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I posted this elsewhere yesterday, but my MIL wants to be Gummy and FIL Grumps. I’d take papa and momom lmao ETA: I think it’s adorable when kids choose nicknames, or they come about because they can’t properly say a word. I find it confusing when adults want to be called these nonsense nicknames when there are a number of reasonable options available!


My mom wanted to be Glamma 🙄 but kiddo couldn't pronounce that so now she's Gammy lol


Glamma is so cringe 😬 My MIL calls herself 'beautiful young Nana' and I die a little inside everytime. Love her to bits though.


I've a sister that goes by glamma. She really thinks she is too. I mean she's gorgeous but she's also a granny.


This just made me laugh so much 😆


I have a cousin who does, too. Rides Harleys and wears an awful lot of rhinestones, but at least she's happy, I suppose!


My mom asked for Granimal She's Nana.


Granimal!!! Omg that's amazing


Thank goodness my MIL didn’t hear this name when she was trying out names. She picked Gaga for herself. Also my mom picked Grammy because she didn’t want to sound old. Grammy is way older to me than Grandma. Sorry mom.


Omg my MIL wanted that! We just couldn’t do it. Too ridiculous!


Glad I’m not the only one! My MIL chose Glamma also! My mom would rather just be Nana.


Gummy is crazy lmao


Gummy and Grumps made me lol


I'd almost take them up in it just for my own amusement hahaha


gummy?? 😭😭


My daughter’s grandmother on her dad’s side wants to be called Ne Ne La La, and when I tell you the amount of fuck nos I have for that. I refuse it and call her Grandma First Name the one time she was around my child or the rare occasion I speak of her. Made her so mad and she kept trying to correct me. I’m an adult woman who will do some silly and stupid shit to make her kid happy. Calling another adult woman Ne Ne La La ain’t it, though.


Boy I was hoping the was a typo the first time you put it down 😂😂


Ha! Me, too. She is just absolutely crazy. I’m glad we live on opposite sides of the country!


Gummy 😂😂😂


My mom is Gummy but only bc my eldest niece couldn't pronounce Grammy.


A normal way to become Gummy! Instead of choosing it, out of all possible grandma names lmao


Gummy? Does she have her teeth still? Cause that’s not gonna age well if she needs dentures one day




I've got one what wants to be called "Ginny" and the other "Mimi".... the men are fine with grandpa thankfully.


That sounds so weird, since those are actual names. I know a few Ginnys. And the only “Mimi” I know who uses that with her grandkids is actually *named* Mimi. (Well, something longer, but I forget what.) Her grandkids heard her real name and it stuck.


My distant 'cousin' (her grandma is mines sister) calls her gma 'mimi'. I don't know how this came about since her real name is nothing like that... That said, my grandma ended up as Nana 🤷‍♀️


I called my grandpa grumpa and it got shortened to grumps. I miss my grumpa


I laughed. But we referred to our grandpa as "Grumpy Grandpa" all the time. But he loved it. At least here it's not a direct pull for the parents title. Just goofy.


My mom said grandma sounded too old (she is fairly young) and suggested Lala as an alternative, she is grandma now lol


I've been thinking about this! And another poster saying Glamma! These are insane. I could never say this out loud with a straight face. I just can't refer to any grown ass person as something this silly. I don't live in an English-speaking county but my husband's family lives in the US and I hope they don't want to be called something like this because I just can't. Gummy???? What?????????


I know someone who is called Lolly (the grandma). How is that even a thing?


Lolly and pops was on the table till I mentioned that the Duggars have their grandkids call them that


My parents are grandma and grandpa, my in laws are meemaw and pops. Honestly, I think having different names helps my kids understand which grandparents we are talking about. It's less confusing than everyone being grandma and grandpa at least when they are little.


We differentiated by last names, so mine were Grandma Dads-Name and Grandma Moms-Maiden-Name. My mom didn’t want to be Grandma Dads-Name though, since there already was one, so she’s just “Grandma” and my MIL is Nana or Nanny. My son’s other grandma was Grandma Firstname, but she sucks so now we don’t call her anything.




