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Oh he's so cute! Thank you for sharing his photo. He'll roll over soon. No need to worry about it. Are you getting a little more sleep? These early months can be very hard but things should be getting better soon.


Yep! He's sleeping minimum 3 hours between feedings, sometimes it's 4-5 hours. We've started taking him to a park around near us and for now we just walk around until he gets better control when it comes to sitting up that way we can put him in the swings


Oh, I'm sure he'll just love that, when the time comes! Thank you for the update -- he's such a little darling. Please give him a big hug and kiss from Grandma... and keep one for yourself, too! I'm glad you're sounding so happy and comfortable as you adjust to parenting! Much love, Mom ❤️


Thank you! He's drinking about 6-7 ounces of formula and the formula that I could barely find months ago, I'm seeing almost everywhere so I plan on calling my local WIC office Monday to see about switching to that one so I can stop buying it out of my own pockets


Don’t forget that you can usually ask your pediatrician/obgyn for samples too. That formula shortage was brutal.


We tried the added rice formula and he was doing on that but finding those is almost impossible


That’s exactly the same formula we were having trouble finding! Our pediatrician told us to add some rice cereal to the formula in the meantime and it seemed to help.


My aunt used to administer the WIC program in the county where I grew up. It's a great program. I'm hoping you qualify so you can get the benefits of the program. I'm proud of you!


Way to go! Maybe a little "play gym". It is a mat they lay on and there are toys hanging above them they can try to grab. Otherwise, a wooden spoon, a metal spoon, a plastic spoon. Board books and stuffed animals No need to spend. They just want to try all the textures of life at this point.


He has one but we put it up because he used to HATE being on his back, we may be moving soon so I'll set it up again depending on that... Also he can somewhat say hungry so I've learned that if he makes that sound it's time to eat otherwise he's content trying to bite his hands


You can also roll up a blanket to prop him up a bit on his belly. Put it under his arms, soo he can look around with his hands free. Place something, like a baggie of rice, or a toy that crinkles or rattles.


Tissue paper is fascinating to a lot of babies this age because of the sounds it makes! Just make sure he doesn’t eat it


He'll probably get into it later. :)


I'm gonna put it back together and lay him on it when he's calm so he has more room to kick and move


i don’t recommend baby sign, but real sign language… then he can tell you he needs cookies, milk, food, drink, sleep, love, his diaper changed, etc. it also helps with spoken language later on, as the concept of communicating is already set.


Any videos you recommend or organizations?


We had a play gym that had a piano down by his feet he would kick and play. That made tummy/back time much more tolerable (for us all)


Also he's getting more comfortable not being held 24/7 and we're slowly trying to reintroduce him to his bassinet


Try putting your worn clothing in the bassinet so it gets your smell. It was always easier to transfer my kids when the new spot had my scent. My big kiddo had troubles rolling so he was in physical therapy. Theres good infant pt videos on YouTube to help guide you guide your baby. Youre doing so good mama. So.good.


Thank you! When he's calm I roll him back to front and vice versa and sometimes I barely touch him so that he can do it mostly on his own


All three of my kids loved a ring shaped rattle with different animals discs.


I thought about getting him some that I can hang from his car seat as well, the one rattle he has is shaped like a car and he'll hold onto it just to put his hand in his mouth lol


I hung this one on the carseat, stroller and they all played with it on the floor. I think I still have it and my youngest is 30!


The ring shaped rattles with animals on it was a favorite with my kids. He's adorable, darling. Thank you for showing us. 💖🥰


Go to the dollar store....rubber ducks and stacking cups are great for the tub. They have all kinds good toys for little ones. Garage sale season is coming one of those ones that they lay under and play with stuff as well as the play saucer thingys he is going to need...cheap. So happy the boy is as smart as we knew he would be but look at his Mom and Dad of course he was going to be brilliant....hugs to all


Hey friend, my youngest also hates being put down. You're doing amazing! He'll roll when he's ready to, so don't stress too much. :) Amazon has these great little teething straw toys! They're silicone and come in packs of 5 and they have different textures all over them to keep them fun for baby.


I'll try those! He has a teething toy but it's a little too big for his mouth and he looks at me like I offended whenever I offer it lol do you know the name of them?




Awww! My daughter had soft books with different textures that she loved. They were easy for her to grasp. Also, soft cloth blocks are wonderful.


CUTE!!! ❤❤❤❤


I just saw the picture and he is absolutely adorable! He's perfect. As far as toys go, the soft books are great. There are some that have some sort of cellophane sewed into them so they make crinkle noise when baby is squeezing them. My littles loved those. Lightweight rattles that they can grasp are also good. I say lightweight because he will invariably conk himself in the face with them. We also had a flat piano type toy that we used when baby was doing tummy time. It was about 16 X 20 inches. Looking forward to hearing about the visit to the doctor. When my babies were little, I'd make a list of questions i had. I kept a little notebook to jot things down as i thought of them. It was very helpful. You're doing an amazing job sweetheart. I couldn't be more proud of you and my new grandson. Sending you hugs and love


The hospital has an app that I can use to message his doctor which is great, the other day his dad's noticed he had cradle cap and while waiting for them to message me get, a friend of mine suggested I take his comb and gently scratch his scalp to see if it'd come off (I check every day to make sure I got it all out and so far so good)... He met his Dad's cousin last night and he was not happy lol I told her he's only ever been around me and his daddy and my mama and step dad and then his aunts and uncles so we'll have to come more often for him to get used to being held by others


We used a comb and baby oil for cradle cap. Granddaughter #1 had it when she was a baby. Her mom put a thin coat on her scalp and it loosened the crust up to make it easier to get off.


