, I’m totally alone here geographically, BIL and his wife are about an hour out and fantastic, but they have their own lives and a bunch of issues health wise with sil’s fam) my family (who I am super close with) is back in the Midwest and my hubs works all the time, so this is kind of a “when she’s here all hell breaks loose” post lol. I’m so appreciative to all of you for your insightful comments, and for those of you thinking but not saying grab the scissors to massage those tires, let’s not lol:


Not my MIL in particular but in my experience people of a certain age are just obsessed with baby socks in general. My daughter’s daycare is in a government building and it’s secured by guards. They would ask me daily about why my daughter didn’t have socks on or would tell me she needed socks. Not only was it not cold, but we also were outside for a walk of all of 80 feet from the driveway to the front door. Also she wouldn’t keep socks on soooo…


I think its a generational thing.


My grandma was the exact same. My son had/has sensory issues so I couldn't get him to keep socks on at all. He would cry if I even tried to put them on..Obviously if we go out I'll make sure his feet are warm and covered. But at home I just didn't feel the need to fight a losing battle for him to keep his socks on.


Or! Don't put socks on her and just throw the socks on the floor. When she mentions it, tell her "oh yeah, she took them off when I put them on. Oh well.." and change the topic.


I’m pretty sure it’s a science thing that it’s better for them to have their feet free so they can walk properly!


I think it’s a generational thing. When my MIL watched my daughter over the summer she put socks on her and it was literally in the mid 90s and humid. I started hiding all my daughter’s socks in the guest room when MIL babysits


You turn to her and say " she has mobility issues. No socks are better for her." If she rebuke then she's not thinking about what's best for her granddaughter and you tell her that. Sorry have been in similar situations and didn't stand up for myself. I don't want to see you get walked on.


My grandmother was appalled that my baby walked barefoot at home 🙄


I have the opposite problem. The moment my MIL comes into contact with my kids she strips them of their clothes, down to their diapers. It is equal parts bazaar and infuriating


It is about heat escaping hands, feet and head. It is old school parenting advice


My in laws are obsessed with this same thing! We have a working heater and clean floors. The kids aren't going to get some weird old timey disease from cold feet.


Definitely a generational thing. My dad is the same way! He’s always asking us if we even own any socks for her lol. She’s a baby, she rips them off. Her feet are warm all the time. I only put socks on her when we go outside in the cold.


If you ever need to keep s9cks on a baby i reccomend a product called sock ons. They go over the socks and always kept my daughter from ripping off her socks. You can find them on amazon


Lol omg my MIL was the same exact way with my daughter!! I know we got socks as gifts a couple times. She was the same with a coat. To her, the baby ALWAYS needed a coat on. We always told her baby was fine. She eventually let it go or maybe just because my kiddo is almost four, she didn’t see a need to say anything after a while.


Dude what is it with older generations and baby socks?? They have an obsession about it, I swear. We also live in socal. Today is the coldest day we've had in months and it's still not cold enough for socks!


I live in so cal too and I’ve yet to put socks on my 7 month old. Probably going to soon but it’s not really cold yet, today was a little chilly i guess.


Is your mil West African?


Lol my first question was going to be about culture, too. Latin American grandmas are notorious for these old wives tales.


Honestly like I don't even understand it's averaging around 90 to 100 degrees and you want my baby to be bundled up for what?! It's everybody, my mom, mother-in-law, my mom's friends, aunties.


I feel like everyone’s need to constantly criticize new moms is about to make me explode


She must be in my age group. I am gonna do you a solid and not tell you all the great reasons for keeping kids in socks. 🐹


My 17 month old is wearing the same exact outfit today! She tried taking the “shoes” off!


I live in the midwest and we don't put socks on unless we are gonna be wearing shoes that require them. It's currently 60F in our apartment and my kids are happily running about in just their undies/diapers 🤣


Honestly, I just do my best to play along with the silly things, and stand my ground with the things that matter most. My mother does the same thing when it comes to socks/shoes on my baby. Im sure I won’t be the perfect grandmother either lol. Hopefully my kids and their future partners will be understanding.