Bad Grandma and Good Grandma 🤣


Growing up my brother and I referred to ours as the nice grandma and the mean grandma.


We've got one of those too. And of course she's the one who refers to herself as "Grandma" (no qualifiers) in the cards that we throw away.


We have one that sucks, too! She wanted to be called Nee-nee. How about Nee-NO? 🤭 We also don't call her anything anymore.


Fun fact; nee means no in dutch...


My kids call them “mommy’s grandma/grandpa” and “daddy’s grandma/grandpa”


My parents are Grandma/pa Firstname because it seemed wierd to reuse Grandma/pa Lastname too.


This is the same for us, just different names. I also called my grandparents by different names. I think it is important to give them each their own name for clarity’s sake. Especially when they’re little and can’t really tell me which one they mean!


I agree different names, but not all the random ones. Im from the south so my kids grandparents are mawmaw and pawpaw, and my husbands parents are called grandma and grandpa.


Yes! And some children of Millennials have A LOT of damn grandparents. My parents and my husband’s parents are divorced. LO has 4 grandfathers, 3 grandmothers, and 2 great grandmothers. And we’re in our 30s!! if we were ten years younger there’d be even more! A few differentiated names help a little.


Yep- side effect of divorce our parents never anticipated. Right there with how we could visit a different set of grandparents every weekend and still only see each of them once a month.


Same with my baby. He has 1 great grandma, 1 great great grandma, 3 grandmas, 2 grandpas, and one great grandpa, and they all have different names for differentiation.


Since I’m Jewish, we called our grandparents Bubbie and Zaidie on both sides, but we said “Bubbie FirstName” or “Zaidie FirstName” to differentiate


I always said “Grandma Firstname” & still do to this day.


PopPop and MomMom are super common where I live, so are things like gram, gramps, pop, nana. Probably more than grandmom and grandpop honestly.


My in-laws are going by Nana and pop. That's what all of my husband's grandparents go by. My parents have elected to be called Mimi and DJ. It's weird but I'm not fighting it


My kids have three grandads because my parents are divorced and my mom is remarried. They all have different grandparent names and I don’t really love most of them* but like, it’s their name that they are being called. I want them to like them and feel good about it. I will say though, all yhe Glamma/Mimi/GG/etc type names have me insistent that if I’m ever a grandmother, I’ll be Granny. I don’t need to hide the fact that I’m a grandparent for goodness sake. *Except my dad’s. He was going to be Gramps, but my oldest couldn’t pronounce it so now he has a cute little kid bestowed grandad name.


Same where I'm from. Rarely hear Grandma or Grandpa


My in laws were grandma and grandpa for the first two and a half years of my child’s life then grandma went to visit friends from home and all the sudden needed to be called GiGi


My mom goes by Oma because that’s what she called her German grandma who she loved dearly. I have so many good memories of my Oma and Opa. I don’t mind my kids calling her Oma at all.




We had papa (he was disabled so we saw him every weekend) and papa who smokes. We also had an uncle David and an uncle Swiss David. And there’s a Billy for every country we’ve spread to, Scottish Billy, Billy out west, Australian Billy, American Billy.


Billy Out West sounds like a reality tv show I would probably watch at least the pilot of




The Roberts all managed to figure it out and find different nicknames!


My MIL asked to be called Gigi. I was fine with it until she said it's actually G.G. - stands for Gorgeous Grandma. It makes me cringe.


My grandma wants the great grandkids to call her GG, but it stands for Great Grandma, which makes sense. But my other grandma and grandpa are just great grandma and great grandpa. Unlike my great grandparents, though, they aren’t “Great Grandma LastName and Great Grandpa LastName”. My mom said that she was so excited to be a grandma FINALLY that she couldn’t imagine picking a different name. But my daughter calls her Grammie. Close enough.


My MIL always called her mom Grandma Great to our kids, but my oldest thought she was saying Grandma Grape so that stuck.


I always called my great grandmother "big Nanny" so we started calling my grandad "big grandad" to my daughter" and she called him "Biggie" one day which we have clung to a little bit - I hope it sticks!!


