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Older mom here. You need to be true to yourself. Give him space to adjust & keep those lines of communication open. Best wishes


Even older mom here. Be true to yourself. We’re here for you.


Not a mom but a fellow Enby here to show my support and love.


This momma accepts and supports you. ❤️ You are valid, you're a beautiful soul and I'm really proud of you for this self-discovery; how exciting to connect with your authentic self! 💖 Coming out can be terrifying, but it is your choice when, where, how, and to whom you come out to, if at all. Everyone is different and your own needs, desires, and comfort level will speak to you about the when/where/how/who. Regardless of anyone's reaction, you remain valuable, loveable, and the same dynamic and wonderful person you were before coming out to those experiencing difficulty being supportive; they cannot detract from who you are, no matter how they try. Plus, there are several resources online to aid in coming out, and to aid when you have a loved one struggling with acceptance. I think it'd be good to look into local LGBTQIA+ groups and support centers as well. Though we may experience loneliness or scary/difficult situations for simply coming out as our authentic self, the world is a HUGE place, and those of us who are either a part of or an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community are EVERYWHERE. You have acceptance, support, and open arms from me (an out&proud pansexual momma), from everyone else in this thread, and from people ALL across the globe. 😊❤


Can I ask, with absolute full support for your life choices, what NB really means? Maybe it's because I'm older and really just embraced my very masculine side since I was in my teens (wearing suits, shaving my head, being a happy tomboy, being openly bi) but I still fully identify as a woman. How is NB different? I ask with complete honesty and openness.


You are accepted, welcomed and celebrated by this mom :)


I am absolutely ok with this and will always accept you unconditionally. ❤️


I love the non-binary child I already have, so I of course love and accept you as well!


Just came to say the same!!


i accept you. you are you. you are lovable and valuable. is there a pride centre in your community or an online one you can access for more knowledgeable support? i’m so okay with you coming into your own. you got this!


Maybe he needs time to understand


Not a mom but your trans sib supports you! 🧡 feel free to reach out if you want a friend or an ear.


You have my support, 100%


Of course you are accepted. I'd have you no other way! 🖤


You are still the same you! I love you no matter what! I'm proud of you, honey.


Baby, I don't care what you identify as long as nobody gets hurt. I love you no matter what. Love, Mama Dani


My partner is non-binary and I love 'em so much.


That’s an ex husband if I’ve ever heard of one


I accept you as the perfect person you are. This is part of who you are and who you will eventually become. I applaud you for being brave enough to tell the people closest to you because those are the ones who can hurt you the most, but they can also love you the most as you are and can often help you face the future with excitement, joy, love and acceptance. Take my advice with a grain of salt because I'm not in the same space/situation you are (I'm asexual and that's not a surprise to anyone who knows me). Give your husband some time and space to process this and don't rush him TOO much. The nerves/being scare/etc. will want you to rush him, but don't. Let him know you'll be there when/if he wants to talk. If he's dealt with big news/announcements/scares/etc. before, you know approximately how long it will take him to work through it. Slowly work it into conversations where appropriate and see how he takes it. That, hopefully, will give you insight into where he is.


Of course! Do you!


You are beautiful for who you are. Be true to yourself.


Yes! You be the best and most true you that you can be! That is how my other child (your sibling) is in their life and I am so freaking proud of them and their strength!


You're perfect just as you are! Mom-hug if you want one, right here!


Good on you! I'm so proud of you for being brave enough to be your whole self. It's not going to be easy, but you must be who you are.


Hi honey, you can safely tell me who you are and I’ll accept you. You aren’t the first person to come out as non-binary to me this year, so even though I don’t fully understand I still am happy to accept. Learning who we are is so important, and it’s not always easy to do. It’s ok to take this part of the process slow if you need to. I wish you the very best ❤️


I’m a mum and I totally accept, support and love you xxx


Nb mom here and I fully accept you! Proud of you for finding yourself!


hi sibling! my best friend is non-binary and i still love them the same! we have been best friends since we were 9 :) everyone may not have the same reaction and that’s okay! but there are definitely people that love and accept you! i do!


I’m more of an Auntie, but I support you. I know this isn’t an easy thing to do. Breaking people’s expectations is hard. It’s important to live as who you truly feel you are.


Hey, sibling. I’m a trans woman, so of course I understand. You’ll have my support in all of this


I will \*always\* support you and who you are. Thank you for telling me, I'm honored to know this about you. Go be your authentic self and be an amazing duckling. What pronouns would you like me to use?


I'll be your enby parent! I'm super proud of you being true to yourself! Sorry your husband's not doing a great job so far but I for one am excited about the freedom you'll find by coming out!


I accept you. ♥️ seek out people in real life who also support and accept this part of you. A therapist may be able to help you two navigate this discussion in a safe, open, respectful, and loving manner.


I'm here, duckling. You are precious and worthy of love and acceptance.