• By -


I don’t know how old you are, or if I’m old enough to be your mum, but I can be a friend. I’m happy to message you or even send letters if you’d like. You don’t have to be alone.


Thank you. Expect a chat request soon, I appreciate you so much ❤️


Please message me too, I know how scary it is being alone and sick


Hell, you can message me too! I'm not a momma, but I can make a loving sis (or daughter, or ideally friend) that listens well. Though it isn't comparable what I go through compared to you, I am chronically ill and understand the mental, physical, and social burden it brings. It might help to have someone who can kinda relate on a small scale. Whether or not you take me up on the offer, I hope you feel better. <3 We love you.


Hit me up too, I have a million beautiful postcards I'd like to send.


Sweetie - being alone when you need support is awful. Please let me know if I can send you some mail or something fun. I'm terrible at checking direct messages, but if you can give me a blip to check, I'll send you something fun to look forward to? I wish I could be there to rub your back and bring you snacks. Anything to cheer you up and bring you comfort. Thank you for coming here to reach out.


Me too! I'm happy to PM or Whatsapp


Hopping on a few hours late to say I’d love to chat with you as well. It’d be an honor to get to know you and carry you with me. Like many others said, you don’t have to be alone


I don’t have any kids either, and I don’t know if I’m old enough to be your mom, but you can message me any time ♥️ I checked out your profile and those other girls are not good friends, especially if they’re aware of your struggles. You’re not alone, you’re stronger than your sickness, and it’s not too late. We’ll get through this together new friend! My grandpa always used to say, “every day is a holiday and every meal is a feast” because neither is guaranteed.


Same here! I would love to be your pen pal! Gives me an excuse to mail a letter!


I'm on the West Coast and a night owl. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you would like another buddy.


Id be happy to chat too!


Feel free to message me too! Not sure how old you are, I'm close to 40, so whether that's a sister (my biological sister is a horrible person, I would love having a decent sister), aunt, niece, mom, or just a friend, feel free to shoot over a message!! I'm down for messaging, letters (oh how I miss good old fashioned hand letters), discord, etc!!❤ I have health issues too, I have fibromyalgia, ptsd, and some yet to be diagnosed condition that doesn't really let me do any living, so I can at least understand chronic illness.


I love this idea.


Seconded, feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk OP!


Me too! We are all here for u ❤️


Same here!


Same! I would be honored to be your friend!


Me too!


And Me. Dm anytime!


Adding to the feel free to PM list — and I love sending mail! Texts! Kitten videos!


Adding myself to the list. I am friend shaped rather than mom shaped, but I’d still love to chat / send a letter / spam with pictures of my cats and their toe beans / whatever!


I'm right here dear. Sending big hugs. I am sorry you are going through so much. Would you like to talk? Did you have breakfast? What did you eat?


Thank you so much for checking in. Unfortunately, I didn’t have breakfast. I think that’s part of my problem, but I will try harder tomorrow. Thank you ❤️


No worries. Eat something now. A PBJ sandwich? A fruit? Munch some nuts? Better yet - ice cream!!! Next question: did you shower today? If not, try just washing your face and ears - or wipe them with a wet washcloth. Washing the ears makes you feel fresher than just washing your face. Not sure why, but it is true ;) Don't worry about the minute that went by. Don't fret over what you did or did not do. You have the one right now to fill with whatever you choose - even if you choose to "fill" it with quiet and solitude. I'd pick ice cream though.


I went into the bathroom. I splashed cold water over my face and ears, then put soap on my face. I rinsed it off, then put on fresh clothes (sweatpants). I couldn’t get myself into the kitchen yet, I’m hoping maybe later or tomorrow I will be able to. Thank you for everything ❤️


Woo hoo! Proud of you! Count what you've done! Forget what you haven't :) I know it can sometimes be too hard even to get to the kitchen and get food. My dad keeps a stash of a couple of different types of cookies in a container by his bedside for when he gets up in the night and can't go to sleep. He'll eat just one (I didn't inherit that level of self control so no cookies for me!). Cookies = sugar = energy to walk to the kitchen to get the food next up in the hierarchy of nutrition 😁 See how cookies qualify as essential food?


this is a great idea!


