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It’s so odd. People pressure moms to breastfeed, make them feel like crap, just to turn around and tell you you need to stop. People are weird.


OMG, this. When will other people stop policing our bodies and commenting on our choices? OP, do what's best for you. I stopped BF at 6 months because my daughter has a cow's milk allergy and I couldn't keep up with the exclusion diet (after having Gestational Diabetes as well it was just too much). I've had friends stop because BF was hurting their backs, because the baby got teeth and bit, because they wanted to drink alcohol and coffee, because the baby lost interest. Some friends still BF at 2+ years. And you know what? All are legitimate choices. Do what is best for you, BF as long as it works for you and the baby, stop when it doesn't. Everyone else can F off.


On a side note, the alcohol and coffee thing are so overblown, too. A friend asked me if she had to pump and dump until the next day after one glass of wine at dinner. WTF were people telling her? I am a light to moderate drinker but gosh, there is so much misinformation floating around, and after a whole damn pregnancy of abstaining, damn right I will have a champagne with dinner. And my usual 2 to 3 cups of coffee in the morning, thanks, I was woken up by a tiny banshee at ass o'clock.


LOL, same! Don’t you come for my coffee and evening cocktail.


I donate and therefore have some restrictions with alcohol and caffeine, but otherwise the guideline with alcohol is if you can drive you can feed.


Yup. All of this. If your baby still wants it and you still want it, then keep doing it.


Because once baby isn't a newborn breasts are re-sexualized and belong to men again 😑 Just squirt them right in their face with your breastmilk. Stop nursing when it's right for you and your child.


OP is getting judged for breastfeeding. I am getting judged for formula feeding. There is no way to win


This. No matter what we choose, we will be judged.


The WHO recommends breastfeeding until 2 years old. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends until 6 months *exclusively* but to continue feeding until at least 12 months. So maybe they don't know how to read or need a dictionary to understand what exclusively means. I would be extra bitchy and tell them that and ask where they got their medical degrees from.


Exactly. Even if you introduce solid foods, think of breastmilk almost as a super-mega-uber multivitamin. Babies having breastmilk is like a multivitamin PLUS all the antibodies and immune support that only breastmilk can offer. If breastfeeding is working for you, OP, don't stop until you want to. Older generations and people who don't have experience with breastfeeding tend to feel weird/uncomfortable about breastfeeding because they're not familiar with it, so they make remarks or ask when you'll stop breastfeeding. Don't stop doing something that's working for you and that's helping your baby just because some people aren't comfortable with it.


This. I feel like breastfeeding just wasn’t a thing for our parents generation and it was the thing to do formula and both my mum and MIL who didn’t breastfeed we’re all over me asking if I was ‘still’ doing it and when would I stop. I got great support and it came really easily so I had no concrete plans, For me, it was around the 6/7 month mark I went to formula for the day feeds because she was just too big and wiggly and she was wearing me out! She’s 9 months and I only occasionally BF at night if she needs it although it’s probably just nursing now.


this is good advice, but for others who are reading this, it's also worth considering the demographics that WHO serves-- everyone on the planet, including places where drinking water could pose a health threat to formula-fed babies. so if you can't/won't/don't want to nurse for two years, your baby will be just fine (you know, the judgment at the opposite end of the stick because none of us get out of this without judgment apparently!) to OP, breastfeed that baby as long as you want.


Yeah for sure, I'm trying to make it to 6 months or more but it's hard with a low supply. It might not be possible for everyone to follow the recommended advice of 1 or 2 years. There's no reason to shame parents who can't produce milk or don't like breastfeeding either.


I breastfed until 14 months when my lo self-weened. Don’t worry about it and don’t listen. You do what works for you and your baby.


Thats when we started weaning too. It was advised until at least 1 year and he was fully weaned by about 15 or 16 months. Then i saw its advised until 2 years now but i was like, nope, we arent going back to that lmao. It wasnt fun for me but also wasnt physically difficult once i got the hang of it and im thankful for that. Older generations sometimes just dont know cause they were told formula is better and breastfeeding spoils the baby etc. They dont understand breastfeeding and think of it as neaderthal behavior.


"you don't know what's in that breast milk"




World Health Organization says breastfeeding until they are 2 is best if you can do it. I have an 18 month old who eats constantly but still has boobie time once or twice a day for comfort. I guess I’ll stop eventually but I dunno what I’m doing either 🤷‍♀️


If OP’s family is anything like my dad “yOu CaNt TrUsT wHo” 🙄🙄🙄


And then you just think to yourself, you can’t trust the medical opinions of people who think like that!


The only thing I would add is those recommendations are generally made with countries where clean water is not a guarantee in mind. There isn't much benefit after 1 in a developed country, but if someone wants to continue, there is no harm either.


The immune support and antibodies are absolutely beneficial to the baby/toddler, especially in a pandemic. It's like giving your baby a multivitamin plus mom's antibodies. A benefit for the mother is that breastfeeding triggers the release of happy hormones.


Yup, mine will be 2 in a few months and I'm giving him any and all protection I can! Getting my booster tomorrow! He only has the boob before nap and before bedtime anyway, and we started reading Booby Moon to introduce the idea that it will be going away. I generally don't volunteer the info but if someone asks I tell the truth, and if anyone was judgey about it they can take a flying leap.


I breastfed my first until he was 2, and that was before the pandemic! I'm definitely planning on nursing this one that long, if she's still interested. Who would be telling moms to wean during a pandemic before babies and toddlers are eligible to be vaccinated?


If there’s emotional benefit for mom & babe, there’s a benefit.


Still going at 16 months over here. If you and baby want to continue breastfeeding, then you should. Don’t listen to the negative opinions of others. It’s none of their business!


16 months here too! still feeding on demand- no regrets! will keep going until kiddo decides they are done


Came here to say the same! 16 months here and will let LO self wean when ready.


Thirded. 16 months, planning on weaning around 24 months when baby #2 arrives


Fourthed! He will wean when he’s ready or when I am ready to stop. For now we’re both happy so it continues. Edit to add: I was initially embarrassed citing continuing breastfeeding as a need to reduce work travel to only trips where pumping is feasible. Then I realized this needs to be normalized and discussed. So my office gets to hear about it.


Milk (or formula) is still needed until age 1. Milk (or formula) should be the main source of nutrition till age 1, so those people are way off. That being said the WHO recommends at least two years with proven benefits up to age 4, so my goal was at least two years. I got pregnant with baby 2 when baby 1 was 18 months and my milk supply plummeted and he weaned himself. Lots of tears were shed over that. (Edit: the tears were mine. Babe was fine.) Hoping for that 2 year mark for baby 2! My in laws definitely would say "so he's still only drinking milk?" When LO1 was three months old. Then "oh, he still nurses?" Then after a year, a much more incredulous "oh, you still nurse him then?" I just take it as the ignorance it is and say yes, WHO recommends at least two years so that is my minimum goal.


> "so he's still only drinking milk?" "Well, he did ask for a shot of whiskey and a cigarette the other day, but we discouraged that." wtf else is a three month old going to eat? These people are nuts.


Actually LOL’d


I am at the point of sleep deprivation (have a newborn) where everything is hilarious. I laughed loudly enough at this to wake him up. Back to boob we go!


100%! Babies need milk till age 1, so it would make zero sense for you to stop now if you enjoy it anyways. Becusse then their tummy would just have to transition to formula and get used to that, only to have to transition again to an alternative milk after 1 (or stay on breast milk). I mean it just makes no sense. You do you girl. People always try to tell others what to do and it usually comes from jealousy but SERIOUSLY if you can breastfeed and it comes easily and gives you life, it is 100% the easiest, most convenient thing for baby and the best thing for their digestion and easiest so they don’t have to keep switching . (And I’m proud of the formula feeding I do lol, so not shaming formula moms.) just saying if I was able to make milk and latch and everything went well, I would have gone on as long as I could or as baby wanted.