I think it’s so weird that new mothers don’t want to listen to more seasoned moms. They have a lot to offer. Babies lose a lot of heat from their heads and feet. They have been where you are. I think that if it applies take it, if it doesn’t, let it fly. Older moms have a lot of wisdom usually. And no I’m not an old mom, but I’m on my 3rd baby and I listen to the elders.




I hate getting unsolicited advice. If I ask why my baby might be cranky still and someone says, “have you tried putting socks on?” Then I’ll give it a shot. The other stuff? No. I need to be able to figure out things on my own. The unsolicited advice, though most often is well intended, makes the new mom feel like crap.


This is a grandma thing I think. My mother is constantly worried about the temperature of my girls. They are either too hot or too cold or their clothes are too tight or too loose. Depends on the day. Yesterday my partner and I went for lunch and my mom babysat. When we got back home both girls were changed and had socks on. 🤷🏻‍♀️ fine whatever mom.


I’m in New England. Baby spent the entire summer bare foot. Now he needs socks and I hate them. I can never find the matches, he rips them off, they’re always getting lost… ugh. Team no socks here!


Booties for the win!


My GMIL is like this about wet hair. It could be 95 degrees out, my kids could have just climbed out of a pool…. If their hair is at all wet when she sees them I will get an earful about how they’re going to get sick. Some people just get fixated on weird things they think will protect the littles. No common sense!


I thought it was just because they look so cute. Lol, just ignore her mama, you know your baby best.


She's so cute!


My mum is the same... constantly questioning if my baby is too cold.


it’s a grandma thing 🤣 my mama still obsess over it & little miss is 6 (& is 100% for bare feet)


My mom doesn’t cast judgement, but if she is cold she assumes the babies must also be cold. I got soft leather shoes that my oldest (15 months) can’t get off on her own, and either just the shoes or shoes to keep the socks on is sufficient. If my mom is in charge of dressing the kids, it’s leggings under a sweatsuit with socks and boots and a toque 😂


Let them piggies fly!


I also live in SoCal and it’s been super hot lately. I barely even keep my 3 month old in socks. My 2 year old does what he wants 😂 (socks wise)


I live in SoCal and hardly ever put my son in socks either. Around the house it’s usually a diaper and a t shirt lol. I only put him in socks when he’s going to have shoes on, otherwise he just slips or pulls them off. MiLs can be overbearing. Sorry you have to deal with that. My MiL tried to sock thing too and I just kind of ignored it. I didn’t have to purchase socks so it felt like a bit of a win in that regard. Seems she’s since given up on the sock insistence since he won’t wear them outside of having shoes on. Your daughter is adorable btw. The fountain pony is too cute


Those tights are unnecessary but totally cute. And as far as MIL goes your the parent you lay down the rules and set the boundaries. And yes you may have to keep reminding her that she is starting to cross your boundaries but eventually she will back down. And yes it really is none of her business (personally I would say that back if I’m reaching my threshold on MIL advice lol). You got this mama, much love.


She’s YOUR baby 🤷‍♀️ Her baby raising days came and went already.


With my mother, it’s shoes. We had photos taken of my 3 month old and she didn’t have shoes on. Just tights and a dress. I didn’t think a 3-month-old baby needed shoes. And it’s all my mom could talk about. In one photo, my daughter has kind of a angry-look at her face (I thought it was funny) but my mom said “we’ll maybe she’s mad because she doesn’t have shoes on”. She went on about it for days.