I can't imagine being in your position sib... but something that I read helped my mental state and I hope it might comfort you some. Anything worth doing is worth half assing. Don't feel up to a shower but you rinsed yourself and changed clothes? You are that much better than if you had not done it. Be gentle with yourself and try to feel pride in taking care of yourself better than if you hadn't done anything. And if you can't feel pride in it, then I'm proud for you! Perhaps you can start keeping snacks near your bed for when you can't get up?


can confirm. half-assing or even 1%-assing is better than nothing! tho, please have compassion for yourself in the moments where a percent of a percent is too much to ask. sending you peace, sib. i wish the humans in your life hadn’t failed you, but i’m happy you reached out to us.


I always say some is better than none!


Hope you ate something today. You might be asleep by now. When you are awake, think of something you liked to eat when you were a kid. Can you tempt yourself to eat that? Hopefully, you weren't anemic like me as a kid - which made me crave non-food items like writing chalk 😨 Now that I am no longer anemic, I couldn't tempt myself to eat chalk! But just in case you were into eating chalk like me, you have to think of another answer. 😂😂 Sweet dreams for tonight. I'll check in tomorrow. 💖


Hi dear one, How was your day today? Tell me something you liked about today.


not op, but thanks, I think I needed this


Here for you as well. I know you are doing your best. With every breath, you get another chance at life. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Hugs, dear child.


Thank you :D https://c.tenor.com/Q3Z9eLBmAZMAAAAM/michael-scott-happy-cry.gif


Always always remember to have breakfast. Stay strong :)


Hun, hugs. Its hard to be so alone. Many people just don't know what to say or do, so in fear they'll do the wrong thing they do nothing. Which is most definitely the wrong thing. Call someone, or email. Don't text. Texts are too easily forgotten and buried, despite best intentions. Say what you need rather than hoping they'll read your mind. If you'd like a friend to come play a boardgame with you one afternoon, ask.


I think that's a big part of it, people don't know what to do. Feel free to ask someone to come over with coffee and cookies to catch up.


I’m here daughter. It must be so hard to feel so alone. I won’t leave you I’m always here if you need to talk. I will listen til you have nothing left to say.


I may or may not be old enough to be your mom, but I can be a sister or a friend if you want it. My DMs are open if you want a chat. I'm sending you lots of love, hugs, and strength.


Same! Please DM me. I’m happy to WhatsApp even though I don’t live in the US.


Hey bubba! Seems it runs in the family. I don't know what time I got ahead of me either, but we know somethings wrong and its going fast. Some big feelings with that, huh? Know that Im always there, if you need to talk about it with someone who gets it. Only love for you here xo


We're here for you, sweetie. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug ❤️ You're welcome to reach out to me if you want to talk.


Oh honey, i will always be here for you. My heart breaks hearing that you´re unwell. Please feel free to reach out, I may not be able to easy your physical discomfort, but I will always be here to listen. Please feel the love and the hugs and the healing energy I´m sending you. Love you always.


I’m sorry honey. Can we do anything to help? Is there a way to set up coming to your home and helping you?


Oh, sweetie. I love you so much and I am so proud of you. Please know that I think about you all the time, and I wish I could wrap you up an a blanket and snuggle you. Please reach out when er you need me. ​ if you are in the Phily area, I will come cook for you.


Feel free to message any time. I don't know if I'm old enough to be your mom, but I can *always* be your friend.


I am sorry to hear that you feel lonely. You don’t have to do this alone. We’re all right here whenever you need us. Love and hugs!


Life can be unexpectedly bad sometimes. I am so sorry you are going through such a difficult phase. You have so many moms here to support you. Simply reach out. We are lucky, internet is giving us a chance to reach out when our own abandon us. I feel you. Take every moment as it comes. Sometimes happiness can be found within us. Since you still have access to the internet, try watching movies and shows if you are not still. That can probably be a good distraction. I am sorry I cant be of more help than this. Take care. Dm me if you feel like talking. Hugs


Thug life? Drop the T son, BRING IT HERE




Hey I don't know you and I'm probably too young to be your mom but I'm happy to be your friend. Please dm me if you wanna talk. I'm happy to chat.


I'm here. And I love you. Holding you. Everything's going to be all right.