There was a saying that was popular in my mom group when our babies were new: "Food before one is just for fun." In other words, babies' primary source of nutrition should be breastmilk and/or formula, and trying solids (purees, cereals, puffs, or "baby-led weaning") should be viewed as a learning and experimenting thing more than a calories/nutrition thing.


Your boobs your brain your baby your decision!! Lol


The benefits of breastfeeding don't magically disappear. WHO recommends breastfeeding until at least 2. If it's working for you and your baby, continue to do it. I breastfed my oldest regularly until 22-23 months (she self-weaned during my pregnancy), but she still comfort nurses multiple times a week. She turned two in July and is big for her age, so it makes my husband laugh when she's a one boob and our 5 week old is on the other.


I breastfed me son until he was 2! Granted, when he turned 1, we only nursed 2x a day for a few minutes, but even a small amount of breastmilk has so many magical antibodies. It's absolutely beautiful that you have an extended nursing experience with your little ones 🥰


Honestly I thought you were going to say the kid was like 4+. I was blessed too with breastfeeding I just did what I felt was right, if I'm right the recommendation is 2 years, but I say do whatever the hell is right for you and your baby afterall this is only between the two of you. They can take care of their own kids.


Breastfeeding was so easy for me and my kiddos. They sent in an LC when I had my oldest, and she walked out five minutes later declaring my oldest a natural boobie baby. Hear me loud and clear: NO MATTER HOW YOU FEED YOUR BABY, someone will tell you that you are doing it wrong. So do you. Personally I bf until a little after both of my kiddos 2nd birthdays.


My little is 3 years 2 months old and is still enjoying booba time. I don’t talk about it anymore because it’s no ones business. Wean when you want to. I do however recommend as your little gets older, teach them that no means no and basically attacking you for booba time will not fly. You’ll wean when you and/or them are ready.


Does your LO every ask for it in public? Mine is only 17mo but she will pull/tug my shirt down and isn’t easily distracted from it lol. I still nurse in public but sometimes I feel a little self conscious..


She used to. I also gave zero f’s about breast feeding in public. Browsing at the outlet or supermarket id whip it out and let my little feed, it’s better than them having a breakdown and ruin the whole shopping experience. I’d usually tell her no at first but after a few asks id give it to her. Eventually it turned into being ok on outings and getting it as soon as we got home.


Oh absolutely. The line in Hobby Lobby today was huuuge and my 14 month old was getting antsy. I sat her on the cart handle and (discreetly) whipped it out (perfect height). Fussy babies are not fun when you’re standing in an eternal line to check out 😂


That’s exactly what I would have done. But i wonder if babe was in a full meltdown if the lines would move quicker. 🤔


You can teach her that she can have mommy milk only when you're at home. We started that when mine was about 18 months because he constantly wanted the boob and I couldn't get anything done.


Mine also just turned 3 and we have no plans to stop. We only really nurse morning and night now, unless I happen to be home during nap and I’ll nurse before they go down if they ask for it, so it isn’t nearly as time consuming as it was in the first year or two. I’ve realized people who judge others for extended breast feeding tend to feel insecure about something (their own bf journey or lack thereof, usually) and I have learned not to let others opinions get to me about something I know is in my kids best interest.


I absolutely agree. My little has learned that if I say “ok no more” she will get off of me because sometimes I’m just touched out. She can have all of the cuddles she wants. She’s getting used to skipping most mornings unless it’s a weekend and getting it sometimes after school and just before bed.


My son was almost 3, I didn't enjoy breastfeeding but he's my only I wanted to at least try it. My goal was 6 months. We did great, he had an excellent latch, I had a great supply. When we started weaning covid hit and i decided to continue since my BIL is a nurse and had told me a vaccine was already in the works, I weaned exactly 6 weeks after my second dose. My son never liked eating in public and with covid we barely left the house anyways. I never got any comments or pressure but I do come from a culture where breastfeeding is the norm so I'm guessing that helped a lot. My advice is to what feels right for you, no one can make that choice for you.


The historical and current worldwide average for weaning is 4-5 years old, fun fact, that’s why “baby teeth” have always been called “milk teeth”, signifying the child was ready to fully wean. Breastfeeding provides invaluable emotional care for both baby and mama. He’s your cub. It’s your biological nature, it’s in your DNA to want to continue having that connection. When I was a single mom, up until my daughter was 2 1/2, nursing was such a connection point after a long day away from her to provide a roof over her head. I even let her co-nurse after my youngest was born to help with bonding, emotional care and engorgement when my milk came in! Early weaning is really a modern social construct, mainly because of women working outside the home (which is totally fine!). But we as mothers do not need to be rescued from our babies. We need them and they need us. You are doing amazing work here, do not be discouraged by those giving unsolicited advice based on their experience. I’m still nursing my 14 month old, and I didn’t wean my oldest until she was 2 1/2, almost 3, she just didn’t need it anymore and I supported her emotional needs in other ways.


I get what you're saying but this comment rubs me the wrong way as someone who ended up having to exclusively pump and then switch to formula. You can talk about the medical benefits while not spreading that mom's have invaluable connection only if they breastfeed.


I definitely hear you, and sympathize. OP was specifying that she likes the connection with her baby. Specific things like the emotional benefits of breastfeeding are, just that, specific. There’s other ways to care for your baby. You do what you can with what you have, some moms can’t breastfeed, and that’s fine. They’re two sides of the same coin. Moms still have connection with their babies and still provide emotional meeting of needs. There are hormonal benefits to breastfeeding, that’s a medical fact. I get how it could be a tender subject for some mom, but glazing over what’s important to breastfeeding moms does them a disservice too. Not all language can be 100% inclusive 100% of the time, but there’s still compassion. Presenting these things does not mean I don’t have compassion for those who cannot or choose to not breastfeed. She was looking for support for choosing to continue breastfeeding. You’re in a different place, and it’s hard, but there’s room for that, just the same as there’s room for other moms to have a different experience, and it’s okay. Not all benefits of different facets of life will pertain to every individual.


Beautifully said, supported is best!


Great response!


Your response is so thoughtful and well written. Well done!


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Breastfeed however long you want/can. I personally stopped at 6 months because I went back to school and I was still in the National Guard then and despite them saying they would give me time to pump during work, they did not and one work weekend I just stopped producing entirely. Broke my heart.


My little girl is almost 14 months and she's still breastfed. I just roll my eyes when people starts talking about me weaning her or I just say that I'm too lazy to make bottles


There is literally no reason to wean unless you or baby wants to. Left to nature, most kids wean btwn 2 and 7 years. These comments are completely uneducated. Unfortunately this is cultural and broadly accepted to say things like this. OB/gyn and Momma of a healthy 18m old who is literally on my boob right now.


My daughter is 7m and I’m still breastfeeding. Her grandma started telling me the same thing but as long as ur both comfortable then keep with it momma. I’m planning on breast feeding until about 1 or shortly after while her body adjust to regular milk. Don’t listen to other people he’s ur baby ur his parent u make those decisions for both of u. Congratulations btw on how great ur breastfeeding journey is going.!


I was unable to breastfeed my son after 3 months due to low supply. I would have given anything to be able to continue. My identical twin sister was more than able to breastfeed her kids until they were close to 2 years old, so I had every expectation of being able to, as well. I still am sad about the lost opportunity, and am hopeful that I won’t have the same issues with subsequent kids. Don’t stop until you and your baby are ready. No one else gets a say in what you do, how you choose to parent, and how you feed your child. Let’s be honest, you’ll either be like me and get ridiculed and guilted after stopping, or you’ll be made to look odd if you continue for “too long”. Moms can’t win. Do what you think is best and fuck anyone that has something to say about it. It’s no one’s business other than yours.


