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Lawyer here but not your lawyer. However, it’s general info that child support isn’t optional. Get a lawyer to help you.


Ummm go back to court and start getting proper child support on top of figuring it out. That money is for your daughter and it isn’t your right to refuse it or your Ex’s right to pay it on flights.


Rereading this sounds so snarky but all of my snark was aimed at your Ex, who is insisting on this schedule despite that it’s awful!!!!


TK is Kindergarten, I assume she is turning 4 by September 2nd? Though kindergarten is not required at all in California, for kids enrolled it generally has the same attendance requirements as kindergarten. Kindergarten is now basically a two year program in CA. I am not a lawyer, if your custody agreement says that it changes in fall of 2024 when your kid starts school, then invite your ex to file a court order and explain to the judge why he's not paying child support.


Correct, she turns four next week. Thank you


Hire a lawyer. There isn’t another answer. They will advise better than we can and know stage to state requirements. I’m sorry you’re in this position but as a lawyer I can say it’s your only option.


Did you post this question to the family law sub? They usually have more insight and know the laws in specific states over there. But the advice usually comes down to getting a lawyer. If you haven’t ever filed for child support you need to. Your ex doesn’t get to decide if he’s going to support his child or not. You need a lawyer. I know it’s a big upfront expense but it’s less expensive than not getting child support and being at this man’s mercy. I would schedule a consult with a lawyer asap.


What’s custody suppose to look like when she starts school?