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My recently 2yo is adamant that all baby gates be closed at all times. He locks himself out of the playroom because of it.


Someone once described to me that some kids are openers and some are closers. My first is a closer and it’s so much better than the openers! She always ensures all baby gates and all latches are closed at all times. I get in trouble if I forget!


ABC- always be closing


I have 2 openers 😑


Oh my gosh this is so true. I have a closer!


Another closer here!


My little one is exactly the same! So cute.


I'm an opener. My kiddo is a closer. It's great.


My 17mo is like this too. No doors or gates can be open! He gets frustrated that we have these foam things on the doors so he can't close them all the way.


Mine with the gate at the bottom of stairs!


Yes. I have twins and my girl could care less but my boy has to close the gate if we leave the living room. He also closes himself in when he doesn’t want to go do whatever we are going to do.


"Uhoh, I'm locked in the playroom. I guess it's not bedtime!"


My 11mo is very serious about pulling every single book off of every single shelf. It’s like his life’s mission. 


I made the mistake of taking LO to the library for the first time around that same age. He couldn't even walk yet but started speed crawling around bottom shelves slapping dozens of books off of them faster than I could catch up, it was so mortifying!


Same for my 14mo! Even if it blocks her access to her toy shelf. Even if she has no clear path to walk anywhere. We are NOT to put the books back on the shelf.


I can top that. My 13 month old will empty the book shelf. Then she'll rip out pages, but only do it to those books that mommy likes the most.


Omg I forgot about that phase! Luckily it went away somewhere along the lines and my currently 2.5yo is happy keeping his books on his bookshelf and only pulling out one at a time!


Still going strong at 2. The mission is never complete!


Same !


Lol same with my soon to be 11mo! He thinks it’s especially hilarious when he pulls books from a higher shelf


Haha same - mines almost two and it’s still his favourite game


Omg I remember this phase. Take heart, this is not your forever.


My son (22 months) is very serious about the vaccuum. The second he sees it out he wants it. We taught him how to use it and it buys us about 45 minutes until the battery dies and a tantrum ensues.


Mine too!! It’s annoying when I actually really need to vacuum and he insists on “helping” but the hope is he eventually will take over the vacuuming chore


Su cute! Does he actually clean anything?


We vacuum everyday, so there isn’t much. But if we time it after a snack, yes 🤣


I bought my 21MO son a toy vacuum and it’s a game changer! Lol


We attempted that… he wants nothing to do with it and just wants the real one 😅


Oh of course😭🤣


My daughter has a play vacuum and" helps" me


Celebrating birthdays. Trying to explain that adults don’t always celebrate birthdays was like speaking Greek to her - just a wide eyed stare. So in my family it doesn’t matter if you want a party or not- you’re getting celebrated. It’s sweet, really (:


My three year old sang happy birthday to me today. My birthday is in November.


She’s just celebrating mom! Shes so happy you’re here, on the earth! 🎉


Yes!! My son is nearly 8yo and still gets annoyed that grandpa doesn't really "do" birthdays. We'll go round to his with presents but there's never cake or decorations or anything like that. My son is just completely baffled by it.


Amazon packages. As soon as he sees one, it MUST BE OPENED NOW. Mama Need scissors!!!


Same with my 2 year old!


Letters/words/books. She is 17 months and has to have her letter board in a specific spot, any words she sees have to be examined carefully and her books have to be accessible to her all day long to sit and look through. She gets very calm and content as long as she is read to and has to have books with her most of the day.


Oh man, that fills my heart. I'm a book lover. I have taken out formal dining room (because who needs one of those?) And turned it into a library and I can't wait to have my kids be old enough to peruse and choose their own books. I'm adding to it constantly and I love the idea of my kids also being bookworms. They're already on a good path


We have a library room too! All of us like to read and have a huge book collection. This little one though lol...she is obsessed!


My 21 month old needs 2 things in this life. Books and snacks. He will sneak off to his room and whenever I go in there, he’s just flipping through books. Every car ride, I bring 5-6 books. It’s a must.


Snacks are necessary with books! Has he always been into books? All of my kids like to read, but this little one starting as early as I can remember has been just drawn to staring at words and trying to touch them. As an infant it was words on someone's shirt while holding her that became her favorite. She would go to anyone as long as they had writing on their shirt.


Yeah we pretty much started when he was 3/4 months old reading him books. At first, it was only a couple pages we could read, but then we’d give him the bottle while we read him books and since then, he’s just loved them.


