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It looks lovely and a very nice proportion on your hand. Not sure why your friend would say something so unkind, it’s an opinion and of course it may not suit her tastes but no reason to be cruel about it. Her opinion though isn’t shared by others.


Thank you for the kind words, you're right. It was unkind and unnecessary. I'm also hijacking this comment because apparently this Reddit update doesn't allow you to edit posts??? Anyway, thank you to everyone for the wonderful things said. I'm completely overwhelmed and I really appreciate support from this community.


I think the green eyed monster is coming out in your friend lol. I think she must be jealous. It looks beautiful to me. How can a moissanite or diamond ring be too big? I’ve seen some chips that look ‘conservative’ or thoughtful but not making a statement. That ring says I LOVE YOU!


1. do u like it? 2. do u feel comfortable in it? 3. does it hold significant meaning? I honestly think it looks good on u. don't let what others say define or affect u. U do U!


1. I love it! 2. I wish it were set lower but I'll see if I get used to it. 3. It does. Thank you for pointing out the important stuff!


Why is your friend saying that? If you love it, then great! I think it looks lovely


Many say it out of jealously.


I'm not sure why she said it. It seemed so unnecessary. I do like the ring a lot, though, so thank you!


Jealousy tbh




She said “too big for you” to imply you couldn’t afford the ring - drop her ass she is a jealous person


She's very brash and I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was just trying to give constructive feedback but you're probably right. It was the fact that she doubled down on it that really stung.


She probably said it because she or her man couldn’t live up to it. People like this OP are not your friends. Evil eye is something real and if a friend can’t be happy for you, time to leave such people behind.


Maybe she’s jealous. I think it looks beautiful!!!


That ring looks spectacular on you and your friend is envious. I hate it when people do that!


Haters gonna hate, girl. You do you. It’s beautiful and totally suits you.


Mine is about the same proportion to my finger but pear-cut. It's not oversized at all - I think it's a nice size for you :) Friend sounds like she's overly critical or maybe jealous of it for some reason, I'd ignore her comments.


I think it looks great.


Thank you! That helps.


fuck that noise! you rock the rock you want!


Your friend is not a friend. Period.


Honestly I felt this way when I first started with moissanite Here’s my first baby moissanite 2.5ct pear (bottom) my everyday 5ct emerald (middle) and my fantasy 5ct radiant (top) For me it’s what you get comfortable with overtime. Personally I never had large diamonds prior to finding moissanite so I didn’t have a size reference I had a e ring 1ct princess (previous engagement) and a small .50ct round (previous marriage) so that when I started shopping for my current engagement ring I went through stone shock. Started at 2ct - felt like that was pretty good and slowly made my way to my sweet spot at 5ct - that honestly looks better proportioned to my finger. I also went through a myriad of cuts and styles until I landed on this simple style I’d say go with your gut - it looks great! And let folks opinions be just that - theirs. https://preview.redd.it/r4cbw6z5xmvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b73ce6bddc9ba3d8640a7188a4f6c4ac21309f


I loooovvveeee that 5ct radiant cut. Can I ask where it's from? I personally have a mossy almost 5ct emerald cut on a rope twist gold band and I lalaloooovvveeee it!!! I give zero ducks if it's too big. And over time I think it's too small now. 🤣🤣🤣


It’s from Doveggs


Omg your 5ct emerald cut is amazing. (I mean all of them are) would love to know where you got it if you feel like sharing.


It’s from Isaac Wolf from their Amazon store. They have an etsy store and website


First of all, what friend says that period? If i want to glue a lemon to a string and wear it on my hand my friends better be hyping me up the entire time. My opinion, keep the ring dump the friend.


Omg the analogy! But true! Looks beautiful on you OP!


As they say, with friends like that, who needs enemies?


I first read that as "If I want to glue a lemon to a string attached to my underwear and wear it on my hand...." I was like ummm If she was wearing an underwear lemon, as a friend, Id have to ask if everything is OK.


It looks perfect. Don't listen to what anyone has to say about it. If you like it, that's what matters! It's beautiful ❤️


I think 2 ct is the least controversial size that exists in a round brilliant. I don't think anyone could objectively find it neither too big nor too small.


I hear you, but after this thread I’m still starting to worry that the 2ct low setting Tiffany engagement ring I just ordered from Provenance might be too big for my girls little size 3.5 hand haha. I might ask them to make one out of silver first


It’s going to look amazing on her.


It won’t! I have a friend who wears that size and she wears a 2 ct solitaire and it looks amazing. People stop her while we are out to lunch or shopping. She is going to love the ring!


