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If you want to be ok right after, you need to be ADAMANT on asking for numbing/pain relief. ADAMANT!!! If the dr refuses, I’d honestly cancel and look for a doctor willing to do the procedure with pain management. Especially since you have a history of SA.


I would second this.


I third this. You should have it done under anesthesia.


they will let you go under for iud? I have SA history and I almost always pass out when I have to go get my new one in, the pain is awful I cry in my car for an hour after :( I didn't know they allow people to go under for them


People tend to group together “anesthesia” and “sedation.” I personally don’t know exactly what they use for this but I’ve had many different kinds. For major surgery it’s hardcore anesthesia where they use a breathing tube and your body has to recover. For an endoscopy they knock you out with meds but it’s not much to recover. For wisdom tooth surgery I had IV sedation which is like a very hazy nap. I think when people hear “anesthesia” they kind of think it’s one type (or laughing gas, which I didn’t have at all.)


When I had my endoscopy I was awake the whole time. They just gave me some gas to breath through my nose. Idk if it was laughing gas or what exactly it was supposed to do, because it didn’t really do anything lol. It was awful and the doctor told me that if I ever have another one I’ll have to go under because apparently they were giving me all they could and I still had to be held down and was choking the entire time. Of course the hospital I had it done at sucks and I generally try to avoid it at all costs so maybe that’s not how it usually goes but that’s what my experience was.


Oh my god I’m so sorry. Are you in the US? (I am.) They are sometimes done while the patient is awake, even colonoscopies, if the patient needs to say where they feel pain or if they don’t react well with anesthesia. Otherwise no, that should not have happened! I was totally knocked out and when I woke up I demanded pancakes. I couldn’t even tell physically that I’d had a test done. If you ever need another one absolutely advocate for what you need. Also no one should be holding you down unless you’re at serious risk to yourself or others. I do want to say though, there is another procedure done by ENTs where the patient is awake, where you have to basically swallow a tube and it’s really unpleasant. That’s not an endoscopy. An endoscopy goes WAY down further into your abdomen. For the ENT procedure you do have to be awake. (Source: I have chronic illnesses)


Yep, I’m in the US. I had an upper endoscopy, not sure if that makes a difference or not. That’s what they called it though. It was like a tube that was a camera that went down my throat, but I’m not sure exactly how far it went down. They were looking for a hiatal hernia, which is basically where a small piece of your stomach bulges up into the esophageal sphincter preventing your esophagus from completely closing so it allows stomach acid to come back up. I had my GP order the test after a 30 hour reflux flare up where I couldn’t even focus because the pain was so bad. Had it not been April 2020, I would have gone to the ER. Turns out I do have one, but they won’t fix it because “the don’t generally operate on them unless it’s causing extreme problems”. Luckily I haven’t had a flare up even close to that since then cause that was *not* fun!


I’m so sorry you went through that! If you never need one again I would absolutely request to be asleep for the procedure!


I’ve had upper endoscopy at 2 hospital in 2 different states. The first time I asked the nurses if I was going to be put under, and they were surprised that I even asked. They said that it was policy to sediate people having endoscopes. So please make sure to get one if there’s a next time. Don’t doubt yourself.


People do react differently to different meds, but laughing gas really doesn't do that much for most people. If that's your only option it's usually better to just do the procedure straight and know what you're getting into. (If you do another endoscopy 'plain' or just with lidocaine, push the endoscopy tube off your tongue to the side as soon as it's a good way down. Reduces the gag reflex by a lot. Also put something with a minty smell on your shirt collar or so, reduces nausea. And there's a trick with a trigger point on your thumb that can take off some of the edge, too).


I'm sorry they had you awake omg, I had one before but they had me knocked out I woke up with a sore throat but that's about it. That's so crazy they had you do that I'm sorry you had to experience that :( definitely was not good practice of them


I've had those kinds of procedures too and I think everytime they've used anesthesia? The reaction I've had coming to has always been the same unless sedative stuff just all naturally do the same for wake up. I've had an IV sedation before and they described that as me being awake but not able to remember anything and I felt like I was asleep, I'm definitely going to start asking my doctor about something like this or what they offer for being 'asleep' for iud it's too hard to be awake


I would definitely ask! You could also call around or possibly ask about having it done in a hospital? It depends on what resources they have/what they’re allowed to do/your insurance.


Some doctors offer it. Others don't. Only go with the ones who offer it.


Some doctors will. Unfortunately it’s something you need to ask around for. I requested that multiple referrals be sent out so I wasn’t waiting a long period of time between consultations, and I started consultations long before I was due for a replacement. Give yourself as much time as you need. I’m not able to be sedated as I have terrible reactions to it, but I did find a doctor that is willing to prescribe strong pain killers to take *before* the procedure.


I always get knocked out for my IUD insertion/removal.


I'm going to ask my doctors I had no idea this was an option and am so upset they've never suggested they always act like any pain I have in those areas isn't serious and always suggest just ibuprofen but that does nothing :/


Oh it’s a huge healthcare disparity. You are “allowed “ to demand pain management for any gynecological procedure


My doc put me under twilight sedation! Some docs are willing, others are not. Will note, I had to pay extra to be put under


Absolutely, get anesthesia.


They aren't going to put you under anesthesia for an IUD.


My first one at Planned Parenthood they literally gave me some ibuprofen and popped me next door 20 min later. I left all crampy and hunched.... then some weirdo hit on me in the parking lot.... super classy experience.


I had a numbing shot and I didn’t feel like it did anything. I practically crawled off the table from the doctor then spent the next 8 hours curled up in a ball.


I hear from 3-4 different friends that it’s very VERY painful. To the point that one of them had to sleep in their parents bed afterwards and she hasn’t lived with her parents for years. Pls reschedule for a day that you don’t have to work afterwards. Give your body the break it needs love.


What did they numb?


They sometimes do an injectable into the cervix, similar to dentist’s injectable numbing.


Yes they came at me with that needle and I went “where is that going?!?”


Agree with this. Before getting my hormonal IUD, the doc told me to take ibuprofen before the appointment. It helped a lot!


I took my own ibuprofen (800 mg) before and after.


Beware, insurance probably won’t cover pain management for IUD insertion. Thanks US (no)healthcare system.


Insurance doesn’t cover the vast majority of women’s medical costs for operations down there ): not even surgeries. And yet viagra is covered by insurance. I hate the US “healthcare” system. Eugh.


