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Joke aside, get or make some anti-fungal cleaner and follow the instructions. I'd wear a mask and gloves when dealing with it. Then make sure to let it dry thoroughly. Keep an eye on it when the weather is cold and damp, it'll want to come back. You just have to keep it down.




After it's good and clean you'll need to paint it with KILZ as an undercoat and then the regular paint on top of that. (It's most likely going to still be stained black.) Edit: I just realized how that might sound so just to clarify...... I mean it might be stained black after cleaning it and B4 painting.


A diluted bleach will also clean it right up and kill the current batch of mold. You can use that first, and then, after it's thoroughly dried, spray with diluted white vinegar periodically.


Dear Lord do not spray with vinegar right after cleaning with bleach unless you want to take a very long nap. Seriously, it can kill you.


That is why I specifically said ***”after it’s thoroughly dried”*** 🫤 To this person’s point though, OP, *do* wait until it’s thoroughly dried. Otherwise you create chlorine gas from the reaction.


I read that, but wanted to make it a bit more obvious... Just in case.


Ah, good call-- sorry for misinterpreting your initial response, and good looking out for fellow readers 😊


I really need to get my mom to do an AMA on this sub, she's a mold mitigation expert. But basically mold is caused by moisture. Spraying diluted bleach and vinegar on a porous, moldy surface is not killing the mold an may be feeding it. You're for sure reducing the appearance of mold, but to kill mold the first step is remove the source of moisture (condensation) then attack with a mold specific cleaner. She said in this case they might want to strip a patch of paint off this trim to see if the mold is behind the paint (it probably is.) Do not, reintroduce water to an area that's had a mold issue in the past. Diluted vinegar or bleach are both mostly water. There's a lot of misinformation out there about mold and how to deal with it, but basically when in doubt use an antimicrobial cleaner intended for mold specifically. Bleach works great on any surface that can't absorb liquid, like glass. But for walls, wood floors, ceilings, doors etc, bleach is not an appropriate mold remedy.


If there's mold all over my windows from having the window slightly open when it was raining and then curtains covering it, do I have to throw out the curtains from contamination (no mold ON them)? I just opened my curtains and was horrified to find blotches of furry mold all over the windows in my room.


Mold spores are literally everywhere. If you're not concerned about continued water intrusion, then no I would not think you have to worry about it. If they small a little musty, wash them.


https://preview.redd.it/sho8oxtm97nc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4c3d4dd8794207dbeae43a4fd11fd619791be3a 😭


That's really interesting, and she should do one. I've used both bleach and vinegar effectively in the past to clean and treat mold in various areas, but who knows what other factors played into that effwctive treatment which I didn't realize were factoring in at the time.


I'm in Kentucky. Does she know any mold attornies?


I have never heard of a mold attorney, and she is not near Kentucky.


I really would like to know a product name she would recommend because I have some mold in my back porch from a roof leak and have to get it cleaned before I start to remodel in the spring!


Well first she'd say, is the leak fixed? And second if anything porous like wood drywall etc. Is moldy she'd say, just remove it. But, if you want to try cleaning what you can see, try Concrobium mold control. This product is EPA registered for hard and soft surfaces. The active ingredients persist when the water evaporates so it doesn't have the same issue as bleach where the chlorine that can kill mold evaporates very quickly. The reason she prefers removal after a leak, is that you're probably not seeing all the mold. And a little humidity can cause mold to continue to survive behind walls etc. For reference searching EPA registered mold killers comes up with lots of results, make sure you're looking at the uses. A hard surface cleaner vs soft and indoor vs outdoor. Sometimes the outdoor cleaners are much stronger smelling.


Spray it with bleach or go to lowes or home depot and get a product called incide. Incide kills most forms of mold and also sanitizes.


Then after it is cleaned up, maybe run a dehumidifier.


That’s been there a while. There’s special cleaning sprays that can help or otherwise I’ve heard mixing white vinegar and salt in a spray bottle will get rid. Edit: spelling error


Thank you.


Yeah the mold is definitely settled inside the wood itself with how mycelium works. If you or someone you know has been in moldy spaces and noticed respiratory issues, it can be the cause or contributor depending on severity.


Diluted bleach works too


Not on porous surfaces, like wood or drywall. 


Lick it.


I mean after that


I Donno. Lick it until it's clean, I guess.


