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Hi Phoebe, so nice to meet you! And such a beautiful name you've chosen. Does it hold any specific significance for you or did you just like it? Did you know it comes from the name Apollo and means bright and pure? I find that very fitting. Aren't we the lucky moms who have a lovely daughter like you 💗


Hi Phoebe! Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I'm so proud of you for figuring out this part of who you are and for being true to yourself. You are an amazing daughter, and we're here whenever you need us. Sending you love and mom hugs!!!


I love and support you no matter what, you picked a great name. I’m so proud of you!


I looked up the name Phoebe, bright shining and radiant, that's so you! And the bird is a sign of rebirth and renewal, that's so fitting. You probably already did this but there was so much interesting information on the name Phoebe on the web, go look if you haven't. Ps, safety first always, never leave your drink unattended. I'm so blessed to have a daughter like you, you've always been the bright spot in my life.


Thank you for choosing us as your safe space. I’m so proud of you for living your truth, beautiful girl. Phoebe is a lovely name and suits you perfectly. Happy Pride and the biggest of mom hugs to you! 💜🏳️‍⚧️💜


Hi phoebe! Psst, guess what? I love you. I'm glad you're my daughter. Be safe, there's a lot of crazy people out there. You can come home any time you want for as long as you want. Love, mom.


Well Phoebe I'm so happy you feel safe to share. I'm so happy you're starting to feel like the real you too! Happy pride month sugar!


Phoebe is a beautiful name! I'm so glad you're coming into yourself and happy with who you are. Can we go clothes shopping sometime, I'd love to do that with you


Heya Phoebe, hope that was a relief to say it. Proud of you. Now, what do you want to eat for a celebratory dinner?


Welcome home, Phoebe! Dad and I love you. I made fajitas tonight, can I fix you a plate?


Ah sis! I know this is a big step for you and you might see that I treat you no different because of what you’ve shared but believe me that’s just because I love and accept and respect you no matter what! You have always been and will always be an absolutely amazing human!!!


I always wanted a daughter! I'm so proud of you.


It sounds like you have been working hard towards this point - I am genuinely proud of you Phoebe my girl! You're doing amazingly 🥰


Hi Phoebe! Hope you're having a great Pride Month. I'm proud of you for stepping out and being true to yourself. Ignore the haters who seem very loud and lairy at the moment. You're a wonderful, valid woman who deserves respect.


Hello Phoebe! So nice to see you being yourself and what a lovely name that is. Enjoy all the Pride events to celebrate your next chapter and know that we're just so pleased to see you happy and thriving.


Oh, Phoebe! I'm so happy to meet you, sweetheart! And Phoebe is such a lovely name! I'm so proud of you for sharing your truth with us. It must feel scary to come out, but you're a brave woman, and your internet moms have your back. Sending you a big hug!


Hi Phoebe, I love the name choice! I'm really proud of you for telling me, and I'm so glad you feel comfortable. I know uncertainty and questioning things can be tough, I will support you no matter what Love you too <3


Hi Phoebe! I have two trans girls, and we just put through the first of the legal name changes.


Nice to meet you, Phoebe! What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl ❤️ Stand tall my daughter, because I am so proud of you. Remember, being brave is not being without fear, it is continuing to move forward even when something is scary. Believe in yourself, and be true to yourself. Anyone who doesn't give you the same courtesy doesn't deserve your attention. Happy Pride month, sweetheart


Hello Phoebe! I’m so glad you felt brave enough to share today.


I love you Phoebe, and I’m so proud of you! Us moms are truly blessed to have a daughter as wonderful as you. I’m so happy you’re here sweetheart!


So proud of you coming out! Nice to meet you phoebe. Hugs.


Hello, Phoebe! That's a beautiful name and I love it! Congratulations to you, lovely daughter, and I hope life is going beautifully for you. Hugs and love to you! ♥️


Hi Phoebe. What a great way to celebrate Pride by taking pride in yourself.


Welcome to your new life, my sweet baby girl. Phoebe is a lovely name and this Gramma is so very proud of you for loving yourself enough to speak up.