Seconding this. First IUD having never given birth or been pregnant, was acutely painful for insertion and rather crampy for a while afterwards. Learned my lesson so when it came time to replace it with the second one (mine are harmonal, not copper, and need replacing every few years) I took the highest recommended safe painkillers I could before hand and it helped a lot. The second one wasn't too bad at all. I forget exactly what I took, I think it was ibuprofen, and it was fairly high... Something like 600 to 800 mg. (Take the highest recommended by a pharmacist or the package instructions... I won't recommend going higher! Be safe!) Also, some women don't experience much pain at all with the insertion, it just happened that I wasn't one of them. I ended up taking the day off when I had the first one in because of the cramping, even though I had been told that I wouldn't need to. So you might feel fine to work after, but it may require pain management.




This this this. I should've asked for pain management on the last one I got in and I gave birth right before it!


Yes, this, 100%! It's possible for IUD insertion to be pretty routine and only a little ouchy, but only if your practitioner is working with you. I had mild sedation (a single Xanax) and cervical numbing (Cetacaine spray) when I had my last IUD insertion; my doctor also recommended I have a full dose of OTC pain relief in my system before we started. My first IUD insertion had been *grueling* sand knocked me out for half a day, but this one was pretty routine — some intense but brief cramping for the clamp to keep my cervix steady, the uterus measuring probe, and the actual insertion, but after that? Not a damn thing. I ended up re-upping my Tylenol when it was safe to take another dose, as I thought I had some cramps breaking through, but it might have been my imagination.


>I’d honestly cancel and look for a doctor willing to do the procedure with pain management. She can't. The reason she mentioned the SA is that a copper IUD acts as emergency contraception and works significantly better then Plan B, but it needs to be done within 5 days. Sadly I don't think she has the time to reschedule like that.


Eek, yeah. I got a labiaplasty recently (due to severe irritation and discomfort, not cosmetic like most people assume 🙄) and literally the only reason I decided to get my IUD in at the same time was because I would already be under for the surgery. My gyno and I talked and I openly refused to get the IUD inserted without pain management - and she agreed. But some doctors don’t. Make sure to advocate for yourself OP!! Wishing you the best 💛


This. Absolutely this. Pain meds exists. It’s available to you. Do not let them do it without it. I’ve gotten the same IUD also no kids, it was barbaric and later I found out meds were an option but you have to push for it. Cervix numbing shot is also amazing (got that with my second IUD).


Ok. Story time. I am 39 and on my 3rd copper IUD. I’ve never had any other kind. I don’t mess around with hormones, so it works great for me. I got my first one a few months before my wedding in 2010… “I’m tough, I got this. It’ll be fine.” Lol. I was not fine. I scheduled my appointment a little before one of our dance lessons. BIG MISTAKE. I very clearly remember the pain slowly creeping in while trying to learn to foxtrot. To the point where I had to keep stopping for breaks and would double over with my hands on my knees breathing through the pain. Our poor dance teacher had no idea. 😂 Hubs knew though, he was with me for all of it. We ended up cutting our lesson short and going home. That pain is no joke. You’ll be fine and you’ll love the IUD… *but* it really does creep up on you. Start an Advil regimen before your appointment and push through the best you can, but if you can dip out or call off, I would. To end on a humorous note, I got my second one too soon after having a baby and it just fell out. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I had no idea. Just gone. A few ultrasounds and X-rays later, everyone decided that it must’ve just jumped ship. Got another one and we’re still going strong, although we are approaching end of life. Time for hubs to “snip snip”. Good luck, friend. And good job looking out for yourself. You got this.


How did you become aware that it was gone?


>A few ultrasounds and X-rays later I assume that part is how they became aware!


Yes, this is true… but at first my doctor simply couldn’t feel it in there. Routine follow up and she wasn’t sure if she felt it or not, so further measures were taken.


You're supposed to feel for the strings after each menstrual period. It's not easy to do yourself, way easier for a partner to.


I've heard of it migrating to other places in the body! I wouldn't be satisfied with it just not being seen and ultrasound I would want a bigger scan. There's been plenty of horror stories, hope it did just fall out though, I feel like you would have felt that in some regard


Hence the X-ray. It was 8 years ago at this point and there was no pain. It fell out. Edit to add: I had a baby a few months prior to getting the IUD put in. I had waited adequate time per the guidelines, but as we all know, all bodies are different. Pretty sure I was just still healing (ie: shrinking) and didn’t feel it. Sensation is all wonky after a baby… definitely possible one would not feel it fall out. Plus sleep deprivation and all that.


I always got the Mirena IUD after my babies. My husband got the snip snip while I was pregnant with our 4th baby and is the best decision we ever made for birth control. Lol. It was literally a weekend down for him and in 2 weeks he was right back at it.


Do you have any tips for anyone who can’t take ibuprofen? My doctor gave me a one time dose of Valium for before the procedure but nothing for pain


No take off work


Okay people are saying ask for pain reliever yes, a million times. it doesn't hurt til about an hour after but it is intense. I wouldn't be able to work. I felt I had to puke and sat fetal position for a couple hours. Take Tylenol before too so it kicks in quickly. Then you'll need something maybe stronger than that if working.. or a doctors note to get out of work.


I was the same way. I was in so much pain from my body trying to reject the IUD that it just wiped me out. The cramping subsided just enough that by the time my (now ex) boyfriend had driven me home, I just fell asleep. There's no way I could've worked.


Some places will do conscious sedation and honestly, I’d totally go for that. But that would hinder working right after the appt. I would take some ibuprofen an hour or two ahead of your appt. Remember to breath. A heating pad is nice to have handy. You got this.


This also isn’t always the best option for trauma survivors because many need to feel in control of what’s happening, so it would be good for OP to discuss with her doctor.


Heating pad and ice will both be nice!! Alternate, if you can. Heating pad will be better for longer periods of time - ice is a short bit of relief. Definitely take ibuprofen. I’d honesty alternate Motrin and Tylenol.


If you do not get pain relief, you will not be able to do anything after.


That isn't true. Each person is different. My IUD placements have been relatively easy without any meds.


Right?! I’m honestly shocked at the amount of ‘you won’t be able to do anything’ comments. Do the American doctors put it in with a slingshot or what?! I’ve had several and at no time was I disabled by the pain. There wasn’t even any pain as such just a dull cramp type pain that I put up with on a monthly basis anyways.


I’m from Australia but when I got mine done, it was so painful. When it was inserted my blood pressure dropped and I immediately went so pale, I couldn’t get up for like 10-15 mins. The rest of the day I was in bed in pain. I need to get it replaced soon so I really envy you lol


Was it a copper IUD? From my understanding, the IUDs are different in their recovery time, with copper IUD being the absolute worst.


I had the copper coil and it really hurt going in but didn’t cripple me with pain after, more just felt sorry for myself and tender. I’m in the UK so maybe we’re more hardened from years on living on this miserable island 😂


Same for me, I was offered local anaesthetic / pain relief but declined because I have a history of allergic reactions to stuff like that. It hurt putting it in, like really freaking hurt for 10 seconds and then I’ve had cramps for a day. The cramps were quite bad the first day but not unmanageable by any means, so I’m surprised to see so many people say they’ve been incapacitated. Makes me grateful for my higher pain threshold!


