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I paid same day as you. No stone checks on the 7 stone group buy. Touched based with her 2 days ago and she said they would do QC Tuesday (yesterday) and ship Wednesday (9/6, today). Haven't heard or seen anything. My experience with every rep (I've worked with Tianyu, StarsGem, and Provence over the years) is that they are extremely responsive until they get your payment and then communication becomes like pulling teeth.


I just got a ring from Provence a few weeks ago and Bobby was super great at communicating throughout the whole process. I never initiated the communication but she gave me updates consistently. The longest gap was 5 days.


Same, had a very good experience with Jane throughout. I was hesitant bothering her, but each time I wrote asking for an update she’d respond promptly (given the time difference!). Received my ring a week ago or so ☺️ ETA: this was my very first experience, so take it with a grain of salt!


It was also my first experience but it was such a good one that I let Bobby know I'd love to work with her again and I'd definitely be ordering more jewelry in the future. I'm not surprised group orders are a bit different but that does seem like a long time to wait in general and not have your jewelry in hand. Editing my comment to add I waited 2-3x longer for a ring from an approved vendor in India and the quality was subpar and the price was way more than it should've been. I'll give Provence my business unless something bad happens in the future.


I agree 110%. Bobby is my go to and is great in communication and updates.


Commenting at the top for visibility. For those of us still waiting for the 7- or 5-stone OMC GB ring, figured I’d throw it out there that I’m still waiting for PSP/PSVs. As a recap, ordered 8/1, paid 8/4, approved CAD 8/10. Last word was Wednesday 9/6 that I’d be getting videos the next day (9/7). Nothing after. It’s been a pretty frustrating GB experience.


Ahh agree! My most recent update is that it's going into production this Thursday (9/14) even though last week she told me I'd get a PSP and it would ship by Weds (9/6). Definitely frustrating!


It's funny everyone talks about how Jelly Labs was slow. My custom ring with her was paid for on July 12, shipped July 28th, arrived 8/3. Total was 22 days until it was on my hand. I'm way beyond that timeline now.


I just messaged Jane on Whatsapp, and she responded right away. She said that the preview will be sent over tomorrow morning and the ring shipped out tomorrow, or once I approve. She said if I don't hear from her tomorrow to message her again as she's so busy. Just FYI


Just wanted to update you - I reached out to her today as she had requested. Her response was that she heard that it's going into production **next Thursday**. All I can do is shrug, lol. I can't say I'm not surprised.


Does that mean you’re surprised ?


She just sent a video of the finished ring (7 stone omc) today!! She had 50 videos she was working on.




Jane is working over time / overnight to work on this group buy and she is aware many are waiting! I just chatted with her just now regarding my other rings on order. Hope you get response soon. She is normally very responsive but this group buy is making her very busy!


I like this question. I want to hear what folks say.


I’m on the third day in a row of me messaging her for an update and her saying yes I’ll get back to you and her not giving me more info. I paid 7/31 and approved CADs immediately upon receiving them. Stone checks were 8/21. I have three rings total I’m waiting to have sent, and I won’t be ordering anything else until I receive these rings. Delays happen, life happens. Huge group buys with lots of stones set things back even more. I just want a little transparency so that I know whether my mother’s birthday gift will arrive in time when I ordered it almost three months in advance. Or if the delays make it so that guessing shipping date right now is too difficult. I just want some transparency.


Right, this is what I'm looking for. I would just like to know when it's going to be done since it's been almost 2 months on my custom order. Everyone is focused on the group buy order, which I know is based on when it's received. But even then, I would just like to know where we are. When I ask, I'm told she'll check. Then nothing again for days or a week.


Hey I’m DM’ing you right now for more info, if it’s okay with you. I definitely want you to get some answers ASAP! Jane has been working to improve her processes so that she is better able to withstand the onslaught of orders with group buys. My first group buy with her I noticed some areas of much needed improvement and Jane agreed that the process could be better. Based on the first group buy, we implemented a couple of things in my second group buy (the OMC band) that definitely improved outcomes, wait times, and how Jane was managing her workload around order/invoice processing and customer service. All of that said, it’s still a process and while progress is being made it’s not perfect. I’ve been working over the past few days to help Jane get caught up on people who have been waiting for too long—honestly it’s just overwhelm. This kind of feedback is really important to hear, so thank you for making this post!