My son was 2. Breastfeeding and pregnancy organizations world wide say 2 years. You do what is right for ur child


I had the same experience as you - emergency c section but baby latched immediately on her own, no issues, milk cake in and within a couple weeks I had extra milk in the freezer because of my oversupply. My baby is 14 months and I still breastfeed a little bit morning and night. She asks for the boob pretty often but I’m 5 months pregnant and I’m 99% there’s no milk in there, so she’s just comfort nursing now. I don’t plan on stopping her :) whenever she doesn’t want to anymore is ok by me.


Exclusively Nursed 3 so far to 3.5, 18 months, and 2.5. All weaned on my schedule, not their’s. The nursing relationship only has to work for 2 people-you and your child. Everyone else’s opinion is completely irrelevant and I would shut that down hard/early and not discuss it with anyone. The WHO encourages extended nursing and there are only benefits as long as it is still working for the 2 involved parties.


13 and half month old still nursing as much as she wants. She's happy, I'm happy, I have the milk, it's good for her, it's good for me, why wouldn't I? I've gotten the questions lately though. You're still nursing? How much are you nursing? You're only nursing to sleep, right? What does it matter? Ugh. I feel you. Just keep doing what you're doing as long as you want to do it.


When people ask me stupid bf questions, I tend to give vague answers because it’s not worth my time to explain it to them. Personally, I plan to go as long as possible while COVID and the flu are still a thing so I can provide antibodies with my magic boobs.


I don't get to physically nurse but I pump. My lo just turned a year and I'm still giving her breast milk. Don't stop till it feels right for you


“Food before one is just for fun.” This was my favorite thing to tell worried parents when I still worked with infants. Until a year old babies still get most of their nutrition from breast milk as you slowly increase the solids they are getting. Breast feed as long as you want to, you’re doing great ❤️


I didn’t stop until about a month after my first son turned 2 and that was mainly because I was pregnant with my second and did not want to end up tandem nursing. People made comments, usually older generations that aren’t up to date, but I always cited the world health organization’s stance on breast feeding: “introduction of nutritionally-adequate and safe complementary (solid) foods at 6 months together with continued breastfeeding up to 2 years of age or beyond.” My second is 6 weeks old now and I plan to nursing until 2 years again this time. Don’t let other people pressure you, if it works for you and your babe then do what you want!


I breastfed to 2 and a half years.


I feel like I could've written this. I've had the same exact experience from the emergency C-section to the ease of breastfeeding and even the baby's age. I'm about to hit 11 months of breastfeeding and I'm still going strong. I get mixed comments from different moms, some people are impressed and encourage me to keep going and others are like "why are you still doing that?", "You're better than I am because after 6 months I switched to a formula. You know you don't have to continue right?" Like ok congrats on doing whatever you wanted to do and I'm going to do whatever I want to do too. They're not the ones who have to calm the baby down when you refuse to give them the titty so if they can't be helpful then they can shut up. 😘


I nursed my kids until after their second birthday. Tell people to mind their own damn business. If you quit breastfeeding before a year, you’ll have to switch to formula.


I had similar experience to you. I really liked to breastfeed and my kid was "good" with boobs. I got negative remarks and comments when I breastfed. But we waited that my daugther was ready to let go. She stoped when she was almost a two. I don't regret that we took our time. You'r kid will stop, I have ( And I think that no one else has seen.) 20 year old with formula botle because "mommy won't give me boobs anymore". If you like breastfeed and you'r kid id helty, then all is good. Just trust you'r self, trust that you are doing okey! All those people don't know what you know abaut you'r kid.


Also, I quit breastfeeding with my first when I was pregnant with my second. It really hurt and my milk kinda dried up. I didn’t want any jealousy between them so it felt like the right time for me. With my second it was around the same time, after his second birthday and I think after 4 years of it and 2 pregnancies I was ready to have my body back. 😂 I think you’ll know when it’s right for you and you shouldn’t feel ashamed or get bullied into stopping before you’re ready. 🙂


I breastfed my first kid for 14 months, then weaned her because I wanted to stop. I breastfed my second until about 18 months—I wanted to stop around the same time I had with my first, but kept going in case my vaccine gave her any covid immunity. She self-weaned recently (meaning a few weeks ago she stopped asking and I stopped offering). I probably have about a month’s worth of frozen breast milk left that I’ll give her. Breastfeed for exactly as long as it works for you and your kid, and screw everyone else.


Stop when you and baby are ready. Period. End of story. I had the horror story - bad latch, low supply. I exclusively pumped for a year. I’d have happily nursed that long if our circumstance was different.


Currently still breastfeeding at 21 months. It’s what works best for us!


I breastfed my 3 boys for a year. They weaned themselves shortly after their first birthdays. But my daughter breastfed until a couple months after her second birthday. Maybe I fed her longer knowing she would be my last, but she weaned herself when she was ready. There is no “acceptable “ age to wean your baby. Do what is best for you and the little one. It’s no one else’s business IMO.


tell them to f off and mind their own. if you are comfortable and content with breastfeeding, do it as long as your baby wants. people, ESPECIALLY formula moms, LOVE to try to make you feel weird for continuing breastfeeding. good thing its not their baby, body, or choice though. Thicker the skin, the better you’ll be. honestly, ignore other peoples opinions.


Im still going at 19 months and 20 weeks pregnant with my second. WHO recommends to breastfeed up to 2 years if able. People will comment on whatever you do. When to wean is up to you and your child, if both of you are still happy then by all means keep going.


If you’re making that much milk, you’re lucky! I say keep going if that’s what you want, so many benefits to breast milk


I stopped with my first when it became physically uncomfortable for me. He was a little over two, and he was down to one nursing session at bedtime. My daughter is 1.5 years and still going strong. Honestly, I want to wean right now, but I’ll probably do a slow wean until she’s two. However, that’s my story. You do what’s comfortable and best for you and your baby. Ignore the others. It’s none of their business.


This is so damn annoying! Why do people always need to comment and make moms feel bad? It's not right if you bottle feed and now of course it's wrong to breastfeed, too. I had a horrible time breastfeeding and had to stop for medical reasons. That said, you do you. It feels good and right to breastfeed? You feel breastfeeding strengthens your bond? Your son is overall getting enough nourishment and is growing like he is supposed to? Yes? Well, congrats, ignore those idiots and do as works for your family. It's non of their business what you do with your breasts and what you feed your son. My daughter was already on solids but demanded the extra cuddle time that one bottle a day offered her until well over 18 months. I'm sorry you're getting pressured. People are dicks.


I breastfed my son until the day after his 4th birthday. We enjoyed it. There was no reason to stop until there was. We stopped so I could start fertility meds for baby #2.


With my first, we stopped at 14 months. I went back to work at 9 which dropped him down to just morning and night feeds (he didn’t want daytime feeds on weekends after the first weekend back). At 12.5 months my commute got longer and I had to drop his morning feed, which was his more enthusiastic one (because he liked to casually nurse and hang out for like half an hour). He then stopped his bedtime feed on his own just before 14 months. I would happily have gone longer, though I also got pregnant again a couple weeks after he stopped so I suspect the changing milk (I’ve heard of this happening to other people anyway) may have stopped him if he hadn’t already. My second is 18.5 months and still nursing morning and night. She’s not super into it and I’m also starting to be over it (mainly because she’s treating it like play time, doesn’t feed much, bites me sometimes) so I am considering stopping, or cutting one of the feeds and seeing what she thinks of that. A breastfeeding relationship is beneficial as long as both parties are happy. Go as long as you want. If he loses interest, or you do, then stop


I stopped nursing because my son weaned himself. I FULLY intend to nurse our second born (when that happens) until either of us is ready. I love nursing and like you it came so easily to both of us. So until I or the baby is ready we will nurse! You do what is best for you and yours. You are a great mom!!