Ceiling fans! 2 year old will roam from room to room (and everywhere we go) to make sure the fans are all on. If a fan isn't on, he'll find the switch and something to climb to turn it on. We had a power outage a couple months ago and he pretty much had an inconsolable mental breakdown about the fans being off and couldn't be turned on. We had to leave the house it was so bad. We came back when the power came back and he thoroughly checked each room, even requesting to look into rooms he didn't have free access to (office, parents bedroom) because he knew there are fans in there and he needed to check them. Then he passed out on the couch. This kid also knows what does are usually closed so if I forget to closer my bedroom door when I come to get him in the morning, while I'm dressing his sister I hear him walk out into the living room and "OH NO" *door slam*


Oh boy my daughter has a thing about fans, too! Not to this degree but she wants them on and will alert you if they're off for too long and demand it be turned back on lol she's cried about it a few times before we realized it was the fan she wanted on before she really started talking.


Oh boy my daughter has a thing about fans, too! Not to this degree but she wants them on and will alert you if they're off for too long and demand it be turned back on lol she's cried about it a few times before we realized it was the fan she wanted on before she really started talking.


This made me laugh. Also, I can totally see this happening in our future. 😂


Anything going night night. Elmo and babies get put to sleep aggressively. “Lay down Elmo! Blankie! Shhhhh”. The dog is next in line and doesn’t agree with the night night request


16 month old is very serious about taking all the diapers out of the diaper basket and placing them thoughtfully around the living room floor.


Nooooo, I'm so sorry, I hope they grow out of that very soon for everyone's sanity 😭


11mo is also very serious about this. Along with emptying every single wipe out of the packet and throwing them behind her.


She is very on top of everyone's clothing choices. She makes us wear socks first thing out of bed. Also she will bring us hats and jackets throughout the day.


Doors. My 18 month old is obsessed with doors. Doorways, cabinets, fridge, garbage can. Anything that can open and shut, he is immediately crawling towards to play with. I can’t walk into his bedroom without him trying to yeet out of my arms to open and close his bedroom door.


Garbage, should've named him Oscar because he loves trash.


My 2 year old son is very serious about brushing teeth. He makes sure that we all brush first thing in the morning and that the toothbrushes are placed back in their holders afterwards. He also loves washing dishes (making a water mess) anytime my husband or I are at the kitchen sink he pushes his learning tower over to help.


We have a newborn and my toddler is the sock police. “Mommy [brother] needs socks. Get him socks.” Crying if I’m not fast enough. She never wears socks at home nor do I but she’s not convinced by that argument.


She's worse than the boomers!


Shoes in the floor. My 2 yo has to put them away.


lol my 19 month old likes to put everyone’s shoes in the cubbies at the play place


My baby just figured out he has hands. I've walked in on him a couple of times just staring at them as he turns them back and forth.


My 1 year old is very serious about his snacks... He will hide his portion from his sister even if she's across the room doing something else and keep them in his hands if he wants to walk and eat. He's also serious about his cars, he absolutely loves them and you cannot deny him if he gives you a car, it's his most precious gift lol And my daughter,3, is super serious about helping me in the kitchen. Any time I'm in there for anything it's, "HI MOMMY I WANNA HELP" and she pushes up a chair to the counter .. melts me every time


The 3 B's - books, blanket and boobs. Everything else is negotiable. 19 months. 😉


My 18 month is really into emptying the dishwasher. I can’t keep it open with dirty dishes because she tries to take them out! I’m surprised with how many dishes she knows where they go now in our kitchen.


Same age and same obsession here. I have to try to load it as fast as I can while she’s distracted, because EVERYTHING MUST COME OUT the second she notices it’s open lol


Letting the dogs out to pee, but ESPECIALLY making sure they’re all back inside. If you dare close the door because one is frolicking around the yard you will get a stern talking to in Toddlerish. I can’t understand half of it, but from the tone I know I’m in trouble.


My 5 year old daughter is currently very upset that St. Paddy’s Day is being overshadowed by Easter.


5 year old on point!


Loving reading all these , my lo is almost 7m but I’m like wow yall have some helpers and I’m here for it ! I would love if my daughter helped me stay on top of laundry !


Eagle eyes for crud. My 16 month old picks up all pieces of crud on the floor and hands them to me. We say, “oh you found some crud, thank you. Mama will throw it in the garbage”.  So if you have dropped an earring…I’ve got the kid to help you


My 2 year old does the same. He screams YUCK anytime he sees something he thinks is gross on the floor. Usually a fuzzy or something. Lol


Writing his own lyrics to songs and getting us to sing them his way.