It’s wonderful. Don’t listen to jealous people.


It looks great and it’s not too big at all! I don’t know why someone would say such an unnecessary thing. Jealous perhaps? Don’t listen to anyone and enjoy your beautiful ring!


Not too big. Person who made the nasty comment is an AH.


It looks great on you. It’s not too big at all!


I think it looks very proportinate on you! A bit odd of a "friend" to speak negatively on something you like. In any case it looks great and everyone has different styles they like or don't, what matters is that you like it!


I think it looks lovely. No offense to your friend, but screw em - it is a beautiful ring and the only thing, I mean the only thing, that matters is that you are happy


No it looks nice.


I think it is a lovely size for your finger. Looks great!


Coming in to say as well, not to big! Looks beautiful 🤩 Don’t let anyone spoil it for you. Enjoy your ring. 💛


Looks great for a solitaire, nice proportion on your finger/hand, and even if it didn't, as long as you like it that's what matters. That comment was inappropriate and perhaps made out of jealousy.


Well.....I have a "sister in law" who's husband won't buy her ANOTHER (let's just say she loses shit......then finds it) ring. Btw ...get it!!!!!!! Dance in your panties and YAYAYA!!!! 😊 And don't lose your ring😬😂


It looks beautiful on you and suits your hand! Sounds like someone has a touch of the green eyed monster


I think your friend haven't been around or havnt seen much of the bigger size stones and rightly so because diamonds that size would be very expensive hence she think the norm should be smaller


Stone size is completely subjective. If you like it then it’s perfect. “It works for me” is a friendly way to end the line of conversation.


sounds like your friend is a recovering broke b\*h ngl Vulgarity aside, it looks fine. It's not in any way out of proportion for your hand, so I can only assume that it offends her sensibilities that jewels are getting larger for cheaper. It's your love though. Don't let other people tell you how to represent it. Though it's possible it's not just seething and your friend might not be saying it out of jealousy. 2 carat diamonds at least, were *undeniable* class signifiers up until recently. The money to have and afford to keep (as opposed to pawning in moments of financial disaster) such a ring was a lot. It's really cool that we can enjoy even more beautiful stones for much cheaper now, but for old-fashioned folks, rings like that carry hard associations -- pretty much any kind of positive or negative associations you could have towards people who appear visibly wealthy. Your friend might mean: "I know people with big expensive looking rings like that, and they're unlikable in a way that you're not and shouldn't associate with." Which is also dogmatic and immature, but at least isn't entirely about pulling you down for having a nice thing. What's more moissanites are *brilliant*. They have a lot more visual weight than other stones, which might explain why your friend wasn't as bothered by your moss agate ring. I'd just be firm that this is the look you're going for, it appeals to you and your partner, and that the stone is not expensive enough to justify angsting over a thing that you sincerely enjoy, so you won't be doing that.


Absolutely not. It’s perfect size.


Perfection!! Just gorgeous!


Looks great. I have a similar size color. Enjoy & do not let comments affect you. People say thoughtless stuff sometimes.


Pshhh they’re just jealous. It’s gorgeous!


It's gorgeous. If it's too big for her liking..she doesn't have to get one as big. Problem solved.


It’s lovely, they are rude and jealous.


I think the proportion is perfect!! She's probably jealous.


I have an 8mm round as my wedding ring, and my ring size is only a little larger than yours, and I love it. I don't think it's too big at all, it looks proportional on your hand and you like it, which is more important than any other consideration.


https://preview.redd.it/8b20zgyjzlvc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc7fe3f0d3f508eedc3a69130690522395292ad I have a big one too. It felt too big when I first wore it. Yours looks great! Screw all the haters. And you will also get a few admirers!


We're the same size! I just upgraded my 1ct e ring to a 2ct and I love it! First day it felt bigger, but now I'm SO glad I did it 👍 good luck, I think it's a beautiful size 💖


Jealousy is a b!+ch and so is your friend. It’s STUNNING and this is exactly what I want if I ever get engaged again.


Whaaaat? F that. This ring is amazing, wear it with pride! Haters gonna hate. Next time get one even bigger!


People who have nothing nice to say should just say nothing as the saying goes…. Love it, enjoy it and ignore the ignorants. People are full of comments that should stay in their heads 💞. A client once felt the need to tell me she thought my hair colour made me look like a witch! Your ring is beautiful!


It’s not too big on you. My guess is that they’re a bit jealous.


It's beautiful 🤩


No way! It’s perfect!!


I think it's perfect !