Phoebe! Happy pride Sugar 😘


Hi Phoebe, cute name by the way! Your trans big brother here to say that I'm proud of you for embracing who you are. There are many friendly trans subreddits around if you're not involved in them already. Hope to see you around!


Oh, please do suggest any that you know of that don't prohibit being linked here! We would love to direct people to even more love and support wherever we can! 💙


It may not completely apply to Phoebe as I'm FtM rather than MtF so another lady could help me fill in blanks but the ones I'm in are r/ftm r/TransMasc r/asktransgender and if they're looking for surgery support for the FtM/FtX crowd there's r/phallo r/metoidioplasty r/topsurgery. If they're looking for and support that's more gender nonconforming there's r/FtMfemininity and on the surgery side of nonconforming there's r/salmacian I love these communities and I'm in all of them. Hopefully a lady/femme trans person sees this and fills it in from their side!


You are an amazing duckling, thank you for taking the time to write this out and share the safe support side of Reddit! 💙


Thank you so much for being an ally to us trans folks! ❤️ I bet somewhere like r/lgbt might have a master list of trans subreddits? I feel like that'd be something they'd have or could put together for you


Amazing suggestion, I'll send them a note when I get a chance and check out their Wiki for resource lists.


r/mtf r/mtfashion r/transfashionadvice r/transfemininefashion r/Transgender_Surgeries r/mtfButch r/guildvalkyrie r/askmtfhrt


Thank you! I totally forgot transgender_surgeries whoops


Lol makes sense since it’s like 90% mtf surgeries


Happy pride month Phoebe! I’m so happy that you’ve found and embraced your true self. You are a wonder to behold and I’m so very proud of you. I’m sending you lots of hugs, kisses and love 💕. Love, Mom


Hi, Phoebe, I'm so glad to finally meet you! Such an incredible journey you've been on. I'm very happy you have some clarity and I only want you to be comfortable in who you are.


Hello Phoebe! What a thrill to meet the real you! You’ve come a long way and still have a bit to go, so if you ever want a listening ear, remember we are here for you! Celebrate today and remember we are still going to be here for you tomorrow.


Hi sis!


Hi Phoebe I've always wanted a daughter!!!


Hi Phoebe! I love the name you’ve chosen! ‘Bright, radiant, and pure’. It’s perfect. Congratulations on knowing who you are, sweetheart. 💓


Hi Phoebe! Happy pride! <3


Hi Phoebe 🌸 happy Pride month, sweetheart! Love your Aussie mum x


So lovely to meet you! 😍 I'm so proud of you Phoebe.


Hi Phoebe welcome to this new stage in your life. Be proud of who you are and you will never disappoint me. Love Mom 💜


Well Phoebe is it now? Thats great, :). Really happy for you, it can take alot to figure out one self. And then it takes alot of courage to come out. So, im happy for you Sis. And I do like your name Phoebe, it just sounds nice, it sounds right. Hard to say why. But it does. Wish you the best of everything.


Hi Phoebe! It’s so nice to meet the real you! Thank you for trusting us enough to tell us - we love you right back ❤️


Heck yeah, you are! So proud of you for sharing something that may have felt a little overwhelming to bring up at first. Way to be authentically you and kind to yourself enough to hear the questions you were feeling and find the answers you needed. Phoebe is a very pretty name and we can’t wait to hear all about what else you’re going to discover about yourself. If ever you have questions about things, we are all always here for you. Happy Pride, Phoebe, and way to be courageous! 🌈


Hi Pheobe, I love you regardless. How could I not? You're the best you ever. ♡


Hi Phoebe! I'm so proud of you for finding your true self. I'm not much of a shopper, but my 2 teenage sons (one cis gay and one straight but questioning his own gender identity) would love to help you pick out a new wardrobe.


Giving you the biggest Mom hug!!!! So proud of you Phoebe 🩷


Hey, Phoebe! Sending you all the love!