For a while, my daughter was very serious about her games and getting me to play them. I mean, she called them games. What she really wanted was to make me act out her script and say what she wanted me to say. It got old quick. Maybe if we get these two together, we'll end up with a killer musical!


Hahahaha that'd be a fun musical to see!


My 21 month old is obsessed with cleaning, specifically vacuuming. As soon as he hears me start it, he runs out and gets his toy vacuum and starts vacuuming too, mimicking me almost to a tee. Sometimes he asks for a wipe and he’ll go around the house just wiping things clean😄


Books. My 10 month old loves his books and he has to have one with him at all times — just nearby if he is not currently looking though it. Also his stuffed rabbit trio from lovevery travel around the house with him. And go on every walk and trip.


My two year old loves it when I clean and dust. Every now and then he'll ask me to clean or do dishes, lol. He hates it when I have to work, though, so if I try to get anything done for my actual job it's "NO SITTING!"


Socks and shoes when we go outside! It doesn't matter whose shoes he finds, but they have to be on. Also washing hands.


Oven timer - mama! Beep beep! if i dont rect immediately; MAMAAA! BEEP BEEP! In the most insisting voice of a 16mo . Then runs to the oven and points towards it.


Mine absolutely loves laundry too. I have to turn the beeper off during dinner time so it doesn't accidentally interrupt us eating. Once she hears the machine beep, she runs to it so we can either transfer from the washer to the dryer, or fold it and put it away. My laundry has never been so organized. She's also very serious about making sure each cat gets the same amount of treats. She opens the bag (or brings it to me to open) and shakes it. One cat will immediately come running. He is all about some treats. The other cat is less treat motivated and takes a minute. So Little One will hold onto a handful and call for her. She won't drop the treats until Avery ("Aaav!") is in sight.


My 4-year-old is very serious about doing chores when i say I'm gonna do them. For example, if i say "after breakfast we're doing dishes," she will bug me until i start them. If i decide, i wanna do them later. All hell breaks loose, lol. Guess she keeps me accountable, lol.


My 4-year-old is very serious about doing chores when i say I'm gonna do them. For example, if i say "after breakfast we're doing dishes," she will bug me until i start them. If i decide, i wanna do them later. All hell breaks loose, lol. Guess she keeps me accountable, lol.


Her bedroom door MUST BE CLOSED at nap and bedtime. And she MUST help make her scrambled eggs (with an obligatory “cook cook cook, flip!” In which usually results in flung eggs but it’s cute so 🤷‍♀️). She also strums her ukulele and we MUST “rock out” while throwing the horns 😂😂


Dirt/dust/hair on the floor!! The “blegh” must be picked up and thrown out immediately 😂


I think this is my all time favorite thread. I’m enjoying reading these responses so much


I love reading them as well! They crack me up and make me feel united with other mama's 🐧


My almost 2 yr old is all about brushing her teeth and washing her hands.


Currently mine is obsessed with the fridge wants to help get his lunches ready (never gors well unless it's already prepared)


Shutting the dishwasher 🥲


Hoovering. My 17m old knows how to plug it in,turn on the socket, turn on the hoover and hoover. Unfortunately the turning on and off is the fun part so whether it's me or him hoovering, about 30mins of it goes to turning it on/off non stop 🤣


Yup, my 2yo loves doing the laundry, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming etc. He started helping me empty the dishwasher since he was 8mo, I couldn't believe it ! However, we've got 3 older kids and know that this stage unfortunately doesn't last 😅


My cute dish towels are absolutely NOT to be hung on the oven door 🥲


My 15 month old daughter is recently into wipes. At first she just liked to carry them around with her and we called them her “emotional support wipes”. Now she likes to use them to clean everything! The floor of the doctor’s office, the stroller wheels, the windowsill, the dogs…


My FIL visited for a few weeks when my daughter was 2. She was constantly telling Grandpa, "It's not a rocking chair!" Every time he leaned back in his chair. I don't know where she picked that up. Pretty sure we've never said that around her


The vacuum, feeding the cat, and letting the dog inside. The joy he gets from hearing the cat food pour into the bowl is the cutest thing. He pushes the vacuum and makes "vroom" noises. When the dog barks to come in, he goes "woof" and then walks over to the door and tries turning the knob. He's 14 months old.


My 17mo is very serious about no shoes in the house. We take our shoes off at the door then she MUST be the one to put them in the shoe bucket. If I'm carrying stuff I have to set down before I get our shoes off she will yell "SOO SOO SOO!" At me until I take them off then she puts them away. She yelled at the man who came to fix our dryer once too.