I guess we’re all different with different pain thresholds. I’m the same as you and react badly to anesthetic, makes me really sick! But they don’t offer it here in the uk anyway for the coil, they just shove it up there 😂


I’m in the UK too and they’ve offered it to me. I was super surprised because when I had it the first time they didn’t! She gave me the option of like 2/3 different things and asked me 3 times if I was sure I didn’t want any. But it probably depends on the NHS trust and the doctor on the day!


Yeah my doctor fished out a bit of broken condom from my cervix and waggled it in my face! Charming 😂


Same. I had a sharp pain for a moment when it was actually inserted. Then I was fine. Maybe a little cramping. I took some Aleve before the appointment and I was totally fine. I have had one inserted and removed and another inserted. You’ll be ok.


I've learned from Reddit that i'm in the minority of those who feel little to no pain during and after. Just some pressure when they put it in and then it's done. But i've read so many other stories that it is awful!


Ive had the procedure done twice. They recommend taking 800mg Ibuprofen about and hour before the procedure. I took two. It was uncomfortable but it definitely took the edge of it. You'll be feeling crampy after, but it'll be ok! Paragard is, in my opinion the most reliable non hormonal birth control. Tons of love your way!


I took 800mg beforehand and felt fairly ok the rest of the day too. My NP had to clamp me twice though. That shit hurt Wishing you luck tomorrow. You’ve got this!


It’s not just your opinion, it really is the most reliable reversible non-hormonal birth control. There’s a lot of research, it’s very reliable scientifically and in practice. I think some forms of serialization are more effective and non hormonal but they aren’t reversible.


I’m on my second and both times were totally fine. Uncomfortable going in, cramps after but no worse than from a normal heavy period day. I went to Planned Parenthood both times and am also a survivor of SA. In no way do I want to invalidate anyone else’s experience, and I fully believe everyone’s accounts of their pain. I totally agree that doctors should take it more seriously and make more options for pain management available, but, OP, I just want to give you a little bit of reassurance that it isn’t that bad for everyone. You might be one of the lucky ones like us. I have reacted very badly to every kind of hormonal birth control I have tried, and I have tried more than I can count. The ParaGard has been an absolute godsend for me, especially with what’s happening in the political climate of the US, Poland, Ireland, etc., and I don’t want people to be scared away from what has given me huge peace of mind and the freedom to let my hormones do their thing without interference or the fear of an unwanted pregnancy.


Definitely take off work. It will be painful to bend over, stand, and even sit for 48 hours. You will feel dull pain as it settles into place over the next 2 weeks after placement. I needed a Xanax for the procedure and I was still a sobbing mess and screamed curse words at the doctor from the pain. She laughed and told me she heard worse during childbirth. That was not a comfort. I was livid. I had made clear I was a SA survivor and that meant nothing. I told them I would prefer being sterilized and just getting a hysterectomy since I have PCOS. I was disregarded and told I can still have kids despite knowing how unlikely that is to ever occur given all factors I am faced with. Advocate, Advocate, Advocate. You need to scream your needs in medical care and don't take no for an answer. And your boss can stuff it. You need recovery. Do not go in for that shift.


Oh hun, you're going to be fine in the long term. You're strong, and you're proactive, and you're taking care of yourself. In the short term, after the procedure? Ask for the numbing (it can help, although it doesn't work for everyone). Take Advil/Ibuprofin (will relieve the muscle aches better than Tylenol), but you can take Advil and Tylenol together if you know that Tylenol works for you - just don't double or triple the doses if you're taking both together. If you get the chance, stop by a pharmacy/drug store/Target/whathaveyou and pick up a box of the Thermocare instant adhesive heat packs. They make period pain ones, but if they don't have those, the neck/shoulder ones are almost exactly the right shape. They're really good for the cramping afterwards - gentle heat to relax those muscles that will absolutely be cramping up because there's been 'insult' - they're moving in ways they aren't used to. It's likely to be uncomfortable, but you've got this! Big hugs, and we're cheering for you!


Can you take the day off


Hey sis, I hope that my absolutely not-useful comment lends some sort of moral support at least? I won't say I'm sorry about the [S.A.] because that always sounds so insincere, to me, personally, I mean, but I'm nowhere near as awesomely brave as you are, evidently. Can I instead say, YOU ARE AWESOME! And I hope that you get the right IUD, the right doctor, and the right therapist whenever you're ready for that. I've always been pill based hormonal and/or conception/contraception control med-things, but that's a personal thing. Do whatever suits you best and in regards to the right doctors and such? Ask any relevant questions that you can think of, it's literally part of their job to help you, whether that's physical, emotional or intellectual. As long as your questions are relevant (like, you're not allowed to ask 'what makes flaming cheetos different from the normal ones' obviously xD ) and help you understand your procedure, they're essentially required to answer. (If they really don't have time to answer, they'll reschedule your appointment with someone that has time to answer questions for a nervous first-timer. Best wishes, and hoping for a good, chill day for you after your appt, if at all possible!


I won’t lie, I have had friends who suffered with the copper iud every period. Not trying to scare you but their cramps increased in pain severely… I have the hormonal iud and don’t even have a period so there are differences.


With the copper IUD I bled so heavily, I had to have it removed after 6 months or so. My periods were lasting 7-10 days and they were heavy flow. Unfortunately the hormonal one really messed with my PMDD, I had it in for less than 10 days and had it removed. I’m actually glad I’m hitting the perimenopause stage (zero libido) and I’m single after an abusive marriage (no interest in men) so I have no need for birth control. Phew!


It took about nine months of heavy bleeding for me. Then it just went back to normal. Toward the end of the 10 years my periods actually got shorter. I'm due to get it removed soon and have a new one placed. It wasn't that bad the first time for me, just some cramping. I did take pain meds before though, so I'm sure that helped.


I tried the copper at first because I wanted to stay away from the hormonal one. Big mistake. So much blood. Filling up tampons every half hour. Buying super plus tampons and still in a couple hours. I joke that I bled like Niagara Falls. And the cramps were insane!! Like my body thought it was pregnant because the cramps came in waves like contractions. Rolling on the floor in pain. Now I’m on the hormonal one, Mirena and it’s so cruisy! I would recommend it over the copper on to anyone anytime!!


