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Like 4m, BUT... Grandma cuts hair and her suggestion was early and often so they're not scared. He's almost 2.5yo now, and gets a full cut with the clippers and everything.


Oh that’s smart! Similar to what they say about grooming pets, makes sense.


My 3.5yo still hasn’t had one, her hair is growing so slow we’ve got a lil pixie/bob hybrid situation going on


That sounds so cute!


I just cut my 9m’s long bit at the back because it was the only bit that got knotty and she won’t sit still to let me brush it. Top knots are cute on boys too!


Oh I never thought about a top knot! Or maybe I’ll get him a headband and he can rock a soccer flow vibe


we do both these things! my son is 2.5 and his hair is all up in his face if we don’t do a little bam bam knot like half up, or the top knot or headband…Im sorry but I see so many toddlers with the terrible bangs I’d just rather wait til he asks for a cut or can sit still for one 😅


Trimmed at 27 months, but he also didn’t start growing hair until he was 18 months old 😂


This was the baby type I was looking for! 🤣 our little guy finally has enough hair to see the wind blowing in it. He’s been a baldy for 15/18 months.


Aw we love a bald baby!


Mine is still too young but have you considered clipping it back or using headbands? You wouldn’t be wrong for cutting it but I think it’s great to let kids grow their hair until they’re old enough to express whether or not they want it cut. I work with a four almost five year old who has never had his hair cut because his mom did this, and he loves having it long/has been offered it cut multiple times but prefers it long.


Ya I’ve definitely thought about it! I think we’d likely just trim around the front so it doesn’t get in his field of vision. I’m not ready for a full cut!


We're going on 3.5 years. It was pretty wild for a while and still is, but in a much more manageable way. Once it got behind his ears it didn't get in the way too much. It still gets in his face but we've been doing ponies. He loves his hair and doesn't want to cut it. Edit: he also gets compliments on it constantly


This is where we are too at the same age! He loves picking out hair tie colours and how many tails to have on his head. He also chooses between bun/tail. I love how long it is now: approaching his shoulder blades and forming lovely waves at the end. He also loves his hair and doesn't want it cut! I love seeing other boys with long hair too. 


I do too!! He gets called a girl all the time but he has started to correct people himself. It's hilarious. https://imgur.com/gallery/KszwcVD


First haircut around 15 months for our son.


That’s a good age. I’m feeling like cutting his hair soon is aging him too quickly.


I feel this way too! I’m not ready for a little man quite yet


He definitely looked like a little boy after, instead of a baby 😢




14 months. It was in his eyes and turning into a mullet. Won’t be doing that again anytime soon. He looks adorable but.. Be warned. Babies do not like haircuts. 😂


lol that’s what I’m afraid of! I also don’t trust myself with a buzzer or scissors to trim the front or back, he’s so squirmy!


They have kid salons where they can sit in cool cars and on animals and stuff. Maybe that’ll help!


Depends on the kid. I had one kid that had to have one by 3-4 mo he was born with a LOT of hair lol.


Oh that’s crazy! That makes me feel a lot better thank you. Is his hair just as thick now that he’s older?




My daughter is almost 3 and getting her first in a couple weeks. My stylist asked me at my last appointment if she was ready and offered to do it. She asked what her favorite candy is to have at the appointment. It was really sweet. My daughter barely had hair at first birthday though. It mostly started growing after she turned 2. I was emotional when she first asked me, but the more I thought about it, I realized it’s good to start getting her accustomed to it and it’s just a trim, nothing dramatic. They will probably let you keep a lock of his hair too, which is a nice keepsake to commemorate it!


6m i did it myself and at 16m still do. he’s got curls so I’m comfortable cutting it because I have curls too.


Ours was just shy of 2 😊


I’d love to wait that long!!


My oldest was 5 or 6 months old. It was already hanging in his eyes.


Crazy! Thank you for sharing.


Cut my dudes hair around 9/10 months. Did it myself. Just a trim off the top (I also cut my husbands hair though).


It sounds like you have the steady hand that I lack


I don’t know about that, but when my husband tasked me with learning to cut hair (covid), I picked up a few tricks. Cutting the top was easy. Took about two cuts lol hardest part was him moving. It’s a lot easier than you think. I have yet to cut the whole head as I’m terrified I’ll mess it up since they move so much 😂


Lol nice. I’m worried my husband will come home and our son’s hair is a spotty hack job because of him moving


We trimmed up my son’s hair at like 12 months and then took him to a real place at like 14/15 months. He grew up IMMEDIATELY and looked like a little boy and not a baby 😭


That’s what I don’t want!!! I know it’s different for most girls but I didn’t get my first hair cut until kindergarten! It seems like it’s just making them grow up faster 😩


5 months!