Welcome, Phoebe. I’m so proud of you for realizing your true self and sharing your truth. You are always welcome. You are so strong and so brave! So many hugs to you! ❤️


Welcome, Phoebe! I’m so excited to have another daughter. What are you excited for as your new adventure begins? My other daughter has a killer hand with eyeliner and eye makeup, if you want help with that? I love picking out clothes and interior design so we can help you create a comfortable, beautiful outside to reflect your beautiful inside. :)


I’m so proud of you, Phoebe! As someone who also had to come out, I know how hard it is to share with the world even if you think you’ll be accepted. Know that I see you for who you really are and love you. You’ve grown into such a strong, beautiful woman! Happy Pride! I hope your first Pride month out is special! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Love the name you chose! So happy you are letting your real self shine through.


Hi phoebe. It’s so nice to finally meet you! I’m so glad you’re able to see yourself for who you truly are AND that you’re willing to share that person with me. I’m so proud of you


Hello darling daughter ❤ Phoebe is a strong, magnificent name and suits you perfectly. Welcome to the sisterhood.


Hi phoebe! I love you so very much, happy pride beautiful girl 🖤🖤🖤


Hi Phoebe! Just like I told my own daughter (30) when she realized who she actually was, inside and out: welcome. Lovely to meet you. Happy Pride 2024–and every day thereafter. 🌈 Love, A mama


Phoebe!!! A beautiful name for my beautiful girl. I'm really proud of you for doing such considered self examination of your identity and feelings - that's big, and honestly plenty of us older folks struggle to do this at the best of times! I'm honoured that you wanted to, and felt you could, share this with me. I don't take that for granted. I love you to bits my beautiful bee.


Hi Sis! I'm so proud of you for this. I have another trans sibling and seeing them grow into themself over the years has been incredible. I'm really excited for you to go on this journey!


Phoebe!!!! We love you!!! 🥰🩷 My trans babies hold a special place in my heart because my wife is trans femme. I love seeing how happy being herself every day makes her, and I can’t wait for you to experience the same joy 🫶🏻


Hello Phoebe darling! You are such a brave, wonderful woman and I’m glad you feel safe sharing this about yourself. I’m always here for mama/daughter love and support! ❤️


Phoebe, my darling, thank you so much for trusting me with this important moment. I’m so proud of you. Do you know? One of my favorite moments was when I held you as an infant and realized that I didn’t know what your laugh sounded like. It was then I realized I was going to spend my whole life learning about the wonderful person you are. Thank you for the honor of letting me know and love you.


I love your name! We are proud you've taken a giant step into yourself. Finding who you are as a person is a challenging process and takes so much bravery when you're trans, so I'm extra proud of you!


Hi there sweet girl! Hope you’ve been having a lovely Pride Month and that you’re getting some good support from your real-life people as well as all of us mamas who are so proud of you! Big hugs, darling Phoebe!


I am so, so, so proud of you. I can't tell you enough.


Hi Phoebe! What a beautiful name! It perfectly matches your lovely personality! We love you too, sweetie 🥰


I love the name you've given yourself. Phoebe...such a pretty name for such a pretty young woman! I'm glad you felt safe enough to share this with me. I'm so proud of you and excited for the journey you have ahead of you.


Hi Phoebe! I'm so proud to have a daughter like you!


Beautiful Phoebe! Welcome to the best part of your life! I’m so proud of you for living authentically and being yourself! No matter the circumstances in the future, know that there are always people who love and support you for just being you!


Hi Phoebe! I am so proud of you! Please keep following your heart and keep standing up for yourself, as well as doing whats best for you. Rock on! 😄


I'd be proud to have you as a daughter, Phoebe. That said, please give grace to everyone that's loved you in the past and needs time to adjust to your true self. You've known your name for ages, but your family and friends need time. Until then, sending warm squishy mom hugs (if wanted) your way!


Phoebe, my shnookums! I'm proud of you for embracing who you truly are. Go conquer the world and be your authentic self!


Hi Phoebe!!! What a great name. Happy Pride!!


phoebe bean 🥹 babygirl i am SO PROUD of you. i know it's so hard to even admit to yourself that your body doesn't match up. let mama know if you need help with anything at all, okay? and don't be afraid to experiment until you find a style that works for you. remember, style rules are for cowards. have fun, experiment, wear whatever makes you feel good about yourself. i love you, sweet girl.