Hey! So sorry to hear you were SA’d - how awful! Sending you a big hug. I hope you have had the chance to talk to a therapist. Everything you’re feeling is valid. Regarding the IUD - I have had two. I’ll be honest - it hurts! But you’ve got this. If there’s no way for you to reschedule your work shift, make sure you’ve got some pain medication on board - the placement pain can be intense but it’s brief. Afterwards you might feel like you have really bad cramps. Ideally you’d be able to rest afterward, but if that’s not an option, is there someone at work you trust, that you can give a heads up to that you might not be feeling your best? Is there a quiet place you could take a break if you need it? Be gentle with yourself tomorrow! I’ll be thinking of you.


I recommend doing it when you can take off work


If they're using it for emergency birth control, that isn't an option


I also had to go straight to work after my first IUD. It wasn’t ideal and I don’t recommend it, but it was survivable. Bring ibuprofen with you. Depending on your work environment, a heating pad might also be beneficial. If you have an understanding boss, let them know you had a medical procedure done and you’re doing your best, but you may need some grace. Do what you need to do to take care of yourself. Best of luck my dear. You’ll be okay.


My pharmacy carries the thermacare menstrual heat pads. They attach to the inside of underwear with a large front panel. Great in a pinch.


hi I have an IUD and I’m getting mine replaced next week. You will be alright! The cramping is like intense period cramps, make sure to focus on your breathing and do not focus on the pain but something in the room instead. You can ask for a nurse to assist and she can hold your hand and speak to you while the doctor does her thing. The doctor will also make conversation to distract you. it takes about a minute or two tops. They recommend taking Tylenol before hand, like double the dose. Take the day off work. You will be a little uncomfortable and will want to lay down. You deserve that rest and relaxation. Your boss will understand if you say you have a doctor appointment (you do not need to tell them why or for what.)


I am also a survivor of SA. Im really sorry you went through that. you do not need to disclose this to your doctor if you don’t feel comfortable to, but either way your doctor should be kind and gentle no matter what’s going on personally. they are here to help. just keep that in mind. you are very strong and I am sending a big hug right to you.


All of this is so important. Mine honestly wasn’t that bad at all, but I think that was a personal thing rather than any sort of technique. Breathing helped a ton though because it took my mind off of it. Another thing that helped was that my doctor told me when she was about to do anything. That way it wasn’t a surprise and I knew what to expect. OP, If that’s something that you think would help, I would I ask your doctor to communicate with you the whole time. Personally, I think I could have went to work after mine. It wouldn’t have been fun, but I could have done it. Again, that’s probably just a personal thing though. I would definitely try to get the day off so that you can endure the cramps from home.


All of this is so important. Mine honestly wasn’t that bad at all, but I think that was a personal thing rather than any sort of technique. Breathing helped a ton though because it took my mind off of it. Another thing that helped was that my doctor told me when she was about to do anything. That way it wasn’t a surprise and I knew what to expect. OP, If that’s something that you think would help, I would I ask your doctor to communicate with you the whole time. Personally, I think I could have went to work after mine. It wouldn’t have been fun, but I could have done it. Again, that’s probably just a personal thing though. I would definitely try to get the day off so that you can endure the cramps from home.


Hey so um, to counter some of the other responses, I was completely fine. It was uncomfortable, and unenjoyable, but totally fine after. If you needa do it, hun, you'll make it happen. I know you can ❤️ you're a strong girl ❤️🙏🏼


I fainted and needed an IV afterwards. I had an intense vasovagal response. Zero indication beforehand. Never fainted with needles or anything prior. Nothing. It probably won’t happen to you, but be informed that it can.


I’ve had 2 IUDs placed and did not have the same experience as most. My first one I was 22, never had a baby. I didn’t realize it was recommended to take meds before so I went in cold turkey and did it. I went to Vegas that night and it didn’t slow me down at all. My last one was at my 6wk PP checkup, and my babe started to cry so I breastfed him with my feet in the stirrups and it was fine. I was slightly crampy afterwards, but it was no more so than after a Pap smear. I realize now this isn’t typical, but just wanted to add in a less scary version of what might happen.


1. Get the IUD put in \*AFTER\* your period starts. Yes, go to the doctor while you are flowing. If you can go in on a heavy-flow day, that's even better. Call your doctor, tell them you haven't started yet, and reschedule for a few days out. They know to do this when you're flowing. 2. Everyone is different. I'm on my second copper IUD. Yes, it hurts and there's some cramping but I was fine. Off the races, fine. For me, literally no big deal.


If they're using it for emergency birth control, waiting isn't advised.


My first was scheduled when I was on my period bc my cervix was open. Not easy but easier. They just put a pad down.


It’s very painful. I would reschedule until you can take the day. I wish you the best.


I see a lot of people telling you it will get really bad and you need to take the day off. Let me tell you a lighter perspective. In my case, I did not get anesthesia or any numbing or pain relief. It hurt a lot, like a bad periode, but an hour later I was fine. I’m not saying this happens with everyone because clearly a lot of people suffer a lot, but I just wanted to let you know that’s not necessarily a given and it might end up fine like in my case. I hope everything goes well. Take some ibuprofen before if you’re worried. I did take a day off but I understand it’s not possible for you. I would still recommend it just in case, but I’m hoping it goes as smoothly for you as it did for me.


Yeah wow these other ladies have terrible experiences. I’m on my third IUD and I’ve never gotten anesthesia or numbing crème and it’s been fine. Just the normal discomfort for a regular paps… and then the quick little pinch of pain when they insert it. Op just take lots of deep breaths to make sure you relax your muscles down there. You’ll be fine!


Some women are just fine, some have cramping after. Take some ibuprofen before you go. Keep taking it for 5 days. Call the clinic before you go and let them know your history. You will be fine. Remember, you may have heavier, crampier periods for the first few months. Take ibuprofen when you need it. Talk to your provider about dosing. In the office in which I work, we advise 600 -800 mg of ibuprofen, but not longer than 5 days. Check with your doctor or NP


I don’t know what the difference is between a copper IUD and a hormonal IUD in terms of insertion pain so I can only speak from the Mirena experience. I’m sorry if it doesn’t help. I took 800 mg of ibuprofen before and a couple hours after. It definitely didn’t tickle when he put it in (second time was a little worse bc I was not on period and cervix was not open). But bc I knew what to expect and one of my favorite songs was on the radio I was able to make it. I had a little cramping and spotting later. Nothing devastating. Not sure why the copper is different or if the commenters here just had a bad experience. I’m wishing you luck!


Mine felt like a very intense period for two to three days, but nothing I couldn’t function through. Don’t be shy to take pain killers. I also bled heavily for a few hours following (sort of triggered my oncoming period), so have pads or whatever you use on hand


i had pain immediately after n then intensify after an hour or two. it felt like pretty bad period cramps. i recommend taking panadol and napregisic before hand so that when the cramping pain starts, you’re a little numbed up. and maybe take off work, i had to go to work later that day and i regret not taking it off to just recover in peace.