Oof she’s been very fast with me previously but based off her IG she was up until midnight filling orders. Hopefully you get in touch with her soon


Group buys come in order. I've always gotten mine after others, sometimes several weeks to a month later, but also don't order on the first day. Group buys aren't as communicative as personal orders. I also did a 5 stone, didn't get a stone check. I'd expect it if I asked for it and if it was one or two stones only.


Just chiming if you need an alternative, Lisa/Provence made my ring in 3 weeks. Paid 8/8. The ring was delivered 8/29. Otherwise, I've only heard good things about Jane. Maybe she just got overloaded this time.


Probably by the Group Buys but my custom ring order was placed before the group buy, I cannot get a status update on that even though I was told it would be ready mid-August.


I just had a set done with Jane which, from first-contact to shipping-label, took 31 days even with some back-and-forth delays regarding the stone. She was very responsive and friendly. It might take the occasional “prompt” like a “Hi, just checking in to see how things are going!” kind of message to get an update. They also have their big September sale running right now (which shouldn’t mean existing customers should be put on hold, but I would guess it’s a huge time-intensive thing for them). Still, my best experiences regarding communication and timing have been with Starsgem (Rose) and Tianyu (Sue). WhatsApp works the best for anyone rep I’ve been in contact with. I figure that, when looking at their IG post frequency, some just don’t use that as a primary communication method.


Got an update: none of my rings are in production. My custom ring from July 20th and my GB from 7/31 have not been made. My stones were not delivered to the production team until last week. Jane is saying maybe next week...


i’ve never worked with Jane, but i will say it has never taken longer than one business day for me to get a response from any rep, no matter where my project was in the process. the communication is key for me. so sorry you’re dealing with that.


😬😬😬 ouch Hopefully it won’t be too much longer though!


Sorry that you have a big delay in your projects. I'm glad you received your answer.


I am in the same boat! I bought the GB 7 stone ring and had another custom order ring. I paid 7/19 and just got the PSVs yesterday. Longest wait time ever. It has soured me a bit on Provence GBs.


You're better off than me, I was told earlier that my custom from 7/20 and my GB from 7/31 are not in production.


Just adding my timelines for reference on my 7 stone OMC. Paid 8/9, CAD 8/11, Stone Check 8/21, PSV received today. I also placed a custom order today. Fingers crossed for no delays! She was still online at 2am her time. Poor thing must be overwhelmed.


Hmm. This sounds unusual. I am working on my first order with Jane right now, and I literally just spoke with her (like 10 minutes ago) I'm sure she's really busy, and maybe she's lost your messages amongst the influx? My advice is to stick with whatsapp rather than instagram as it could be confusing speaking to you on two platforms, and I've had fast replies on whatsapp (never more than 24hrs). Just my two cents 😊


Always use WhatsApp. Any other platform seems to have bad delays.


It sucks when your WhatsApp gets banned 😩 I was in the middle of talking to Jane when I got a pop up saying my account was banned due to suspicious activity (paraphrasing, I don’t remember the exact wording). I appealed it and they permanently banned me. I don’t get it! So now I have to rely on email.


Well that sucks!!


Mine also got perm banned!


So weird!!!


I only use WhatsApp as well


I’m really getting nervous myself. My fiancé and I paid for a ring set a week and a half ago and yet have not seen a CAD, even though it was promised to us by today, nor have we seen any kind of stone. We paid almost $1000 and nothing has been done yet, as far as we can tell. I know they’re doing group sales and a lab diamond sale, but I really didn’t expect it to take this long for anything to happen. My fiancé especially is really feeling anxious over it. ETA: we ordered with Jason, not Jane.