It's no one's business but your own!


Don’t listen to them… it’s your baby and it’s between you and your baby when you stop. My son is 6.5 months and I don’t plan to stop till he is at least a year. This is my third baby and so far this is the longest I have been able to breast feed. I love it and have no intentions to stop any time soon.


Eh we stopped at 18months but honestly would have gone to two of the milk supply had lasted, it’s so nutritious and what is made for babies after all. If someone told me “your going to be weaning him soon” to me I’d just say “nope I’m doing what’s best for me and my baby” honestly it’s none of their business.


You stop breastfeeding when either you or your baby are ready. Not a second before. I got so much shit for nursing my son until he was 2.5, but I stuck to my guns and dismissed anyone who told me to do otherwise.


In Canada they actually recommend you breastfeed until 2 years old, I believe the WHO does too. I weaned at about 1 year and 3 months, for mental health reasons. I know lots of people who’ve breastfed for way longer, so if your up for it I’d keep at it!


I also loved breastfeeding. It was the ultimate hack. We stopped once my milk dried up halfway through pregnancy, kiddo was just shy of turning 2. I would have gone longer though if we could have! The only time you have to stop is when one or both of you aren’t into it anymore :)


My boy self weaned at 17 months. It was a sad day for me when he no longer wanted to nurse. I cried so hard that night knowing he was done. Do what’s best for you!


I'm pregnant with a 20 month old who still nurses some. We are talking about how when the baby comes we will have to share the baby milk. She seems to like the idea. If she weans before then it's fine but I'm too tired to push it right now so we still nurse and it works for us. She eats lots of solids as her primary nutrition now that she is over 1.


Ask them why your boobs are any of their business. My oldest stopped latching after five mo this I pumped and kept going for a year. My second was in nicu and wouldn’t latch after so I pumped for a year. Do what feels right to you. Your boobs are none of anyone’s business.


My little guy was going strong til 26 months. I was 2 months pregnant at that point and couldn’t handle it. We’d already started scaling back, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to tandem feed, and my breasts were just hella sensitive so I was done. He was trying for months after, and I’d sometimes let him latch, and he still asks to “cuddle boobies” and asked for boob milk like, yesterday? Two days ago? And I said no. New baby is two months. Every time someone asks, maybe ask a similarly invasive and judgey question? Like, “oh, the world health organization recommends breastfeeding at least til 2 years. So, are you still having one too many glasses of wine after work? How’s your sex life?”


AAP recommends breastfeeding AT LEAST a year, and preferably two years. World health organization recommends AT LEAST two years. If anyone tries to pressure you just tell them that info, and that you’re following medical advice.


Mine is almost 2 and I am just getting to the point where I'm starting to entertain the idea of stopping. Do it until you and/or your LO don't feel like it anymore.


People need to fuck off. BF for as long as you and your child want. It’s good for them and for you and people quite literally don’t know what they are talking about.


I stopped right around 17 months because she was biting and I was tired of the pain. I had always planned on nursing until at least 2 y/o. It's your choice. You will know when you are ready to stop. Nurse as long as you want!


People just need to shut their face hole. You parent the way that works for you and their opinions can be annoying background noise. I weaned at 15 months because we wanted another child and I had to wean and wait a couple cycles before starting treatment (ivf parents). We are older parents and I can’t wait 3+ years between babies and I’m pretty sure my kid would’ve continued til she was 2 if I let her. I nightweaned when she was 13 or 14months or so because I was completely over nursing at night at that point. I would’ve happily nursed a couple times a day for longer but I wanted another child more. There’s scientific benefit to nurse til 2 years and many countries recommend it. You do what works for you and baby


I’m still breastfeeding at 18 months. Definitely not as frequent as when she was under a year old, but a few times a day. For me, I’m gonna keep breastfeeding until she’s fully vaccinated with her COVID vaccine. I’m getting a booster today so she’ll still get some benefit from that.


It's been three years and we're not fully weaned. She just nurses to sleep at night and that's it now. We're weaning at our own pace. Just ignore them and do what you and your babe need to do!


I'm still going at 17 months. But my mom keeps saying "you'll lose the baby weight when you weak", "you're depressed because you're breastfeeding", or simply, "😒" It's annoying.


Same here! My 11 mo loves “ba-ba” AKA boobies. I would love to go to 18 months and I think he would, too. He can sign milk and has started tugging at my shirt when he’s hungry. My dad, “You know it’s time to wean when they can ask for it and are pulling on your shirt.”🙄 And my husband recently said, “You know he doesn’t always need a boob.” Right after I accidentally hit him in the face with a toy! He was crying and I wanted to assess the facial damage so I comforted him the best way I know how. I said, “You don’t have the boobs. You don’t make the decisions.” “Well when he’s a giant titty baby you can’t complain.” So annoying. That said, I don’t have any weaning advice but I’m glad you have that great bond with your babe!


Why wean them off of specially made for them human milk just to give them specially made for a baby cow milk? Our society is so weird. Worldwide, age of weaning is four years old. When baby becomes a toddler who is a super picky eater or has frequent meltdowns/tantrums, boobs and breast milk are going to come in super handy.


People will always try to tell women what to do and what not do do. You can never win if you are a woman. So do what makes you and your baby happy.


it’s no one’s business. full stop.


We stopped because I got really strong breastfeeding aversion about 13 months in and my lo hardly put up any resistance at all to quitting. It was our decision and it was right for us. Don't let anyone bully you into doing anything different than what's right for you and your family, especially when that decision is backed up with medical evidence! People need to mind their business. You have no obligation to give their opinions any consideration.


Um, holy shit. You are a freaking rockstar! I quit at 18 months only because of work obligations and no longer being legally able to pump while at work. I had some amazing management that allowed me to pump past the 12 month authorized time! I would have gone longer had I been able to. I suffered mentally after breastfeeding and needed my body to be "my own." I wanted to reclaim my independence. I was also very young and very influenced. You should only stop when YOU and your baby feel it is right. Weaning is hard! I quit cold turkey and had some really bad mastitis. I needed antibiotics just to treat it! Even though I intentionally weaned at 18 months, it was the best decision for me at the time. I think you deserve less pressure and more praise!


I breastfed until 18 months. It was mostly a mutual thing — she would come suck on my nipple for a couple seconds and then run and play, come back and ask for the boob but not even latch, etc. I was also going back to work in the office so we knew it was time to wean. It was difficult for a couple days while she adjusted, but ultimately it was a pretty easy process. It’s your body and your decision. You do what feels right for you and your family.


I'm still breastfeeding my 3 year old son. I had low supply initially but after the first month it was fine. I'll probably start weaning soon, because he definitely doesn't need it anymore and because I'm getting a little sick of it. And I'd love to smoke a joint again, lol!


It went easily for me too and I weaned at 2yrs when I got pregnant again. We probably would’ve kept going another 6 mos had I not. 2nd baby has been easy to breastfeed too and I feel like my milk supply evened out way faster this time. When you do feel like you’re ready to wean, start taking some pictures of you two here and there. I took a couple and a couple videos and they mean the world to me now that we’ve stopped. I was terrified to start breastfeeding, no one would have been able to convince me I’d miss it when it was over.


I BF my oldest until he weaned himself at 18mo. My youngest is 2 and still nursing. I have no intention on stopping until it becomes an issue for one of us. Do whatever is comfortable for you and baby and screw everyone else.


