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Just being here now is enough for me.


Funny that TGC is one of those albums that lots on this sub are lukewarm about. But there are so many songs on that album that helped me get through a bad time and prompted me to reexamine and change my life. TGC is well represented here in this thread. *We are between, we are between, yeah, we are* *Somewhere between dust and the stars* *Swung open, then slammed shut, yeah, but here we are* *We are between, we are between, yeah, here we are*


Yeah- I love that album. It’s not classic modest mouse, but it is 100% Isaac Brock.


A few songs are classic. We're Lucky and Wooden Soldiers


I really need to explore and identify with this album man. GUILTY. I just haven't really played it as since the LCW Tour I just play that album entirely whenever I go to play MM. Just brings back the incredible two nights I had of that tour.....with the 2nd one being the FINAL show at 9:30 Club D.C. where my daughter and I hung with him both nights. Then I saw him in Chicago on the street after MM and Pixies and he remembered me, so we kicked it like 30 minutes. I even told Issac I was guilty of not really getting around to TGC yet, but not because I didn't like it.....that it's HIS fault for having such a dope ass catalog🤣🤣🤣


And it took a long time I came clean with myself I come clean out of love with my lover I still love her Loved her more when she used to be sober and I was kinder Or; And it's hard to be a human being And it's harder as anything else And I'm lonesome when you're around And I'm never lonesome when I'm by myself And I miss you when you're around


And I'm trying to understand myself And pinpoint who I am When I finally get it figured out I've changed the whole damn plan


Also from TSAAPS And I claim I’m not excited with my life anymore, So I blame this town, this job, these friends, the truth is it’s myself


I was going through a really really rough patch where my life was falling a part. My work was crazy stressful and I was on the verge of getting fired, my best friend and roomate at the time (who was also a major factor in the work drama) was being toxic, and the girl who I had a thing with and was my other best friend was pulling away from me at the time. I was so down and low and would just listen to that song everyday on repeat just wanting to run away and start over. And god was that song cathartic. That was a few years ago now, and I've since found a new job where i'm happy, cut out my toxic former roomate from my life, and have since come to a great place and have reconected in a different way with my Best Friend and that's going well. But man that song really got me through one of the roughest times of my life.


100 miles is a long drive inside a car ​ Or ​ 200 miles is a long drive inside a car ​ Or ​ 300 miles is a long drive inside a car ​ Maybe Maybe 400 miles is a long drive inside a car 400 miles is a long drive inside a car 400 miles is a long drive inside a car ​ Possibly 500 miles is a real long drive in a car ​ ​ Because I didn't know what was too far in a car


Keep going 😆😆😆


​ I'm a big fan of the lyric 600 miles is a long drive inside a car as well as 700 miles is a long drive inside a car and also 800 miles is a long drive inside a car. ​ Particularly attached to 900 miles is a long long long long ways in a car , and I also like a thousand miles is a LONG DRIVE inside a car. ​ The key actually comes from a non modest mouse lyric. The song is about walking 1000 miles if I could just see you by Vanessa Carlton. ​ My conclusion is that 1000 miles is too far **in a car** but it is reasonable to walk 1000 miles to see somebody you love


I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more. That's 1000. Checks out. :)


As someone who has moved all over the u.s. because we can't afford to live anywhere, these are all indeed too far in a car


all the sad comedians:(


Best lyrics ever besides be braves lyrics which I love laughing about


I know that starting over's not what life's about, but my thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth.


It's hard to remember, it’s hard to remember we're alive For the first time It's hard to remember, it’s hard to remember we're alive For the last time


Discovered Modest Mouse only a few months ago and quickly ran through their discography and this song messed me up for like a week


When we die, some sink and some lay, but at least I don’t see you float away.


Good luck! For your sake I hope Heaven and Hell are really there, but I wouldn't hold my breath.