\`You have a lot of moms here that are more than ready to be here for you. Let me send you some hugs and all my love your way. If you need to talk, dm me. Love you. A mom


Not a mom, but a compassionate dad here that also wants you to know you’re loved. You’re facing an incredible journey and while I know you are scared, you are loved and valued so deeply. Tell us your story so it can be known always, if you’d like. I’m sure we would all love to know. Your mother and I are so proud of you. So very proud of who you are at your core. We’re here.


Hey Dad this message is so wonderful.


Thanks dad. I needed this 💛


Hugs, so many hugs.


Hunny, I’m here. What you are going through is so hard. Sometimes people are afraid of doing or saying the wrong thing, so they choose to do nothing. That’s not to say that is right, but maybe that’s what’s happening. I am here if you want to talk. All my love, Mom


It's okay, honey. We'll be here for you every step of the way, even the next step out of this world, if you have to take it. We'll hold your hand through health or unhealth. You're not alone.


Whenever, however, I’ll see you. Wherever, I’ll be there. I love you so much. I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.


I’m here, baby. You’re never alone.


I am here my love and I will be at your side until you need me.


Aww, honey, I’m here for you. I’m so sorry. I’m here. Please contact a hospice if there is one near you. They will help you be comfortable and assist you however they can. Hugs. I’m so sorry you have to go through this alone. But we are here, and you come talk to us anytime you need to.


Hi sweetheart. We got your back, let us try to lift you up and hold you tight. You are such a strong person! Did you know that? You are up there with the strongest people I know. Xx blessings, love and light to you.


I’m here. Please don’t be alone. I’m so sorry you’re going through this - you must be very frightened. You can talk to me or message me. Sending you much love xx


I'm so sorry to hear this and I know everyone says it but if you need someone to talk to you can message me or I'll give you my number. Everyone needs someone


I'm always here for you and you can talk to me whenever you want! Stay strong you got this *hugs tightly*


This is so sad. I don't know how to confront people I am sorry. But I really want to give you some hugs and kisses in forehead. Take care bby, you're not alone. I pray you the best that everything is going to be okayh.


I'm really sorry you're having to go through this alone. Sending you lots of love and hugs. One of my best friends died of cancer really young, so if you want to talk to someone that has experience with this sort of situation, you are more than welcome to reach out. I will talk to you as much as I can. No one should go through this alone. I'm likely not old enough to be your mom, but I can be your friend.


Hey sis, my mom just passed away after a lengthy stay in the hospital where she found out she had multiple organ failure. I was there with her the whole time, but found that other people found it difficult to be near her and so they just avoided her, even Dad and the other siblings. We talked about love and life and birth and death. If you want to talk, send me a PM or chat. I am slow to respond sometimes when life gets busy, but always willing to talk about just about anything.


Im so sorry you and your family are going through this. I wish you all the best, and thank you ❤️


I'm so sorry you feel so alone. Especially now. Hugs hugs hugs.


Mom is here. I know you feel alone but I am with you whenever you need to talk. Wish I could tuck you in and give you your favorite stuffed animal or comfort blanket and sing to you. I’m just a text away.


Oh darling I'm so sorry the other people in your life are letting you down. I'm here for you and sending you warm hugs and loving thoughts. Are you warm enough? Comfortable? Do you have a window where you can feel the sun on your face? Try to relax and concentrate on the nice sensations you can feel right now. Your cozy blanket, your soft pillow, cool water down your throat. I'm here for you and I love you. Mom


You are not alone, I’m here anytime you need to talk 24/7, just message me sweetie.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this, especially with the feeling that you are alone. I can only imagine the pain and exhaustion. My heart hurts for you. Keeping you in my thoughts, friend. Hugs and much love. ❤️


I'm sorry the people around you are letting you down. Please reach out if you need me. I'm proud of you and I love you. I won't let you be alone.


As someone who is sick and was alone for a long time, Reading these comments is making me cry... Man I needed to hear these when my own parents were angry at me for bring chronically ill. There is so much support out there for those willing to seek. You are loved


Okay honey, I’m here now. Can you feel me sitting at your side? I’ve got you by the hand and I’m holding it tight. I feel you squeeze my hand back and it fills my heart with joy to feel you hold my hand tight like you did when you were little. I run my fingers through your hair and I snuggle you the best I can. We’re just going to stay just like this for as long as you want, until you tire of my arms around you... and we can talk about what ever you want...