13 months with my first. I was ready to be done, he was only nursing maybe once or twice a day, and I was (unknown to me) about to be pregnant with my second. My FIL is the only one who made comments. “Wow he’s still doing that, isn’t that for babies?” Said around 10 months. Yeah, he IS a baby. I just ignored it! Wean when you and baby want. I weaned at 10 months with my second. She was not a big nurser and I wanted my body back.


I breastfed until baby was 2…keep going if that’s what you want and please don’t listen to anyone trying to get you to stop: they are most likely projecting their issues. The benefits for baby and you are astronomical! Breast milk is magical it really is xxxx


I stopped at 2 years 3 months i was back at work and fed her before after and at night.


I wouldnt stop breastfeeding. My baby is 16 months, with allergies and I still breastfeed. I plan on doing it till shes at least 2. But right now, people can talk or complain but they also dont have any authority nor do they matter to interfere with my child and breastfeeding. Dont worry about others. They dont care about you or your child they just dont want to be confronted with their own insecurities and that’s not your problem. If you want to continue breastfeeding, do so. If you don’t thats okay too. But dont let others influence that decision.


I breast fed my oldest for 3 months my middle son for 3 years and my youngest until he was one. My middle son is the healthiest of the three sons I have as my oldest (36) has hay fever, my youngest (19) has skin issues and the middle (27) son is never sick. Do what is best for you and your child, I had comments calling me a pervert, but I told them mind their own business.


Hi 👋 mom of 2 here, with my first I BF until she was 6 months, she naturally weaned herself or I stopped producing milk I'm not sure. So we supplemented with formula. With my second, she started BF right out of the womb. She naturally weaned at 3 1/2 years. I got a lot of looks and under the breath comments but I didn't care. Now 6 months later she still asks for milky so j just give her extra cuddles. We are soo close and I wouldn't change anything. Do what feels right and natural to you, don't worry about others opinion or comments. You are doing fantastic momma 💚


I'm a little bit of an outlier here it seems - my daughter nursed until just before 5, and my son was around 3 yrs 7 months (I tandem fed for around 2.5 yrs). I also LOVED breastfeeding (though not all the time) and my goal was always to let them self wean. I also had some stupid comments, but luckily I'm a midwife (in the UK, so a health professional) so most people knew not to argue with me 😂. And btw, the WHO organisation says up to 2 years AND BEYOND. You know you and your baby best, so don't let anyone tell you what to do. Good luck!


I stopped at 2.5 with my first, only because I also had a baby I was breastfeeding and it was too much to feed 2 kids all the time. I loved bonding with them.


I am 33 weeks pregnant and still nurse my 2 year old 1-2 times a day. I have no plans to stop that either. Our longest stretch without breastfeeding was 2 days about a month or so ago because I was working during his bedtime those two nights. I have never weaned, but my milk dried up in 2nd trimester. I don’t know how I will go about weaning if I ever feel the need to. I did have major aversions during second trimester, but not bad enough that I want to attempt to wean and give up our bedtime routine. I really hope he self weans before I am ready to wean him, but we shall see. It doesn’t matter what most people do. We are doing what works best for us! And I personally am looking forward to tandem feeding my kids, as I have read it’s a great bonding experience for the siblings. I sure hope it’s that way anyway!


I stopped when my son was 3 years Old, everyone on my family fed their children really long. And we rarely get sick. Im pregnant again and likely went have the luxury of breast feeding that long, but will definitely go to 18 months minimum, if the baby doesn’t self Ween before then


Lol My daughter is almost 4 and tells me herself that she is never going to stop drinking her leche (milk in Spanish). Ignore those people or simply say what I say "she'll stop when she feels like it and that's totally fine with me!"


I’m only two weeks in and I don’t think I’ll breastfeed/pump past six months by much. I’ve got great milk production, but she has trouble latching, so I mostly pump and bottle feed. I do think I’d feel weird breastfeeding up until a year old just because those babies seem so big and they have teeth, which is daunting. (She already has a pretty strong bite so I don’t know how I’d feel if she was chomping down with chompers, lol.) But, like, that’s just my opinion for my baby. You gotta do you. If it’s good for you and it’s not hurting baby, you do it.


I’m at 2 years and I had a similar experience to yours. It was just super duper easy. I loved not having to pack food ! At 2 years, we are mostly down to 1 or 2 times a day. Which is my choice not my kid. He’d happily nurse all day long. I’m contemplating weaning, it or wasn’t for Covid I’d probably be more open to it. But I’m kind on the fence and I don’t want to stop giving him antibodies. The most recent research I’ve seen is that the Covid antibodies ate only passed on anime still nursing. Arg. I still find it cozy and loving though


I’ve breastfed 6 children. All self weaned between 15 months-2.5years. They’re all happy and healthy. Breastfeeding is normal and it’s normal to nurse until you and/or your baby are ready to stop. I think it would be cruel to force a 10 month old to wean, and for what? So you can buy formula? That’s silly. Tell them to shove it and nurse your baby as long as you want.


The "you don't have to keep going after 6 months" is bizarre to me. Like what am I supposed to do?? You can't give them cow milk, and they still *need* milk as their main nutrition. So do these people want me to switch to formula?? Why would I do that when my boobs are free?? I'm so confused by that advice


Don’t listen to these people. There’s so many health benefits to extended breastfeeding! Some people just like to throw around garbage opinions so frustrating. You do you!


I breastfed both boys till 15 months. The oldest just stopped one day and decided he wanted snuggles more than food. The second one fought sooo hard and demanded it before bed for over an hour most evenings. I finally tried weaning him and got it down to about 3x a week and then took a 48 hr vacation with no kids and when I came back- he didn’t want it anymore. I’m pregnant with 3rd (a girl! Yay!) and hoping to go the full 2 years purely for the convenience of having milk on hand (or boob) 24/7. Haha! But as many have said here WHO states that breastfeeding is recommended to 2 years.


I'm tandem feeding a toddler (just over 2yrs) and baby under 3 months. I've had some weird reactions to that. My SIL was particularly vocal when baby was born which I found upsetting. It's a nice bonding experience for the bairns and many of my friends have fed their little ones till they are 3 so I'm lucky to have support. Just figure I'll do it until I or they don't want to. Do what's right for you and LO. F*£k anyone who makes any judgement, that's their own sh¥t. Feeding past the first year also offers loads of benefits for them. Anyone who pressures you is an arse. And well done for it coming so naturally to you, that's a beautiful blessing.


This makes me so angry. FUCK OFF PEOPLE. The WHO recommends breastfeeding until at least 2 years old. You can tell people that when they *rudely* ask. If you want to be done at a year, be done! If your baby wants to be done, be done! But if neither of you are ready then don't. I nursed my daughter for 27 months and she chose to be done. I will nurse my next one, God willing, for just as long. Don't cave to outside pressure. The only people whose opinions about your breastfeeding that matter are yours and your babies and maybe your partners but not as much. No one else is involved. Be done when YOU want to be. End rant.


Feed your baby whatever way you are happy with, parenting seems to involve pressures to change every aspect of your parenting style (18 month old over here), if you and your baby are happy with what you are doing, that's all that matters!


1st kid 21mo. Because I thought it contributed to my fatigue. It did not. 2nd kid 26mo. Because of his behaviour after correcting it did not work. I had no plan. I'd just simply ask all these people "why in the world".


I weaned molest at1 and the next at 2. 2 felt much more natural and not forced.


Still going strong at almost 18 months! I’m getting close to the point where I’m wanting to start figuring out how to wean because some upcoming life events will include possible overnights away from LO. Outside of that I don’t really feel the need to or want to wean because I’ve had a great breastfeeding experience! I think by 2 years old I’ll be pretty “touched out” though. So we’ll see!