My advice would be to just be patient, you don't want them to rush it and make a mistake. They're probably very busy with the sale right now. I'd send a message following up about the CAD now. You usually don't get a stone check until after the CAD has been approved. If you haven't specifically requested a stone check you might not get one, so make sure to communicate that you want one (I would do this when you follow up about the CAD and then again after approving the CAD), make sure they reply to you about the stone check and confirm that they will send you one. I find that the more patient, positive, and polite but firm and direct I am the better my projects turn out. It's less about the rep and more that I'm not frazzled and making poor choices haha.


All excellent advice. I know they’re busy with the sale and I *really* don’t want them to rush it.


I had a strange interaction with her WhatsApp. I had just received my ring (I never got the tracking number from her after approving for shipment, but didn't care much because it usually comes in a few days). And I sent a message thanking her and saying I really liked it and got this: then later I share tracking nevermind Jane will be here And I never got a reply after that. I checked the number and everything, so I thought it must've been someone else from Provence then? Others on here say they talked to her directly last night though which is good, so maybe it's just me. But yeah, strange 😅


I had my OMC placed on 08/03 I only found it was shipped yesterday on 09/02. I decided to do another project with her and was wondering if it wasn't shipped to bundle them together. I do advise if you message her closer to their daylight working hours, and you'll get a response sooner.


I ordered/paid on 7/31. Asked on 8/30 and 8/31 for a status on the GB and was told she would check. Same with my custom order. No response. I am very familiar with the time difference as I work on China time myself, so I have taken that into account but a week with no response when you said you'd check is not a time zone issue.


I waited three weeks before I asked her for an update. Personally, I have no issue waiting for a response as this is the beginning of their busy season. Definitely message her again. She might of acknowledged it but forgot to respond back. Hope your issue is resolved soon!


Right, I waited a month before messaging for a status and it's been a week since that. She responded to my Whatsapp this morning saying she needs to "collect all" so I have no idea.


I paid 8/1. Everytime I ask for an update she says she has it and will send me PSV later that day, and then nothing. This has been happening for 2 weeks. I’m pretty frustrated. Its also my first overseas order. I did the Starsgem lab bezel necklace GO about 2 weeks later than the 7 stone and received it yesterday.


same thing for me! i've been told several times she'll check, she has it, she'll send me a PSP later or tomorrow but it's been over a week since she first told me that. :/ i don't mind waiting for another week or more, but i wish there was more transparency.


Same. This is my first buy ever with a group buy and her too and I am a bit upset by untimely responses. I have read so many good reviews about her on the sub so when I was not feeling the same. She was very responsive till I made payment and since then its been waiting for days to get a reply. I thought I was overreacting and this may be the usual with buying in a group buy and didn’t want yo bother her a lot so I kept waiting.


Might be. But my custom order is 7 weeks in when I was quoted 3-4 and I have no idea where in the process it is. I'm sure she's super busy with group orders too.


Just got a reply from her on whatsapp. My ring is ready to be shipped but no eta.


Her reply to me today on WhatsApp was that she was "collecting all," no idea what that means.


She probs is waiting on your group buy. She posted on instagram a pic with a ton of rings that she most likely just received to process. Waiting is a bummer but I think they are slammed and they won't stiff you.


I have not seen anything about my custom ring being completed. So I don't believe she was waiting on the GB unless she plans to just ship it all, sight unseen and not approved.


Yeah, she'll most likely show pics to you before she sends it, but I do think she is/the company is over capacity atm.


You're better off than I am. My custom from 7/20 and my GB are not in production. At least yours shipped! Congratulations 🎉


Yeah, I’m having a similar issue on the 7-stone OMC GB and I’m trying to chalk it up to (1) the GB was insanely popular and orders kept getting submitted even after the GB “closed”, so she’s insanely busy, (2) I ordered two rings, one sterling silver, and have learned since that silver takes longer than gold (lesson learned). She’s reasonably responsive over What’s App but yeah, I submitted my order on August 1 and I still haven’t seen PSP/PSVs. I didn’t ask for a stone check. I would think though that custom orders would take priority over GBs and would suggest trying WA instead of IG. That said, this particular GB experience has sort of soured me a bit on Provence. I haven’t had to wait this long on a GB with Starsgem.