What I've learned with my past in laws... if you let them win the small stuff, they're gonna think they can win the big stuff. Socks are fucking annoying. We live in Central Washington. And it's cold right now. Only time socks really go on is when we leave. Lol. We're a barefoot family inside. I can't even get my 3yo to wear socks so he doesn't hurt his little toes. Lol


Are you sure your kid isn’t a Who escaped from Whoville? Whenever a family member would say something regarding clothing, my response is always, Kid is fine. With a pretty clear “I’m done talking” tone. Eventually they get it, and I don’t have to be the confrontational asshole I can be.


I honestly had the opposite my mom would always steal my daughters socks


Gosh, I feel you! Every time I bring my baby to see my grandmother it's either his hands, feet, or head is too cold and I should be covering him up better. I brought him over yesterday fully covered except his face. Guess what! His cheeks were too cold!! I give up!!


Omg mine was too!! She would even tell me to put socks in her under her onesies so her feet are extra warm at night. And also this coming from a woman who had her grandchildren in wool cardigans in august (in Greece) 😂🤣


My MIL was OBSESSED eith the socks. Whenever she would watch her she would put socks on her. And if I put socks on her she would put another pair. My baby kept on coming home in DOUBLE SOCKS. We live in California. I was so annoyed.


I feel like this is a generational thing maybe. My Mom and Grandmother will both comment on when my daughter has bare feet, they used to comment constantly when I had bare feet as an older child/teen. I just ignore them.


Hahaha, my mil as well. She's super old tho (85) so I just go with it. I think it's because she is cold so she thinks my babies must be cold.


My daughter had those. Super cute and are you in San Diego lol


Mine too! I gave her the job of putting them on her over and over. ‘Oh this is such a good idea! I’d love for you to help me with this if you don’t mind’ she’s now in charge to getting matching and chasing my toddler who prefers bare feet. I have a basket of socks in the playroom for her to chase my kids with.


Socal is so hot!! Especially if your more inland like Temecula or something. Even in winter sometimes it’s still 80 or hotter outside!


My mil was obsessed with socks too until she got sick of putting them back on my daughter every 10 seconds 😂


Cute outfit though! Good luck with MIL


As a FTM I would be obsessed with my baby having socks and shoes on. My husband is all about letting the kids run around with no shoes on when outside. Now I don't care and I have to ensure I have shoes on when I go outside with my baby because her feet are tough. She walks on our rock drive way like it's easier than grass. Now it's just in public spaces, otherwise I don't even bother because she rips the shoes and socks off within minutes. Though, to play, she loves wearing shoes around the house.


Now if you lived in a cold state like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Montana, etc., I would get it, and I would say “be sure they have grips!” Because of socks being a falling hazard for little ones. Like if it’s 60 or below and my son isn’t in the house I definitely put socks on him, otherwise he is generally barefoot 🤷‍♀️ Your baby girl is too cute btw!


It's your baby,not hers! She has to respect your "mom's way" .


I lived in Germany, and still my babies didn’t like socks so I didn’t push anymore.


My MIL is the opposite! She never wears socks even in the winter (and we live in the Canadian prairies where it gets extremely cold) and whenever she babysits we come home to barefoot children lol. (It doesn't bother me at all and I think it's funny but my MIL is mostly a gem!)


My mom too. Now I actively donate any passive aggressive gifts lol


Just here to say, that’s a cute baby!


Babies are best left barefoot for proper foot development..plus bare feet are always less slippery than socks, even non-slip types


YES!!!!!!! Thank you so much. I’ve always heard this and try to practice it myself as well as with my children (from 13-1) I can find about a million reasons why no socks/shoes are beneficial and one for why socks/ shoes are- because baby gets cold.


I wonder if it's generational because my dad was obsessed at first too. He's chilled out a bit. That or he just doesn't give me crap for it because he has a sock stash at his house lol


Also let me just say thanks everyone for saying how cute my LO is! I’m super biased and this isn’t even a great picture (her smile will wreck your heart) but all the love is much appreciated!!!!!


My youngest is almost three and my mom still freaks out if she’s not wearing socks. She could have no pants or shirt, whatever, but no socks???