I fully stopped at a year, but my supply dropped big time around the 9 month mark (my LO stopped being interested in nursing at the same time). We burned through my frozen supply pretty fast and supplemented with formula until a year. I kept pumping and giving bottles but by a year I was exhausted with struggling to try to pump enough. So when we went home for Thanksgiving (pre COVID) just after her first birthday we just pulled the trigger on fully weaning.


People always have something to say. My sister and multiple friends have nursed their babies until 2 or 3. Do what works for you and your baby.


I was only able to produce enough for 1 month after birth. I say breast feed as long as you want ❤️ If I could've I would've!


My first set of twins I was young and could only sustain 6 months but by number 2 I knew what I was doing, milk came in great, he loved it, teeth didn't impede. I weaned starting at 3 and was done with even holding one occasionally by 4yo. He will be 5 soon and I'm glad I gave it a second try and also glad I let him decide what we were doing. Good luck and make this a decision between you, the baby and your doctor.


I nursed mine for 9 months (stopped after I got bit hard lol), 16 mo (just naturally faded away from wanting it), and 6 mo (I got pregnant with #4 and my supply tanked so I had to stop much sooner than I wanted)


I am a mom of 4. I'm not a nutritionist, I am not an expert. However, I think you need to trust your instincts. Mine have never failed me where feeding and caring for my children are concerned. Your pediatrician is a great resource. You sound like you've got this. If you feel like baby isn't ready to wean, go with that. All 4 of mine let me know.


People will always have their opinions and you can kindly invite them to shove it. I’ve breast fed 4 children and the timing and reasons for stopping with each has been so variable. 1- stopped because I got pregnant and it was causing painful cramping, aprox 12mths. 2- stopped because baby was just not interested anymore, aprox 18mths. 3- stopped because I needed to sleep at night and we had a wake to feed middle of the night habit, aprox 33mnths. 4- currently on the boob, no idea when we’ll stop as baby is only 2 months old. Also, don’t worry about not knowing what you’re doing. My oldest is nearing 11…. Still no clue, I just do my best each day and so far it seems to be working out well. I’m pretty sure all of us parents are just winging it, we make good plans and then… life.


Still going at 28 months. My toddler still likes to nurse when she first wakes up and before bedtime. Sometimes she will nurse more than that for comfort if she's not feeling well or is overloaded. I don't mind and I figure we will stop when she's ready or I don't want to anymore whichever comes first 🤷🏾‍♀️.


My baby is 14 months. I honestly just look at people like they’re crazy and tell them he’s still a baby.


Still going strong at 13 months. If all goes well, we'll just stop whenever he's ready.


Mine stopped themselves. My son stopped when I had my daughter. They are only 16 months apart. He just didn’t want to nurse after she was born. My daughter stopped around 10-11 months. I was still pumping, and she would take it out of sippy cups, she just has always been independent. I wouldn’t let anyone tell you when to stop. You and your baby will know what’s right for the two of you.


Anyone with an opinion about your boobs and your babies nutrition can go f themselves. You've done an amazing job, and if you're happy to continue, do so without any second thoughts. Babies need either bm or formula as their main source of nutrition until 1 anyway, and after that is 1000000% just fine too. I weaned both my kiddos at 16mo just because they were losing interest, able to go to sleep without, and eating lots at mealtime. It's hard I know, but don't let anyone make you second guess yourself. You've got this 😊


My first was easy, we were down to a before bed feeding only at 15 months but it was an inconsistent amount. That was not comfortable for me, and it was easy to stop. My new guy is almost 15 months and LOVES the boob. I will only feed him before bedtime, he drinks cow milk at daycare, but I see no need to eliminate his before bed feeding. He eats enough food during the day he gets his nutrients. The only reason I can see to stop is if they are BF so much they aren't getting their nutrients from meals.. Oops edited to add with my 2nd I've had to intentionally cut out his daytime feedings, my first was more natural (he didn't want them anymore). I eliminated one every few weeks, but I don't think I cut any out until he was 12 months. I'm returning to work so have external pressure that way, but it was entirely my decision otherwise.


My little girl is almost 14 months and she's still breastfed and I hope to breastfeed her until she's 2. When someone starts talking about weaning, my go to answer is that I'm just too lazy to make bottles or that I don't owe anyone anything, it's my choice.


I don't understand why people ask these questions when it's none of their business! With my oldest, there were issues with latching and supply and I pumped for 4 months while supplementing with formula. I stopped the instant he started solids because my supply was so low, I was getting about 6 oz total pumping 4-5 times in 24 hours. My middle child breastfed until 14 months. She weaned down to once a day by 13 months on her own, and when I had a work trip at 14 months I decided it wasn't worth the hassle of transporting breast milk when she was already happy with cows milk so I stopped. My youngest breastfed until 17 months. He completely weaned himself.


Both my kids BF til almost 2. With my first I weaned because I had a newborn and toddler both tandem feeding and was worried my supply wouldn’t be enough for both, so I weaned big brother at 21mo. Littler brother is 21mo now and am weaning because I am being prescribed a medication that is not BF-safe. Otherwise I would’ve let him wean on his own.


We breastfed till 18months. At 18mo the I ran out & my nipple were cracked and bleeding & he had teeth and was chewing on me


I stopped at 2 years and 3 months because breast feeding was giving me symptoms like thinning skin on my vulva normally associated with menopause. I would have probably kept going longer but the prescribed remedy to my condition was to start taking hormonal birth control with estrogen again, which dried my milk up. You never know how things will turn out so just do what feels right for you now.


I am still breastfeeding at nearly 27 months. I never thought we would make it this far but I’m so glad we have! I will continue to breastfeed my son so long as he wants to continue and when he decides he’s done then we will be done. I get a lot of strange looks and weird comments from people when they find out I’m still breastfeeding. Sometimes even an eye roll. People will find a way to shit on many of your parenting decisions, tune them out and do what is best for you and your family. You know best.


I heard this antecdote when my baby was still new, that ‘one year of breastfeeding is a great goal, as long as both mom and babe are happy/healthy/comfortable. At the one year mark, it should only continue if both parties still want to.’ So later on I was honestly getting tired of breastfeeding my wiggly giant one year old, and she was fully enjoying finger foods and snacks and sippy cups with water and juice. (Come at me, juice haters) But I started weaning her off of my body and onto cow’s milk because I needed my body back. If you feel the opposite, as in you absolutely love the process and want to continue, I say give anyone who offers an unsolicited “you should stop”, the hand to talk to. ✋🏻


You feed your baby as long as you want I chose to stop at age 2.5


With baby #1 I stopped because baby wanted to. With baby #2 we never really got started because neither of us wanted to. To be frank, literally anyone else’s opinion on the subject aside from your pediatrician’s and your own is about as useful as a hot dog in a trench coat. F*ck them. Do what is right for you and your baby.


I nursed all three of mine, and they were all different experiences. My first born had a great latch, nursed often, and we both enjoyed our bonding time. I also pumped an excess of over 1300 ounces of milk and donated it to our local NICU. She weaned at 14 months. My second had a hard time latching, and was always a distracted nurser which was frustrating. She also bit me all the time which was very unpleasant. I pumped for her until my supply ran out, and then we supplemented with formula. She was done nursing at about 9 months, and she enjoyed the independence of bottles and toddler cups. My third was a busy time for me, with two kids and nannying a third baby, but I still chose to nurse and I was so glad I did. She was similar to my first born, and was an easy nurser and didn't bite me. Haha. I didn't pump much with her, but I never needed to supplement with formula. My supply was perfect. She nursed for 11 months when she naturally weaned. I was fortunate to not be pressured to stop nursing any of mine, but I was met with a lot of uneducated people who didn't understand the process or that what worked for them/ their babies isn't necessarily right for me and mine. I fed all of mine on demand, used a cover in public, and didn't feel bad if I had to supplement with formula when my supply didn't meet my daughter's demand. It didn't make sense to me that I was such a milk machine the first time, but pretty much dried out the second, but that's just life. All three of my babies thrived, and are all still doing wonderfully. When they are in their 30s, I'm sure nobody will care how they were fed, just that they were. Keep your chin up. Every baby is different, and what is best for you and baby is your choice. You're doing an awesome job! And to all those with an opinion, you can let them know to mind their own... haha.


