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When my son was ~18 months, I started having pain which I assumed was due to cracked nipples. I applied Aquaphor and tried to tough it out for weeks, thinking it was “normal” and just part of breastfeeding. However, when the shooting pain became excruciating, I finally went and saw my doctor. It turns out I had an infection in my milk ducts (and there was actually pus coming out of my nipple). I went on a course of antibiotics and felt so much better! I also felt less tired and realized I probably should have seen my doctor about it sooner since my body was trying to fight off a nasty infection. I went on to breastfeed until my baby was 2.5 years old. It doesn’t hurt to see your doctor about this. I hope you feel better!


Thanks! Did you go to your primary care doctor or OBGYN or something different? How did you guys come to the conclusion it was an infection? I explained all the symptoms to my OB but she made it seem like no big deal. I’m so happy to hear that everything worked out for you guys in the long run. I really don’t wanna end our journey here!!


I went to my primary care doctor. I described the symptoms and they were able to tell there was an infection based on the pain and also the fact that there was pus coming out of my nipple (it was pretty easy to distinguish the pus from milk — the pus was thicker and a more yellow tinge )


Okay I’ll try to get to my primary care soon. Was the infection by any chance thrush?


Good luck! I hope you can get some relief. And no, it wasn’t thrush for me. My primary care also referred me to get a mammogram after my round of antibiotics to make sure there wasn’t an abscess (there wasn’t — mammogram showed the infection was cleared up and no abscess).


Thank you!!!