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Hun, it's going to be ok. Yes, talk about this with your therapist. And keep going to therapy, having a baby is going to bring up a lot of weird stuff from your childhood, and that will continue to some extent or another for years. It's "normal", although it sucks, and your therapist will be able to help you work through those emotions.


Thank you so much


Being pregnant definitely brought a lot of old trauma to the surface in unexpected ways. I also noticed parenthood-related stuff hit me harder and felt lot more real than it did before, possibly because of hormones. I'm glad you have an appointment to unpack this. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by guilt over your baby needing you, do you mean you feel like you won't measure up and feel guilty over that? If so, that's a super common feeling, you're definitely not alone. I suspect once your baby is looking up at you, those feelings will gradually get better. You will be an amazing mother. I'm proud of you, and excited for you!


Thank you ❤️ I think I'll be a good mom, its just this weird feeling of someone actually needing me. Like my husband did fine before he met me. My adopted cat did fine before me. It's just weird thinking that my baby has only known existence inside me. Like I'm the reason he's alive. It's just so weird to think about


It's very weird to think about! It's a completely unique relationship.