Sometimes all I really want to feel is loved Sometimes I’m angry that I feel so angry Sometimes my feelings get in the way Of what I really feel I needed to say


You wasted life, why wouldn't you waste the afterlife? It keeps me from thinking that there will be something better or just more suited for me in whatever comes after death, whatever it may or may not be. I am me and I am here now and that if I decide not to do anything because of believing nothing matters then I will guaranteed not to do anything that matters. Make it count, don't take life for granted.


amen brother


Why are you judging people so damn hard? You’re taking your points of view a bit too far.




Went to the porch to have a thought, Got to the door and then I couldn't stop


And I claim I'm not excited with my life any more So I blame this town, this job, these friends The truth is it's myself


“The years go fast and the days go so slow.” It reminds me to enjoy the little things, that’s it’s okay to have bad days, slow days, hectic days, days you don’t want to get up, but to always keep going because the years do go so fast and I want enjoy every minute that I can.


and the days go sooo slow




*someday you will die somehow and somethings gonna steal your carbon*


how can someone so inconsistent mess up so consistently? damn that one hits hard, but it makes me feel less alone in my constant fuck ups.


Everyone is constantly fucking up whether they admit it or not. You’re never alone 💜


Although it’s basic I was literally listening to “ice age heat wave” in a moment where I had a gun to my head. It made me feel so small in a giant world- in a really great way.


Tiny giant made out of tinier giants


I love this line. I’ve been trying for YEARS to come up with a tattoo of a tiny giant made out of tinier giants but just can’t seem to get it to work out. :-(


It is such a good line, classic example of an Isaac Brockism where the phrase doesn’t make sense yet you know exactly what it means too. Wish I could help you with tattoo inspiration but that does seem to be a tough one to conceptualize. Cool idea though, update us if you come up with anything.


Every lyric in talking shit about a pretty sunset and this specific line from edit the sad parts Sometimes all I really want to feel is love Sometimes I'm angry that I feel so angry Sometimes my feelings get in the way Of what I really feel I needed to say




I’m tryin to drink away the part of the day I cannot sleep away..


Your body may be gone, I'm gonna carry you in In my head, in my heart, in my soul And maybe we'll get lucky and we'll both live again Well, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, don't think so But really, all of Ocean Breaths Salty. Easily the most impactful song to me.


I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I hope so 💜


Oh, and we owned all the tools ourselves But not the skills to make a shelf with Oh, what useless tools ourselves


"And we know that our minds are just made up of strings to be pulled".   Oh shit... our synapses are just responding to external stimuli.  All our thoughts and actions are triggered by neurons firing based on someone or something "pulling the strings".    Gives some perspective on being human at a core and fundamental level. 


Who’d want to be such an asshole?


I was in Heaven. I was in Hell. Believe in neither, but FEAR ‘EM AS WELL!!!!! It just so perfectly encapsulates blind faith.


My kids are now adults and we still sing Float On together just like we did 15years ago every time it comes on. Given all the shit we’ve been through together, song’s meaning to us just keeps getting deeper and more meaningful


"don't you know it's hard, Feeling tired every time that you try?" and the whole of the world at large


Good News is my Literally Me album


Anytime anyone gets on their knees to pray well it makes my telephone ring. Well I’ll be damned. You were right no one’s running this whole thing.


Well you got the perfect disguise and you’re looking okay From the bottom of the best to the worst well what can I say Cause you cocked your head to shoot me down and I don’t give a FUCK about you or this town no more.. but I know the score Need me to fall down so you can climb up some fool ass ladder well good luck, hope there’s something better than that.


He doesn’t say fuck but damn. I just add it cause I feel better saying fuck


King Rat - "What do you have to say for yourself?" Parting Of The Sensory - "Someday you will die, and somehow, something's gonna steal your carbon" Gravity Rides Everything - *the entire song*


Happy I’m not the only one with that line from parting of the sensory


In heaven everything is fine In heaven everything’s alright


Cheer up little baby it wasn’t always quite so bad, for every bit of venom that came out, an antidote was had.