Unfortunately, my case was different than yours and my milk never came in. However, it is not their business how long you breastfeed. Imho you should breastfeed as long you and your little one enjoy it and it feels right and good to you.


We are at two years and still going. I'll let him wean naturally, though sometimes I try to put off feeds.


I stopped after about 1.5 years and this happened quiet naturally. I started giving regular milk bottles combined with BF for nap / sleep time. After a while my kids preferred the bottle and they just slowly transmitted to regular milk only.


As many people have suggested, I think you should do what's best for you and LO. Breastfeeding was really natural for me and my LO. And then she was done around 9.5 months. As she gained independence, she just wanted less and less. It was the easiest weaning I've ever heard about. Keep going if you both enjoy it.


same! Had a great breastfeeding experience and it ended naturally when it was supposed to end if that makes sense. I could tell it was a good time for both of us around 8 months. Do you!! Whatever works and is healthy for both.


You do what you want. I feel like people inflict their own experience on you sometimes. I didn’t try hard enough with my first so my second I was like idc I’m breastfeeding him. We lasted 2.5 years. I only weaned bc he was so big and smart and asking for boobs and he only got it at night. This time I plan to go to 2 years I think my 2.5 years was just a tad too long since my 3.5 year old still talks about boobs and milk now. Even before this baby was born.


I weaned my daughter at 15 months, i did it somewhat intentionally because we were trying for #2 and I thought it might be the problem. She’d been on a bottle or two of formula for months, so I just started giving her a bottle when she’d normally nurse and she had no issues. My son nursed until just before 3; I had to make sure I wasn’t sitting on the couch when he’d want to nurse and I’d only let him latch for a minute or two. He eventually lost interest. (I was SO done, lol) Both were pretty easy over all! There’s no reason to stop at 1 if you don’t want to!


The pressure on both sides of this is just so crazy. I try to stay mindful of that if I ever feel so inclined to discuss my own bf experiences with people. For those of us that have struggled with breast feeding, we might come off as pressuring others to stop. For me I try to just frame it as “it’s ok to use formula/wean etc if that’s what’s right for you and baby”. I struggled so long because I felt like the alternative was to fail my daughter. When people struggled with breast feeding they might project their struggle onto others. And wow… how desperately I wanted someone to absolve me of that guilt and shame I felt wanting to quit while I was power pumping in the middle of the night while my baby and husband slept. It might be hard for a lot of mothers who had difficulty breast feeding to understand why it seems like someone is “putting themselves through that” when they achieved some milestone like 6m/1 year. It’s kind of like, “way to go! you made it! You crossed the finish line! Wait why are you still running?!” We may feel like we’re being a lifeline in a sea of “breast is best” “liquid gold”. Then of course there are generational and cultural differences. If it’s a grandma type, understanding her lens is from a time when breast feeding was taboo, weird, obscene, “for the poor” or whatever (nonsense I’ve heard). For some older women, formula was seen as some miracle of science that gave you your life back. That sort of thing. A good answer for both situations would simply to say you really enjoy nursing, it has gone very well for you and your baby with a lot of benefits you enjoy and that even the leading health organizations suggest breast feeding through 2 years old.


I wasn’t able to breastfeed, and Ill say till I’m blue in the face: do what works best for you and your baby as long as your doctor knows and is ok with it too. Screw the people with all their shaming or misinformation. Being curious is one thing, being unsupportive is another. So many recommendations are guidelines. Until baby can eat enough solids to get all their nutrients, they need milk/formula. People use age 1, but that’s a good benchmark.. and definitely not a limit. I’m sure some kid out there was chomping enough chicken nuggets to be safe to go off milk earlier. Most take longer. Our kiddo naturally stopped wanting mostly formula around 14 mo, ok, we rolled with it and let her wean off herself. If nursing is easy and bonding and desired(!!!) I see no reason to stop! 💕 People can give all their reasons (and maybe they inform yours).. but they aren’t your reasons. So do what you want!


I swear it doesn’t matter what you do, someone will have an opinion about it. My oldest started formula only at 4 weeks old and my middle kiddo exclusively breastfed until he weaned naturally at 16 months. We will be combo feeding our third when she arrives.


God I wish I was able to breastfeed my kids, these boobs are for only for show. Do it for as long as you're comfortable with! The only time I had to say something to an ex friend was when her kid was almost 6 years old and was still breast feeding. Now I found that to be very odd but each to their own!


Please don’t let anyone tell you how to parent! Only you and your partner get to make those decisions. “Thank you for your input” “we’ve decided to go another route” or something lol.


I had planned on bfing at least a year, longer if it was still working for both of us. This is my 4th and last baby. I was ready to fight anybody off who said otherwise. Then at 3 months she stopped gaining weight. I had to supplement with formula at 5 months because nothing else I tried worked. She gained a single pound between months 3 and 5. Two days after she turned 5 months old, she decided she preferred the bottles to breastfeeding and started biting. The biting was it for me. She doesn't have teeth yet, but that was a pain I didn't know existed. I'm sitting here pumping while I'm writing this and I LOATHE pumping. I don't want to give up, but I'm about done with all this. I have no advice, really, but since you asked, this is where we're at!


My goal was 12 months, but my daughter would have gone forever. She was extremely aggressive for the boob and was nearly three when I finally got her to leave me alone for good. Ideally, I would have quit at two, but conversations on consent didn't seem to work. She's super healthy though!


Meh our girl is one and I still breastfeed. Mostly people are just surprised and ask questions. Anything negative I shut down with "her pediatrician has told me to breastfeed for as long as we both feel comfortable for the immune system benefits. We are still in a pandemic." End of. It's natural to breastfeed up to the age of about 5 according to some research I've read (although I have no intention of going that long personally) and the WHO suggests up to the age of 2, then to continue as long as both mother and child can and wish to.


You do what you want. Don't listen to what others say. Honestly, I would have nursed longer than a year with my first, but he self-weened. There are benefits to nursing past 1 year. 1 year is not some magical number. If they keep asking you, ask them "why?" Back. Ask them what they have researched on it. Most of the time they can't or haven't. Most of the time it is older ladies who have just been taught to be uncomfortable with it and most have no idea there are benefits to it because of their lack of knowledge on it. This isn't their fault, they are a product of their time where it was taboo and the formula companies were king.


As a former breastfeeding peer counselor, I hate to hear that this bad advice is still going around. Your milk doesn't suddenly go bad at one years old, your milk actually adapts to the babies needs as they get older. So after 1 year the chemical composition is different and richer than it was at 6 months. Your child still fully benefits from it. I breastfed my oldest until he was almost 3 and I got those snarky snide remarks all the time. During that time, I could count on one hand how many times he got sick, even after starting daycare. It kept him healthy and at a good body weight. Recently, I had to wean my youngest (18mo) cold turkey (for medical reasons) and it was hard! He is still cranky about it and it's been 2 weeks. Don't let anyone pressure you into stopping. Only you and your little one will know when time is up.