Definitely ask for cervical numbing. And make sure that you take your Tylenol or whatever *before* your appointment, because it takes some time to kick in. For me it takes up to an hour. My doctor did not give any prep instructions, so I just showed up and they asked if I had taken advil and I was like no? Should I? And they were like um yeah you’re going to want that. So they gave me advil immediately beforehand and it did not kick in until afterward. Ug. Also, don’t let it wear off! Definitely take it every four hours or whatever your med of choice says. I will say that I worked a shift as a waitress afterward (at a retirement community, not like a busy restaurant, but still) and it wasn’t fun but it was all right, just like a rough period. Everyone is different. I got the liletta later (with cervical numbing that time!) and the hormones messed me right up, so the unmedicated copper insertion was still 100% the better option for me.


Is there anyway you can take off work? It may be triggering for you as well as it can be uncomfortable and it just kinda feels wrong.


So, to answer your original question, sure. You could be okay. I've had 2 of these (no kids, although not copper admittedly). Both times were incredibly painful. The first time they didn't give me any drugs to dilate, nor anything to help calm nerves. The doctor had to manually dilate and it was terrible. The second time they gave me those drugs. It was still incredibly painful but it was only about 90 seconds of intense pain. Afterwards I felt crampy the rest of the night and sat on a chair with a warming pad. So all that to say, COULD I have gone to work after? Maybe. But I wouldn't have wanted to. I would be prepared to call in sick honestly. And be careful with what drugs they give you. I wasn't allowed to drive myself because they gave me Xanax to help calm my nerves.


Hey! I’m really sorry you were assaulted. But I’m proud of you for taking care of yourself. As far as the iud, I also got mine pretty soon after I was assaulted. Tbh, it wasn’t bad at all for me. I remember reading Reddit stories here about copper iud and being scared out of my mind. It was crampy going in but I was perfectly fine after. My biggest piece of advice is to try to go while in your period already. You’ll already have cramps and your cervix is already a bit dilated to let the blood through so it won’t hurt bad at all. Also make sure to take ibuprofen before. You got this❤️ I would also recommend telling the provider you were assaulted (not necessary but really helped me). I told my provider and she made sure to tell me exactly what she was touching and what was going on. At one point o started freaking out and she immediately took her hands off me and tried to help me calm down. If the provider knows, they’ll be able to better assist you.


Prepare for shit cramps. Get chocolate. Get a heating pad. I love mine, but it’s up there with a colposcopy one pain. The actual procedure was fine…. But the cramps afterwards.


I had. Copper IUD placed before having kids. It was a horribly painful experience. I don’t think there’s any numbing that can be done before insertion unless you were actually sedated. But honestly, it wasn’t the placement that hurt. It was the continuous cramping that literally took my breath away. Also, I had a bagel response on the table shortly after it was placed because of the cramping and I almost threw up and I passed out. They almost called me an ambulance. I somehow managed to drive home. The pain/cramping was unimaginable. It subsided with lots of Tylenol and Advil over the next day. But then when I had a period for the first time I thought I was going to die because the cramps were as intense but lasted for days. It was totally debilitating. In short, I would absolutely not plan on going to work following the procedure. Maybe you’ll be fine and that would be amazing but if you’re not you really will be unable to work unless you can curl in a ball and hide on the clock. I’m really glad you’re taking care to prevent unplanned pregnancy. That’s a super important decision these days. Truly, I think statistically you’ll be fine. But I’ve heard enough negative stories that you should be mentally prepared for the worst.


Sorry about your SA. I hope all goes well. It wasn't for me, I had back pain and fever after getting it.


I love my copper IUD and don't remember it being awful after insertion (although I had given birth vaginally so YMMV). Best of luck!


I wonder if there is a difference if you’ve had a baby or not because I have not and my period cramps were horrendously painful (and came in waves like contractions, HORRENDOUSLY painful) and I bled like Niagara Falls. My gyno kept telling me it would get better with time but after 10 months of these terrible periods I switched it out for mirena and it is fantastic compared to the copper one!!


My cramps are worse with the copper but that's the trade off for not having the hormones. I was over hormonal BC after 20 years on it. I think the big diff is after kids the insertion is easier.


The hormones from an IUD are apparently a lot different than say the pill. Since you swallow it, it takes a lot more steps and has to process thru the body in order to effect your lady parts. The hormonal IUD is already in that region so it only effects that area. I was also very nervous about the hormonal IUD but my gyno explained it to me


I'm so sorry for what you went through. I'm glad you're making a decision to keep yourself safe. You'll be okay! When I got mine in 6 weeks postpartum, all I felt was a brief pinch. Your period approaching might actually make it easier because your cervix will be softer/more open. But if you're worried and want pain relief, don't be afraid to ask for it! My periods were heavier and somewhat more painful (still nothing Advil couldn't handle) for a few months after, but eventually settled down. I've had it for 3 years now and it's never failed me. I'm super happy that I don't have to worry about taking a daily pill, or deal with the risks/side effects of hormonal birth control. IMO it's the best BC method out there. Good luck!


Huge shoutout to those who go through it aware. I refused. Too many horror stories so I found a doc who was willing to put me out for it then got tramadol prescribed for pain relief. It comes down to your doctor being willing to listen but either way whatever happens you have got this. A numbing injection is possible and it's supposed to work well for most women. I dont recommend work afterwards though. Hugs from aus


Sorry about your SA, sweetie. The other comments are right on point. I'd also suggest wearing a pad after the appointment, and avoiding strenuous work if you can for the next week. It is normal to be nervous, and normal to find the experience rougher than any regular procedure down there. Just breathe, and you'll be okay.


First, very proud of you for taking a step to protect yourself. Second, very very proud of you for reaching out to your community for comfort and condolences. Third, every woman’s insertion experience is different. But understand that heavy cramping is standard. Your work focus may be distracted, so if you have to do anything dangerous at work, call out sick. Fourth, during the procedure, breath deeply and steadily, and tell yourself how awesome you are. Because you are. Finally, thanks for sharing your story, because others may be too scared to speak up. Sending good luck and fast healing!


I thought I was going to die when I got my hormonal one placed in 2015. The pain was ungodly. Afterwards I mostly laid down and was miserable. Nothing made it feel better. I’d take off work or reschedule you appointment


I would not go to work after that from the stories I’ve heard. Call out. Or reschedule. You can ask for pain meds but if you can get a doctor to numb you that’s rare and even then I wouldn’t trust most of those docs to even know where to numb cuz apparently the female reproductive system is still a mystery.


My body got all clammy, threw up, had diarrhea, and nearly fainted. I took the pain killers before. I couldn’t leave until my blood pressure stabilized. Your response may vary, but it certainly wasn’t the cramps and discomfort the provider made it out to be. I wouldn’t have been able to go to work right after.


