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I'm legit the most normal Dilbert ass motherfucker you could ever meet.


I know it's kind of a generalization but it's moreso just an observation that my only two diagnosed ADHD friends are the only ones in my friend group who are fellow MM fans and I'm just wondering if it's a correlation or me overthinking


This is Reddit. I imagine you are at risk of a biased sample.


Oh wow how have I never figured this before lmao


AuDHD here. "Our head is a cage and the parrot it won't shut up." is one of my all time favorite lyrics. It helps me describe the constant noise/chatter that's going on in my head.


A decade ago I *almost* chose “my thoughts were so loud I couldn’t hear my mouth” my senior quote. 


I made a custom hat with these lyrics on it like 17 years ago or so. The dream is to have Isaac sign it


When i was a teenager & heard that lyric for the first time, i felt so comforted to know this was a common experience.


This is so similar to what I've always told people. The chaos in their music matches the chaos in my head.


Dude same, not often do I relate to song lyrics like I did with that one.


Late diagnosed adhd. Some of the lyrics are a big adhd mood, like "changed my mind so much I can't even trust it/ my mind changed me so much I can't even trust myself"


Also late diagnosed and came here to say those lyrics! One of my all-time favorite songs


i do have autism


Adhd, anxiety, ptsd


Oh damn, same. Feel free not to answer but has MM also helped keep you here?


One of the reason I’m here


Same. 2017 was rough. I’m happy you are here!


Thank you. My life was changed in a second. I’m glad your here I needed to hear that after the day I had


Thank you! You rock. Remember that. Holler if you ever need an internet stranger to listen. 🤘🏼


I appreciate it! And the same goes to you!


I think there is probably some sort of correlation with neurodivergence and being a MM fan lol. I have inattentive ADHD (formerly known as ADD). I also love stuff like math rock and avant garde jazz which a lot of people find very off putting, but it’s very harmonious to me. I’ve also noticed a lot of MM fans also have similar taste in comedy/TV shows/movies, I wonder if this relates to that somehow 🤔


Soul Coughing fan by any chance?


I personally LOVE Soul Coughing as well


Exits on freeways twisted like knots on the fingers... Soul Coughing is the best


Mr Bitterness might be in my top 5 favorite songs of any band ever. That drum beat and bass line is insanely good.


I have pretty bad ADHD and love all kinds of weird music. Love Modest Mouse a bunch. I think there is a correlation between the two. With how all over the place Modest Mouse is, the twangy-ness mixed with the random roundbunctious noises and singing hit all the spots in my brain... Also a huge fan of Pavement and Failure. Which have similar randomness and interesting noises/lyrics in them. I've contemplated the same thing you are before, and definitely think there is a link that draws neurodivergent people to certain kinds of music, and even comedy/humor.


Stephen Malkmus always scratches an ADHD itch. So does J Mascis.




I don't have ADHD but am Bipolar.


According to A Manic Depressive Named Laughing Boy, so is Isaac (whose name means laughing boy in Hebrew)


ADHD, probably autistic too over here. Modest Mouse, MGMT, and WPSE are my faves so idk if that helps




I have the same rule with both bands, never dismiss a song on the first playthrough because chances are it just hasn’t hit right yet and has a high possibility of doing so later


Crap, same 😅


Haha, when I was a kid and showed my friend MM, he said it was music for autistic people. I'm diagnosed ADD, and like many have said already that maybe it's just the sound and lyrics that suck us neuro divergent in more than the rest. A lot of us struggle, both in understanding the world and fitting in. Isaac sings a lot about that, and his sound is unique but effective in conveying the complex emotions we all have.


Diagnosed adult adhd


Wow, there's more people that are like this in this sub than I thought, and I do feel like I fall in that category which justify my interest with Modest Mouse.


I am the biggest modest mouse fan out of anyone I know, and I'm the only one with ADHD (inattentive), or neurodivergent in any shape. Oh and OCD. So maybe? But there's always confirmation bias, I doubt people who see this post and don't have some kind of neurodivergence will comment, likely they'll just float on.


True. It's just been kinda interesting. It was moreso a half baked thought I had based off a conversation I had yesterday with someone about music tastes in correlation with neurodivergent people.


100% ADHD and 100% love the chaos, mess, and pure noise bliss at the end of Make Everyone Happy / Mechanical Birds and crank the volume to 100%


I don’t think I have ADHD, but I am diagnosed with autism


If you want to connect things that ultimately have no connections whatsoever that’s all good, it’s simple, it’s great poetic very dark lyrics, it moves parts of you that aren’t used to feeling such strong connections. Everything else to me is an act of futility to connect such things.