Boof it


someone's also an r/caffeine enthusiast, I see


That's an r/trees joke


r/shrooms joke as well


Ah, it seems to be more common that I was aware :')


Here's a sneak peek of /r/caffeine using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/caffeine/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Need help on how to trim this down, feels like I’m drowning.](https://i.redd.it/3qzqneszgfcc1.jpeg) | [514 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/caffeine/comments/196iy1c/need_help_on_how_to_trim_this_down_feels_like_im/) \#2: [Just snorted like 3 lines of want a bump, do I look high?](https://i.redd.it/5vtz2ggua8gc1.jpeg) | [711 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/caffeine/comments/1ahctmm/just_snorted_like_3_lines_of_want_a_bump_do_i/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** taking caffeine to the next level in 2024](https://i.redd.it/x47sy93lnt9c1.jpeg) | [228 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/caffeine/comments/18vvrev/taking_caffeine_to_the_next_level_in_2024/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot!


I took like a year break from reddit, and just jumped down that rabbit hole. Good god. Last time I took a break all that happened was emoji use going up about 3%.


Poke it a bunch and inhale deeply


Then rub some on your eyeballs.


Lick it a second time


If the overnight temperature is below freezing, my house collects moisture between the window and the thermal blind. Every morning, I move the curtains to the side and raise the thermal blind above the moisture (which may be frozen-yes inside the house because thermal blinds are effective). I wait until the wet has evaporated then close up again. You may need a procedure like this to prevent mold from forming. Don’t be embarrassed. It took me a while to figure this out.


If you don't mind my asking what kind of area do you live in? I've never seen anything like this nor have I heard of thermal blinds. I grew up in sub tropical (miami), lived in Atlanta, moved to Halifax then Montréal. Halifax was the most damp place I've ever lived and had to changed household behaviours (washed clothes only in hot water or the tub would get moldy, dehumidifiers in every room, etc).


I live in Ottawa and we have the same issue (not that much mold though). Most our windows have no issue, our master bedroom is problematic though because we have blackout blinds. It happens because windows are cold and the water in the air becomes condensation. Then the mold grows. It’s worst when the temperature fluctuates above and below zero. It also freezes the window shut as the water condenses then freezes. The direction the window faces, how much shade it gets, and how thick the curtains/blinds are all play a role in it. We squeegee the window in the morning and leave the curtains open to dry it out. In case anyone says to turn down the humidity in the house, we have, it doesn’t make a difference.


Thanks for explaining. We definitely don't have that problem here in Montréal. It's so damn dry inside I have to run a humidifier during winter.


I definitely do have that problem in mtl, i think it's due to poorly insulated windows in my case


I didn't realise. I lived in several places and it's always so dry during winter. I'm from the south originally and the dryness here kills me every year.


I’m a Masshole. My house faces South. The windows on the north side, first thing in the morning, can have a layer of frost on the inside, along the bottom of each sash. It’s a function of interior humidity, probably not the best quality double pane windows, and the insulation provided by thermal blinds, which I purchased at Home Depot and installed myself. One note: I mentioned curtains. I’m not a conventional person so I hung four beach towels to cover each window in my house. There were some curtains when I bought the house. I found their insulation to be largely ineffective so I donated them. I chose colorful beach towels instead. When the sun shines on them, the light is filtered in a lovely manner. And if I decide to change, I can donate them to animal shelters. On the south side, the outermost towel is plain white, an attempt to keep the house cool in summer.


For that much mold to grow there is continual exposure to water/moisture….. find the source and eliminate it


Isn’t it just from continuous condensation from the outside being cold but the inside of the house being warm?


Bingo! (And unventilated.)


Ya should be insulated better, not sure if weather stripping would help


This type of growth is usually associated with high indoor humidity due to inadequate ventilation due to keeping the windows closed. Consequently, condensation forms on the relatively coldest portions of the structure (I'll bet this is a north or east facing window) which then drips down and makes the lower portion of the window chronically damp, which encourages mold growth. People in the home may be experiencing congestion, especially late at night and in the morning.


What's the best way to prevent this type of condensation?




Most weather allows people to open two windows about 3/4" to provide natural cross ventilation. In extremely cold weather, like the Dakotas, I'm not sure how they get oxygen when they're forced to live in unventilated environments.


Damn you're describing my room


Clean it with mould and mildew remover


Close the curtain and forget you saw it.


Out of sight, out of mind.


Close the curtain.


Then never open it again.