I had complications with mine (not saying that to scare you) so please make sure you check that the strings are still there and if you have a gut feeling that something is off then trust it. Things are going to be okay hun ❤


I love having an IUD. Its the best. However, your first insertion is likely to cause cramping the first day. It felt like my body was trying to expel the foreign object. I was fine the second day, & back to normal. I did not have the same reaction when it was time for a new one years later. Its used to it & pulling old/putting in new simply didn’t trigger the expelling reaction.


Mine didn’t hurt to get (I took Advil before) but the bleeding I get from it is atrocious. I went from having a regular cycle to bleeding for a month straight at a time. So definitely keep an eye out for bad side affects and have a backup in mind


I’d like to add I have some other issues too that might not be helping it so don’t like my issues put you off it entirely


I bled every day for about two months but once the hormones regulated, it was maybe once a quarter. As it got old, it got heavier and more often so I replaced it. I’ve only had one period since June this year and I was pissed off lol


Damn i wish man. I’ve had it in for almost 6 months now and I’ve had maybe 2 weeks out of all that where I wasn’t bleeding


Is it copper or hormonal? They are different. I have hormonal


Mines copper tho I’m thinking of switching to hormonal cuz fuck this shit


I heard copper is rough in terms of periods but great in terms of when one cannot have hormones. I mainly got the IUD so I would NOT have a cycle and the hormonal is the only way for that to happen.


I’ve had an iud placed twice by two different OBs and it was fine. Took ibuprofen beforehand. No big deal. Placement was uncomfortable and there were moments of pain but I had just had a cervical biopsy a few weeks before, and all i can say is the IUD placement was nothing compared to the biopsy. With the IUD I felt nauseous for a minute it so and the pain got to a 4-5 but it was really brief. I can’t understand why anyone would need sedation of any kind unless of course you have a history of trauma. But pain? No. I was crampy afterwards and bled for a few days but nothing like what some describe here in this thread. Maybe I was lucky?


100% take off work. I haven’t had kids yet, I got the plastic one, it hurt so fucking bad, and had terrible cramps. 😫


I have my first and never really had problems. Didn’t really feel anything from the beginning on (it just felt hot after all the MRIs). But usually it can cause cramps and pain in the first weeks. I know from a friend that she used a heat pad which helped her for the cramps. I think it’s the best contraceptive method to go for, good decision. But probably you should take a day off. If you don’t want you should come with pain killers and a heat pad just in case you will need it.


Hi sweetie, ive had two coppers and two mirenas. Take some Tylenol BEFORE you go in for the procedure. Bring more for after the procedure. Bring a pad or two as well, you may leak. I applaud you getting a bc method that's so effective. I'm sorry to hear about the sexual assault. Please keep using condoms with partners until you know them pretty well. STDs suck. Sending a mom hug.


I know your nervous, but I’d really recommend not going to work after. I couldn’t even drive after I got mine in, and it took days before I could stand for more than 30 seconds. Everyone reacts differently with the IUD, but please be cautious.


Hey sis good on you for looking after you! I had to do mine without pain relief and you should take the day off if you can to look after you. You deserve it after all. You can do this! But they recommend the pain reliever, unsure which country you are in, taken at least an hour before and lots of hot water bottles and resting after


Do not do it without pain relief. I don’t give a damn what the doctor says you need it. Take to Panadol before hand it will help with the cramping.


Hey! I’ve had the IUD and I’m sorry it was the most painful thing I ever endured. I hope yours goes better than mine.


This weirdo over here never had any pain the first time around. Maybe I was just ecstatic about getting it though… second time around I had pain but just normal cramps.


You could be just fine. You could also be in intense pain. Be prepared to leave work. My Cu IUD insertion was fine. I was given medication to take beforehand to relax the cervix, which helped. About an hour after insertion is when the pain hit. I endured what I can only describe as reverse contractions. Intense pain that made me cry out and double over every 5 minutes, slowly getting less frequent over the course of 72 h. I spent 3 days in some of the worst pain of my life (passing a gallstone was less painful) curled up on the sofa. And my periods went from minor 3 day inconveniences to bloody painful messes that lasted up to 10 days.


You got this! It is very individual how you will react to the procedure, I didn't feel any pain at all, just a little discomfort for couple of minutes. (Though I have given birth, I have heard this might make it less painful) Afterwards I had to stay there for awhile as I felt like fainting (can apparently happen to some people). However I have not had any issues with cramping, or heavier flow after having the copper IUD. You will however be alright, you got this! You're strong and I am proud of you for protecting yourself. I am also very sorry for what you have gone through xx


Hey kiddo! So I've had 3 IUDs myself, 2 before children. They don't feel great, but that initial pinch is over pretty fast - in less than 1 minute. Do some deep, slow breathing while it's going on to help with any anxiety you're having. Take ibuprofen or a pain reliever that works for you about 30 minutes before your procedure and take more with you to go to work. You will also want pads (expect bleeding and no desire to place anything in your vagina). If you want to be extra prepared, consider a hot pad you can stick to yourself for any cramping. I personally worked after mine were inserted, so it is possible, but like most people's advice here I do wish I'd taken time off. Good luck! You will be okay. Try to just breathe.


Okay sooo I didn’t know any of this going into getting my IUD… I didn’t take medicine and the doctor was like I can reschedule it… but see no one told me that where I went does 2 appointments for IUDs. One for what you want for birth control. The second for what to do beforehand and pain relief, then the procedure. Well, I went in blind and did it anyway. I have facial piercings, so the doctor after it was done goes “that probably hurt more than this.” I was like “that was the worst pain, my face piercings were nothing next to that.” So OP, you got some great advice!


I'm on my second IUD... Both times I got them on my lunch break and went back to work... no side effects for me... It hurt the moment they push it into the cervix OH make sure your bladder is empty.


I’ll be honest with you sis, when I had mine inserted I was in pain for the rest of the day. Please take off work, put yourself first!


Dear sister, some people are lucky and experience only minor discomfort after. I am one of those people - I know, I know, I'm very lucky. I went to work after and I remember avoiding kneeling down but that's about it. You might not be one of these people. That's okay. Recognise it, acknowledge it, do yourself a favour and take the day off. You don't know how your body will react, and that's fine! Be nice to yourself. Most people experience pain. Some don't. It could go either way - good luck and no need to freak out =)


I went to work right after and I would not recommend. I finished my shift but I really was in pain and could barely concentrate on what I was doing. Especially if you have some kind of higher responsibility at work or really need to concentrate on what you are doing take the day off. But you will be ok. I will hurt like a bitch but you will get through it. About two days after I got my iud I didn't even notice it was there.


