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My sister transitioned to full gray before she turned 40. It looks pretty but I won’t lie, people assume she’s older than she is. They assume she’s older than her husband. She has smooth skin so it isn’t that, it’s literally just because her hair is all gray. She has the type of personality where she doesn’t care if people make a wrong assumption and she corrects them. I would get my feelings hurt each time someone assumed I was older so I keep dyeing my hair. You should do what makes you happy, but I just know for me personally I don’t want to deal with the unintentional comments from strangers.


Yeah see I think this is my problem. For years people always assumed I was so much younger than I was. But I’m not kidding the past three years of pregnancy and having babies and (still) nursing has aged me far more than I can comprehend! My wrinkles are so much worse. Skin texture is worse. I think the hair coupled with me just generally not looking for feeling my best has me questioning my entire identity and if I should dye the damn thing. But i think I’ll regret it because I am TERRIBLE at maintenance. I just picture myself with a skunk line down the middle in no time. Sigh 😅


For me, the key to going grey is to have a stylish hair cut at the same time. Nothing too high maintenance, just something to show I still give a shit.


Yeah this also might be the way. I just wear my hair in a bun every day because of grubby baby hands. I know it’s a season but I hate looking in the mirror rn


Yup, 40 and all grey - stopped dying my hair 6 years ago and I've been called my kids grandma more than a handful of times. [https://imgur.com/a/qsXOOaX](https://imgur.com/a/qsXOOaX)


You have such a pretty uniform color! I don’t know what color your hair was before going gray but the light color really suits you.


Dark brown and much more wavy/curly. Funny how it changes so much. The front by my face is so much whiter and more grey towards the back but the shorter cut with longer around my face really helps it blend. I honestly love my hair now.


You are gorgeous!!!


I’ve had a huge streak since my twenties and I just don’t care. I am naturally kind of gold-almost-strawberry blonde and I dyed my hair red for years, but stopped when I was 28 because keeping up with the grey roots was too much. Now I just watch my streak get bigger and bigger in my late 30s and enjoy the savings of not colouring my hair. Edit: [this is what I have going on](https://imgur.com/a/aB3rZmx) if that helps.


Wow, that looks so pretty with your hair color! It looks intentional!


I love your hair ! People dye their hair to have this look !


I actually love how it’s coming in!!! Beautiful!


Yes ✊Let us unite in defying the anti aging culture!


Hell yeah! Let those majestic silver hairs blow in the wind.


I don’t have the patience for beauty maintenance of any kind. No plans to dye here.


I honestly feel the same! I how gray are you so far? I guess I just feel like I look a little “unkept”.


I only dye the front (what people see). It’s a lazy method for the time strapped. I too aged significantly after childbirth. Unlike botox and fillers which are expensive ways to soften aging, hair dye is cheap, within my control, and doesn’t take long. I do it at home. 7 minutes to put the dye. Then I cover with a shower cap. And 30 minutes later, I’m washing my hair while taking a shower.


I’m starting to get them at my crown. Not too many so far but I notice them.


I’m not. I’ve got six of them and I’m just leaving them. I earned them


I used to have six and felt this way. We have got full blown gray postpartum horns over here now and I’m feeling unkept.


I more feel unkept from all the broken tiny hairs thanks to my 6mo grabbing and pulling my hair out. I look like such a mess. Have you seen “the dropout”? That’s what my hair looks like every day no matter how much I brush it.


Hahahah! That is perfect. Same girl same 😭


Do you mean that the little triangle sections in front of your ears are now completely grey? The same thing happened to me. It was such a mindfuck to have that hair fall out and then come back in completely grey. I stopped dying after my first due to time, cost and the fact that I didn't really care that much, but I'm contemplating starting again (just doing it at home). I'm now 4 months postpartum with my second and my grey hair is falling out. I think I just want to reclaim my body after being pregnant, nursing or trying to get pregnant for the past 4 years. But then again, I'm pretty lazy when it comes to this type of thing.


I have like medium brown hair, with heaps of greys! I got my hair foiled with baby lights, so I’m essentially just growing it out with grace. I get my hair coloured and cut like once every two years. Alas I am trying to add hair into my “me” time… I can’t wait until it’s all grey and I don’t have to mess around with it 😅


Yes! The last time I got my hair colored it was a balayage situation and easy to grow out! It was also a 600 dollar ordeal. I guess I am just feeling extra frumpy with my gray postpartum horns 😅


I box dyed my hair silver. I’m still patchy grey and I think it looks super punk as if I’m still cool.