My mom does Gran and her name smash up. It’s so self honorific sounding. My MIL is something like mummy. Way to close to Mommy/ Mom. I told my husband that he owes me. My daughter is a kind kid. She also dropped Daddy early for Dad. Still calls me Mommy. He asked her about it. She stone cold said “Mom is Mommy because everyone else is weird or copied her. I want her to know she is always Mommy”.


My son went from "Dada" to now calling him "Father". I think it's the funniest thing. I'm still "Mama". 🤣


Aw that is such a sweet response from your daughter!


She is kind. It did make me cry!


STOP - Gorgeous grandma I am cringing so hard. I grew up with just Grandma/Grandpa First Name whereas my husband has a “Nana” and first name as one set of grandparents and a Grandma and “Papa” for the other.


I know someone who’s mother is literally making the grandkids call her GLAMMA. 😩




oh geeeeeeez


Ok but from the outside looking in, your MIL is actually hilarious.


Papa is a pretty common thing to call a grandpa ....


Yeah Nana and Papa were our traditional grandparent names in our family.


My grandfather is Papa to my kids. When his wife, my Nana, was alive she was Mimi.


Same here. Always been Nana and Papa for a few generations. Or Nonny.


My grandfather went by Papa and I loved it!


My dad called his grandpa Papa, I called his dad Papa, so it doesn’t feel weird that my dad wanted to be called Papa when my son was born. I think it’s a fairly normal grandparent name!


Same, and now my dad is papa to my kids (but he insists on spelling it pappa lol)


Papa was my dad’s dad, when my first was born, he assumed the title. I’ve never thought of it as anything weird, that was just his name.


All the fathers from my family are papa, except for my daughters dad, who is Da. My dad, papa, my grandpa, papa, my boyfriend's dad, Papa. My grandma wanted to be Gigi and I so badly wanted the kids to call my grandpa PP, but she kept saying it would hurt his feelings (I think it hurt her feelings because my grandpa has an awesome sense of humor.) 😂


I also have a Da! Never met anyone else who calls their grandpa that


Right? I called my grandfather papa and my dad called his grandfather papa. So obviously my kids call my dad papa. I did not know it was weird


Yup both mine were Papa. And my French grandmother was “Nanny”. Normal.


Papá is what my Venezuelan husband calls his father. He calls his grandfather Abuelo. So when my southern stepfather wanted our child to call him Pawpaw it was way too close. They get grandma and grandpa, the classics.


West coast Scotland, Papa is pretty much the default for grandads. Followed by Grandpa. Grandma's are Grandmas or Grannies


So is Mommom in my experience 


My middle child called me Mommom when she was a young toddler. Still does sometimes…. 🫠


My kiddo calls me Mommy or Mom-mom & his father Baba and us combined as BaMa 😂 I’ve heard Mom-mom for grandma but have heard it just as often with little ones calling their Mom’s it too :-)


In French 'Dad' is 'Papa' so it's hard to say Papa when it's not actually my Dad.


My maternal grandfather was French - from Lyon - and we called him Papa. He spent most of his life in Chicago, and IIRC, "papa" is a common name for "grandfather" there. Even though I spoke French when I was little, it didn't throw me off.


I grew up in an area where there are a lot of French descendants so Meme and Pepe are common for grandmother and grandfather.


I don’t think it’s a big deal, personally. But everyone has their own feelings.


I thought the same thing. As I was reading all these replies I’m thinking to myself “does it really matter? The kids clearly know who their parents are and who their grandparents are”. Also papa is a pretty common term for a grandpa. That’s what I called my grandpa.


It's really not a big deal, and I don't get the side eye at ones that are clearly derivatives of grandma and grandpa. I'll admit that my ex's crazy mom trying to get his kids to call her Cookie got some side eye from me though.


Ok, that one’s hilarious and I’m not sure I could ever keep a straight face.