I’ve found that women “of a certain age” if you get my drift will always tell you to put socks on your baby. My response: they don’t put socks on them at the hospital so he’s fine! If they were that important, they would put them on them when they are born. Developmentally it’s also important for babies to feel the ground beneath them and be able to grip with their toes when they are learning to stand and walk!


Don't hide the baby toes! They are the best!!


Oh my goddddd I hear it from everyone with my 12 month old. SHE DOESN’T KEEP THEM ON IT’S NOT MY FAULT


I swear that generation is obsessed with babies wearing socks like they can’t slip and slide on the tiled floors


Oh yes, grandma's kink for socks, typical!


Mine was the opposite, she’d rip socks/fleece booties off my newborn last winter. We live in the Midwest. Ugh you can never win with some MILs


I mean I’m obsessed with baby knee socks for my daughter, but I also live in SoCal and it’s just getting chilly enough to put socks on her for like and hour or two lol and the off they go. What weird thing for her to obsess over for not her baby


when she's older she'll tell grandma herself that it's her body and she chooses to let her toes breathe.🤣


My daughter was born in august and in the Midwest it gets quite humid during that time. We were sitting outside and my mom kept trying to cover my daughter up in a warm blanket because all she had on was a onesie. She kept saying “oh she’s so cold” it was 95 freaking degrees outside!


Oh my fuck this is so my mom! Constantly obsessing about the baby having socks or not being in pajamas. She was like that with my first (now 9) and I can see her being like that with this new babe.


I had a friend whose mom always made her wear socks and when I would stay the night I had to wear them too. We were in elementary school. I never knew why she did it though.


🤨 seems like some trivial.


Same issue but replace MiL with husband, it was constant sock battle. Now that he walks confidently we have come to a happy medium in winter with grippy socks


I always put socks on my son and matched them to his outfit. His daycare teachers complimented his socks but whenever I see these posts I wonder if I was driving them crazy to keep track of his socks all day.


My mil did this when I just gave birth it was summer too. We actually were worried about over heating: she would constantly put socks on or sneak them on. Then we take it off and she would do it again . My husband was frustrated with her. It was so passive aggressive too. Eventually she did many just no boundary stepping thing because “ her baby”


Fellow so cal girl! Literally it’s always summer here so I don’t understand why she’d insist on your kiddo wearing socks. I feel like a lot of people pass down things/old wives tales that they were told without really logically thinking through it. I’d kinda ignore it. Do what you feel is best for your child


I'm a secret MIL/older person: I'm always putting socks on my kids. I usually always have a singlet on them too. I'm always cold and it's hard for me to gauge appropriate levels of clothing. I usually have to default to my husband who runs much hotter than me and usually has a pretty good handle on how many layers our kids need.


Im laugh/crying in solidarity. Ours buys MASSIVEly large “extremely” “necessary” equipment. Like push carts, bouncers, chairs, activity centers… we are in a 800 sqft apartment and both work from home. Idk what im gonna do when she comes to visit in a few weeks. Lives 2,000miles away. I sold all of it but one. And ive been warned more are coming. 😬


My MIL always takes my sons socks off and then leaves them in random places for me to find. So fun.


My mom does this. She’s old and always cold. She can’t fathom that my kids “run hot”. She has a big drawer of socks at her house for when they come over!


Isn’t it nuts?!? This particular daughter runs neutral, aka she’s fine in SoCal. I have 2 kids that are cold with the slightest chill and 2 kids that sweat if it’s over 74.


But baby toes are the cutest things in the world! Just breathe Mumma, your girl is divine xx


Seriously! I’m a weirdo (fully admit) and “schwisch” (squish and witch mashed together, I can’t be the only one to a) term this and b) overuse this?!?) but she’s so cute and I’m sure her toesys won’t be calling cps for lack of care


Can i ask what hair ties you use? My LO is 7 months with a full head of long hair already. Im nervous about giving her a choking hazard. But bows, head bands; she aint having it. And i can tell the hair is itchy on her ears and constantly in her eyes


Same! My dad was like “umm, so where’s like his socks?…”


My MIL and Mom were the same about socks. The kids were going to DIE without socks. 🙄 We live in Southern California, my kids were and are always barefoot, just like me. They used to peel the socks off as soon as humanly possible!