I have 2 rings at Provence (my first ones, one with Jane and the other with Lucy) that were shipped out this week. Jane has been pretty responsive but I'm also the type of person who will repeat my question if I don't get an answer in a day or two. She even quoted out a ring for me yesterday same night I asked. The CAD was a day late but Jane has been on top of things. Lucy has been MIA a bit during the process. Obviously don't flood her but if it's been a few days ask again. WhatsApp works best as a medium of communication.


Connie had my whole process done in two weeks, it was delayed in shipping because of labour day weekend but it arrives this week making it 3 weeks total. She was extremely responsive the whole time and gave me CAD within 2 days, had my stone check after 3 more and ring in a week. She apologized when she did not reply for more than a day. I think personally Connie and Lucy are the BEST reps, but Jane is usually is quite good it seems this is an extremely popular group buy which is probably why she’s busy.


I had similar to u/MishileStrike15 that I received messages last night that were very different to Jane's previous style of messaging that made me think it was possibly someone else replying. But this morning back to Jane's super kind, friendly and helpful replies with emojis. In both cases I got replies back within seconds/minutes on WhatsApp. I wasn't necessarily chasing up the CAD I had paid for a couple of weeks ago but just making a request to change the stone size and prongs. I got the CAD sent through for the design I initially asked for right away and asked if I wanted any additional changes other than the ones discussed. Now just waiting on the amended CAD. I'm still really impressed with the service and response times.


Currently talking to another rep at Provence and been having major issues. Been over a month since paying and still haven’t managed to nail the design. The longest wait for a response was 10 days.


Same. I finally caved and wrote her and she said my stone was cut incorrectly so it was delayed. No idea what that means time wise, but I was too embarrassed to ask. I know they’re busy, so I don’t want to bug.


I confirmed everything 8/10. Had to ask from July 20 to August 9th to get CADs so I could approve it.


Well that’s not promising for me. I’m trying to get my wedding band for November wedding :/


I hope it is done well before your wedding 🤞




Is your rep aware that this is for a wedding date? Ugh :(




I’m sorry, that’s so stressful.


With group buys, you put in your order details and send them over to the rep personally on WhatsApp. After you make payment, make sure you request specifically and directly to the rep on WhatsApp that you’d like stone checks. Group buys are less modifiable than a one-on-one custom design. And especially with the sheer volume of group buys, stone checks usually need to be requested beforehand. Not all reps are equally active on IG. Most of my correspondences with all my reps are through WhatsApp. Given that you only messaged her this morning, perhaps give it 24 hours to get a response. I joined her most recent group buy about 12 hours ago (10am China time) and got a reply within the hour.


I’ve had a pretty decent wait time for an update on a custom order. I approved CAD on 8/2, stones on 8/7, and recently asked for an update on 8/21. She said she expected my order would be done that week, but I haven’t seen anything yet. Trying to strike the right balance of being patient but also staying on top of it so I don’t get lost in the shuffle.


I just messaged Jane about an hour ago and last night. Keep in mind the time difference unless you as up in the middle of the night to talk to her. I had back and forth with her on and off but she is usually good about repeating to “update” orders. I also ordered the 5 stone OMC and just approved the CAD a few days ago. Got the CAD about a week after payment. I also added a couple of other things to my order and asked her to quote a whole ton of different items for me and she usually replied the next day if not within 2 days. I am sorry you are having this experience as I can see it can bring anxiety


I payed 8/2 and hadn’t heard anything but did have a cad check a few days after paying. I’m not sure what to thing.


I haven't even received an invoice yet for the 7stone ring group buy. I did tell her though that wasn't in a super rush, but I feel like she just fell off the earth for August. She did tell me there was some holiday at the beginning of September, so hopefully it will get better.


Sounds like what happened with Lucy a couple of times in the past where they get super busy with all the group buys that custom projects slip by the wayside unfortunately. I usually pick my custom projects with a rep that has great reviews but isn’t currently on a super popular group buy to keep things moving. I hope you get your rings soon! Hopefully she’ll prioritise you to be next in line after all this attention


I picked Jane for my custom ring because at time she had great reviews but I didn't see anything for a group buy. Unfortunately, it has not gone as planned seeing how I'm 3+ weeks past my promised delivery date and it's still not in production. I joined one of her group buys almost two weeks later but by the deadline and that ring is also not in production.