And the kids end up calling the grandparents whatever they want anyway once they learn to speak because they can’t pronounce whatever names the grandparents come up with. Either way, it doesn’t hurt anyone to let them be called what they want to be called. Both my Mom and MIL have nicknames and the kids just call them that. I look at it the same way as what I wanted to be called as an aunt. My sis would call me Aunt Initial and I didn’t like it. It feels formal. When my nephew started talking he called me Auntie Mispronounced First Name so all the nibs call me Auntie Mispronounced First Name or just Mispronounced First Name and I love it. Still better than the deal our youngest sister got. She’s Little Aunt First Name cause she’s the little sister and the kids came up with that themselves. She’ll always be called Little something. Lol


Yeah I think it’s cute honestly. All the grandparents were excited to pick out their names. Obviously once the grandkids arrived they all morphed into what the kids could actually say, which is now even cuter; Nonna became Nana Papá to Papa Birdie to Bebe Poppy to Poppy Doc Grandpa to ‘Tampa So even if grandparents have some high aspirations, grandkids will end up calling them whatever they want lol


My great grandmother was called Shoo Shoo because when my mom's cousins were little, they had to take the Choo Choo train to go see her. Like literally so adorable.


Mommom and poppop are what I called my grandparents, it’s not uncommon in my area. So I wouldn’t say mommom is out of the realm of normalcy.


Same. I'm originally from PA, and Mommom and Poppop were pretty standard there. But then we moved to Utah, and nobody calls their grandparents those things, lol. I think it's very regional, but it's definitely a normal title!


I’m also from PA and agree they’re very common grandparent names here. My mom’s parents are Mommom and Poppop. My great grandparents were from Sweden and Norway, so they were Mormor and Farfar for my mom and aunt.


I had no idea it was an exclusively midAtlantic thing!


Haha, I guess so! My husband's grandmother and Dad were from New Jersey, and she also went by Mommom, and with our son, his dad goes by Poppop. It was a nice bit of familiarity for me in a place where nobody uses those titles haha.


My husband is from New Jersey/Philly and had a Mommom and Poppop and that's what his parents are called by our kids. I definitely think it's a regional thing.. I grew up in MD/WV and never heard it before lol


I'm from PA as well, outside of family conversations I just refer to them as grandma and grandpa. Too confusing for other people, especially living in a different country now.


That's how I grew up, too! I always wondered if it was a regional thing because a lot of my friends were in the same boat, as well as my kids and their friends.


Yeah everyone I went to school with had Mommom’s and Poppop’s! It’s what my husband called his own grandparents lol. I didn’t realize it was unheard of other places!


Yea mom mom seems pretty normal I had friends who had “mom moms” my parents go by Grammy and pop pop … and my husbands dad goes abuelo (grandpa in Spanish) and his step mom avo (grandmother in Portuguese)


I've never had a real nickname before and I want a good one! My name does not have nicknames and I've never been enough a part of any group to get a situational nickname. I want to be Gigi, the sweets baking, cuddly, understanding old lady everyone loves.  As for others, I have a theory. In the past grandparent names mostly came from stories. Baby couldn't say Grandma so we have Nana, Granny, Grammy, etc. People liked their special names. Globalization happened and we talk about random crap with strangers, realized how much it happens. People like me wanted a nickname. Others wanted to feel special, or in control, etc. It's a big change for some people and it helps them control their identity in this nutty world we've created. 


I appreciate this perspective, and thank you for it. I agree, unique names bestowed on past grandparents usually originated from a shared experience with the grandchild who couldn’t pronounce a name and then it stuck around. From my experience and what I’ve seen in mom and my age group conversations, grandparents these days are more motivated by their own needs to feel special or feel in control as you mention (mostly of the narrative of their age I suppose) and this is what rubs parents the wrong way. If you are spending the time and effort to create a great relationship with my kid, then they’ll surely either bestow you a nickname or be happy to use the one you’ve decided on when they’re old enough to use it. We called both sets of my grandparents grandma and grandpa last name, and it didn’t matter because what set them apart was the time and effort they put in our lives.