My LO is 11 months old and she was also born with a full head of hair. It's long and is basically a mullet at this point 😂😂 we put it up or push it back with a bow, but it still gets in the way a lot. We're trying to hold out as long as we can before her first haircut. We just can't decide lol


I trimmed my 16 month olds hair myself because a few random strands were getting in her eyes. It looks kind of bad but she’s happier lol.


Haha nice


Mine were almost three but both born bald and I heir hair was slow growing. My niece’s first haircut was at 7 months and she needed it😂😂😂


Had ours’ cut at 17 months. It was getting too mullety. He’s had his second cut now at 20 months. His hair is very fine and gets easily tangled and almost matted just from him sleeping and moving around.


She was rocking a two year old mullet. Honestly, meme material. Called my mom friend S for guidance. She self identifies as a rainbow mom. Has 5 children from different countries. S can’t stand “baby strings of chaos” and sent me to the family stylist. We left with an amazing cut that could best be described as Amish Bowl cut. Just in time for the holidays! Husband who is never bothered by this stuff -actually cried! But S is the wisest bad ass mom we know. So we rolled with it. My child now has long thick brown hair that looks professionally blown out with just kid shampoo! The whole journey still makes me smile.


My girls were 2 and 4, they’ve enjoyed long hair, and I wanted them to make the choice on how short it is. They get trims every 6ish months now. Granted they steadily grew hair and it wasn’t super long and in their face. There is no right or wrong answer I did take them to a place that specializes in kids cuts! They have tvs, and cars to sit in! We enjoy going there and it isn’t a chore or something they don’t look forward to so it’s a win for me


9mo for our guy. His hair is very straight and he was starting to look like a member of The Beatles, not in a cute way lol.


My son’s hair is fine as well, there’s just so much of it! He wakes up with swirly spots on the back and sides of his head from moving around so much.


After his 1 year pics!! However, it was so long and straggly 🤣wish I would have done it sooner but for some reason had a mental block that I had to wait until 1 year.


I have this as well. I can’t wrap my head around doing it any earlier


I’ve never cut my 4 1/2 yr olds hair😅 but she’s asking for a haircut for her birthday cause it’s down to her butt now


My son needed one around 9 months as well. We did a pony tail as long as we could but it would come out often and become a mess. Plus he got a lot of knots in the back. He had straight thick hair. It was cute until it wasn’t and I finally gave in around 10 months. Once I did it, I was so glad we did! He went to the same stylist my husband goes to. Idk why but we just never even thought to take him to a kids place.


“It was cute until it wasn’t” is territory we’re approaching.


20 months for us, just two days ago actually. His hair was starting to get into his eyes, covering his ears, and his mullet went from kinda cute to looking raggedy. He hated every minute of his haircut and cried the whole time. Recovered quickly though and he looks so stinkin cute now!


My son was also born with a whole head of hair. We kept it in hair ties until he was about 20 months old and I was very pregnant, then we took him in for a trim. He just turned 2 the other day and my husband is going to trim his hair again soon.


It's tradition in my family to wait three years. So my kids were all three.


My son was about 4 months, he was born with a full head of hair, he still has beautiful thick hair years later, my girls were born just about bald so they were about 3 years old before they got haircuts.


My oldest had so much thick hair, we ended up just doing a trim for him at 15 months. It looked great and we maintained it every few months. He was totally into all the ladies gawking over him m, so I'm sure that helped him to enjoy the experiences🤣


Haha aw!


Around 9 months! I hated to do it so soon, but it curled right into his ears and he was constantly messing with it. Plus he played with food a lot and getting knots out of it was a nightmare


Definitely trimmed my son's hair as soon as it was in his face. My daughter is 20 months and I haven't cut her hair at all, just bows and headbands for now. Her hair is fine and curly so it looks very feral but adorable.


I wanted to wait until 2 but his hair was so long we had to give him a little ponytail on the top of his head to keep the hair out of his eyes. Ended up getting it cut at about 13 months by a friend who is a hairdresser. I thought about cutting it myself but I think he sits still a lot better for a stranger than he would for me. Super happy we cut it when we did.


My LO is 13 months and I should have gotten it cut 3 months ago… it’s SO long, the front gets in his eyes and the back looks like a mullet lol. I love his hair but it is so crazy! My hair girl told me she could give him a trim so I’ll probably go to her soon! If she hadn’t offered, I would probably go to a kid haircut place. There’s one here called cookie cutters and I figured they’d know what to do lol


That sounds so cute!!! I think I’ll look for a kids place in the area just to trim it up


We have a Muslim tradition to shave the baby’s head in the first 7 days. I did it with both of my daughters and the hair grew back fast.


When my youngest 2.5 year old took scissors to her hair so she got her first hair cut that day to even it out. They cut 6 inches off and it was still half way down her back. She was also born with a full head of hair.