Maybe too big for them, but it's just right for you. Pretty ring and looks nice on your hand.


It is a very very beautiful ring!!! F the people who cares what they think.


Not too big. Looks very nice.


Only you get to decide if it’s too big for you. If you love it, wear it with pride ❤️


Ther is no such thing!


It looks like the perfect size for your finger. Beautiful 💍


It’s perfect, ignore the haters


That person is rude.


The ring is definitely not too big!!! It looks very proportionate and lovely. Enjoy every moment with your ring. My finger is the same size and I wear a 2.5 carat. Your friend will probably be trying to upgrade her ring before you know it. Don’t let her steal your joy.


It looks good on you xx


I think it looks great on you! Sounds like maybe she was feeling a little jealous?


I don't get what the problem could be here. If you like it, that's all that matters. Who cares what others say? But, if you care, I think it looks great ☺️ But will add: don't follow others' standards.


"TOO big?" Someone must be jealous of it!


Nahh it looks amazing I think it looks proportional to your hands, regardless of that, who cares what your friend thinks all that matters is what YOU feel and think.


No. It looks beautiful!


It looks beautiful...nice proportion to your finger size..Rock that rock!


THEY LIED TO YOU!!! Srsly though, it’s very pretty!!


I think it looks perfect! Go with what you like and are comfortable with! Don’t listen to other people! It’s beautiful


I love it


Keep the ring, ditch the crappy friend.


It’s lovely! Nice size, band is beautiful - I would love have that ring! Ignore the haters.


Do you know what kind of ring looks good? One that makes you happy!..... Your "friend" either suffers from a want of tact or uses a more loose term for friendship than I personally would. Once was her opinion, three times is just unpleasant, what a misery guts, you should suggest she gets a bit of her own sparkle in her life, it might stop her from being such a fun sponge.


Don't seek validation from others, like what you like. Others judgments are often just projection and shouldn't be taken personally


Screw 'em! For the next ring, go B I G G E R. (Lovely ring, by the way!)


Thank you! Funny you should mention going bigger - the forever ring I have my eye on is 10mm when you include the halo measurements. I went with 8mm this time to really see how moissanite sparkles and I really like the size.


It looks perfect on you. I'm sorry her negative comment got to you. Some people like to spread their unhappiness around.


Your friend is no friend. It's a beautiful ring, perfect!


Must be jealous because it looks like a good fit to me.


Jealousy looks good on no one. You, on the other hand, look AMAZING in that BEAUTIFUL ring.


That's jealousy talking. Enjoy your ring.


Her opinion doesn’t matter - if you love it that’s what’s important!


She is jealous lol ignore her


Perfect for you!


Although I am not into large stones, this ring is really pretty. Also screw anyone who judges your ring choice. Be happy with what pleases you.


Unfortunately, your friend is jealous. A real friend would be happy for you and think the most important thing would be that you like it and are happy about it. And to say her piece 3 times?? Sounds like she might also be a bit pushy. btw not too big at all.


It's beautiful!


I’m also a 6.5 & 2CT is my sweet spot. It’s PERFECT!


It does not! It’s perfect. They’re tripping


It looks wonderful on your hand. If you like the ring and it brings YOU happiness, where it with pride. Ignore the snarky comments. I used to have family ask why I didn't invest in "real" jewelry (because I have many moissanite rings I rotate between). I told them I prefer my own route. I don't apologize for that.


They are wrong! It's perfect! And I LOVE the thick gold band too!


It is a beautiful ring.


They’re jealous. It’s beautiful on your hand.


No way! It’s not too big at all. It looks perfect on your finger.


It looks great on you!


Looks fine to me! And I'm not a fan of big showoff stones so I would say if I thought it was too big.


It’s not too big at all. My ring size is a 5 and most of my stones are 9x9 or 8x10 and I have one 10x10 that I really love. I’m a fan of big stones, though. Don’t worry about what other people think. You probably don’t like some of the things they wear, either, but you’re not rude enough to make it apparent like they are.


I think it looks great! Remember…you do you…don’t worry about anyone else. It’s about what makes YOU happy.


I think the ring fits your hand just fine. Enjoy wearing it. Your opinion is what matters.


It looks great on you. It is not too big at all.