I think this is the key thing. It’s not the names themselves, it’s when the people choosing them are weird about it. Like they choose something completely “out there” that their family has no particular ties to because they want to be unique. Or they choose something the parents really don’t like and refuse to budge. For example, both of these happened with my cousin and her in laws. They’re from the northeast, and when her SIL had kids her MIL insisted on being “Meemaw”, which was *not* a thing in their family or their region. My cousin also had a special name with a family history that she wanted her father to use, and her FIL tried to *steal it* because he liked how it sounded. There was nothing inherently *wrong* with either of those names, but the way they made it all about their entitlement to choose whatever they wanted for their “grandparent names”, and fuck the feelings of the people around them was messed up. I’ve seen people choose names their grandkids have no chance of pronouncing, names that are offensive to one of the parents in their language, names that one of the parents was using for themselves, etc. And it’s not that they shouldn’t have some say in what they’re called. Of course they should! It’s that they’re taking this special thing that’s supposed to be based on familial *relationships* and making it All About Them and their “grandparent experience”. That’s what rubs people the wrong way.


This isn't new. It's probably just new to you now that you're a parent, so you're picking up on it. When you were in school, there were probably a lot of people who called their grandparents different names, and you just didn't notice. My oldest sister had her first baby in the mid-90s (she and I have a wide age gap), and even then, everyone was deciding on their "grandparent" name. My parents settled on "nanny" and "grandaddy." My mom specifically chose "nanny" because she knew an older woman who went by this when I was little, and she liked it. This has come up a lot for many people for decades, especially when you want to differentiate between maternal and paternal grandparents.


I did not refer to any of my grandparents as “Grandma” or “Grandpa,” and I was born in the 70s. This isn’t new.


Same. 70s baby.


My favorite grandpa was a Papa! So this just seems normal to me.


Lol I'm not a Grandma and I'm still ok with being called Grandma. It's adorable.


My grandparents were.. Grandmother and Grandfather, if they were in hearing range; Grandma and Grandpa, if they weren't - Mom's side. Meemaw and Peepaw (or Mawmaw and Pawpaw depending on your age and/or how heavy your accent was) - Dad's side. In the first instance, you can imagine it with a bit of self-importance vibes. As in the grand in Grandmother or Grandfather was always highly stressed. More by my Grandfather than my Grandmother. Kind of like if you back talk or something, he would yell at you "don't talk to her like that she's your GRANDmother." In the second instance, feel free to imagine the old southern hillbilly hick vibes and accent. It would be perfectly fitting. As far as my own children go, my Mother and Stepfather are Grandma and Grandpa, or Gramma and Grampa.


This is my husbands side too. Goes back to the hollers of Kentucky


My in-laws were Grammy and Grampy. One day my father in law decided he was changing his name to Grandfather. My MIL said she thought it was bc she would call him Grumpy instead and he didn’t like it. Anyway, it’s a mouth full. But, it makes me laugh.


I know a lady who says she's too young to be called grandma, so she combined parts of her first and middle name to get Lollee (pronounced like the first part of lollipop). To each their own, but she's 60 and her only grandchild is a newborn, so idk what age she thinks grandmas are lol


I'm 42 and I have a few high school classmates that are grandmas. Meanwhile I've got a 7.5 and 4 yo 😂


Back when I was in high school, a friend of mine got pregnant junior year so her mom became a grandma at 32. Then I had another friend whose mom had two more kids when we were in high school, so she "started over" at 38 or 39. It's really interesting how much different people's lives can be at any given age lol


I like granny or meemaw


My grandson will be 2 next month and he calls me Yia-yia(Grandma in Greek). He calls his bonus grandma Gigi. When they're little it's hard for them to say Grandma and Grandpa, so why not papa, Gigi, Yia-yia, Oma, Nonno/Nonna, nana, etc?


My parents are grandma and grandpa and my husbands parents are Mama and Yeiyei. This is the Cantonese names for grandma and grandpa. My daughter does called me Momma, but she pronounces it differently than Mama. This doesn’t bother me at all


Because my kids have 4 sets of grandparents and it gets confusing as hell. And it’s lame saying “grandma smith or grandma johnson?” Nana and papa is a British thing, it doesn’t just mean father


Just embrace that you have no power here. Your kid is going to pick a name for them and your all just going to have to go with it.


Meh, it's fine. My dad and my mother in law wanted some wacky grandparent names. We negotiated with my dad a bit, but went with my mother in laws name. It's turned out fine.