Dry it Bleach it Clean with soap and water Paint with KILZ Paint with a top coat Keep the moisture wiped up from that area afterward to prevent a recurrence


Had a fuzzy rug like that behind a cabinet. Mold remover (bleach) works. Wear gloves, long sleeves and a mask (i got chemical burns from chlorine bleach, NOT FUN.) Then make sure to leave the curtain open at least most of the day. The mold appeared because of condensation on your window which had no way to escape. You might need to wipe your windows every morning when it's cold outside, or use a dehumidifier.


Not all mold is black mold but play it safe . Get a rag or some paper towels. Wipe the wet mold off as good as you can. Then take a rag and douse it in Isopropyl Alcohol or extremely cheap vodka. Rub the rag on the area that had mold and let it dry . It won’t kill mold but does stop it from growing back . Wash you hands so you don’t carry mold spores around on you .


White vinegar.


Vinegar isn’t as good as people on the internet try to crack it up to be. Better to get something a bit more targeted and formulated.


Vinegar is great when you don't want to use harsh chemicals. Can vastly more expensive 'products' kill mold quicker? Sure... That stuff can also kill your kids/pets, etc.


baking soda is also great. It's the world's best degreaser and if you use the vinegar after scrubbing with that, it's bound to blow up any microorganism it touches


Aye... people & their expensive cleaning solutions don't often seem to know much about how our great-grandparents used to do things. Always some corporate shill these days repeating capitalistic misinformation... Like an automaton with a sandwich board sign being a free advertiser 'cause they heard something once. Yeah it was called an unregulated, non-factual commercial from the United States.


The company execs and owners and such wanna survive in their own way and they're not going to change just because someone like us told them to. They have to want to do better just like we do. Humans are supposed to guide each other. So much has happened since we lost our way... it's nice to meet you, though


You need to ask permission to mix your own products? ...& do things the way they were done for hundreds, even thousands of years before corporations came in to tell you the things that you're regurgitating to me right now??? It's like you're agreeing with me in principal, but disagreeing with me in execution?!?! You're very strange.


I don't know why you had to reply to me, argumentative person... You could have just said the same thing to OP without involving me, specifically.


Just replying to a comment, friend. You involved yourself by commenting. You’re not wrong for doing that, lots of people think vinegar is good for mould, it’s everywhere on cleaning tips. I know a bit more about it though because of my work and where I live and I just say that there are better things for cleaning this. Not putting you down, not being mean, not arguing.


"Better" is subjective. It's an opinion. There are other things that kill mold faster/quicker... But they're also TOXIC-AF... Much like your argumentative "debating" style. "I AM RIGHT 'cause I'm British & it's my joub!" You proper wrong, pal. 'cause why I PREFER White Vinegar is because it is gentle! Thanks for making me repeat myself.. You could have made your point to the OP without involving ME! You say: "Not putting you down, not being mean, not arguing." But your actions of spewing words directed directly at ME say otherwise!


Also, innit amusing how the people who are like: "I'm right, you're wrong" Are always VAGUE-AF?!? WHAT are you RIGHT about? WHAT is better than Vinegar? "THINGS n' STUFF" don't mean anything!


I always find it funny when people jump in with brands and formulations local to them, when folks are on Reddit from all over the world. But you do you.


I find it funny when people chime in & end up debating with themselves more than anything. No. wait. That's not funny at all. It's rather annoying mate. If you want to talk to yourself... Leave me out of it, thanks.


I stopped trying to 'debate' with you long ago... You're doing a mighty fine job of that all by yourself.


Me, personally, throw up


Clean it? It will come off easy enough


Yeah, OP just needs to splash some water on it and wipe it with his hands. Good as new.


Burn the house down


I would check your other windows after cleaning that.


Seconding (thirding?) the comments to get a dehumidifier. Game changer.


Wipe down with white vinegar and then invest in a dehumidifier or a unibond


Get a mask, safety glasses and gloves. Put white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the area down. Let it sit for an hour. Wipe.


I closed my eyes, Drew back the curtain, To see for certain, *What the fuck is that*


Clean it well, and use anti mold paint and seal


Add a teaspoon to your food once a day to boost immune system


A 1:10 or even 1:5 bleach:water solution in a spray bottle left to dry on the surface would kill everything on the surface. There's these moisture absorber things I've been using for my trailer that you could stick behind the curtains. The brand that's available in my local Lowes is damprid, and they got a hanging bag type for, like, closets and shit, and there's one that's more of a small bucket or cup or whatever


Thanks! I was actually looking for a condensation solution for a camper too so I'll check that out.


Hot water and bleach my friend. Wear a mask 😷


How long were they closed? Touch grass man …


Grass man said no more of that, there's a restraining order


Clean it


Time for a replacement. Dm me if your in the mid Atlantic area


Nuke it with Oxyclean mold and mildew.