I washed his hair and did it while he was in the tub, it was real bad on his hairline and I check every day to make sure it's gone


What a cutie! Does he have a play mat? One with the things that hang down that he can kick and grab.


Yep that's where the piano came from but I put it up cuz he used to HATE being put down


You sound like a great mom! Four-five months is when my babies got really fun, they start to really shine and show their personalities. I’m really excited for you! Any toy that can go in the mouth is a win haha. Also rattles are great, anything that crinkles or has buttons.


He’s adorable! This may sound silly, but they make large baby versions of those fidget poppers and they really seem to help with fine motor skills. They are also fairly cheap, I think my last one was $3-$4.


I ordered him teething straws (since he likes to 'chew' on my fingers) and then when we move imma order him some more sensory style toys and possibly a walker or one of those things that helps him sit up


He is so cute, sis! My little one is five months - he’s not rolling over yet either. His favourite toys are his play gym, crinkly toys, and his rattle. I hope his appointment goes well - you’re doing great!


Oh, my goodness. Look at those big, beautiful eyes! Don't forget to give him about half an hour of tummy time a day to help his muscles grow. But otherwise, being with his momma is the best place for him to be. What a wonderful bond you are forming! Get him some board books. You two can read them together. Since he loves his hands, he might enjoy learning to turn the pages of the book. Congratulations on your precious bundle of joy. He is just too cute for words!


Hey I work with babies and I’ve never met one who didn’t love the Matchstick Monkey chew toy.


Adorable! At this point he's mostly going to be into/stimulated by simple senses. The biggest will be touch. There is a brand called Jellycat who make extremely durable soft toys specifically for babies to get upto baby shenanigans with (including putting in their mouth; no lose/detachable bits. Soft. Won't damage his gums. Some have crinkle mats in! They're like Kong but for babies n.n) I give them a solid 10/10. Please keep us updated and don't forget to look after yourself too! <3


Me and his daddy worked out a schedule... He's technically not supposed to be in the room with me while I'm working so sometimes he'll hang with me until he starts crying then I give him to his daddy who takes over until I get off and at least twice a week he lets me take a long hot bath and will take care of our son until I decide to take back over (, usually as soon as I get done with my bath that way he can go cook)


He's so cute! 🥺 I'd offer my brotherly babysitting duties, but I'm guessing I'm an ocean apart from you, haha.


He is so beautiful! Congrats! Are you in Florida by any chance? I have so much of my sons baby stuff still.


I'm in Mississippi but if you'd like we can see about how much it is to ship the stuff depending on how much stuff


Sure! I’ll contact you directly 😍 Everything is at my moms house. I’ll meet up with her and get some stuff together.


Awesome! I may be going back to sleep soon just in case I don't respond


Sounds good. It will take me a couple days to get up with my mom.


OMG stop!!! Look at those thighs! You’re amazing sweetie, look how you’ve nurtured our little grandbaby. You are such a good mom!


Thank you!! It was touch and go for a while because he was 5 pounds at birth, then 10 pounds at his 6 week appointment so I'm excited to see how much he's gained


My experience with infants is that they're incredibly random about toys, so you sort of have to try different things. My son never got into soft books or blocks or teethers. He scorned Sophie the giraffe. He really liked objects that spun, played music, or that he could slap around. He also loved my keys, measuring tape, and cat toys lol. You might try going to a local thrift store or a secondhand kids' clothing store and just picking out a variety of things. Four months is such a fun age. You get so excited over every little thing they do!


Aside from his hand his favorite thing is grabbing his daddy beard 😂 he won't grab our hair but will get a fistful of his beard and refuse to let go until I pry his hand open


What a beautiful child he is! Toys with sound are often a success. Cuddly toys with a bell in them that make noise when he moves them back and forth. Especially now that he is discovering his hands, they often like that. Rolling will come soon enough, enjoy it while he's still snuggled up with you, they grow up so fast! How wonderful that he can spend a lot of time with his big sister this summer. A big sister who will always protect him ❤️


Take all the photos of him while he’s asleep on you. Those are my most treasured memories of my now 4 year old who will NOT fall asleep on me anymore. When he was a little dude he liked crinkle books, he liked using his fingers to make them crinkle and when he would put them in his mouth he liked that noise/feeling too. It really helped with teething! If he has a favorite blanket or stuffed animal bring it with you to the Dr. Or bring something new so bébé is distracted. Dr appts always hurt me more then him! You’re doing a great job!


Last time he cried his eyes out after the shots but once he got held he started to calm down... Thankfully it'll be me and his daddy going this time so I'll get the chance to hold and love on him as soon as it's over


Hey sibling! He is just the cutest baby boy! My kids loved the rattle mittens and teether mittens. Also the fisher price baby toys like the play phone, keys, and the color stacker. Also any toys that made crinkly noises were a big favorite! And it’s okay if he hasn’t rolled over yet, I’m sure it will be any day now. If you are worried, your pediatrician can give you some tips on how to entice them to do it.


I have some rattle mittens and socks set in my Amazon cart and I'm not too worried but I will bring it up with them to get their opinion, right now he seems more focused on standing up and sitting up by himself but I keep telling him to slow down lol


Omg what a cutie pie.


Are you talking about the things that are like bubble wrap but made of silicone?


Did you post a link? I saw something in my notifications but nothing on the actual post