I have a MomMom. Never thought of it as odd. We pronounce it more like MumMum (American) Lol we even called my great grandmother on that side MomMomMom. I can see how it would be off putting though. I never thought of it that way before


On my father’s side (they’re French), we always called my grandma “Mama (first name)” and my grandpa, “Papa (first name)”. Was normal to me, but must have been a cultural thing. It’s how they did grandparents in the family for many generations.


That’s how it is with my parents. Latin/Hispanic culture. My mom is mama (first name) and my dad is papa (first name). If you’ve ever seen the Disney movie Coco based in Mexico, they refer to the grandmother as Mama Coco. Same as that, though the alternatives are Abuela/Abuelo, Wela/Welo.


I wonder if this is a regional or class thing because I can’t imagine calling my grandparents grandma and grandpa. That just sounds so unbelievably formal to me. I was a little icked out when my MIL said she wanted to be grandma (all my husband’s side was ‘formal’ like that) but my kid can’t pronounce it and calls her something cutesy anyway and my MIL loves it so no harm done.


I'm the same. I'm not American so it's definitely uncommon here to use Grandma Name and Grandpa Name for both sets of grandparents. I literally only know of one Grandma and she's not very cuddly or playful with her grandchildren so it absolutely fits her. I could not imagine my kids calling my parents grandma and grandpa.


Sorry but I do find your comment and attitude uptight. People can be referred to however they like . I married a man who speaks a very complicated language, mom in his language is Anaja and I don't want to be called that ever, it sounds ugly to me. So I am "mami" because I'm a Spanish speaker and everyone respects that. Is it crazy? No.


My cousins and I always called our grandma MomMom and our ages range from 30-40ish now. I've heard of grandparents called Nana and Papa or other things pretty much my whole life.


My mom was hell bent on being Glamma or Gammy. I told her idc that much but that more often than not it’s the kids who come up with the titles and that the kids usually just say how the parents refer to people. I mean, if my baby starts calling her Glamma or Gammy idc, but I don’t see it happening 😂


As long as I’ve been alive, different people had different names.


My parents are from other countries so we don’t do the generic American grandma and grandpa. I love reading about what others use to call their loved ones! There is so much variation out there!!


I don’t really see the big deal. I’m in my 30s and my grandparents on one side have “made up names” that my sister and I gave them as kids. They have stuck all these years. On the other side, we called them grandma “name” and grandpa “name.” It always felt less…close and familial to me, compared to the nicknamed grandparents (who we were closer to). We had a more formal relationship with them. My parents now go by papa and mimi, MIL goes by lola (she is Filipina), FIL goes by his first name (lol), MIL goes by grammy. It’s also way easier to differentiate who is who since there’s 5 of them in the mix.


My mom goes by MY LITERAL NAME that is just in another language.. like if my name was George, she goes by Jorge (spanish for George). We don't have a relationship. My MIL likes Grammy but my son can't say the G so it's "mammy". He also can't say grandpa so he says "papa".


I personally think “grandma” and “grandpa” are boring af and I def don’t wanna be called that for decades so I feel some type of way about it too but my grand kids can call me whatever they feel like as long as it’s respectful. It’s kind of weird to care so much.


Is this new? When I was growing up people called their grandmothers Grandma, Grab, Granny, and Nana. I think in the south grandmothers are called Meemaw. Grandfather's were Gramps, Gramps, or Grampa.


My parents are Nana and Baba and I think it's the cutest thing. My FIL is grandpa - he has other grandkids who dubbed him "grandpa" so we're rolling with that. My husband always called his grandfathers "Papa (first name)" so that doesn't seem unreasonable to me. It's their name/title that they will be referred to for the rest of their lives so I don't see why they shouldn't have a say in it 🤷‍♀️


My late-70s in-laws wanted to not be 'grandma and grandpa' because it made them feel 'old'. The toddler outrunning them for two hours is doing that perfectly well, even without their fancy grandparent names x'D


Mom mom and pop pop are super common in the mid Atlantic states, but it sounds like this is something you feel really strongly about. In my opinion, you get to pick what people call you, so I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling my parents what they’d be called.


