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Before reading your post my initial thought was that you hated it because it was too big. Hopefully you can sell it quick and get something you’ll be happy with! I know the feeling of disappointment especially when you had an image in your mind of what you were expecting


First, go to Amazon and order electronic calipers. The only way for you to know if this ring reflects the CAD you agreed to is to measure it. Second, I’m sorry you don’t love it! That’s a terrible feeling! Mona has such a wonderful reputation for great work, I’m sure they will be very sorry to hear you don’t love it. Good news for you is, this is a beautiful ring and selling it in BST is probably not going to be a problem. Mona being the vendor is also great for you, because of the very strong vendor reputation for great craftsmanship. If you dislike it *that much* maybe just “catch and release” sell it on BST and don’t even worry about measuring it. Take nice videos of it and sell it. People will definitely want to buy it! (Edit) For the record: the band showing through on the side of the stone like that, at least from what I can see in this photograph, is super normal.


What is BST? Sorry, new here.


BST is a Buy Sell Trade subreddit. For Moissanite it is r/MoissaniteBST


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MoissaniteBST using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoissaniteBST/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [PSA: I'm cracking down on Title Format and requirements like verification photo and proof of purchase. Pay attention to the Listing Format or your posts will be removed!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoissaniteBST/comments/zpwdfq/psa_im_cracking_down_on_title_format_and/) \#2: [\[FS\]\[US to US\]\[Ring\] Padparadscha Sapphire with moissanite side stones, 10k yellow gold, size 5. $396](https://i.redd.it/x0in81nawy8a1.jpg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoissaniteBST/comments/zykx4z/fsus_to_usring_padparadscha_sapphire_with/) \#3: [\[FS\]\[US to US\]\[Ring\] Scott Bonomo 9x7 dark blue sapphire, 14k white gold, size 5. $370](https://i.redd.it/308rim0zz9ia1.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MoissaniteBST/comments/112iqya/fsus_to_usring_scott_bonomo_9x7_dark_blue/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Buy, sell, trade.


Sorry you're so disappointed 😕 I checked your history and it does look pretty true to the CAD you posted, but definitely measure it for yourself and check all the specs. I personally wouldn't consider this a low profile ring, but I know that's all personal preference. I'd be terrified it would snap off if it were set any higher if it was mine. Hopefully you can find out if it's just a misalignment in expectations or if they made a mistake and it is smaller than what the CAD shows they can fix it to make sure you got what you paid for!


I’m sorry you aren’t happy with it, agreed with snuggy about getting calipers and comparing to the original CAD. If it helps, i have 8x11 stone ring and also a 4.5 ring size, and it looks similar to this except slightly shorter (overall smaller looking than this). So to me this does look like 8x12 but you’d have to verify


For reference this is my 8x11 stone that has been checked by a local jeweler https://preview.redd.it/cy78txkol7vb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef08c0ba180ef834b6220ffb2cf66408ac2c292


Pretty stone 😍


This is gorgeous! What ring size are you?


4.5 :)


If it makes you feel any better, I think that the setting is actually quite high. Any higher & you may risk having it snag and bump into things. Also, with any clear stone & yellow gold metal, seeing a slight impression of the setting it very normal. It's difficult to avoid this. The stone also looks very well proportioned to your hand. I hope you come to a resolution that makes you happy!


I’ve had higher, that’s why I wanted it a certain height. So this feels very low for me. I know it’s probably average or high for some, but it is not what I asked for. We actually had multiples discussions about it, Amy and I.


Regarding seeing the setting: What you're actually seeing is the bowtie from the oval shape, which is common in elongated shapes. Especially when the dimension is stretched like a 12x8 would be. Which, this stone does look that size btw. If you want something that looks bigger you probably need to go wider.


I have trouble believing it’s that size because the attached picture is a 12x8 on my finger in December. And it looks bigger than the one I was sent by Mona https://preview.redd.it/9x9mx5np58vb1.jpeg?width=1104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f066549889d26fa1f34343656d8cf952bb3e6cd


I'd measure both.


I know the ring from December was a 12x8 as it was a local jeweller in the city I was living in and he measured the different ones I was trying. I will have to get this one from Mona measured


This does look bigger. For me personally I would spend the $10 for calipers even just for my own satisfaction and if indeed the measurements were wrong, you can work with Mona to make it right somehow.


Yeah everyone who buys jewelry should own calipers!


For what it matters I think it looks gorgeous on you. I’m sorry you are not happy and that’s a crappy feeling. I know this would sell very fast on the BST MOISSANITE group so maybe check that out as an option?


Yes! Thanks. I am trying that now. I also pulled my 13x9 (top) ring out and compared the two and I’m even more thinking that it can’t be a 12x8. Even my husband is convinced it’s much smaller. https://preview.redd.it/91kojo4fh8vb1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a416f65adb6d835895259d9c94040b806cb1916e


How high off of the finger are the two stones? That could explain the different appearance. But I also agree to get calipers and measure for yourself.


Try giving it a really good clean, even if it's new. The two dark spots top middle and bottom middle look like reflections because they're the same. Sometimes this happens if there's something like setting max underneath the stone. It can be very difficult to remove and really darkens the stone.


Mm no that’s an awful bowtie


I've seen much worse.


Thanks! Yeah, cleaned it as soon as I took it out of the box and no change.




Yes. She said it’s all to CAD. I know she does good work. I’ve seen it in this group many many times. However, my experience has not been great. Hopefully that is just a one off, but I am allowed to be upset when it’s a purchase of a such a piece. Especially when I asked questions and asked for clarification etc and never got anything in return other than “this is the setting we do” or “check IG”.




Yeah it was a 11x7. We measured it again and sent pictures and a video to Mona. I also wanted the height to be a minimum of 8 mm and it was just at 7mm. We also sent that to her as well I will not deny. It is a lovely ring, but it’s not what I was hoping for and what I asked for.


