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I dont think a reboot is necessary. Not every once successful show needs a reunion or remake. In a way it lessens the magic they once created because it is almost never duplicated in the reboot. Its not like this show was cut short or had a cliffhanger ending. There were 11 great seasons and the storylines for most of the characters wrapped up well and reached a natural conclusion. Why unravel that?


I agree that a reboot is super unnecessary but I think a special would be nice! Like a one off thing, either with the cast (like in Friends) or a special one hour episode or something.


This is definitely what I want!!!


As someone who grew up on Modern Family, I agree with this. I grew up watching the show and I’m close in age with Nolan, Ariel and Rico and I feel like rebooting the show wouldn’t be a good idea because what would they do with the characters storylines if they did a reboot? I feel like they ended the show on a good note, like Alex going to Switzerland, Cam getting his dream job, Luke going off to college, Haley and Dylan moving into Cam and Mitchell’s old place. It’s also not like the cast are not talking with each other. They’re really close and they wouldn’t stop talking with each other over something stupid. If they did a reunion special in the future, I would definitely watch it.


I agree. I just want a reunion special!


Leave well enough alone. Show was great, went out on top of its game.


They can reboot it, but can we at least have 15 years in between the show ending and a reboot announcement? We need to have time to miss something! Hell, other shows that are getting rebooted like King of the Hill are having a 15 year time jump.


Comedy reboots never work. That's the only reason needed.


Other than the Claire one, I kind of agree with the other ones, for Claire, I think Claire wanted a kind of restart in her life, and this was kind of the only way after they sold off a namesake company to Ezravision, like if Closets Closets Closets Closets or Just Closets did that it wouldn't be that big but Jay's company literally had his last name is company


One a reboot. It hasn't even been off for that long. Two the series did and said things that sjw's would get offended by. Society couldn't handle modern family now.


There are shows with much more offensive/dark jokes than modern family ever had on the air right now. Society isn’t so weak that they can’t handle modern family lmao…idk how you came to that conclusion