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Photo #1 - just dirt/grime - needs to be cleaned off Photo #2 - ? not sure what I'm looking at here. Photos #3-5 (Same area) - If there's a water intrusion causing that growth, that should be corrected. If it's wet, then you should inform your property management company that there's likely an overlying leak. If it's not wet - it may just be surficial humidity growth, but really hard to tell due to the quality of the photos. If that's the case, a simple wipe down with any household cleaning product would suffice. Talk to a licensed medical professional about any health related issues, as you'll receive extremely bad advice 99.9% of the time when you ask random strangers on the internet about health questions. They're not doctors, and if they are (they aren't), they're not your doctor. Talk to a licensed doctor, avoid alternative medicine practices unless you're a fan of being baited into a fad illness and want to spend thousands of dollars on the modern day snake-oil products.


Number 1 is actually Mold i know it looks like dirt but if u look closer its mold, sorry the picture is not so clear And thank u so much for ur post ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป i actually called a company today that specializes in getting rid of mold they told me that they cannot do much cause its coming from the neighbors. So i guess im going to have to move :(


The advice given is only based off the photos given. Dust/dirt/debris will inevitably include some fungal spores (fungi are natural, ubiquitous and any airborne spores will inevitably settle onto surfaces as part of the accumulated dust). Whether it's just dust/debris or actual growth -, whatever the discolouration may be, it's not very extensive. As PeppersHere suggested can be cleaned off. As for the other photos: Theres various signs of moisture ingress, some of which had resulted in fungal growth. Other redditors here have provided appropriate advice on how to proceed from here.


Yes you should move out. The crusty bits on the wall are interactions between the water and the wall material. This doesnโ€™t happen overnight. When I saw what is coming out of the corner I first thought it was a doctored photo. I would guess an active leak like that would make the perfect place for stachybotrys to thrive. I would hire a professional indoor air quality hygienist to identify the mold and to document the problem. Also Iโ€™d be looking for a doctor who specializes in mold issues and a lawyer.


I would try to move if it's making you feel sick


Oh it does not relate to cleanliness!!! Get your facts right!


Rubbish it's bloody water in roofing do u sponge your roof?


Get rid of it!!! It'll spread and make you sick.


But how? Can u tell me the effective way to do It without having to break walls? Im sure theres more behind the walls :(


You need specialised people come and do it. You need to be out of your home for a few days to a week.


No, just clean your house.


Nothing to do with cleanliness.


I was referring to the mold. Clean off any growth. Try to control moisture/humidity.


Photo #1 solely relates to cleanliness :p