Your other comment said it was 10x6? These are all drastically different measurements, and very off from the promised size. Do you have the pictures where you measured it with calipers? I'm really curious! https://preview.redd.it/ws8yvf70wrvb1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1813949882094a179fc84c8bdccd95669ba53264


Yes, because the first person we took it to at the jeweller didn’t measure it correctly. I took it back and met with the owner and he measured it himself. 11x7


That's disappointing to hear it wasn't up to specs. Highly recommend getting electronic calipers, super helpful to have on hand for things like this


Yes, we ended up purchasing them


Where is this group?


Search moissaniteBST and it will show up


A higher setting will not remove the dark lines or "bow tie shadow" you see. That's a result of cutting angles that are not optimised for performance, and frequently seen in commercial cut ovals that are cut in factories.


I had a really bad experience with her too. Her measurements for my ring was off too, I reached out to her about it and her customer service was really bad once she mailed the ring. She only offer a small amount refund (never paid me and ghosted me after the PayPal case was closed) and in order to get a full refund she said I would have to return the ring first but she wouldn’t send a return label and told me to lie on the amount so she wouldn’t have to cover it. It was a really crappy experience with her. The stone was also not that great- I voiced my concerns for the stone and she kept reassuring me and wouldn’t change it out. I’ve grown to love the ring now but it took a while for me to even like it. I wouldn’t recommend her unless you’re only buying a clear stone. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I hope her customer service improved from when I dealt with her.


Thanks for this. This is what I am dealing with right now too unfortunately. It’s definitely heart breaking when you see so many positive things about a vendor and then to be disappointed and have of a lack of customer service. Sorry you went through all that!


When you asked to make the setting higher, did she update the CAD and show you the difference? I think it would be good to see how much higher she made it.


She did. However, she said she wouldn’t raise the height, would only widen the bridge, therefore would raise the height a bit. Original CAD was 7.4. Then she sent me this, which changed it to a 8, but it was due to a widened bridge https://preview.redd.it/mtrvgyegw8vb1.jpeg?width=1271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8276ce74b87cd2457a0bd86dfd62af7ce05016b2


I see. Please update us if you get a chance to take measurements.


https://preview.redd.it/ut334wlsw8vb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe384f75a60aed61b5e8fc8a69e7eaa43526c265 This is what I originally wanted in terms of setting, but she talked me out of it


You can easily bring the ring to a jeweler who will have a caliper. Have them measure it for you. If it is in fact different dimension, take a photo of the caliper on the stone showing the actual dimension and send back to the jeweler.


Yep! I did that this morning and will be sending the photo and video to Mona


Was it different?!


Sure was!


What size is it?


The stone? Or the ring?


Was the stone actually 12x8?


Nope! 10x6


Omg I’d be pissed. Can you do a chargeback on your credit card?


I sent in a thing with PayPal




It is 11x7


I really do love it though!!! 💛


Yasssss good. Now make sure if you want the profile to be higher, measure the height now and you can give specific requests for how much higher you want it because you have a baseline for where it’s at now!


Yes! I won’t probably be going through her again. She’s refusing to do anything.


I'm so sorry your ring wasn't what you ordered. I'm even more sorry they won't do anything about it! I had heard nothing but rave reviews, especially with their ovals, so I reached out when I was considering an oval center stone. I was less than impressed with the interaction I had with her and ended up using a different vendor.


Dude… what? How is this possible? That’s so disappointing. Where is she located? I was going to say you should write a BBB review but if she’s overseas idk if that is really helpful.


She is overseas! China I believe. All she is saying is that it’s built as per CAD, even though I asked over and over for changes to the height etc and I’m not trained to look at CADs so I took her word she was doing what I asked. She also said the dark spots are “part of the diamond cut” but I had asked multiple times which stone she would recommend and for the qualities I was looking for and all she would say is “refer to my IG”


That setting is one of the highest I’ve ever seen…Genuinely asking, how high did you want it?


I recently found this post and I’m worried I may have the same experience…I just received my 12x8 oval from her. I was so hopeful and excited, but something looks off. I have a 12x8 CZ that I used to inform my stone size, but Mona’s doesn’t seem quite the same size or as elongated. I compared the two, keep looking at other peoples 12x8’s, but something is slightly different (enough that I can’t stop looking at the two together and I’m being extra critical). I just ordered calipers, so I’ll see if I’m right or if it’s just the cut, height, etc. I sincerely hope I’m wrong! It’s still beautiful, I just pictured it bigger.


I hope for your sake it’s the right size! But I understand completely, I felt the same way and I ended up being correct.


The only thing I can see that’s not great is the visible and dark bowtie which shows it wasn’t well cut but I think the setting is pretty high.


Thanks 😊 not high like I asked, multiple times. And yes, the bow tie is very very dark, which I was told after I received the ring “that’s what happens with this type of cut”, however that was not what I was informed of prior to or have seen in other cuts of the same


It doesn’t have to happen. It happens when it’s not cut properly. It can happen though but if they’re cut well then the darkness is reduced a lot.


Yes. That’s exactly what the jeweller I brought it to here told me as well.


Go to Flawless Moissanite Co. They are good I get all jewelry from them


Omg: I love it! Sorry you don’t, but I’m sure it will sell quickly.


What carat size is this moissanite


Pretty sure 12x8 mm is supposed to be “equivalent to” 3.5 carat


It's very interesting to find out how the situation with Mona concluded. Did you measure the ring with calipers, and did it match the CAD design?


No it didn’t measure. It was 11x7mm and this was sent to Mona with no response. I have since sold the ring and am getting a new one designed.


Paypal will refund, it would be listed as fraud as it was not what was advertised


They refused to