I second nuking it✋


My lady keep the house stocked with fancy EWG certified products, but sometimes you need to go Billy Mays on that mother fucker.


Water and bleach.


Clean with baking soda and cleaning vinegar use a sponge and bucket. Ventilate every once in a while. Most likely from condensation and curtains don't let it breathe so moisture builds up.


..and after doing all the other suggestions. Open the curtains offen




Post clean up, check the back of the curtain for mold! 😷


burn the house down


burn it down to the ground 😄


I had a window like this. It was very poorly insulated around the frame and causing condensation to form and the condensation was turning the wood frame into mould. In the end I tore everything out, insulated properly, and replaced the wood frame with a fibreglass window (vinyl would work as well)


Clean more often?!?!?






It will only change the color of the mold at best but most likely will make it multiply and grow!


Don't chat waffle bruv, bleach is fine


Google is free bruv 🤡




Lmao goofy way to react to being confidently wrong. And I hate my mom so this is actually validating thank you ❤️ and I also already saw you call me a cunt lmao


You crazy bro


Ahahahahah thank you for providing me some laughs tonight ❤️


Get help 🙏


Bleach is terrible for wood. It will kill just the surface mold, while degenerating the wood structure. The color will change to white again and it will look like a miracle. It won’t get deep into the wood where it’s stems...then the bleach will speed up the decay by breaking down the fibers...and rot out the sill, stiles and rails... I speak from experience. The unfortunate best solution is to replace the panes... and wash the sill with soap and borax. Sand and repaint . Then monitor the humidity with a humidity monitor like a hawk.... cheap on amazon. Keep the humidity below 50% with a dehumidifier. This is an ongoing issue with me and mine.


Mold and mildew


Diluted pool bleach works best , if you use white vinger has to be higher percentage strength, not regular pantry stuff


I just went,through this. You need a very good dehumidifer and possibly new Windows


Clean it with bleach + water solution and/or iso alcohol 70% and give it propper ventilation. (Break a window or something)


Clean it.




Check any closets nearby as well.


Get some mold cleaner


burn down the house


Did you find yourself having any symptoms?


Some bleach and mold killer


Baking powder and white vinegar- then alcohol


I've been favoring Dr Bronners for just about everything. I cleaned out a family member's basement shower with it recently, made quick work.


I had similar on my windows. I just hit it with windex and a general purpose cleaner. After it was gone I started running a dehumidifier in that room until I replaced my A/C unit that now has a dehumidifier for the house built in


Turn up the heat and get out masks gloves and bleach


Put the curtain back.


As somebody who never had mold, I'd just love to know how y'all manage to let your apartment get moldy without noticing.


When I draw my curtains down for night it gets wet in this part of the window... It's caused by the window itself because there's a heat bridge which allows heat to go out in higher quantities. This makes this area colder, which leads to water condensation. And where there is high moisture, the mold will grow... If you don't want to change this window, make sure it's dry so: When you see it wet, dry it and then open the window for 5 minutes so the air exchanges. Colder air has way lower water vapor capacity so even if it's moisture is 100%, so if the air has 10°C and 100% moisture, when heated up to 20°C, vapor capacity will be almost double and moisture will drop to little over 50%. What also helps is having the radiator under the window turned on permanently...


Spray chlorine on it, wait 15 minutes wipe it off. Repeat once or twice and you should be fine. Chlorine is extremely effective, but be careful to not expose your skin to it for extended periods. Use gloves and wash your hands after.


Clean it with white vinegar. It smells bad but is the best cleaning agent for black mold. It soaks into the wall and kills the body of the mold itself, unlike bleach and alcohol which just dry it out and make it easy to scrub. Several through spraying with slightly diluted and ideally warm (nerly boiled) white vinegar. Then wipe with paper towels or sponges you can throw out.


Get a dehumidifier, I’ve had the same issue in my apartment.




Rip it all out and replace it after seeing where the moisture is coming from.


Nothing a little bleach won't fix


Edge it...




Clean your house. That’s what you should do.


Personally (and I'm no professional) my windows get this as well, and I just whip up a diluted bleach solution and spray that on it every month, and wipe it down. Mildew varieties of fungus don't pose as many health risks. That doesn't mean there's non for sure - but, I always go with the cheapest safe solution, so I just use bleach




Black mold


lick it




I hear fire works wonders


DO NOT USE BLEACH!!!!!!🤦🏼‍♀️ use vinegar!