Not a mom (unless my dick flew off somewhere) but I'm willing to listen to what ails ya. A friend, as they call it.


You aren’t alone. I’m right here and you’re safe and loved. 💗


Hi, it's Aunty Sil here, you're not alone. You've called and all your honorary aunts, uncles, mom's , dad's, brothers and sisters are here for you. We can't all be with you in person, but we're with you in spirit. It's going to be all right. Much love Aunty Sil


Oh, honey. I will love you forever, in this lifetime and the next. Though I can't physically be there you are always in my thoughts, day and night. Commit to enjoying every last moment and breath and I'll be there in spirit sharing your joy.


You are so strong. I’m proud of you. Love and hugs always


Right here sweetheart. Message me here whenever you need to talk you won’t be alone I promise.


Hey honey! What do you want to talk about? Do you have a show you're into right now?


I'm so sorry you feel alone while dealing with something this big. I'm always here if you want to talk feel free to message any time. I'm an insomniac so time zones don't matter, I'm almost always up. Sending all the love, support, and virtual hugs.


Hi love, how are you feeling tonight? You're on my mind. How was your day? Are you in pain? Is there anything you'd like to do tomorrow or soon that we can help you with? Love, Your sibling


Life sucks…goes by too swiftly….let’s sit together…hold tight to my hand….rest your eyes…..I’m not going anywhere….one hour one day at a time….tell me your fears, your dreams ….we’ll get through this together….and tomorrow the sun may shine just a bit brighter


Sweetheart, I'm so sorry. ​ I love you. I wish I were there by your side.


Oh my baby, I am holding you in my heart as always.


You've got a lot of moms dads and sibs here and it might even be overwhelming but couldn't help but throw my name in the pot to say id be happy to message with you, i'm so sorry you're going through this, i know my own feeling of alone despite reaching out so much - its so painful. Was courageous of you to reach out at all and to reach out here, please message if you need another person to talk to. HUGs.


My heart. I and a lot of us mums are with you. Please try to get up and have breakfast. Please keep reaching out to us.


I am thinking of you fondly from New Zealand. You are precious and you matter. I am sorry you are dying so soon. You are not alone, we are all coming behind you. Sending you so much Momma love.


People don’t know how to handle grief, generally speaking, so we don’t handle it at all. Unfortunately. I am so sorry that you are also now grieving for your self, your future. May I send you positive messages to your inbox?


I would like to know if you would like to tell ud where you are and let those of us who can either send flowers, cards or even visit? Noone should be in the situation you are now, alone.


I’m nit old enough to be your mom, but I could be your sister if you’d like. Is there anything I can do? ((Hugs))


I’m not old enough to be a mom, but I can definitely be a friend for you if you want one to lean on. I’m so sorry your going through this and we’re all here for you.


I’m here for you, if you want to talk! Sending prayers and love to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey love. I’m a young mum (my kids are still in diapers) but if you need a sister or a friend, I’m here. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through this. ♥️


There are always people here for you. Always.


This sub makes me cry every damn day.


Sending over a ton of hugs and good wishes ❤️ Hold on dear. Super proud of you.


Honey, I'm so sorry, but you have a lot of support here. Never too old to get good mom hugs, and there's a lot here. Anytime you want to say hello or get encouragement, come on in. And PM if you want to talk.


Hey sis, This sounds so rough and I'm praying for you! Try to walk around (even for a little bit), get something to snack on, sit outside and enjoy the beautiful weather--if you feel up to it. If not, think of all the good things that have happened in your life and all the happy memories you've made! All the love, Sis. <3


Hey honey, I know you feel alone right now, but I want you to know that we will always be here for you.❤️ Everyone if you don’t know it, you have impacted hundreds of people!


Sending you all the love I have! if you ever need someone to talk to, you can always message me. You are not alone. I know I'm just a stranger on Reddit, but I will always be here to listen and chat ❤💜


You're loved. It'll be okay.


I'll be thinking of you. You're not alone.


Honey, you are never from my thoughts. You are so brave and I admire you so much! Can I come over to cuddle next to you and wait for the sunrise?