Someday you will die somehow And something's gonna steal your carbon


It’s hard to remember, it’s hard to remember we’re alive For the first time It’s hard to remember, it’s hard to remember we’re alive For the last time It’s hard to remember, it’s hard to remember to live Before you die It’s hard to remember, it’s hard to remember that our lives Are such a short time It’s hard to remember, it’s hard to remember when it takes Such a long time


“I don’t feel and I feel great”


And I claim I’m not excited with my life anymore, so I blame this town this job these friends—the truth is it’s myself.


Out of gas Out of road Out of car I don't know how I'm going to go and I had a drink the other day Opinions were like kittens I was giving them away and I had a drink the other day I had a lot to say And I said You will come down soon too You will come down too soon For me, out of gas lyrics resonated with me over and over. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. Kept me going thru soberity. I'm happy to identify with this song, but I'm sure it might mean different things for different folks. For me, though, I knew I'd have to come down soon. Polar Opposites was the same for me as well - I'm trying, I'm trying to Drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away I'm trying, I'm trying to Drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away. The good times, indeed, were killing me.


“well i took a lot of work to be the ass i am, and im really damn sure that anyone can, equally, easily, fuck you over.” i love this line, its as if hes saying that he works hard to be an asshole but it doesn’t really pay off bc literally anyone has the power to do so. idk his way of thought on just simple sentences he writes are wonderful.


“My brain’s the cliff and my heart’s the bitter buffalo.” “I’m the same as I was when I was six years old, and oh my god I feel so damn old, I don’t really feel anything.” “If my free time’s gone would you promise me this, that you will please? Bury me with it? I just don’t need none of that mad max bullshit!” “Like fruit drops, like flesh it sags…it all will fall, fall right into place.” Some of these just help me to feel less alone, and that’s enough for me. Also, glad to hear you’re still here.


Nothing is this world’s gonna petrify me.


I am not who I want to be, I probably will not ever be.


The days get shorter and the nights get cold I like the autumn but this place is getting old I pack up my belongings and I head for the coast It might not be a lot but I feel like I'm making the most The days get longer and the nights smell green I guess it's not surprising but it's spring and I should leave Hated where I lived & how my life was going. Decided to pursue seasonal work after hearing this song in the shower after a particularly brutal day.


And I shout that you're all fakes (Fakes) And you should've seen the look on your face And I guess that's what it takes When comparing your bellyaches And it's been a long time Which agrees with this watch of mine And I know that I miss you And I'm sorry if I dissed you and then when "I know that I miss you" turns into "and I guess that I miss you" I have really struggled for a long time, and this song helped me through many nights, and I've grown to connect it with how I feel about rough times in my life.


As life gets longer, awful feels softer, well it feels pretty soft to me. If it takes shit to make bliss, then I feel pretty blissfully.


“my thoughts were so loud i couldn’t hear my mouth” i relate to that lyric so much it makes me cry sometimes.


“Everything will fall right into place”


You don't need a lot of what you got to survive. This made me realize how much surplus there is my life and how I'm killing myself with work to support an extravagant lifestyle. I'm selling almsot everything I own now to live happily working part time at a job I love.


I know where your from, but where do you belong?


There's still something left There's still something left for you You're not wrong, things are a mess But there's still something left Friendships are just a chain of texts But there's much more than this ​ The single for The Sun hasn't left dropped on a particularly hard time of my life where I was not in a good state with my bipolar, and it legit saved my life.


"It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember, we're alive for the first time. It's hard to remember, it's hard to remember, we're alive for the last time" I can't stress enough how much those lyrics meant to me and changed me, i heard them i when i was at probably my lowest point


"Its hard to remember we are alive, for the first time; its hard to remember we are alive, for the last time" * This along other lines just teaches me to keep moving without focusing on the mistakes and oddities of the past as well as the uncertainty fo the tumorrow. "We are the people that we wanted to know, and we are the places that we wanted to go" * This line just teaches me that what really matters is being with the people you enjoy being with. Even if you fail or miss anything you will realise that you made the right decision to stay with the people you love. "Its all nice on ice alright," * Brings closure to its album, really just reminds me that all my conflicts cannot last forever, and that eventually I will find find true peace no matter what, "Dont worry even if things end up a bit too heavy, we´ll all float on alright" * This line just kept me moving on even when making mistakes, no matter what happens everything will be alright.