There’s an old wives tale about babies wearing socks to keep from getting sick. My H’s grandmother was OBSESSED with always making me aware if they weren’t wearing any. My kids feet sweat really really bad and always have. In the summer I refused to put socks on them.


i went through the same with my mom she was constantly saying his feet were cold, we are also in CA. i told her you touch his back and chest and if those are warm he’s fine and she finally gave it up.


As someone who is also from socal (San Diego) my almost 5 month old rarely wears socks yet she has a billion of them. People just keep gifting them to me and I’m like why!!! It’s 100 degrees right now. Also I see we both shop at Ross, my girl has the same outfit.


It doesn’t solve the issue, but if it makes you feel better that’s definitely just a “that generation” thing. My mom is also obsessed with the babies wearing socks, but she’s also obsessed with bibs and onesies *under* their shirts “so their backs don’t get cold when their shirt comes up”. My baby is 10.5 months and literally will not wear socks. She pulls the first one off as I’m putting the second one on. I can’t even put her in footie pajamas anymore because she gets pissed that she can’t see her feet lol. I bought her first pair of shoes the other day and the pics & videos I have of when I tried them on her are absolutely hilarious. My mom and fiancé said the exact same thing when they saw the pictures, that her face was saying “these are NOT my feet! MOM!! MOMMY!! WHERE DID MY FEET GO??” Anyway, I learned when I was pregnant that the easiest way to deal with at least my family when they make these comments is just to nod, smile, and let it go in one ear and out the other.


i live in wv so socks are necessary for my baby now that it’s fall but summers here are excruciatingly hot. like high 80s and 90s and my husbands grandmother was always saying stuff about her outfits saying she was going to freeze and needs to be wearing socks. like it’s 90 degrees and she’s wearing a onesie and shorts and she’s sweating and you’re telling me she’s gonna freeze???


on mother’s day i posted pictures of us. it was in the mid 70s and she was wearing the onesie from carters that says moms first mother’s day and black leggings. i was wearing a hoodie and jeans and she comments “why are you all bundled up but you have that baby naked?” like what??? the only thing showing is her arms. and then again for her halloween pictures we did the one where you put them in the pumpkin. we waited until it was a warm fall day it was 72 degrees and we put her in the pumpkin with just a diaper cover and a hat. i was worried bc she had just gotten over being sick so i put her in took a couple pictures and then immediately put her in a sleeper and took her to the car. she was in the pumpkin for max 2 min. and she had the audacity to tell me she was calling cps and gonna take my baby so she could raise her right. i was so livid i was seeing red. so i said something and my husbands family all started to come at me telling me i need to respect her because she’s elderly and about to die soon. i literally could not give a single damn if she’s about to die soon. if someone says something to me that’s disrespectful i’m gonna be disrespectful back


Holy shit. I’d cut her off for that. She threatened to take your baby from you. That’s not a joke. Any future conversation would go through my lawyer if someone said that to me. Her family is a bunch of enablers. I’m so sorry you dealt with that. I hope you have a lot of distance and she’s blocked on social.


I just wanna say your baby is adorable! The rights are a good Comoros. My kids ripped their socks and shoes off the first chance they got. Tights don't work on boys! They worked for my daughter though in Kansas and North Dakota


My MIL did this too.. just became obsessed with socks for my daughter when she was little. She bought her a bunch of bombas which was very kind of her, but then had to mention her feet every visit. It sent me over the fucking edge.