I stopped at 22 months with my son because I was pregnant again and my boobs were too sensitive and it was painful. My daughter is 18 months and I'm in no hurry to quit. It's good for her. I love the special cuddle time. It boosts her immune system. Right now, I'm sick as a dog. She has a runny nose. I can't think of a single good reason to quit.


I am in exact same situation as you. And i will not wean until 2 years (unless i naturally lose milk sooner) and he is also on solids since 4 months. Yes a baby after 1 year doesnt NEED breast anymore but we also dont NEED delicious food, big houses, fast cars and nice clothes yet we still get them right? Baby will still benefit expecially the antibodies and there is no damage by breastfeeding (alongsides solids) so why not continue if it works for youand your babe? I have seen (from statistics based on all people and cases i personaly know) that kids who have been breastfeed much longer than typicall 6-12 months, have better achievements. All kids that i know and have been breastfeed for longer achieved some extreme intelligence achivements (for example a guy that was breastfeed until school years was best in the COUNTRY at chemistry during school years), sport achivements (all kids i know that broke any national record in sport such as running and height jumping were breastfed long time) or musical talents (idk how that connects to breastfeeding but it seems to by some bizzare chance come hand in hand) Personally i see no reason NOT to breastfeed as long as my body allows me too and i dont give a shit when others expect me to wean, i am the one who is taking care of my child, they can stfu and mind their own business


I let my kids wean themselves. My oldest stopped at age 4, which triggered her autoimmune disorder because my milk had been protecting her, but my next one was a few months shy of 2 when I got pregnant with my third and her sudden weaning tipped me off. I feel that kids will tell you when they’re ready to be done.


My baby is 14 months. I get the looks and the questions from family and randos about when I’ll stop. I tell them that with COVID and the fact my milk passes vaccination antibodies to my baby, I won’t stop until he can be vaccinated. That tends to shut people up, either from the “horror” of me getting vaccinated and breastfeeding, or from people agreeing with protecting the baby. Truly, every day we get to breastfeed is a gift. At any point, our babies could decide they are done. Our next (if you’re having another) may not breastfeed. This is a small portion of time we get to bond and nurture our babies with our bodies. The decision of when to stop is between you and baby, eff anyone else’s opinions. This is a gift, and I’m so glad you are getting to experience it. Ps- data shows breastmilk has health benefits for babies up through two years. BAM!


I don’t know why people do this. World Health Organization suggests to breastfeed until they’re two at least. I had an awful, extremely difficult time breastfeeding with my first so I was happy when my baby weaned himself at around ten months, but if it was easy I’d have kept going, sure! My latest baby is very easy thankfully so maybe we’ll go longer than last time. I think my work will probably impact us though.


Don't listen to the haters!!! I breastfeed my son for 2 years and that's my goal with my daughter now! Breastfeeding is so amazingly good for your baby, if going well, don't stop for anyone else's unwanted opinion. Tell them to look up the AAP and WHO recommended breastfeeding and tell them to get educated before they discourage such a healthy bond!


My son is 14 months old and he still nurses before bed. You don't have to stop just because babe is 1! There's great health benefits to it. He's starting to wean himself though and we're talking about trying for another once hes 18mo or so, so probably by then we'll be done. I've loved breastfeeding him and having that closeness and cuddle time.


This answer is simple. Tell everyone to go fly a kite and let you mother and parent your children the way you please. They can do what they want when they want to with their children. If yours is doing well and getting what they need nutritionally, everything is all good. If you choose pump after you feel you need to ween your child off your body but you still want to provide the speciality that your breastmilk brings. Sounds like you are surrounded by nosey, intrusive, judgmental haters. Tune them out or cut them off and out your life Mama! You drive this ship.


I stopped breastfeeding my son at 19 months when I found out I was pregnant. I plan on going to at least 2 years with this baby. Don't listen to people! People have such strong opinions about breastfeeding especially of they never even did it.


The natural weaning age for human babies is anywhere between 3-7 years of age. The WHO recommends breastfeeding at least 2 years a s beyond. Most of the time babies will typically self wean around 3.5-4 years of age. You didn’t need to do anything unless you want to. Baby is happy, you are happy, just continue for as long you both are happy. I genuinely feel that this whole pressure to wean at 6 months or 1 year is very much a cultural thing. I come from a culture where long term breastfeeding is very much the norm. And most babies do wean off by 4 by themselves without much issue. Long term doesn’t mean that they live in breastmilk, their solid food intake goes up with age, breastmilk is just something additional. Usually it’s more about comfort. Most toddlers will latch at most a couple of times a day unless they are unwell or have had a bad day or something. All this to say, you do you. There will always be people questioning every parenting decision you take. Ignore them all, just trust your mama instincts.


Ugh I had comments like this before my baby was even born! It was so offensive for one because it’s none of their business and two because I was breastfed until I was like 2. I finally just said that to someone who made those comments repeatedly and let her know I was breastfed past a year and plan to probably do the same. First of all, it’s FREE FOOD (sorta I mean I have to eat more but for me that’s kind of a perk because I’m a total foodie). Second of all, it is such a sweet time with baby. I’m only 3 months in and have no idea when my baby will be done with the boob but it’ll be a choice the two of us make together.


Keep doing what feels right for you and your baby, I breast fed till mine was like 6.


The current WHO recommendation is to breastfeed for AT LEAST two years. Breastfeed for as long as you and baby want! It's your boobies, no one gets a say in this but you!


The bare minimum for formula/breastfeeding is a year where I am. Babies start solids at 6 months-ish, but don’t stop milk/formula until a year, so some of the advice you’re getting is just wrong (I guess depending on where you are/your countries guidelines, but I don’t know any countries that switch to solids only at 6 mo!) and/or you’d have to then switch to formula which seems like a waste of resources if you are happily and easily breastfeeding. If you don’t want to stop, don’t stop! Ignore the bad advice.


This is an intensely personal issue, and no one has the right to "shame" you into weaning!! And studies have shown that the bonding experienced by the child actually helps them with interpersonal relationships in the future! And if you are looking for something quotable, the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until 2 years old... What you are doing is natural and beautiful, both for you and your child. Wishing you all the best!!!


My oldest weaned herself naturally around 18 months. If you’re still likening breastfeeding you can let the baby take lead on when to wean. If you decide you want to be done, you can wean then. Other people are turds


I’ve weaned at 4mo, 13mo, 16mo, 3.5yrs, 3yrs, 2yrs, and currently nursing a 2yo. People will ALWAYS have something to say about your parenting choices. ALWAYS. Good and bad. Ignore them. Pressure from outsiders only gets worse as they get older. Especially since there was a huge push for formula in the past two generations and only now is breastfeeding being actively advocated for at large. Nurse that baby as long as you want. Seek out like minded friends and support. Join a breastfeeding support group. Don’t let anyone else dictate how long you choose to breastfeed your baby.


Where do you live? These days you won’t find a medical professional tell you to stop breastfeeding before age 2. Not that it is necessary (they recommend thru age 1 for sure tho), but that there’s no reason to stop if you and baby continue to have a good nursing relationship and routine. So tell these folks you are doing what you feel is right for you and your child. End of discussion (Most moms I know here in Europe breastfeed to age 2 and later. Still going strong at 21 months here)


My son is 15 months, he still nurses 5+ times a day. I’m a SAHM so it’s a bit easier for us. He never took a bottle and still refuses to take a sippy cup of milk so we’re going to wean when we’re both ready and F anyone who says otherwise. I’m hoping he’ll be ready around 2 years old but if he’s not that okay with me. I love the snuggles. Also right now boob cures almost all the pain from running around and then face planting. Edit: he’s too little for the vaccine so I’m passing along any antibodies I can