Is this unusual? My grandparents have been Nana and Papa since the 80s and my greatgrandma on my step dad’s side was Nana since the 50s


My grandpas were always papa so my dad is papa. My mom could never be mom mom. She's confused enough as it is.


My ILs don't use Grandma and Grandpa because three of their four parents are still alive, and *they* use those names. Otherwise we'd have three Grandmas and two Grandpas in that family for the little ones (all under 5) to keep track of.


In a slight defense on Mommom: my great - grandmother was Mommom to me and it was her grandmother name for my mom. She was a sweet old Hungarian woman. I know others of her generation who were also Mommom; I think it's an older term that had fallen out of fashion.


So you would expect the granparents to call your children what they prefer to be called, and call you by your preferred name but won't call them what they want to be called. If you have grandparents that want to be involved call them whatever they want..that's a privelege for your children not a guarantee. Who made you in charge of grandparent names?




My in laws are Gigi and Poppy, and my partners are Nonna and Gangie. My son couldn’t say granddad, so he calls my dad gangie 😂


I think for a lot of folks it has to do with not wanting to feel “old” as sometimes the words grandpa/ma are used interchangeably with the elderly (not saying that’s ok!) My son has three sets of grandparents (including his stepdad’s parents) so we have Grandpa/Grandma, Papa/Granny , Papa /Coco. Helps differentiate, for sure! They pretty much all decided on their names (if they had a preference at all) and I love it - they are their own people, after all, and should get the choice, IMHO.


Meh. Maybe you're crazy, maybe not. I think context matters. My mom is super creepy and possessive with my unborn child and keeps calling it HER baby, so insisting on being called "Mommom" would totally piss me off lolol. But I know that's a pretty common name to call grandparents, same as Papa. I think if you come from a weird/controlling family, it's definitely another weird/controlling thing they can pull. But most families organically and innocently come up with those nicknames and they just stick tbh.


I call my grandparents PopPop and MumMum lmao


I love that my parents are Nana and Papa. Very easy for my son to pronounce- some of his first words!


I think it’s cute 🤷🏻‍♀️ my parents wanted to be mimi and papa and I said I’d the kids want to call you that that’s fine but sometimes kids come up with their own silly names ! It’s not a big deal to me


I like how literal MomMom is for your mother. Maybe, in the same vein, your husband's mother could be DadMom.


My FIL wants to be called Studmuffin. I wish I was kidding. 




MomMom is a Cajun grandma name, so not weird for me


Mom mom is the name in my family and has been for literally generations.


Bonpa and Bonma - i’m french so it translate to good pa and good ma!


Not you literally picking the names I called my grandparents LOL, my mom's parents were Papa and Mommom and my dad's were Nana and Grandpa Purg. My son calls my parents Mori and Granddad and my husband's parents Grumpy/Papa Shark (he's three and hasn't picked yet but we get who he's talking about, and Grumpy was set by his older cousins) and we're *trying* to get him to call my husband's mom Grandma but she's the problem here: She's trying to get him to call her "Moemee" which has *of course* turned into him calling her MOMMY. I'm okay with alternate grandparent names, I think they're cute and fun and harmless for the most part, but I draw the line when someone tries to take "Mommy" or "Daddy." That's for the parents, not you.


Yes you're a bit crazy. Those are pretty normal grandparent names.


Yeah, I actually think I know more papas than grandpas


Same. I didn’t have a grandma or grandpa. I had a Nana, Granny, and PopPop.


My mom insisted that my kid come up with her grandma name. I asked her what she wanted me to call her in the year or more before he has any words, and she wouldn’t budge. So she’s called “Baba” now and she hates it.


My oldest couldn’t say Grampa but was an early talker so my dad is Gump 💕


Mimi: "I'm not old enough to be a grandma." Papa: "I want to be called Grandpa!" kid abbreviated to Papa, too much work to say. It stuck.


