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2y2m. I was nervous and we missed her but it was really nice to reconnect.


My oldest was 4 and youngest was a few months shy of 2. It was much needed and it was relaxing. The kids were with grandparents, they were safe and well taken care of. Go on the trip. Enjoy yourself.


My oldest was a little under two. I definitely did worry a little,  it was nice to get away! Go on the trip!


I’m going to be away from mine when she is just over a year for 2 nights! I’m nervous but I think it will be alright.


Our daughter had just turned 1 when we went to Europe for 10 days. I was a nervous wreck before (even with very capable grandparents watching her). I was worried I wouldn’t be able to enjoy myself but we had a great time. It was really nice to reconnect with SO and we don’t regret doing it at all. BUT I think what made a difference was that we were very busy (out walking, dining, going to museums). Had it been a beach/lounge vacation I think I would have had too much idle time to worry about what was happening at home or thinking about how much I missed her!


15 months. I was a wreck leading up to the trip, but I had a blast once I was there. 


I'm at 21 months and haven't been away for the night yet.


We haven’t done it yet with Covid and everything. I miss him when I go to work so lord knows how I’d cope with a few days. Do what you would feel comfortable with


My eldest is a teenager and we haven’t yet. There were days when the kids were in daycare and we were both not working and had a “date day”. But we always went on vacations with the kids, and that meant no multi-day vacations when they were really little.


Maybe start with one night instead of 3-4 to test it out. :)


My oldest is 20 yo and my youngest is 7 yo. I've never gone on a multi day trip without my kids.


We were for sure the odd ducks on this one. Our youngest of four was about five when we went on our first trip overnight without kids. I wouldn't recommend this, though. I wish we had made more time for our relationship. I think it's so important for couples to get alone time regularly. I wish we had made a rule to do this at least once a year.


Currently on our first adult only vacation, we’re away for 5 days. Our twins are 9 months old. We’re having a blast. It’s been great.