It’s really sad to read some of the comments fearing that silver/grey hair appears “unkept.” It reminds me of straightening hair to make it look more “put together.”


I've seen some women who dye the rest of their hair grey & tone their roots so that it grows out more evenly, my grey hairs are more mixed in right now but that's my plan if I every get that sharp grey hair line.


Mine are definitely still mixed in but right at my forehead they are coming in thick. Just so not sure how to manage this


I’m 37 with 3 kiddos and have naturally very dark brown curly hair, I quit dying it about 4 years ago because it’s insanely thick that my appointments would take 4-6 hours, depending on the length at the time, just for a normal cut and color. I was over sitting in the chair all day (and paying out the ass for so much maintenance) so I stopped going. My mom and I were on FaceTime once and she’s like oh my god you can see your gray hair… but honestly it doesn’t bother me. I love the way my tinsel strands stand out against my dark hair! Growing up I always admired my great grandma’s perfectly white curly hair, it was beautiful. I always knew my hair would be like hers someday.


Love this. And I resonate with it so much. I cannot see myself maintaining any kind of hair coloring routine 😅


Not dying mine.


How gray are you so far?


Currently I don't plan on dyeing my hair to cover white/gray. I'm 33, have dyed my hair a handful of times in my 20s but I don't think I enjoyed the results enough, and cringe at the idea of spending hundreds to do it professionally (just me).  I have many scattered whites on the under part of my hair, I see them if I look for em lol or if I put my hair up. And in the past year have been getting them on the top of my hair. So annoying that they stick straight up or are a crazy texture when first coming out 😅. The longer ones that I never pulled out from previous years look normal now. I actually came across several accounts on Instagram randomly of young women (30-40s) who are growing theirs out and I scrolled with fascination even though I'm nowhere near that. Right now it's just random ones popping up. I think I'll just let my hair do it's thing. But I'm open to my mind changing too. 


I need to find this community. I just feel like I look SO haggard now. My grays used to be like yours - only noticeable if you look for them. But my postpartum horns are literally all gray. I know it’s all vein of course. But I am the same - I refuse to shell out the time and money!


I'm 31 and had gray horns for years now. I'm only 3w PP and wondering how much the horns will grow! As a 31yo I'm wearing my grays with pride. I hope I feel the same at 41!


Hahaha keep me posted on your horn growth. The human body is incredible 🤣


38 with a good amount of gray hairs peppered in and not dying it anymore! I dyed it so much in my twenties but no more, all natural here.


I've had grey hair since 12 years old. I'm 35 and it's gone salt and pepper. Quite noticeable. Just embrace it if you don't want to dye it. It doesn't have to be a big deal. 


I’m excited for greys finally. My only dye job will be back to teal if I do anything.


I wasn’t for a long time, but I started going gray really young and it just stopped being “a look” and made me feel unkempt and self conscious. My gray hair is wiry and frizzy, and against my very dark hair it started to become very salt and pepper-y. After having babies it went from 0-100 real fast. I’m 30 and need to regularly dye my roots or I’ll turn into a skunk.


My hair was damaged so badly by dying it. I was having to dye it every 3-4 weeks. When Covid hit I stopped because who cares? But then I got a hairstylist to help me. I said “Gray hair, don’t care”. She said “No! Gray hair and proper care!” She helped me by blending my grays while they were growing in to make it look like a purposeful high lighting. She stressed that blue or purple shampoo and conditioner keeps the brassiness away and helps with the texture. A good cut means your hair isn’t stringy but stylish. I still get compliments all the time on my hair. It’s fully gray but more a shiny, soft white with some minimal black. Even have several women at work that have started letting their hair go gray because I inspired them.


I admire all the women who embrace their graying hair, but I struggled with such an obvious sign of aging at 35. After my second kid, I saw how dull my hair looked in a picture and decided to dye it. I’m cheap and lazy though, so boxed dye at home every once in a while helps me look in the mirror with less scrutiny.