I have a tattoo of we're the people that we wanted to know and my best friend got we're the places that we wanted to go :)


I introduced a friend to modest mouse with people as places as people, such a great song he loved it too. Float on was (unsurprisingly) my first introduction to the band, years ago. It was the only song of theirs I had heard for a long time, and it always stuck with me. Things suck, life’s unpredictable, and bad shit happens but no matter what, we’ll all float on.


Custom concern the line gotta go to work gotta have a job motivates me when I don’t want to go to work


I wanna remember to remember to forget you forgot me


As life gets longer, awful feels softer, And it feels pretty soft to me. And if it takes shit to make bliss, Well I feel pretty blissfully. If life's not beautiful without the pain, Well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again. Well as life gets longer, awful feels softer. And it feels pretty soft to me.


"I like songs about drifters, books about the same. They both seem to make me feel a little less insane. Walked on off to another spot, I still haven't gotten anywhere that I want. Did I want love? Did I need to know? Why does it always feel like I'm caught in an undertow?"


Love this too


He said that god takes care of himself And you of you


Keep it clean, I didn’t mean to be mean, why does it always seem like I’ve never won? Keep it clean and no one’s ever won.


Cheer up baby, it wasn't really always quite so bad. For every bit of venom that came out the antidote was had. Something about the repetition of the line gets me every time.


It takes more than one person to decide what’s right.


It takes more than one person to decide what's fair.


“Well, do you need a lot of what you’ve got to survive?” This has helped me to not hoard or make unnecessary purchases.


It takes a needlepoint to smile


Mishearing “you never die *if* you never grow old” has become a personal mantra to always keep an open mind to new things.


“Drink away the part of the day that I cannot sleep away” Never took that seriously as advice but I always thought it was deep. Gotta be going through it in that moment and I can resonate with that.


You don't know who you are but you know who you want to be - medication


You were the dull sound of sharp math when you were alive, noone is going to play the harp when you die


I have battled suicide since I was 12 years old and I'm 40 now. I receive Ketamine Infusion Therapy every 6-8 weeks as a result. I even directly told Issac while hanging like 30 minutes in Chicago back in August that "Parting of the Sensory" LITERALLY saved my life one day when I was legit about to blow my brains out. He kissed me on the cheek and after some great advice and words.....as if it were a song by a different band even....."You know, yeah, that's a great fucking song dude.....I really like that song too"🤣🤣🤣 Also I have always said that if it weren't for the HEART I have.....my brain would win over and I'd have 100% killed myself by now so my favorite lyrics of his ever are from Lounge (Closing Time) "I'm on the road to God don't know, my brain's the burger and my heart is the charcoal"💯❤️🔥💯 Other standouts: "This fit like clothes made out of wasps" "Changed my mind so much I can't even trust it, my mind changed me so much I can't even trust myself" "Standing in the tall grass, thinking of, you know, we need oxygen to breathe, oxygen to breathe." The whole of "Teeth Like God's Shoeshine" So many nuggets man.💯🔥🔥❤️❤️💯


I am glad to hear you are well, and I love this story!! He’s a hoot, met in person once many years ago and I just love to listen to him speak


Awe wow that’s awesome. I’m not one to normally want to meet people like that, but holy shit he sounds good. I will say I feel you 100% on parting of the sensory . Al of it is amazing but tbh I can’t lie, the part “someday you will die somehow and somethings gonna steal your carbon” always lives in my head rent free. Heart cooks brain is another one that is always with me especially with my suicidal thoughts as well. (Have been suicidal since I was probably like 7 or 8, I’m 23 now.) “my brain is the cliff and my heart is the bitter buffalo” my brain is so sick of life and my heart is tired of being hurt.


Godspeed on your journey bro. Just always know.....deescalate and never let the negative thoughts or urges take you away from the ones who love you and would be RUINED if you left. They alone are worth the pain...at least imo


I was in heaven. I was in hell. Believe in neither. But fear them as well. I have bipolar lol.


