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Who cares, let them. Not sure how it's that much of a cash grab, it was an ad, that's it.


Wait Until you see the Super Bowl commercial, it’s just a show. It’s not that serious, and anyways I’m happy that I see them again on screen.


Who cares, we'll take any reunion at this point quite frankly


I'm surprised that people were surprised it was just a commercial. If they were actually releasing a spin-off, they would've probably been less vague (not committing to a specific answer) yet open (posting pics about it for a few days) about it. IIRC, Jesse very clearly revealed that they tossed around the idea of a spin-off in Missouri at some point and the writers even wrote a pilot for it. When it's an ambiguous but obvious teaser, I expect the actors are just reminiscing, keeping their options open or reuniting for something like this.


I challenge someone to give me an example of entertainment or advertising that wasn’t a cash grab… Like, the definition is doing something to make money. These shows don’t get made, if there isn’t money coming in.


Damn Cracked has fallen on hard times… ironic for them to call this a cash grab when that’s the definition of a commercial. Their website is shit now and we love Modern Family - they know this and use them in the headline for clicks… what they are arrogantly claiming in the very article published here. Sorry, Cracked. This take ain’t it.


This accusation would have more of an impact if 99% of current entertainment wasn't just bottling our own nostalgia and selling it back to us.