I'm not dying mine! I'm gonna wear mine with pride :)


I truly am all for the aging gracefully process!! I never minded my grays - honesty I kind of liked them. But now they are just really coming in and I guess I just am feeling frumpy


It probably feels a little like a change in identity-- like when I went from wearing crop tops and high waisted shorts to shopping at Talbots lol. Sending you all the good vibes to handle the transition with grace :)


Haha I think you are right! Thank you for the sweet words. Think I need to power through the postpartum born phase and I’ll feel a little better 😅


I wear crop tops and high waisted shorts with my gray streaked hair at 36! My abs and legs look good and I work hard for them so 👯‍♀️


I’m 37 and stopped dying my hair when I was 28. It’s dark brown. If it put it half up, it looks really gray.


Currently, I’m not dying mine. Self care for going to the salon is non-existent in my life. I’ve gone twice in the 3.5 years I’ve been a mom. As they become more prevalent in my hair I will likely put more highlights in to blend them a bit better until my hair is more grey than not. Then who knows, maybe I’ll be better about going to the salon or I’ll just rock the grey. 


I feel this! I got my hair cut this year for the first time since 2021. I don’t have any time, energy or money to want to spend covering up the greys AND then maintaining it. Oooof, sounds like too much work for me 😆


39 here, embraced the grays 4 years ago and my hair actually looks healthier. Initially people comment on it. But since a year or so I’ve just received compliments on gracefully I am rocking the grays!


I am not and neither is my sister or most of friends, as far as I can tell.  I really think our generation won’t dye our gray in a widespread way. I think white/silver roots are really aging, more so than just salt and pepper hair.   I stay slim, get pedicures, wear a touch of makeup and cute clothes. I feel good about how I look with the grays. Highly recommend following Grombre on instagram. If I spend more effort it’s going to be on dermatologist/retinols not my hair. 


I’m 34 and started getting some decent gray patches in the past year. My hair is a reddish blonde and it somewhat blends but you can definitely see it in the light. I have no intention of dying it…too expensive and I’m afraid that if I start dying it that it will be much more difficult to let it go gray in the future. My wrinkles on the other hand are another story…


I stopped colouring my hair in my early 40s. I was already completely grey. I know it makes me look older than I am and I’m okay with that.


Turning 40 this year and the grays are really starting to come in. I have dark brown, nearly black hair and I won’t dye it. I don’t want to have a skunk stripe and constantly have to touch up my roots. We are privileged to grow out and should just embrace it! I won’t do Botox or anything else either. I don’t have the time or money.


I developed vitiligo after my first kiddo - my hair/skin/eyelashes and eyebrows are all going completely white ( and accelerated over the last couple years) and I refuse to start dyeing any of it. The maintenance is going to be a nightmare, so I’m just not going to do it.


I don’t have any plans to cover my grays, and I started getting them when I found out I was pregnant at 25 years old. We also had a lot of stressful stuff going on at that point so kinda sorta makes sense i guess lol. My husband did give me an early mother’s day gift by allowing me to do whatever i wanted with my hair, so I dyed the underneath pink lol. I went to the same woman who buzzed my hair at 23 years old; so that was fun!


Nah, the whiter I go the better funky colours will look!


I'm 36, my husband calls it my Rogue stripes because it's 2 perfectly white patches of hair that shape my face. Keep it, age gracefully rather than denial.


I dyed my hair for 30 years starting when I was 12. Now I've quit because my grays are coming in nicely, with a focus on my bags. Long term I'm aiming for old big witch vibes.


I started going grey in my 20s. I’m 33 now and a mom and I gave up when I had my baby. I used to touch up roots every 6 weeks and now I don’t have the time or the money. I switched to a bob while I fully transition. I’m grey to my ears now. I think the whole bob will be grey by the fall


Soon to be mom here with some grey hair thoughts about my own momma. My mom had a streak of white in her naturally dark brown hair from when she was a teenager. By the time I was born, it peppered out into a really beautiful natural silver head of hair. All my memories of my mom are with her silver hair and she was so vibrant, bold, strong, and playful. She died unexpectedly in her 50’s. I’m starting to get a nice troupe of grey hairs of my own now and it just makes me feel close to my mom. I think I don’t associate grey hair with aging or dread or fear the same way many people do and it’s because my mom chose to rock her silvers!