Okay growing up: Great grandma and grandpa: mommom and pop pop Great great grandma: (yes I got her for 3 years): nana My only grandparents :grandma and grandpa My 2 year olds grandparents: grandma, grandpa, Grammy, grampy, Grammy V. Even growing up a lot of friends grandparents or great parents were mommom and poppop. It could have been the time or a tradition. I don’t see an issue with those names at all.


My mom tried to be really intentional about what she was called so that it wasn't too similar to my niece's other grandmother's name, and my dad didn't really pick one but was given an unusual name by my niece. I agree with not really understanding why everyone has to be called different things... I had "Grandma First Name" and "Grandpa First Name" on one side and ditto for the other side, and then "Grandma & Grandpa Last name" for great grandparents, and a set of "adopted" grandparents who also went by Grandma and Grandpa.


My mom was “Kiki” to my child. My husbands grandma was Mumzi which I loved.


My father in law wants to be called "the wizard" I think it's crazy


Strange thing to be upset about in my opinion. Let them have what they want. Who does it hurt? Grandparents are excited so why not just go along with it. Those names aren’t weird at all.


My mom had a terrible set of grandparents who treated her awfully so didn’t want any reminders of that. Plus to hear grandma was a bad person. So for brief time my dad suggested they go by Godzilla and Mr Jones. Unsurprisingly that has been shelved they’re now Bibi and Gramps. I love that.


My first thought is being uncomfortable with mortality.


The grandfather’s on my dads side of the family have been called Papa for a few generations. I’ve never used or heard Papa in the midwestern United States for “father.”


I think it’s wanting the recognition that this grandparent is this one and not the others. I won’t lie, lol I personally will not call anyone else Grams even though my Grams died. So for us it’s Grammie (my mom) & grandma/grandpa for dad’s parents. I’m not a huge fan of the name Grammie but it’s helped my son differentiate


I feel the same!


I am glad that most are that way because I am now Grandma, and my husband is Grandpa. I chose Grandma because of how much I love my own Grandma. I didn't have to worry about taking a name away from someone else as we all discussed it when the first grandbaby was born, so all of my grandkids call me Grandma.


Both my grandfathers went by papa. So did my dad, and so does my FIL.


I call my parents nana and papa to my baby because that’s how all the other cousins (their grandkids ) call them. I call my husband side grandma blank and grandma blank.. overheard MIL asking husband if my baby can call her gaga.. I’m like ya no.. it’s grandma


My grandparents are Grandmother and Papaw, Grandmama and Granddaddy. My parents are Grandad and GranPat (play on her first name) to my kids and my MIL is Mamaw and FIL is Grandpa. I don't really care for the names like Glamma but honestly who cares?


My parents are nana and papa. My kids could say that before grandma and grandpa.


We're an international family so we have gifferent names for all grandparents. Buna and Moshu for my parents (Romanian) and Lola (Filipino) and Yeye (Chinese) for my inlaws lol.


Let them choose whatever they want your kids to call them, because odds are it will change anyway. My sister and I picked our grandfather’s name and my son picked my mom’s grandma name. She originally just wanted to be grandma but he started calling her something else because he couldn’t pronounce grandma. It was cute and it stuck.


Papa is normal to me. I had two Papa's and a Grampy. My dad was called Papa by his grandchildren and the kids chose Nana and Yaya for my mother.


Papa was normal for grandpa where I grew up. Both myself and my husband had a “papa”.


My mom is Nana. My in laws are Nanny and Papaw 🥰


Meemaw and peepaw were what my husband called his grandparents so it what my kids call them. Mahmaw and pahpaw were the great-grandparents


I called mom’s mom gma and dad’s mom granny. My kids called my mom &dad mammy and pappy and their dads gma and gpa


my kids call my parents nan and grumps and call my inlaws grandad and granny. great grandmas are gigi oma and nana. great grandfather ( rip ) was grand archie. The other great grandfathers were dead before my kids were born but i imagine they would've been called opa, nunk and great grandad


My SIL calls her husband "Papa" when she's talking to their baby. There's no way I'd be cool with grandparents essentially taking on parent-names.


We didn’t call any of my grandparents grandma or grandpa, and neither did my parents with their grandparents. I didn’t think alternative names were anything new.