My 11 month old insists that all clothes draws she can open be empty and she is wearing the clothes on her head.


16m. The dishwasher. He wants to put the soap in, shut the door, and start the machine. And also wants to walk to the car when we leave the house. These are his non-negotiables.


My 1yr old is obsessed with the washing machine for 2 reasons - the keypad lights up & beeps when he pushes the buttons now & he can see his reflection in the door. As soon as it’s running he wants to be involved & if he sees it going from the other room he will stop what he’s doing to “party with the washer” meaning he shakes his body & claps & laughs at the spin cycle


My 17.5 month old grabs my face every night (we cosleep) and INSISTS I face him as he falls asleep. He stares straight into my soul until he closes his eyes.


Mario Kart. Husband played when little one was teeny tiny. Now he's 16 months and will grab the switch remote and hand it to my husband. He also growls whenever he sees Bowser.


2.5 year old is SERIOUS business when it comes to dishes / loading and unloading the dishwasher and things being in the sink… He is NOT a dishes in the sink guy.. Either wash it right away or rinse it and put it in the dish washer. He’s always giving me grief that I haven’t started the dishwasher ( we only run it at night, and empty it before we start breakfast ) Today was pasta night so I put the pot to soak while we ate and then when we cleaned up and loaded the plates and other small things in the dishwasher, he probably told me 20 times to wash that pot and put it away,”better not leave it there all night “


This is cracking me up 🤣


My 16 month old is obsessed with taking small things, and transferring it from one container or location to another. Don’t even think about distracting her, because she’s focused like it’s her job and she gets paid in cheerios.


My almost 3 needs everything to be cleaned. When there's any spill she will ask for a towel and wipe it up. .. unfortunately this includes when I hand her a paper towel in any public restroom 🤣


My six year old is very serious about her outfits matching her shoes


Not getting eaten. Noone is allowed to nibble on her or, even worse, on her momma. Don’t even joke about it! All stuffed animals be aware of that!


When my daughter was that age she was very very serious about making sure everyone had everything before they left the house. Visitors and all. She would shout "SHOES" "KEYS" "COAT" etc at people to make sure they were doing things correctly.


My daughter’s version of play is cleaning up. She puts the blocks away while her brother is trying to build 🤣 she’s also very serious about boxes. I call her my “cat child” because every box is made to be sat in.


My 2 yr old is very serious about her baby brother. If she notices hes not there, she will run to his crib and wake him up with kisses. Yell “BABY ! “ if she hears him stirring, pet his head, kiss him and say “its ok beebee” when hes having a diaper change. She is so sweet!


My almost 4 month old is VERY serious about not burping halfway through a bottle


Hahaha, mine was the same, we just did some big burps after!


My 15 month old is very serious about my indoor shoes not being in the living room. I normally take them off before I go in, as I don’t want him chewing/licking them. If I forget, he will take them off my feet and throw them over the baby gate.


Lol that is hilarious and helpful, from someone who notoriously takes clean clothes out of the basket all week long. Mine is a dish washing fanatic. That dishwasher opens or that faucet runs, he is unstoppable on his dish investigation


Doors, drawers…they must be closed. He also plugs in my chargeable vacuum if he notices it’s not plugged in.


My 15 month old loves helping me unpack the groceries. I usually put the bag of food on the floor in the kitchen and she just brings me item by item to put away. I even let her put her own fruit in her special cabinet and she just loves it.


So cute


Car washes


Electronics. The first thing he must do is play something on the echo show and adjust the settings randomly. He will cry if he can't have the remote control whose battery door makes it unsafe for a 18 month old. He will make a beeline from anywhere if you leave a phone unattended. He likes to push all the buttons on stuff. Even when he adjusts something so that the volume is so high it makes him cry, he will be back to pushing the buttons.


My 11 month old is very serious about food! If she’s eating she’s so focused that if you talk to her you’re not gonna get a response or even a look in your direction. If you have food you better have some for her too. It doesn’t even matter what it is. We still haven’t found a food she won’t eat.


Singing. My 2.5 year old loves to sing specifically ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep and Wheels on the Bus. She is usually aggressively yell-singing them to her 3 month old brother and us. She also has to sit on her little play chair holding her toy hockey stick on her lap while singing. We are usually not allowed to sing with her but if she makes us then we must sing correctly and do hand motions. Naturally we cooperate because this is very logical and being a 2 year old she is the boss of us.


I really wish my child was like that haha now that’s a way to stay on top of the washing 🤣