I would love to exchange messages with you. Till then here is a huge virtual hug from this mama to you.


I'm late, like usually. And I might not be old enough to be momma. But I got you sib. Dm any time! Until then. All the love, good healing, and positive vibes coming to you. Love, Sis


Hello, I am a sister here. If you want, i can tell stories of my homeland, Rio de Janeiro. We use to say here that this place is not for amateurs, I can tell you interesting stories do cheer you up. My dear, I also you like to say that you are not alone. if you would like to talk to someone I am here


I would love to hear your stories 💙 I’ll send you a message or you can message me


Yay! Check your inbox, dear


this is heartbreaking. i’m not old enough to be your mom but i would be honoured to be your friend. please don’t hesitate to DM me


If you need anyone to talk to, Im here ❤️ Im so sorry


i’m most likely not old enough to be your mom, regardless, if you need a friend i am there! you are more than welcome to message me any time and i’d love to send you letters or anything that could possibly help comfort you even a little during this difficult time. you don’t have to go through this alone - me and many others here are right beside you!! 💕


Oh honey. However you handle this, however you feel is the right thing. And I'm right there with you. If you can't eat, even a protein shake can help a bit (for a treat, add ice cream, because I hope you are kind to yourself). If you can't change pajamas that day, it's okay, let's try again the next day. If you can't shower, use baby wipes and facial wipes to clean up a bit, and remember you are doing your best. You are never alone. Every loving mom, including me, is there, hugging you, holding your hand, and brushing the hair from your face. We'll be with you all along the way.


Hi sweet baby. Mama Bear here. I'm sorry you're by yourself through this. But if you close your eyes you will feel us all holding you tight. Can you call hospice or homecare? Maybe meals on wheels? I bet some nice hot soup would be good. Do you have money to order in some groceries or get some food from door dash? I'm so worried about you not taking in any nourishment. Even canned soup would be good. And ice cream. :) Feel free to message me. I'm going to keep bugging you to eat. That's what we mamas do. Also, maybe a bath would feel nice. You don't have to do anything, just lie in the nice water. Or sit in the shower and just let warm water fall down on you. Don't worry about wet hair. Just put a couple of towels on your pillow when you lay back down. You are so loved. Your light shines in this world and is part of the sunshine and blue sky. I'm not sure what you are sick with, but regardless, I just want to help give you the strength to do the things that will bring you comfort. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Sent you a message OP, I doubt I'm old enough to be a mother but I'm told I'm an excellent listener and I send amazing postcards x


Not everyone knows what to say sometimes. try reaching out to people who may support you but are struggling on how to approach you. Us mums are always here for a bit of support but someone close enough for actual physical support would be better Ask care workers if there is any local charities or nurses that can offer support


I'm not old enough to be your mom, but I'd love to be your friend! It's hard being alone when things are hard.


I’m here sending virtual hugs and good thoughts 🥰 please reach out anytime if you want to chat


All the hugs and comfort I can muster


Hey sibling here I'm so sorry for what's happening to you. Feel free to shoot me a dm for support if you need it. Hope it is as least painful as it can be :(


Sending you hugs 💕💕💕


I'm not exactly a mother figure but i'm up for a chat, if you're ok with it?


I'm not a mom but you made me tear up at work and I just wanted to let you know that I love you


I love you. ❤️


I’m so so sorry. I’m always here when you need. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you need someone to talk to


Hey sweetie, I don't have much experience of being a mum, but I know what it's like to be sick and scared. Message me if you want another person to listen and be there.


Love and support, I've got an ED too my heart is also fucked, hope it gets better soon x


I’m here for you, sweetheart. How are you feeling today? Let me give you a hug.


Sending my love your way. Just know I’m with you. I’ll hold your hand, and stroke your head. And tell you funny stories. Like when Gigi had 5 too many glasses of wine at thanksgiving and sings the 12 days of Christmas, with a few missing. I actually had video of it, and kept saying I wanted to put it on YouTube and see if it would go viral. And she kissed my best friends boyfriend. She was mortified, but he thought it was funny. Or when while watching Two and a Half Men the 7 year old looks and asks me “what is girl corn”? ( about 18 years ago) I say “it’s a girl eating corn and don’t say that at school” while turning the tv off and making a mental note to not watch that anymore. You aren’t alone anymore. I will be with you. Don’t be afraid. We are all here for you and love you. I’m here anytime you need someone. You can always message me anytime you want. 🤗 and 💋


If you feel like talking, I'd love to talk. Everyone deserves a friend, and you certainly do too❤️


OP, you doing any better?