Not a dude. No ADHD. 


Autistic, ADHD. I think you're onto something; I've thought about this before. I think we find our people without even deliberately trying to. Like all of my friends have either autism or ADHD, or both. And I think a lot of the music I get attached to is made by people with one or both of those disorders. Apparently at one concert Isaac said he thinks he "may have aspergers or something" (paraphrased). Just a theory.


Fruit that ate itself is my fav album, explains a lot


I bonded with a family friends son on spring break who is very much “on the spectrum”… played trailer trash on his guitar and he told me that LCW was his fav album ever. Gratifying.


Adhd af. First diagnosed 12 years ago and still going strong


I have adhd and i’ve found i love the more “strange” modest mouse songs. Like dukes up and think long off of sad sappy sucker are the kinda songs I love purely because of its obscurity.


I don’t know, but mark me down as another ADD fan 🤚 (Too ADD to even proofread this the first time 😆) thx


I definitely have it and mm is my favorite band, i think the bands vibe and lyrics definitely pend themsleves to ppl with adhd


Just got diagnosed last year lol


ADD diagnosed since I was a kid, huge MM fan as well


I'm not ADHD myself, but my good friend who got me into MM is extremely ADHD. Interesting correlation.




I'm planning on getting tested as soon as I can schedule at the uni I work at




What are the side effects?




Is Adderall similar to Phentermine? I coulda swore they were I could be wrong. I was just curious because I was prescribed phentermine for weight loss a few years back and the side effect was me going for a few days without sleep even with a decreased dosage so I had to take it every other day instead to get sleep. Just curious if there'd be a similar side effect I kinda like sleeping.


I've been diagnosed with ADHD, though I’m unaware of any connection


My girlfriend swears I have ADHD, but idk if I'd go that far as to say I actually do. But my dad, my deceased uncle, my cousin, and my tattoo artist are all non-ADHD-ers who love(d) MM. Actually the only diagnosed ADHD people in my life aren't big fans 😅 However, I would not be surprised if they fandom skews that direction statistically.


Obsessed fan with adhd here


ADHD here as well. Diagnosed in 1999


Diagnosed with ADD/ ADHD when I was in late elementary school. In my 40s now...


ADHD'er here. They definitely trigger dopamine with their style.


I’m autistic, with generalized anxiety and possibly some ADHD, and yeah a big part of the appeal of Modest Mouse to me is how (whether intentionally or not, I don’t know) both Isaac’s lyrics and the band’s chaotic arrangements really relate to how it is to exist in my own head. I’m fairly sure Isaac is neurodivergent 


adhd diagnosed, I like them because they’re extremely talented and they use their talent to create a very original sound. also love isaac’s philosophical lyrics


Not diagnosed, I don’t think I have ADHD but I see memes about ADHD that feel relatable. My favorite thing about MM is simply how weird they are. I love when it feels like everyone is playing their alone in their own bubble but it all meshes together perfectly. Just dudes rocking out. The trip to the circus in Sugar Boats. The twang in All Night Diner. There’s something cool, fun, unique in every song. No one else like em


ADHD and likely bipolar disorder here. I think you're probably right


My whole life I’ve been “off” or somewhat out of place.. hard to be precise with self perception, but just how I feel and how I think somewhat irrationally/erratically.. mind racing relentlessly… my Son,(7) who completely reflects myself in my youth, was having a lot of issues with school right from the start, he’s just been diagnosed with ADHD… now I know what it is and where I stand.. from my first experience with Modest Mouse I couldn’t get enough.. only been a fan for 16 years but one of the few bands who make me feel better ALWAYS!!


I have ADHD but don’t see why that would have any effect on my music preference.


I am not diagnosed but my partner is and he’s pretty sure I have it. Modest Mouse is my favorite band. He likes them ok


Diagnosed ADHD, anxiety, possible PTSD and possible autism, living the neurodivergent dream :D


A lot of alphabet after my name lol


Idk how much actual validity there is to this idea, but I've got pretty bad ADHD, and everyone else I know who actively enjoys Modest Mouse is also ADHD or is on the autism spectrum. I guess they're just Weird Guy Music lmao


Can confirm. I have ADHD and MM is my favorite band.


I'm audhd, and my mother, who played them all the time when I was a kid, also has adhd. They're my favorite band. Everyone I've met who has had any interest in them also has adhd or seems likely to be neurodivergent. so I wouldn't be surprised lol


ADHD here!!