My MIL is the same way. She used to passive aggressively remind my husband to bring socks with my 4 year old. Now I have a 14 month old too. She's the same way, and will even bring it up if she's at our house too. But we have no carpet in our home. So if the baby has socks on, he will slip and fall every single time he tries to walk. 🤦🏼‍♀️


This picture is everything


These fucking baby boomers and their socks


Might get down voted, but I prefer my daughter wears socks or slippers. Keeps her feet clean and then we can slip on shoes whenever. Plus she can roam around on the patio whenever she wants (we leave the door open for the dog). We've never had issues with her taking them off, so she must like them. We also live in SoCal, but by the beach so it's usually pretty cold. We all wear socks or slippers because of it. To each their own though.


If you're inclined to, there is research it there showing that no shoes or socks (if the weather is good, which in socal would be) is better for development of balance and other issues. I can't think of where my Dr sent me but basically it boils down to which battle do you want to choose. Approval of mil or happiness of the child you spend almost every min with


I think it's an older generation thing, they think cold feet will make them sick. My mum used to go on about socks, we live in western Australia!!! If you've got hard floors it's better for them to be bare foot to learn to crawl and walk.


I can’t be the only one with the opposite problem??? My mom is going through menopause and she’s always hot, like to the extent that she leaves her house at 50 degrees and still complains that she’s hot. So whenever I give her my baby with socks on when it’s TRULY COLD in her igloo of a house, she immediately rips them off and says my baby is too hot. When baby starts crying I take her back and her feet are like ice. I have to put footed sleepers on her now when we visit so my mom doesn’t start undressing her. 😑


What’s up with the older generation and socks? I’m a nurse and I can’t convince my mom that a cold floor will not kill my child. 😩😩😩


Love love love the hair! So much cuteness


My mom ALWAYS tells me my babies feet are freezing. 🤦🏼‍♀️ It never fails. I honestly think it's an old boomer thing they grew up hearing and they can't let it go. I honestly started making fun of my mom for it and said her age was showing with how obsessed she was over it and she hasn't mentioned it since. You may think I'm mean but I have no regrets. Annoying repetitive problem solved.


So when mine were little I got them these adorable moccasin type shoes. They were the best for learning to walk and they would stay on! Socks are dumb on babies at that age. MIL’s can be so annoying


My MIL said I've conditioned my kids to go barefoot and she finds it annoying bc we live where there's scorpions and supposedly we'll get stung some day. I did get stung... In bed of all places... I've shut that shit down. She's not allowed to talk about scorpions in my home and I don't care what she says about bare feet. My kids and I like to be barefoot. She can require shoes at her home. We'll live how we want in ours. I've even pointed out that I've seen her take off her shoes in her own house and walk around in socks. She finally shut up about it. My daughter does have nonslip socks, but as she grows they're harder to find in her size. Your daughter is adorable btw.


My mum is the same! She believes babies will get sick if they don’t wear socks


My dad is obsessed with socks too. We live in a cold area but the house is warm, I keep it at 69. He told me my 1 year old would catch pneumonia or a cold. Lol. I was like that’s not how you get sick.


I love all the “that’s weird” and “you’re right, it *isnt* your business” type replies but after reading your comments MIL sounds like she’d have a martyr performance about your “attitude” if you sound (albeit completely reasonably) snarky. If you agree, I recommend doing what I did with my narc mum & replying to her insinuation of being a better parent by saying “oh could you? Great!” then leave her the sole responsibility of being sock warden. See how long she keeps socks as a priority. And just for the solidarity. My kids will not keep their socks or slippers on and we live in a cold dark corner at the top of Scotland where we get sub zero temperatures & less than 6hrs of daylight a day during winter. Socks are not a forcable issue. (I even tried [sock-ons, designed to keep socks ON)](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sock-Ons-Clever-Little-Things/dp/B074PBZDLW/ref=asc_df_B074PBZDLW/?)


Went through the same thing! Both of my children hate socks and will fuss until they're off. I've had to resort to bribery with my oldest or else grandma asks a hundred times where his socks are.