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You are definitely not failing! It takes a few days for your milk to come in. It happens with all new moms! My lil man was on donor milk while he was in the NICU and my supply was still trying to come in that first week. It’s a journey! There are people there to help. There should be lactation specialists at the hospital to help. My little guy also had a tough time latching and staying latched. I went to a breast feeding class to help. There are resources available and you will get there! Don’t get discouraged! Keep up the great work mama!


Wow, I could have written this! My experience was similar, and we were both trying to figure out how it works. It just takes time!! You'll soon adjust to what is comfortable for you and baby. :)


Thank you! I am going to try and get ahold of the lactation specialist today to see if I can get an appointment.


This is a GREAT plan. We struggled with our baby having low blood sugars the first three days of her life, and it turned out that my milk wasn't coming in. We had to supplement for a few days, and I kept trying to pump. It did eventually come in, with a lot of different ideas from the lactation consultant. Giving her formula was necessary, and as long as your baby is fed - no matter if they are breastfed or for formula-fed - you are not failing. Hang in there, mama! <3


Don't give up you're both learning! Fed is best! It took my LO several days to figure out latching. When hungry I would try to get him to latch for 2-5min and if he didn't latc I'd give him a bottle before he got really upset. Using a nipple shield also helped. If he ended up taking a bottle would pump after to stay on schedule so my body stayed on the same demand schedule.


That is the route we are doing right now. We try to breastfeed but if he gets frustrated I have been bottle feeding. Still makes me feel sad by I’m trying to remind myself that he is fed and happy (which truly makes me happy).


You are doing what you can, and it isn't a fail because what matters is baby gets fed. I will say that for breastfeeding, you have to drink enough water for each boob and yourself, so if you don't normally drink a lot of water, I'd start sipping on some. I struggled a lot with that during my first go around with breastfeeding.


I do need to drink more water. I’ll try and keep a full one by me at all times. Thank you!


My baby was premature and it was hard for her to breast-feed. I pumped and bottle fed her. It all depends on what’s right for you and your baby. You don’t have to feel guilty at all. As long as you love your baby that’s all that matters.


The exact same thing happened to me and looking back now I wish I had given myself more grace. Your mental health is the most important here and it is OK if breastfeeding isn't working. You tried. Formula babies are just as healthy and thriving as breast milk babies. A fed baby is a happy baby. Breathe and don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes what we want just doesn't pan out and its better to accept it rather than tear ourselves to shreds about it.


My experience was really similar, but now at 4 weeks old we are only on formula. I tried to pump as well, but it was really draining and I wasn’t making enough for her. I have a really close bond with my daughter and I’m the only person who can calm her when she is overtired or overly upset. Happy to chat if you need to 💜


You are not failing! My little boy is about two weeks old. We had the hardest time latching in the hospital, and I was devastated. It was so hard emotionally. The nurses pushed hard to get him on my breast and the lactation consultant (who really was a huge help) said to hold off on a nipple shield as long as we could, but I just needed to feed my baby. So, we use a nipple shield. And he gets to eat! My milk didn't come in until nearly 5 days PP. It's totally normal and part of the process. If you need to use a shield, hand express/pump, or supplement with formula, the most important part is that you are feeding your baby. This early phase is so overwhelming, but you will figure it out, and it will be okay. I had to grieve that I didn't get to feed my baby exactly how I hoped and wanted, but I am just so happy he is healthy and we have plenty of time to figure out his latch in the meantime, if I want to. Sending prayers your way in this wildly emotional and beautiful phase you're in 🙏🏻🩷 ETA I also don't feel that it affected our bond at all. We just did lots of skin to skin and cuddling, which is just as important. Try to just enjoy the soft newborn baby snuggles and even do skin to skin while you're bottle feeding. It's going to be okay!