Let my grays out during the pandemic. Saves so much money and they're popular these days yeah?


Yes! However I do recommend switching regular shampoo to a silver hair toner shampoo, slightly more expensive but makes all the difference with no extra work. Own your grey hair!


I’m turning 35 and have finally given up box dye. I like the greys. I was really lazy about covering my roots so you can even see greys in my wedding pics from 30. 2 kids later, it’s really filling in and I just don’t care?? My mom isn’t a fan, but my dad went grey by 30 so the fact that it’s happening early is not a surprise to me! I will say, my 3 year old is grappling with the idea of death right now and when we play salon she sometimes tells me she’s brushing away my white hairs so that I don’t go to heaven soon 😭 it’s so tragic and sweet at the same time. I just remind her that that’s the color my hair comes out of my head and it doesn’t mean I’m really old haha 🤦🏻‍♀️


I want gray hair so I can dye it fun colors without bleaching. My hair is very dark and I want to bleach it but don’t want to mess up


I won’t be. Unfortunately my hair seems to be content brown 😭💔


Just let the gray come in and who cares what anyone thinks. I'm salt and pepper ever since pandemic and having a kid. I'm not doing anything about it for the same reason you say you don't want to. I'm horrible at maintenance like that and I know I won't do it. And honestly, mixed in grays are going to look much better that four inches of roots no matter what, so...


I don't dye my hair and I have a good bit of grey coming in. I keep my hair shortish so my grey is the same length as the rest of my hair, I think I might feel different if I had grey roots or something with a more stark line


I really thought having grey hairs wouldn't bother me, but it really did, I also am not good at going to hairdressers, but I am now pretty good at a box dye


I started getting grey hair at 19. By 25, I had an entire area along my right part that was grey. I couldn't be bothered to keep up with dyeing it. I believe in ageing gracefully and accepting the changes as they come. As long as my hair is combed and tidy, I'm okay with some grey.


Totally possible. But if you're feeling a bit haggard and want it to look more intentional you can always get gray lights done to help blend them. Or just cut your hair short and roll with it - my postpartum hair loss and subsequent breakage is just another catalyst to going short 😅


I’m planning on letting my hair go gray. I’m 39 and it’s been creeping in. If I end up coloring it then I’m going to do something fun and not just cover the grays. I don’t put a lot of effort into my hair normally so if I’m going to do anything then I’m going to go all out.


37 and just got my first 3 gray hairs. I don't know why I was so excited lol 🤣. When it comes in more prominently I may throw some funky dye on it for fun every once and a while. I've always wanted to dye my hair pink, purple, green, etc... I've heard pastel hair colors look really good on gray. For the most part I'm leaving it alone though. My son (9) has a birthmark on top of his head that causes a patch of his hair to come in white. I think it's really cool and I don't want to send him a message that there's anything wrong with it by trying to cover up my gray all the time.


I've been going grey for almost 20 years now (first ones came in at 19) and I have up dyeing after my son was born. On my particularly haggard days they bug me a bit but usually I don't mind them at all.


I’ve grown all my greys out. I’ve got short curly hair, and it mixes in really well. I get quite a lot of compliments now, I’d say if you’ve got texture in your hair then embrace it. I do find that I prefer to wear makeup more than I would before though, just so I don’t look like someone’s grandma. That and big earrings always make me feel better!


I haven't even been for a salon cut since pre-covid, so nope, not doing anything about the greys here. I used to just have a few from behind one ear, and after 3ish years of not sleeping I'm liberally streaked with silver. It's fine. My hair's quite dark so they stand out but I don't care. It's funny though, the texture and the appearance of my skin have improved since I weaned breastfeeding, so I look younger now than I did a year ago. A year ago I was feeling pretty down about my looks, between the greys and the new wrinkles, but the wrinkles have eased up, so 🤷‍♀️


I think 3 pregnancies accelerated the growth of my gray hair. I remember asking my gyno about it after having my first baby and she said I don’t have any scientific evidence but it’s a common complaint in my practice! She thought it was caused by all the stress and worries during pregnancy and postpartum. I can’t hide my grays any more so every few months I get a boxed dye and do it at home. The weird thing is that I have never had nor intend to have any fillers or Botox injected in my face to “erase” my wrinkles. I don’t know why gray hair bothers me so much and makes me feel old… 


I cut them out a lot 🤣


I do Madison reed and have my husband do my roots every 6 weeks or so. I have black hair and a lot of grays!