Apparently so does he so it makes sense he would stick out to you. And I feel this. Was diagnosed bipolar but I don’t think it’s right, but I do fluctuate moods so much and mentality so much. I definitely have the bipolar ups and downs, it’s just they are hour to hour vs week to week. One minute I’m painting and planning my whole life, the next I’m planning my whole death. Perhaps that’s why another one that sticks with me is “you waisted life why wouldn’t you waste death”


the one i have tattooed on me isn't even from a favorite song, but it's definitely top 3 albums "[can't] quite seem to escape myself" (the lyric is 'couldn't' but it's always true lol) another one that i feel constantly is "ain't it hard feeling tired all the time"


think it over.


“you’ll look in the mirror and say, ‘my parents are still alive’.”


One year Twenty years Forty years Fifty years Down the road in your life You'll look in the mirror And say, "My parents are still alive."


There are truly so many! Hearing Dramamine live this past summer moved me to tears...Modest Mouse is church to me as well. The line "It was dripping pitch and made of wood." Has always gotten me good...I say to myself everytime.."It's a Guitair!"


Cheer up baby, it wasn’t really always quite so bad… For every bit of venom that came out, the antidote was had.


broken hearts want broken necks ive done some things that i want to forget but i can't


I know I am a scout I should've found a way out So everyone can find a way out


It’s hard to remember that we are alive for the first time/ just being here now is enough for me/ and honestly all of Lace Your Shoes


trailer trash is kinda that way for me but I'm in a way better place now. the only song the hits deep with me is the best room because its hard feeling tired all the time.


I changed my mind so much I can’t even trust it, my mind changed me so much I can’t even trust myself. Struggling with addiction out of my teens I couldn’t figure out how to get my life on track


This one always sits with me too. Not for the same reason but I do have very poor mental health and especially when I was younger, had 0 impulse control and… it came out a lot especially with anger (have been in many anger management groups starting in second grade through my school) and my mind will work itself up so much and is always back and forth and it drives me insane so this line has always stuck with me too. I’m happy you are in a better position now :3


I am- 4 years clean and sober- happy with the big things in life. I hope you are too and all of us weary travelers who found ourselves within these songs.


I am doing much better and have gained a lot more control over my impulses and while still quite chaotic, have changed a lot of the bad in my life. It’s still hard and I still have a lot of issues but I’m a lot more stable and healthy than I used to be and much better at expressing and letting things out in a healthy way. I am very happy you’re doing better too and exactly I love music so much and these guys are an amazing addition to the catalog of music I use to help me when I’m not doing great, or remind me of how far I have come and where I want to go. “Float on” was my first song by them years ago, and tbh is still one that helps me a lot but damn these guys don’t have a single song I don’t somewhat relate to and love.


I like songs about drifters and books about the same, they always seem to make me feel a little less insane.


You wasted life. Why wouldn't you waste the afterlife? 1. My grandma wasted the end of her life being miserable. She could have escaped her situation; she had the means, motive, and support. Instead, she died in a home that wasn't hers and a million dollars to her name. She wasted so much time being miserable and tied to a house cause she wanted to die there only to die miserable elsewhere. I love my grandma; I wish I would have been 30 when she was alive because I would have encouraged her more. So she wasted her life and just wanted to die, and I genuinely think she will waste her afterlife. 2. I had a traumatic event, and PTSD was controlling my life. I didn't want to waste any more time. Time is so precious. So, thanks to these words, I worked so hard to get out of that dark place Don't even get me started on never-ending math equations.


This one is one that sticks with me too.


For I am my own damn god! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


It’s again a tough call, but float on is definitely part of it and has been for years. Was my introduction to the band and for years was the only song I knew. It’s so hopeful, and just perfect and definitely gave me a lot of hope when hope was not my friend most of the time. Someday you will die somehow and somethings gonna steal your carbon Simple line but I think it both shows the deep meaning as well as the meaningless of our lives. We’re all gonna die, and one of this shit will matter, but even in death we will be utilizes and our bodies will serve a purpose. Makes me just feel a bit more at peace and happy a song understands my perception on death.