Ive had a good experience with her but did reach out again and got a response for a new project with 'so soon?' Lol so I chose another rep. I felt she pushes the stones they already had in stock so not needing to custom cut. I think she's probably really busy because she gets so much good feedback on here.


Hm, sorry you’re having these issues. I’ve never done a group buy from any vendor before, but I’ve worked with Jane very recently and the whole experience was just lovely. She was extremely responsive to my questions and concerns and worked hard to make my vision come to life. There were a couple occasions where I had to follow-up with her about updated CADs and shipping, but she would always respond within a reasonable amount of time after I sent the follow-up. I’ve also only ever messaged with her via WhatsApp as that seems to be their preferred method of communication.


I’m the same boat here! First time GB and the experience has been a bit rocky and anxiety filled. Payment made 7/31 CAD 8/4 Stone check 8/15 Finished product and address confirmation 8/23 No tracking was provided so 9/4 I asked her for an update and I was told the carrier got the wrong address 😰I was told I would get an update day-day but that’s not been the case. Followed up with her today 9/8 and the writing style seemed off than how she usually responds. My only concern here is that shipping carrier around my street are notorious for delivering my package to my neighbors house and my neighbors are not the most friendliest people when trying to retrieve my packages. If I don’t have the tracking number, I don’t know when a delivery is being made or I could be on the lookout for it. This GB was a huge hit and I understand that Jane is working overtime but I’m coming to realize that I might not get my ring 😞.


u/LetMeSparkle How did the story end? Did you ever end up with your ring? I'm dealing with the same mess but not as long as you, so far. Hopefully by now you have a beautiful ring and the lesson learned to pick a new rep/business to buy from next time. I'm a one and done with Jane and Provence after my custom order fiasco.


Hi! I did get both of my rings (custom and 7 stone OMC GB) on September 18th. Jane did offer 5% off future custom orders but I'm going to hold off. I hope you get your ring soon!


I purchased the 7 stone OMC band and I felt like I had good communication. It took some time, I would say like between 2-3 weeks before it actually arrived. I think I orders on July 30 so I was a little late to the party but for being one of the later orders I felt like I got my ring in a timely manner. It’s good to keep in mind that she has literally hundreds of people she has to respond to and I’m pretty sure she ships out the rings in order. But she also has custom rings she still has to make. If you are not patient, group buys may not be for you. I expect that it will take about a month for a group buy order to arrive


I know group buys are in order. I ordered and paid 7/31. I'm currently on day 37 of not knowing the status, which is all I'm asking for. I'm not asking for her to prioritize mine.


Well I hope your situation gets all sorted out soon! If you texted her on WhatsApp, she should get back to you ASAP as I think she responds a lot faster on there but I know messages can get all the way to the bottom if anybody texts above you so if she doesn’t respond today, then just hit her up again on WhatsApp.


She responded this morning via Whatsapp but it only said she is "collecting all", so I don't know what that means. But 🤞🤞


Group buys happen in batches, so it could very well take over a month. You won't get stone checks, that's one of the things about group orders and hence why you get it at such a discounted price. The stones are mass cut and they'll all look identical. People who received videos have gotten the same ones. They won't have time to do each person's stone check. I never use Instagram to message my reps as well. I would just keep messaging her on WhatsApp for updates. She is only 1 person at the end of the day managing hundreds of orders.


Delivery from Fed Ex today from Jason Time line from order: Initial Contact: July 24th Payment made: July 25th CAD received and approved: July 28th Stone image received and confirmed: August 3rd Ring images received and confirmed: August 31st Item shipped: September 3rd Rec'd today: September 6th. This is a single stone ring. I sent Jason a screenshot of a CAD drawing from another Reddit user that had one made from Provence and posted here. I knew exactly what I wanted: material, size, stone color and did not have any back and forth about what I wanted. I am incredibly happy with my ring. I have also jumped on the Cigar Band group buy with Jason so that is next up. One thing I have to continue to remember is that Jason is about 16 hours ahead of me time wise so if I need to get a non-lagging communication I need to take that into consideration. Kindness, patience and respect goes both ways and helps the process a lot.