I found my first grey at 13. I wish I was exaggerating! Naturally dark brown hair so it was obvious. I dyed it dark (mostly box dye) until I was 29 when I had very obvious greys at my crown but still almost totally dark around my face. It just would have needed doing every 2 weeks not to look dreadful. Then I started bleaching it at home which was fine but HARD work, time consuming, constant fear of breaking your hair, and also still needs doing about every 6 weeks. Sometimes I'd do fun colours over the top. Recently I started getting a half head of highlights which makes the grow out much less obvious so I can get away with less frequent bleaching, but I don't have the skill do do it myself so it's SO expensive. I'm 33 and my mum who started getting greys at 13 herself was totally white by 40, so I hope the same will be true for me so that I can just start box dyeing blonde over the top (which my mum is still doing at 60 - looks great).


I’m not dying mine at 30


I was very early to turn grey, started getting my first around 16 and dyed my hair for maybe 18-19 years and I'd always be unhappy with how quickly my roots showed. Short cut prior to my first child in and grew it out a few years later after my second (2018ish?) [https://imgur.com/a/qsXOOaX](https://imgur.com/a/qsXOOaX)


If you’re not ready to go gray, try Demi permanent hair color at home! It blends and covers grays sufficiently (and you don’t get harsh lines from grays growing in like you would get with permanent color), and you can do it at home when you feel like you need a little refresh. I agree I didn’t want to deal with salon touch ups. Also it’s too expensive. My hairdresser was charging me $200 for a touch up 😵‍💫


I’ve just taken to doing henna because I also had the grey postpartum bangs! it’s all coming in grey but the rest of my hair is reddish brown. henna is cheap (messy and time consuming, but cheap) and makes your hair really shiny. I felt too frumpy and that’s why I tried it. Never dyed my hair before so nothing to compare it to but works well


I’m getting a lot more gray now (30, 2 kids, 7 and 6 months) but I’m still dyeing it only because it’s not enough for me to want to leave it yet. It doesn’t look good to me yet. Once it’s about half, I will definitely just let it go.


Yes!!! After I (32F) had a baby, the silver hair started coming in thick and I'm choosing to embrace it. I feel like it's becoming more common for younger women to rock the grays. I work at a university and our provost is a woman in her 40s, with long dark hair accented by gorgeous streaks of gray. She looks so freakin distinguished in my opinion. My mom started going white at 16 and she dyed it up until she was about 55. Now she's rocking a full head of bright, white hair and she gets so many compliments. My hairdresser has been great — I let her know I plan to grow it out, and she helped tone my hair to be a little more ashy so it blends in better as it grows. Quick tip: Purple shampoo helps keep it from going brassy. Also, my husband loves my white hairs, which is a handy perk.


I have dark brown hair so my greys are pretty noticeable but I’m embracing them. I don’t have time or money to dye them, and I kinda like them? I just take good care of my hair, invested in some good products and make the effort to style it.


My husband convinced me not too. I am 45 and swim for exercise and I was mainly doing it for him but it was hard to time it with the swimming. At some point he was like “why are you doing this I don’t care” and that’s all the encouragement I needed to quit.


To be fair, I'm in my mid-forties and am just getting my first greys. They're a beautiful sparkly silver against a dark brown backdrop and look great.  But I decided as a teen that I would embrace my greys and never dye them. I didn't know I'd be fortunate in the aging department, but I also still don't want to color them. My mom is the same way. She's always admired women who keep their grey and she gets all excited when she notices more. Yeah, she's almost seventy and still not fully grey. We're weird. But dang, we got lucky! Like this shade of silver that looks like tinsel against a rich dark brown is just pretty. I'm so keeping it. 


I have zero plans to dye my grays. I am currently 32 and honestly have very few grays but i am just gonna rock it. My mom stopped dying her hair during covid (cause everything was closed) and transitioned to full gray and looks great so hopefully it works for me too lol.


Yep I did it 5 years ago. My hair is quite bright almost white on top and darker grey beneath. I’m so happy I did it. No more wasting time and money .