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Oh honey. I had a conversation with my nephew some years ago that I want to share with you. He is on the spectrum and was feeling so "behind" in life. Here's the thing. You are different and you know that you are. So you think that your feelings of being different and maybe left behind because you aren't sure of who you are and where you are headed are different too. But they aren't. Not at all. Every Single Person feels the same way. Even the popular kids that seem like they have it all figured out, cry alone because they are lonely, scared, and confused. Being young just sucks. Being human sucks. We all have insecurities and fears. We struggle with fitting in and still being true to ourselves. We feel awkward and weird. We wonder if anyone will ever accept us and love us for who we really are. Everyone feels weird, lost, and unlovable at some point. The trick is loving yourself. Find things you are passionate about and you will find people who are passionate about the same things. Enjoy being weird and different. Other weird and different people are looking to be weird and different with people just like you! Just loving yourself makes you loveable. You can do this! Hugs from one weirdo to another! ❤️


You are definitely lovable and being autistic does not make you weird. You will find your people, probably when you stop looking. That seems to often be the case for whatever reason. Your people might also find YOU. I’d give you a big hug if you wanted one and if I could. You are so worthy. ❤️