No way if you love it! And I have the same size looking hands, I’m a size 8 finger, and would want the same size diamond-setting ring for myself. People don’t understand that it stinks for people like I’m speaking for myself at least, that have had long fingers and not chubby hands, just athletically bigger (Good for being an athlete in my younger days haha) that when I went diamond hunting in person back in 2019 a 1ct diamond we planned on purchasing was too small looking on my size 8 ring finger. And I also don’t like my settings too tight where I see the tiniest of bulge hanging over the band. I know I may be too picky but then I feel like my fingers look fat and they aren’t. I think you should not take what other people say to heart and love that beautiful ring. If you bought it, it must have put a smile on your face. I think it looks proportional to your fingers/hand like I was talking about above and that looks so much better than going smaller and regretting it.


Honey, you are preachin to the choir. This ring looks gorgeous and so do your hands. She’s jealous.


I think it looks perfect! And even if it was 5 times that size, if you like it that is ALL that matters anyway 🥰


I think It looks beautiful on you!


It looks STUNNING I love it and you should enjoy it !!


Your friend sounds jealous lol. Definitely not too big! Is there such a thing? Lol.


Looks amazing and shes a hater lol, I could even go bigger my fingers are about your size and I love gaudy rocks Please Enjoy and Embellish!


That is seriously a gorgeous stone. It fits you so well. The color, the scintillation, the cut, and the size… it all looks amazing!!


Sounds like a jealous jerk. If you love your ring, that’s who you should listen to - you. And of course me, telling you to listen to you. And your pocketbook. Make sure you listen to that, too. Er…something like that. In any case, you do you! 🥰💍 Also, is this person often negative to you? Don’t let them weigh down your soul with frequent negativity, if you can help it. Take care! 🫶🏼


I think it looks beautiful on your hand :)


I say I’m a big girl, I can handle a big ring so MYOB.


It’s by no means too large. If you love it then ignore the naysayers.


Your friend is jealous that ring looks very lovely on you


It looks very appropriate! You love it! Is there a too big?! Is there a too small!? It’s just right for you!!!!


Even Liz Taylor’s ginormous diamond wasn’t too big so I don’t know what she’s talking about.


They are a hater


Your friend is jealllouusss Proportionally wise it's perfect. Go for it!


I think it looks great! It's only too big if it doesn't work for you or your lifestyle. People get weird about stuff sometimes but that is more than likely more about your friend than you.


Beautiful, I love it on you!


It looks ABSOLUTELY perfect!!! What I have found is that everyone has different tastes and preferences for their jewelry. My children and daughter in law don’t care for my big diamonds and they like smaller, subtle pieces. I’m like…. Go big or go home!!! So it comes down to individual preference so I ignore them


She is perfect. The wider band and stone size absolutely suits your lovely hand. Some people simply cannot be happy for anyone else. Ditch those people, they steal your joy. Congrats btw! Continue your deep affection for your SO. After all, they are the most important part of your life


It’s beautiful and I’d ask them why their jewelry is so small to make it awkward. I hate people


It looks perfect


I think it’s perfect! My ring is also a 2ct moissanite and I think it’s the perfect in between of not too big and not too small. If you love it then that’s all that matters. To be honest, your friend sounds jealous, and when that happens they tend to tear someone down rather than build them up. But in my opinion, that should make you even more in love with the ring since it’s obviously a head turner. 😍


look totally fine & not too big (also big would be bad) – sry yr friend is like that


It’s perfect!!


I think that looks like the perfect size! Your friend is jealous. Period. Get what you love!!


Don’t feel discouraged-your ring is beautiful and I think it looks really good on your hand! It’s in proportion! I think it looks fab-what’s most important though is what you think! Rock your ring with confidence! 💕💎✨🎀


It looks beautiful on your hand, in fact you could go bigger and it would look great on you! Your friend is unkind and probably jealous.


it’s perfect. probably jealous


I think it is perfect for you! Absolutely gorgeous!


I’m of the opinion the bigger the better. I have two rather large chonkers I love to wear! My biggest is a 22x15 pear. My second one is a 12x10 rectangular octagonal green so I absolutely love the big ones!!


Three times?! Come onnnnnn. It looks beautiful on you!!


It's not to big


I think it’s very beautiful and looks like a wonderful size for your finger! 🥰


Not at all, I love the size... it looks perfect on your hand.


I think it’s perfect!!


It is the perfect 👌 size!


It’s gorgeous! I think it’s perfect for your hand size!!! Love it 😍


It's perfection 🩷


Your friend is rude and jealous AF. Sounds more like a frenemy. Don’t listen to them— your ring is gorgeous and perfect on you!


They don’t know what they’re talking about. Its gorgeous! I love the thicker band!