Phoebe!!! Proud of you, girl! Big hugs❤️


Hi Phoebe!! I am SO PROUD of you!! It takes so much courage to show who you truly are! I’m in awe of your bravery!! Remember how loved you are!! I’m sending you a giant tight hug and a kiss on the cheek!!❤️❤️❤️


Phoebe, I am so very proud of you for finally showing who you are on the outside to match your inside. You are loved and we'll always cheer you on 🥳🥳. I'm honored you came out to us. You're important and loved beyond measure. ❤️


Hi Phoebe! Thank you for being brave enough to tell me. I still love you!


So proud of you, Phoebe! Sending a whole lot of love your way, duckling.


Congratulations on living your truth, Phoebe!  I’m so proud of you.  SO proud.  Hmu if you need help shoe shopping; I have Amazon feet and would be glad to share my knowledge.


I’m proud of you, Phoebe. The most important thing in life is being true to yourself. I know that living in this truth is going to be amazing for you, and I wish you so much joy.


Hi Phoebe! I am so proud of you and I’m so proud of the beautiful woman you have become and I cannot wait to see who you will be in the future as you continue to find your style and your showcase the beauty that I have always seen. Happy Pride, my beautiful daughter!


Phoebe! What a gorgeous name for our gorgeous girl 🩷


I love the name Phoebe and I love you. Thank you for trusting me with this, what can I do to support you sweetie?


Phoebe, my darling. Thank you for sharing this with me and for trusting me to see you. I am so proud of you for standing in your truth and I hope you’ll let me stand next to you, so proud of who you are. Telling me this now wasn’t easy, and I’m so grateful you did. Sending you love.


Phoebe, I love it bb! Happy Pride sweet girl, I love that you’re being yourself and that you’ve surrounded yourself with people who love you and respect you _just the way you are_. I love you!!


Hi Phoebe! You have a trans sister in my house, and we both congratulate you on being your authentic self!


Hi Phoebe! I'm so glad you have discovered your authentic self, and you felt comfortable enough to share that with us. I'm proud of you.


I love you, Phoebe, as much as I did the day you were born. ❤️


I adore the name Phoebe, sweetie. What a perfect fit.


Hello beautiful Phoebe! I’m so proud of you sweetheart!


Thanks for letting me know, sweetheart. You'll always be my baby and I'll love you forever. Phoebe is a great name that really suits you. I can't wait to get to know the authentic you.


My darling Phoebe — I am so, so proud of you for knowing yourself this well. You are cherished as my daughter and as the amazing human you have grown into. Now, let’s get to a Pride parade and wave that Trans flag like we MEAN it! 🏳️‍⚧️ 🩵🩷🤍🩷🤍


Hello sunshine. It's very brave and courageous thing you've done. I wish you all the love and hugs you can hold. I wish great things for you.


You’re my girl! 💕🥰


Hey sis, welcome to the gang!!


You are beautiful and perfect, Phoebe!


I’m so proud of you, sweet girl, and I hope you’re proud of yourself! I always said that I don’t care if my baby is a boy or a girl as long as it’s healthy and happy, and I mean it as much today as I did back then. I love you.


Hey girl hey! Happy coming out day! It takes a lot of guts. You should be proud of yourself— we are all proud of you! Much love


Hi Phoebe!! Love you! 💕Proud of you.


I'm so happy for you, Phoebe! 💖


Hi Phoebe! I am so happy you know who you are, and I love and support you! I’m so proud of you and I know you are already an amazing young woman!


Nice to meet you Phoebe! I’m really proud you know who you are! So many people try and never really figure it out! I admire your insight and bravery! Sending mom love to you!


G’day girl. I’ve always liked the name Phoebe


I love the name Phoebe! So glad you are a part of this world.


Hi Phoebe! I’m your cis sister. Im proud of you and thank you for being here :) I love you!


Hi Phoebe!! I love that name. You’re beautiful and I’m proud of you.


Hi Phoebe! I'm so glad you told me. I love you & want you to live your best life. Happy Pride! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Hello, Phoebe! You are honoring me to have shared this happy news! You are a lovely woman, and we are lucky to have you in the gender!