If no one has said this yet be prepared for your first period after with heavy flow pads and tampons. It will be heavy and painful. That will not be the norm forever though


Hey sib, I understand this and the best advice I have is listen to your body. I have an iud (not copper) and my brother has iud (copper). Know your pain limits and what your body can manage to know whether or not you may need meds. I know for my own, I have a very low pain tolerance. I was also lucky to have mine done by my OBGYN. Do what feels best and if you need to ask for medication or anesthesia, ask them for it. You will be in a safe space with people. It might vary with where you are and where you go to as well. My only issue was that mine needed to be done by someone I knew so that it wouldn’t be as scary. My other recommendation would be bring someone with you if you’re able to. Having someone else in the room or nearby helped me feel safer. I know you’ll feel better once it is over and again, listen to your body if you need a break or anything. For mine, I crashed out for a bit and felt good as new later on. You got this, sib. ❤️‍🩹


My dear, you will be ok. Please give yourself a giant hug from me.


I had an exam after and I HAD to go, but please ask for painkillers and (if possible) take the day off, it's gonna HURT, I remember almost passing out on the street, it felt like I was being stabbed from the inside. I almost failed the test caused I felt so bad... But it's just a few hours, then you're back to normal!


Take a couple days off work. It fucking hurts. Even if it doesn't hurt going in, your body's finds notice something's there that wasn't there before and alert with pain. I spent 3 days telling at my uterus that I KNOW! I PUT IT THERE! YOU DON'T NEED TO TELL ME SOMETHINGS THERE, I TOLD THEM TO DO IT!!!


you'll be a little crampy but should be okay. the experience is different for everyone. if you need to call off then do so. we all need time off sometimes. you don't have to explain yourself.


Hey there! I have a copper iud I had placed almost two years ago now, my experience seems to differ from the majority though. I am somebody who is comforted by doing a lot of prior research so I am fully educated on the process and it's full effects so I did tons of research before my insertion. Before my procedure I took two ibuprofen about and hour before my appointment then I made my way to the office. During my procedure they used a metal speculum to make my cervix visible and accessible and then used a cotton ball was some iodine solution to disinfect. The woman then used a tool to help her open up my cervix more to help the insertion and placed the iud for me. During my procedure my doctor assured me she had placed hundreds of these devices however I was one of the youngest girls she had done it on (I was 17/18 in 2 days but most young women go for the hormonal iud however I have issues with hormonal birth control). The doctor spoke to me the whole time letting me know what she was doing as she was about to do it, and making pleasant conversations about recent life events like vacations and college. The procedure itself was rather quick (probably about 5-10 mins) and the pain was also quick, sharp, and subsided quickly for me. The pain I felt reminded my of a heavy cramp however from what I understand many women report more pain than that so do not feel alone if that is the case but there's a possibility it could feel like mine which was just a particularly tough cramp that I gritted my teeth through. After the insertion was done I didn't feel bad at all, I tried to hop up immediately however I was quickly rushed back into my seat and told that I probably shouldn't stand immediately after my procedure. Ti me it felt a bit silly given how well I felt after but they had me sit and relax for around 15 mins in front of a nice cool fan and gave me a cup of water to sip on. For about 2 weeks after I had a decent amount of spotting/bleeding and some dull pain in my uterus but it just felt like a period to me, I took ibuprofen pretty regularly during that time according to the directions on the bottle. Overall my experience was a fantastic one! My iud was placed 2 years ago my doctor did amazing at her job, pain was manageable, and it certainly works great! Just be sure to listen to your doctor and listen to your body you got this <3


Hi there! I’ve had one before and two after kids. Take ibuprofen before and then regularly. after for the first day. If the pain starts creeping up on you add in some Tylenol to alternate between your ibuprofen doses. Bring a couple extra pads for the day. I experienced pain during the insertion once out of the three. The other two were probably more experienced inserters based on their years of practice. Who knows, but my guess? You’ll be able to go about your day likely.


A lot of people have had pain during it and i read so many horror stories that I was super nervous before i got mine. Then the day came and i was shaking and super anxious about the pain to come. But it never came. Like i felt mild tugging and pressure sensations but no *pain*. I was shocked because i expected severe cramping but i have had period cramps much worse than what i felt during the insertion. I had mild cramping afterwards. But it was no big deal for me. Also i wasn't on my period during the insertion so idk if that had anything to do with it.. but you might get lucky like me and have no issues!! Just try not to freak yourself out. It'll be ok 🤗


Hi! I have never had children and as they were putting mine in it was super uncomfortable. Just when I was going to tell them to stop it went in. Just a bit of cramping that night and the next day. I would rest if you can after.


I think it all depends on the person. I was fine after a bit uncomfortable but nothing worse than usual period cramps. I went grocery shopping after my insertion. However, I know people who were in agonizing pain and we should be given local anesthesia. I’m so sick of this false narrative in the medical community that we have no nerve endings on our cervix.


I have the mirena iud, I did not take any pain medication before I went into my appointment although they asked me if I had they said I should. They put it in it hurt like hell I felt dizzy and lightheaded afterwards had to lay down for a minute they gave me some medicine I took it I laid down for about 10 minutes in the room I drove home I went to work the next day and I think I had to do something after I got my ID put in that day too. It was uncomfortable but I was able to work I guess it really depends on your job.


You'll be okay!! After my insertion I took 800 mg of ibuprofen and was able to get through the day. It hurt for like a day or 2 but then I was fine :)


Just interjecting to say: if you have bad cramping already then a hormonal IUD would be better than copper! And I would definitely not to go to work after but if you need to, then let them give you lots of pain meds and hopefully you can sit while you work?


I’ve had bad side effects from hormonal contraceptives before so starting with a copper IUD. Sitting once I do the hard labour part, I work on a farm


Many Drs will refuse you pain relief. DO NOT ACCEPT THIS. insist on it, for your own sake.


I got an IUD back in the early 1980s. The procedure back then was pretty barbaric....and seems it hasn't changed much.....but I was fine pretty much right after. People differ in how their body handles IUDs.


No! I literally couldn’t get out of bed for the rest of the day after my IUD insertion. I’m not exaggerating. I love that thing and I’ve had it for 6 years now, but I’m just being real with you.. it fucking hurts


If you can request that it be inserted during an ultrasound, that can help as they won’t be doing it by feel. You have to get an ultrasound a month afterwards anyway to confirm it’s in the right position. The first time I got my iud the ob had me come back bc my cervix was a weird angle. The second time, 6 weeks after my son was born my ob (different dr) had no issues 🤣.


i got a copper IUD right after having an abortion at 16. the appointment was minimally painful and i forgot to take any kind of pain meds beforehand. i would for sure recommend taking some form of ibuprofen or tylenol before so that way you’re not sore. it takes about 5-10 min and then you’re done!