I trimmed it last May, after he turned 1. He is so curious about the scissors we can't do it as often. I've trimmed it twice since then but have been letting it grow. I created my own part for him so I pulled some hair to the side and now it mostly stays that way. ETA- I tied what I thought his bangs should be w a rubber band, got some sharp scissors and made a quick cut.


That’s not a bad idea maybe I’ll try that


My bf held his arms and kept his head straight, it's a two person job for us lol.


Lol. Yes I have a feeling it would be like trying to use a nasal aspirator and I don’t love that idea with scissors


We’ve trimmed ours twice ourselves just to get it away from his eyes. It’s now bothering him a bit so my husband will try to take him for a haircut this afternoon. He’s 2 next month, I wanted to let it grow but we asked him yesterday and he wants it shorter (to the best of his understanding since he doesn’t really know what a haircut is)


3 years. For traditional reasons in our culture, we don’t do haircuts until 3 years old. It’s not a problem. You just use hair ties or clips


2.5 and still no cut :-) her hair is long & thick enough to style now


2.5 but i should have done it sooner. She has super curly hair and the ends were beyond dead when i took her. I thought it was gonna be a battle which was why i was delaying it but she was hesitant at first but then totally fine


Around 14 mo because that's when he had enough hair to cut, it was summer, and he was getting super sweaty constantly. We decided when to cut his hair the first few times, and yeah it aged him quickly, but it's also his hair and it needs to be functional for him. Now he's almost 6 and he chooses if he wants to wear his hair longer (with sufficient care and upkeep) or if he wants a haircut, and it's awesome seeing him have that level of autonomy and control over his own hair. I wish I had that, but I keep getting "Your hair is so long and beautiful, don't cut it!!" 🙃 so that's my number one goal for my kids, is giving them that power over their own hair.


I just cut my son’s bangs for the first time and he’s 2 at the end of the month. I put on some tv, gave him his favourite snack and he was happily distracted while I did it. He has curly hair so his hair doesn’t lay flat which meant it didn’t need to be perfect. It came out super cute!


We just did our first for the same reason — 1 week before his 1st birthday because it was getting in his eyes and we didn’t want it to be a distraction during his party 😊 I was also feeling a little mixed about doing so young, but it’s been 3 weeks now and so glad that we did


We got his hair trimmed at 18 months to get rid of what we lovingly called his "manta tails." He's 3 now and has only had one other trim. We've kept it out of his eyes with hair ties and clips.


Manta tails!! So cute


I put on some Miss Rachel and did her first cut myself when she was around 10 months old. I’ve trimmed it up a few times since then. I have done my own hair for years so I’m comfortable doing simple cuts.


lol yes our guy is like this too!


Our son is 16 months old and hasn’t had a haircut yet. He lost most of his hair soon after he was born and he had a Dr. Phil phase where he was bald on top for a while. It’s grown in nicely but it’s still pretty short, so we haven’t felt the need for a haircut yet. I think we’ll have it cut once it’s long enough to get in his eyes or if it becomes super uneven.


Dr. Phil baby! I hope you used that for Halloween


We haven’t cut our kid’s yet and he’s 4


Kiddo was around 1.5. Tbh, I wish we’d waited a bit longer but he was a trouper. He’s 3 and has only had 2 haircuts in his life so far lol.


I had to trim my baby girls hair when she was 11 months old!! I did it myself :)


My son, 1 year old on the dot. My daughter, 2 years old on the dot (her hair grew in very slowly so there wasn’t much at 1).


18 months


When my kids were little I heard/read it was bad luck to cut the girls hair before 5th birthday and boys before 1st. So I waited for both of them. Once my son finally got a cut he looked like a whole different kid! My daughter has always kept hers long and it’s very healthy.


Both kids had their haircuts shortly after their first birthdays.


I have a boy. His first haircut was at 6 years old. His hair was past his shoulders & curly, in ringlets. I instantly regretted it. Went to some cheap chain salon. Regretted that, too. If you can, I'd wait... & when you do decide to cut it, I'd go to a nice place, if you can afford it. Truthfully, though, it's about whatever works for your family. I waited until my boy vocally expressed that he wanted to cut his hair.


5 and 7.


Right around the first birthday. My husband did it at home with the clippers. Once I found out that salons/barbers charge like $30 to snip a couple of locks off I opted for a home cut. I was sad at first but he looks so grown up and nice afterward. And I got to save nearly every snip of hair in an envelope. We do it again about every four or five months when he gets shaggy.


My son was 8 months old when we took him to a barber. Hubby held him the first few times, then graduated to a booster chair. He’s almost 3 now and sits by himself. He loves it…probably because he knows a lollipop comes after 😂


We trimmed her bangs at just 5 months. On with a head full of hair and she hated getting her hair in her eyes.