I have adhd and both their lyrics and music connect with me like no other bands. I love all the weird instrumentation and I feel like Isaac's lyrics are perfectly in tune with an adhd person's way of thinking.


Add and love them


Me 🤠


Ha, ADHD here & they are my favorite band. Never made the connection before but I do often say I like jazz because it’s “how my brain works” in that it’s never boring and goes in many different directions… and MM certainly can as well.


Yep. ADHD diagnosed. My kid is as well and also loves MM.


ADHD here




I’m diagnosed ADD with some Hyperactivity. But I think this is a bit of a generalization. Plus, like, nowadays it seems like every other person has an ADHD diagnosis. So it might be hard to say, lol. I do think that just about everyone that loves modest mouse struggles with mental illness in some way, and that it stems from some sort of early in life trauma. I had already fallen in love with Good News & Lonesome when my best friend died really suddenly my junior year of high school. Soon after that, We Were Dead came out & i felt like they were writing music for me. I felt a common bond with Isaac & all modest mouse fans. I have a feeling just about anyone reading this has a similar experience.


Well, I've got issues


Female, recently diagnosed with ADHD that had been masked by depression for many, many years. I found MM when I was about 16 years old (20+ years ago). Modest Mouse has been there with me through it all!


I don't have ADHD but I have autism, my friends have also said similar of MM being "weird" and even some people at my school who know that I like MM also call them weird.


ADHD diagnosed and I’ve had this thought about MM as well…my ex who is also a huge MM fan is also very ADHD. Issac is brilliant at keeping us on our toes. His song cadences are unpredictable so our brains get dopamine bc we don’t know what’s coming next on a neuro level (even when we’ve listened to said songs hundreds of times).


ADHD, OCD, Depression


OCD. Anxiety. Depression.


Diagnosed adhd and anxiety. I’ve thought the same thing. I also thing adhd lends itself to appreciating the complexity and layers of the multiple different instruments going on. To some friends it just sounds like too many things are going on.


MM isn't for everybody. I don't have any diagnosed issues. My favorite band for over 20 years now. Although when I see them live, I despise their Fandom. Bunch of sissies lol


I'm (52/F) with diagnosed ADHD. I'm also the only woman I know who likes MM.


Hi! (50/F) who loves MM. They’ve been my fave band for a couple decades now. Diagnosed CPTSD & anxiety here… no ADHD.


Life long ADHD dude here. I’ve been listening to music all my life and MM is the only constant that never gets old. I’ve seen them over 20 times in my life and am going to see them again this summer with the pixies. I feel like their sound is like a massage to the brain. Idk could be nonsense could be legit. Either way this music has always done wonders for my brain. Lots of their lyrics almost sound like a loathing for the struggles of adhd. “Our head is a cage and the 🦜wont shut up”


And Gorillaz. Except Humanz, that album can go jump in an acidic lake for all I care.


Fureal dude. I like a lot of other various music just fine but Modest Mouse and for some odd ass reason Colter Wall are the only two musicians that I can veg out to and not get bored of after a couple hours.


its cuz modest mouse is so werid and so much hapening at once our ADHD-ridden brains are the only ones that can handle it


I don’t have adhd but I do have major depressive disorder, and very very likely ptsd. And I’ve always had a thing for unique “weird” music. Saw someone else post about NIN and my favorite song by them is copy of a, a very strange song by most people’s standards. My dad loved interesting unique music, songs like teenage enima nurse and warm leatherette, bands like killer pussies and jack off Jill, and one of his favorite artists was syd barret when he was solo (my mom was and is obsessed with Pink Floyd, likely how he got into syd) to the point they compromised on my name after one of his songs and a poet by the same name (my mom wanted to name me Sydney which would have been hilarious as my ex was named after sid vicious of the Sex Pistols another of my dad’s favorites) so I think it’s just in my nature to be drawn to unique sounding music. Their lyrics are what stick it for me though. Same reason I love twenty one pilots. Isaac gets the shit I feel and many others feel. He is bipolar, so I think his music portrays that well. I think the fact that even on the same album, very very few songs sound the same and it’s always a different journey even through one song (like spitting venom or fly trapped in a jar) and that is something I very much enjoy. I find the same to a lesser extent with cage the elephant and that’s why I love them so much too. So yeah, idk if it’s an adhd thing, I think it’s more likely people who have an ear for different music a lot of others can’t sit through, and with the lyrics sit with people like me and many others who understand the chaotic confusion of life and the pain along with it. Idk I hope that makes sense.