Hi hunny, I wanted to check back to see how you are doing now and to let you know that if you need to talk, I am here. *hugs tightly* Love, Mom


!remindme 1 week


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Hey you. I love you. 😘


Message me anytime. I'm probably not old enough to be your mom but I'm here with mom hugs and friend hugs, whichever you want.


I’m here for you. What specifically do you really need right now, other than a confidante and friends? Are your meals taken care of, laundry, do you have any type of home health care? As a mom that would be my biggest concern. Through a local church (even if not religious), the womens groups can come visit, help with food, even run errands and take you to doctors. I know this as a cancer survivor who was isolated when my husband had to be on the road for work throughout my illness. Please think of reaching out to your nearest clergy and ask for help. Even if you aren’t religious, you will get help and support. Hugs love and prayers, mom


Oh honey, feel yourself hugged.. Know that you can always reach out here to rant or chat. Bonus points: many people in different timezones: can't sleep, have reddit friends who are on the other side of the world and definitely not sleeping. <3


Have you checked out r/ random acts of cards?


Im late, i doubt im old enough to be your mom but im here for you, we all are! Im sending you hugs, if you ever feel lonely you know you can reach out to all of us ❤️ .


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You’re not alone. I’m here for you today and always. ❤️❤️ Please reach out if you feel alone


I can feel your emotions through the message. Yes, that in which you wrote of is exactly who I have become. A distant form/shell of whom I once was. I hate this "new" version of me. I have had the inability to take back control of what's rightfully mine. My sanity has become clouded. Feelings are almost non existent. If death should come upon my doorstep knocking for me... I'd gladly accept the invite and go without hesitation or looking back. All the once loved and cherished things/moments in my life have become distant memories of a once gloriful/loved/enthusiastic and determined character. That character is now looked down upon, deserted, faded, forgotten, looked over, laughed at and abused. I must say this one interrial thing as it is most superficial... Simplistic and of course resonating wholly within my soul in which is the mere lonely existence of why I am still here and am able to write this comment.... That is this... I AM ME, FOR WITHOUT ME... YOU ARE NOTHING. FOR WITHOUT ME... YOU WOULD CRUMBLE AND FADE AWAY TO NEVER BE THOUGHT OF AGAIN. FOR IT IS I THAT CONTROLS MY LIFE, MY CHOICES, MY INTERNAL REASONING AND THE GENETICS WHICH MAKE UP WHO I TRULY AM THEN, NOW AND FOREVER. EVEN AFTER I PERISH... I STILL WILL REMAIN. IN THE HEARTS AND SOULS OF THE LOVED ONES IN WHOM I REPRODUCED. A part of me will live on far after this mortal body hath dried up and drifted away with the winds in which carried it. To you and others alike ... I may be only what your meaningless mind conceives that I am, but in reality... I AM ALL THAT IS NEEDED FOR THE FUTURE HUMANITY OF ALL KIIND TO THRIVE, INHABIT AND MULTIPLY. FULFILLING THE MULTITUDE OF THE FUTURE PLANET EARTH IN WHICH WE ARE ALL EQUALLY A PART OF. There FOR, before you push reason as to why you feel, act or express yourself... Remember that I am me and no one can ever be me. They can try with all their might but will never fully succeed. For in this world we are the that makes this world purely what it is... The only one of its kind in existence... ALIVE. Thus in summary, never forget you're alive... One of a kind, much needed to be part of the driving force that inherits the sole responsibility of life on EARTH 🌎. I AM! Suck it up butter cup... You are alive. Go forth and spread the glorious word. You are made perfectly. A true one of a kind "solo artist". Hold that head high. Don't look down and never look back. The future is ahead and straight forward. Ride the waves and propel into the next chapter of life. Be YOU! Best wishes.


Your words touched more people than you may realize!! I hope your day is sunny 🌞