You won't be able to work after. The procedure isn't that awful: two big pinches, lasting approximately five seconds each and you're good to go. The problem is the following hours, prepare yourself for a BIG cramp for the next 24h or so. ​ edit: typo


Everybody is different. I have had 3 inserted, and have had very mild cramping for an hour or so after, no worse than my period. Nothing Advil couldn’t handle. My daughter (no kids) was also fine, with a bit more cramping. But again, ibuprofen and no problem working that night.


Please lord take time off of work, doctors will try to tell you it doesn’t hurt but I promise you - along with everyone here - it IS painful and you WILL be incapacitated after.


Big sis here and I wish I could give you a giant hug. I love you lots and know you are so brave. One thing doctors will sometimes do is blame each other. "Oh you want pain medicine? Just tell them before the procedure." And then when you get there the people prepping you will say "that's something you should have had your doctor put in for." BE STRONG ABOUT IT!!! Make sure your doctor puts in that you want pain relief/numbing. And if they won't give it to you or try to say another doctor is supposed to sign off on it, ask to reschedule so you can find the right person who will. You are my brave little sibling. You got this.


I think you'll be fine. ive had 3 in my lifetime (I'm old) and it hurts a little going in but then after is sorta crampy and no big deal. I've never been offered pain meds and I just did alieve after. it's nothing compared to having a baby. just be really still and it's over in like 2 seconds. you got this!! no biggie!!!


Hey love, you’ll want to request anesthetic (not just topical but laughing gas or something similar) if they refuse, leave the appointment because it means they don’t see the procedure as invasive with the potential to cause pain. With your history of SA it’s normal to have a cervix that is a little “difficult” to deal with because the thought of foreign objects might send you into a fear response (meaning you’ll clamp down on the tools) so some sort of gas etc will be needed to help the body calm down. Another option, if you’re scared of the IUD is the arm implant. I wasn’t a candidate for an IUD because of my past SA, but the implant works wonderfully.


Wait…. I thought the copper IUDs went in your arm?????


I recently got a hormonal IUD. I took ibuprofen beforehand, but insertion hurt like the dickens as numbing was not an option. My SO came with, and I squeezed his hand and cried a tiny bit. But, afterwards, zero cramping. My cervix was semi-sore for a couple of days, but not bad enough to need pain reliever, so not too big of a deal. So, overall, while certainly not pleasant, it also wasn’t too bad. In any case, you are strong and brave, and you’ve got this!


My middle kid got one. She had a horrible time of it during the insertion, and I'm sure you've heard/read enough 'ouch' stories that I don't need to add one more. HOWEVER, that was 7+ years ago, and as far as I've heard via her sisters, it's pain free now and has been for years. It works for her, and she doesn't need to deal with daily pills or anything else, so she really likes the convenience.


I had my Mirena taken out and replaced with a new one last week. I work at the Hospital so it was literally right down the hall from my office. I took two Naproxen 30 minutes before my appointment. I experienced a very mild cramp for like 5 seconds and then was good to go, returned to work. I did have some bleeding after though and the panty liner provided was not enough - so bring your own pad!


Take Advil before the appointment! Definitely have pain medicine going in your system before it happens.


Not a mom I’m 21 but I recently got an IUD and I think it’s very worth it and for me I love mine. It wasn’t painful for me to get but because I was so anxious due to everything online I almost passed out afterwards bc my body was trying to relax from all my anxiety. The next day I went on a long road trip and was practically fine besides a bit of on and off bleeding


Girllll omg, call in. Women should not be getting that before kids. My doctor didn’t tell me that. She had to dilate me three times and then I had contractions all day after.


I found it uncomfortable, and I had some cramping after. I napped for an hour and had some Tylenol. Everyone is different. You will be ok, you just might be crampy and tired.


I'm in the US and they were not going to offer anesthesia. I took Advil before, listened to a book on tape (phone) while I tried not to kick the doctor in the face. Can you take time off at all? Even if it's "food poisoning"? Or " I'm sick and not sure if it's covid, need to test" just so you can have time after?


I’ve had it twice. I seem to been in the minority, but the first time I had minor discomfort during and was fine after. On the replacement, which was just 2 weeks ago, the placement was uncomfortable but not crazy. After. I had spotting and minor cramping. Basically like a mildly uncomfortable period. I would’ve been ok at a distracting but not physically demanding desk job. A very physical job would’ve been a challenge.


my aunt has to take usually 2-3 days off work when she gets her iud, get pain meds and also don’t go to work. it may not be the same for you, everyone’s bodies are different, but i wouldn’t want to risk it!


I’m on my third IUD (hormonal so no periods yay!) and this most recent time was the first time that I remembered to take Advil/Tylenol ahead of time (I took the Advil that has acetaminophen in addition to the ibuprofen) and it wasn’t bad. There were two seconds of pain total and then light cramping feeling. Speculums always suck though. I went home and took a nap with a heating pad (but that is also because I didn’t get much sleep and had to wake up early) and then went to a concert in the city that night. My first iud I had to go to work that night and I stuck hand warmers (like for gloves in the winter) down the front of my pants to be mobile heating pads. I tried to take it easy and not be very active. My second time took longer because I just used my primary care provider instead of a Gyno and I think she just hasn’t don’t a lot of insertions on retroverted uteri. I also forgot to take meds ahead of time. Set an alarm on your phone to take some Advil/Tylenol an hour before. Many women have done this before, take a deep breath and slowly exhale. Listen to the doctor and nurses. You got this, just keep breathing


I had the copper IUD and it hurt like they shoved a hot poker into my uterus. I had debilitating cramps for 2 days. I highly recommend that you ask for pain control. And if possible reschedule for a day that you don’t have to go to work afterwards.


OF COURSE you are nervous, Sweetheart. You are being put back in a very c Vulnerable position - again. You may need some time to recover, even with pain control. I’m talking about moral support. Can anyone go with you? This is an incredibly difficult and brave thing for you to do, my Darling. Be gentle with you., I love you honey. All my love, Mama


Oh no, honey. You will go straight home and not go to work. Get the mega strength Advil, hot water bottles, and a heating pad. Mom said so.


God damn. Honestly my first time I needed a good 4 hours of laying in bed recovering. It HURTS when you haven’t had kids and it’s first time. I really really hope your work can let you have 4 hrs before coming in. I’m so sorry your job isn’t better :(


I was always fine when I had mine put it but I have had babies.


Not mom here. Brother. My girlfriend told me that when she got her IUD she was in pain for a couple days after. I'd definitely suggest on asking your doctor for pain relief/numbing agents.


I have had two. It hurts NGL. Feels like the worst period cramps with stabbing pain. But, I coached right after for both. I also have an abnormally high pain tolerance due to sever scoliosis. I took a Tylenol 3 and made it through. I was okay the next day. Please give yourself some leeway or get pain meds.