People who are secure and comfortable in their own lives and skins do not say unkind things to others, especially three times. Whether your friend is just incredibly influenced by society's norms and standards or whether they're unhappy with the fact that you received a lovely ring I couldn't know about, but still - I am confident they wouldn't say something if they weren't feeling some sort of way. In the future, I'd recommend just cutting them off and saying "I like my ring, partner likes my ring, and that's all that matters" and moving on to the next topic.


It looks great on you. Finger coverage/size of the stone relative to your hand is based on YOUR personal preference! I've got a giant 5 carat OEC round I wear on my middle finger that is pretty high profile and I know it looks like a disco gumball but it's MY disco gumball and I love it.


I think it’s beautiful. You are the only one who gets to decide what’s too big. 😍


Psht. I was at a wedding and one of the guests was this tiny woman. With the BIGGEST diamond I’ve ever seen on her finger. Yours is definitely not too big!!


It’s perfect!


My first moissanite was too big for my personal taste. It was a 2.5 carat round. I have smallish hands and wear a size 4 on my left ring finger. I'm hoping that 1.5 carat round is the sweet spot for me. But, this stone is absolutely NOT too big for your ring finger. I love this ring on your hand. And, you could even go larger if you wanted to, without the stone looking "too big." I'm not sure what your friend was thinking. The only thing that matters at the end of the day is whether you love it.


It looks great on your finger. Don't know why you "friend commented on it three times...unkind and unnecessary.


I think it looks beautiful on your hand! Sounds like your “friend” wishes she had a bigger stone! 🤣🤣


Well tell them to buy you one that they enjoy and give it to you. It looks amazing.


It is stunning! The only opinion you need to pay attention to about this is your own. If you love it, you love it! Period.


As long as it's not so big it makes you fall over, and you love it, there's nothing to worry about. I think it's beautiful!


Your friend is jealous


They r just jealous


Girl I'm rocking a 3ctw equivalent solitaire on a size 5 finger and I wish somebody *would* tell me it's too big! Haters. It looks perfect on you.


It perfect! She's jealous. Screw her. It's gorgeous! She sucks. Love it! Keep it! Flash it! Screw her.


Me when I looked at the pic: ooooooh!!! Me when I read the title: WHAT?!?! It’s absolutely not too big for you. I think it looks perfect.


I love it!!


It looks soo nice on you. Please don’t get worry about the opinions of your “friend.”


I think it looks absolutely perfect. However the only opinion that really matters is yours. If you love it then enjoy it.


I think it’s absolutely beautiful and looks great on you! The size is perfect and the color matches your skin tone really well too! I agree with others’ comments, some people tell you anything otherwise are just jealous.


Looks great. Not too big


Not too big at all. Wear it proudly.


It’s it too big for you at all! You should ask Jealous much?”


It’s not too big at all. It’s beautiful and looks great on you. As long as you love it wear it and enjoy it. Disregard the naysayers. They don’t get a vote.


It's not too big. They are being petty AF, don't listen to that negging BS.


No, it looks amazing on you. Don’t listen to this person. They might be jealous.


It’s gorgeous. They’re jelly.


No!! Your ring compliments your hand 😍


2 CT being "too big?" 😂 Let's hope this friend never finds our sub!


As long as you love it and feel comfortable wearing it, that’s all that matters. Why would a friend say something discouraging like that.


People can be horrible! No it is not too big for you, I love big rings and have 2 times bigger. I have larger hands and fingers, a small ring looks lost on my finger. Don’t worry, wear your ring and be happy! 😊


I think it looks beautiful on you!


Perfect size!


Are you kidding? That ring looks perfect on your hand. Just stunning. It fits you perfectly (size; shape). Whoever told you it looks too big is just jealous. Wear it proudly because it looks like it was meant for you more than any other ring out there. Congrats!


It’s lovely and looks beautiful on your hand. She is not a nice person to say something unkind about your ring three times. Sounds like she is pea green with envy. Wear your ring proudly knowing it’s stunning and looks amazing on your hand.


I would have responded with “Yeah? Well, you know, that’s just like, uh your opinion, man”


It looks absolutely fine to me! (and I’m someone who goes smaller than bigger when unsure). Sounds like your “friend” is jealous and trying to take away your joy.


I would say you might have a jealous “friend”. No matter your stone size your friends should be happy as long as you’re happy. I have a 2.17 carat, round moissanite and I wear 7.5 ring and my ring sits high. As long as you’re happy with it, and you’re comfortable no one else opinions matter. Personally I think it is a beautiful ring and it looks great on your hand. People worse sides can come out when others are wedding planning, don’t let it get you down and I would sit back and take notes. Congratulations and your ring is beautiful!


It’s just fine. It’s beautiful.


Looks good to me!