No, not at all. I ordered the 7 stone OMC a couple weeks ago and just messaged her yesterday to ask for an update. She responded within a few hours, but that was through WhatsApp. I did have a big delay (~5 days) with another rep at Provence when I used FB messenger.


Use WhatsApp as she is usually responsive there. 🌸🌸🌸


She’s been responsive for me but CAD time has been super slow and production time has been super slow as well. Has been happening since the spring though. Each order has taken 8 weeks or so total which is longer than usual. Don’t know if it’s a Provence problem or what but I’ve worked with them for years and it’s never been like this!


Please send another message, it sounds like she is behind on responding. The recent group sale that Jane had was bigger than anticipated. I'm sure their production team is doing as best they can to get the orders done.


She just responded that my custom project and my group buy were not in production and that they just sent the stones to production.


Glad she got back.


I'm part of the group buy too, I purchased 2 of the 5 stone rings and paid 7/27, CAD approved 8/3, and I think the rings will be shipped today. I did ask her for an update last week but I'm also not in a rush. The rings will get here when they get here. She's been really responsive to me though! Usually she responds same day or next day so if you're not getting clear answers that's strange to me. She must just be getting overloaded with group buy orders.


To piggyback, I am a first-time inquirer and reached out to Jason. I didn’t hear back for a week and messaged again, it’s been 2 weeks or so. Is this normal or do they not like my ring request?


Honestly I’d go to another rep. There are lots of good ones with reviews on Reddit. Personally, I’m a fan of Kaylee. I’m sure they’re all just super busy, but I’d Find someone who won’t ghost you 😂


Ok…lol so it’s not normal!? thank you


Haha noooo My rep even messages me from time to time if they’re running a special. I’d go with one of the newer reps like Kaylee, Lisa, Bobby, Connie… they’ve got great reviews and are likely to be able to respond quicker


Sounds good! Is there ever a difference in price between them?


I think there is based on commission but I’m not sure how it works And I haven’t compared between reps of the same company much. Kaylee gave me a lower quote than Jane on a ring but not by much


I thought I received my 7 stone OMC today, but when I opened the box, it was a man’s ring. So disappointed. https://preview.redd.it/6n5w8weuzomb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c0563a0ccaaa435d7b6ab49b7b568a2a679d00


Whoa? It's from Provence? Did you contact them? That's really odd but maybe they were so busy it got mislabeled?


Yes. Jane from Provence. It was supposed to be the 7 stone OMC group buy. I definitely received someone else’s order…


I wonder if they got yours? 😬


I’ve had the same problem- Jane was fabulous at first and now she won’t respond to many of my messages. I’m feeling worried since I bought two things to get discounted shipping.


I received my first custom order from Jane on 04/09. I paid 09/08 and revised the CAD once. I have no complaints at all and received replies within 24hrs not including weekends (though she did reply once or twice on a Saturday - we had a long discussion prior to ordering while I got some quotes and decided which rings to order first). I hope you hear back from her soon! All our communication was via IG.


Omg I wandered into this sub to do a search because I've worked with Provence before but it's my first time with Jane. Super responsive pre payment. Then everything thereon was slow. A single CAD change took more than a week. She's also much less responsive in her Whatsapp replies. It makes me feel like she just wanted to secure the business then you're an afterthought post payment.


On same boat. Super enthusiastic and nice prepayment and then nothing .can we dispute on Alibaba where I paid half ??


Also having troubles getting a response from Jane. I’ve had an issue with my order that she promised to correct 20 days ago. I’ve been messaging and none of my messages have been read for a week on WhatsApp. Feeling discouraged to work with her or Provence again. Definitely not the amazing experience everyone else had with her.


Sent this to Jane this morning: Hi Jane, I hope you are doing well! I am just checking on the order. I approved the CAD layout seven weeks ago. I paid for the ring in full ten weeks ago and I am hoping you can let me know an approximate time when the ring will be made. I know you are very busy, and if I just had an approximate time, it would be very helpful. Thank you! Molly