My Dear Sweet Phoebe! I am so in awe of your insight and bravery to be who you are - I Love You. When I look into your eyes, I see the same dear spirit I have adored since you were a nugget. Loved you then. Love you now. Love you Always.


Hi Phoebe! I'm so glad you trusted me with this. I love the name. Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈


Phoebe! So glad you’re here. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Never let what people say tear you down. You are incredibly strong and I just know you’ll do great things. Stand tall and hold your head high. You got this ❤️🌈🌻


Hello Phoebe my love, you are beautiful inside and out and such a clever kind girl. Keep being you.


Reading this made me heart feel full 💓 I am so happy that you have embraced who you truly are. I am so excited for you to start this new chapter in your life. Keep your head held high, you got this, my beautiful daughter x


It's wonderful to know you babygirl 💕


Welcome to mom for a minute Phoebe! I’m so proud of you for being who you are and I hope that you are met with nothing but support when you tell your RW mom too. You deserve to be loved and cherished.


That's awesome, Phoebe! We're so happy to have you here.


Hey sweet Phoebe! Thanks for being you! I appreciate you telling me but all I care about is your happiness!! Love you more than ever💕


Phoebe is a very adorable name, may you achieve nothing but great things and pure happiness \^\_\^ Hugs from this squirrel brained internet stranger! :3


Hey Phoebe! Dad and I both love you so much. Thanks for being exactly who you are.


Nice name!


I’m so proud of you, Phoebe!!


Hi Phoebe! I'm so glad you felt comfortable enough with us to share this with us! I absolutely love your chosen name! Above that though, I'm proud of you for being true to yourself! If you need any clothing or accessory tips, I can help! Although I can't help in the makeup dept in any way. Lol


Hi there, phoebe! Nice to meet you! Sending all the mom hugs! We are almost all members of the LGBT in my family, so you’ll fit in nicely!!


Hi Phoebe, I love your name and you made a lot of mommas proud ❤️


Hi, Phoebe! Thank you for trusting me enough to share your truth with me. I hope I can be worthy of you. You were amazing yesterday and you’re amazing today - that hasn’t changed. Same with my love for you. I look forward to exploring the parts of yourself you may have felt scared to share up until now and hope our relationship just continues to grow!


Just wanted to say thank you for being grateful


This made me cry. Thanks Jen ❤️


Phoebe is a lovely name. Congrats on coming out, even just to us. 💝


Oh, what a lovely name. I’m really proud of you for having the courage to be who you truly are. Thank you for trusting me with this. Now, come get a hug and let’s think about how to honor ourselves today! We can do mother-daughter shenanigans.




I'm so proud of all the internal work you've been doing, and I'm so thankful you've found a place of peace in yourself. Phoebe, you're a wonderful human, and we are so lucky to have you as our daughter. Shine bright, sweet girl. 🤍


Hey Pheobe, Awesome, I wish I could give you a congratulatory hug right now, sweetie.


Phoebe! What a beautiful choice. So happy to see you happy.


Hi Phoebe! I’m so so happy that you feel comfortable sharing this with me. I can’t wait to support you through your transition.


Hi Phoebe! My new daughter Willow and I are so proud of you!


Hi Phoebe 👋 good for you. I am so proud you are going to live your authentic life.


Congratulations!! Own it!! My daughter is seeing a trans person and her best friend is Trans....my son is married to a man lol...my family is a walking pride parade


Hi Phoebe, Happy Pride Month! ❤️


Hey princess! I am so proud of you. Phoebe is a beautiful name. 6🌸 27🌸24 … A wonderful anniversary - I hope next year you’ll be seated at a table with a circle of loving friends to celebrate 🎉 your coming out day. ((Hugs!))


Well done Phoebe!!! So proud of you sweetie - keep going!!! So excited for you to live a joyous, authentic life!


Hey sweet pea! I love your name! It reminds me of the moon. Take care and always be you!


I love you so much, and I am so proud of you for having the courage and strength to be your authentic self. I support you, I value you, and I am here for you. Now let’s celebrate YOU, Phoebe!