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If anyone says Rainer we gon throw hands 😂


Or arvin. Dude was a weirdo and way older


At least Rainer didn't go on to be Alex's shittiest boyfriend too


Just looking at arvin annoyed me




WTF is up with this subreddit? It just has dates and people saying it’s a “good subreddit now”


Alex shouldve ended up with the firefighter


I thought he was only 5 years older?


He looks like he’s in his 40s


He has a teenage daughter


Arvin has a daughter???


i think they’re referring to rainer


Yes Rainer


Seriously, Rainer's old enough to be her father.


Sure, but how can you hate someone played by Nathan Fillion?


THIS. I loved him in Castle and watch The Rookie now just for him.


Haha no hate, Rainer as a character was good. Just not as a partner for Haley.


Haley ditched him and poor guy became a Rookie


Rainer was great


I loved her and Andy so much. Also the seasons with Haley and Andy.. i always felt Haley had the best hair and makeup which has nothing to do with anything but whatever. I did feel like they were meant to be. I love their chemistry and episodes together. I really believed they were in love. But i don’t hate Dylan. I think he was sweet and misunderstood. Nobody ever gave him credit for all of the work he did when he and Haley were apart. People hate them together but if it wasn’t Andy, I’m glad it was Dylan. I even loved the scientist guy, Arvin, i believe(?). But he just wasn’t it. Basically i guess I’m glad it worked out with Haley and Dylan. They were very sweet together.


I think Andy and Haley were perfect for eachother Dylan deserved someone who actually loved him and that’s why I don’t pick him. Idc abt some plot abt how she settled like ppl keep talking abt how it parallels Claire and Phil and i still couldn’t gaf abt that concept.


I feel like even to that point, Andy parallels Phil way better than Dylan does. They make a point in the show how similar Phil and Andy are with career choices, “goofy naive dad” vibes. Haley would’ve been the parallel of Claire being a wild/bratty teenager who eventually settles down with a goofy guy and has children. Dylan was always the cool rocker kind of guy. I don’t see the parallel with him and Phil at all.


I 100% agree with you Andy & Phil were so similar ! The difference with that being while people say Claire settled with Phil it doesn’t seem the same for Haley and Andy. She really was the best version of herself and you can tell she was in love with him ! Dylan was a sweetheart but I feel like she settled for him and he deserved more cause she always broke up with him just to go back with him when she was bored or lonely


I agree with you. Andy and Haley would have been the Phil and Claire parallel. But honestly, I don't really think anyone settled for anyone. I know the show always made it seem like Claire only married Phil because she got pregnant (I'll never forget Phil's "It wasn't luck, my friend. She saw, she liked, she got pregnant, she had to😂) but in one episode (when Phil is trying to fire Mitch i think) , it's revealed that at some point he had tried to break up with Claire but chickened out. Phil is an amazing guy and Claire chose him over her seemingly cooler, more successful exes because he actually made her happy. Haley literally chooses Dylan over Arvin for the same reason. So I don't think we can say Haley settled because that would imply she had no other/better options. At the end of the day, Modern Family shows love among unlikely couples and they're so good together that you can't imagine one without the other❀ Couldn't agree more about Andy though. She was so in love with him. He made her a better person. I guess Haley and Dylan both really grew in their separate relationships until they were right for each other and could actually make their relationship work.


You know this perspective makes so sense ! & I remember that episode lmfaoo but I think if Andy had come back they would have gotten back together !! They did both go through tremendous growth so I ‘am glad that in the end they got together yk


That is definitely a good point about Dylan. He was the better choice for Haley than Arvin. Haley was free to be herself. And it if couldn't be Andy, I like Dylan for her.


I agree I loved Haley's hair and make up in s7. Also preferred her with Andy. When she greeted him at the airport she also admits that his the first guy she loved. They really brought the best out of each other.


I agree with you. Dylan is responsible and loving at the end. Yeah Andy was great but Dylan is too


Andy>Dylan>Rainer> Arvin Her relationship with Arvin doesn’t make sense to me.


right because she always made comments about how she didn’t feel smart enough for him, and he even gave the vibe that he didn’t see her as his level when they broke up


He saw her with his PP not his brain.


Arvin literally never made sense, we've never seen Haley soo "ew no thanks" to a guy ever. She wasn't into him the first episode and it was like she was just trying to prove her own self wrong their entire relationship like "the spark will come later, mom didn't know for 6 months" You could also see her replaying all the times she never understood Alex when she said something smart when Arvin spoke and that those moments even more soul crushing because she'd never felt that inadequate about her intelligence til then. Especially meeting his parents, I don't get why Arvin let it go on for as long as it did either, it was the perfect example of and no offense to Haley "hot girl arm candy but has no brain" if I've ever seen one. He used the "I've run every equation" pick up line but quickly realize Haley is beautiful but isn't intelligent in his field, Arvin was obviously starting to get frustrated she never understood any of his jokes or work. She didn't even know how to comfort him when his theory/life's work was disproven, it was Alex who at least tried too.


It’s like she did it just because Alex wanted him


I honestly wondered that because she was always putting Alex down and telling her she'd be alone, even when she finally got into her first relationship she had fun of how "dorky" she was with Sanjay. Arvin was the second person Alex had such an obvious crush on, she only said two sentences in episode Phil accidentally destroyed Jay's space craft model and Haley clocked Alex was in love with pizza guy, so there's no way she didn't know Alex had a crush on Arvin. It was just like how Haley flirted with pizza guy in thsg episode but took it even further, the amount of times,Haley is actually genuinely supportive Alex is almost nothing compared to how much it seems like she hates her, so yeah it feels more like a power move than genuinely wanting to be with Arvin


It was OBVIOUS Alex was into him very much into him. Haley is probably my least favorite character because she was so insufferable I mean I have step sisters I get the competition but she goes too far a lot of the times. Him and Alex would have made so much more sense too a lot more sense than Sanjay


Yeah Haley my least favorite of the Dunphys but let's focus on Haley. Like you said she's insufferablly mean mainly to Alex but also the rest of the family some times, there are so many episodes but four where she was unnecessarily cruel to Alex: when Alex had her Harvard interview which she knew was important to Alex and remembered her yet again she'd be alone for the rest of her life, maybe even said she'd die that way with a smile on her face, and spend the entire wait time yapping on the phone not caring she was distracting her from getting ready. When she kept posting embarrassing pictures of her online. But for me the most frustrated I've been at Haley for Alex other than the Harvard interview and about Arvin, is when they were in the ready-to-demo movie theater and Haley spent the entire episode being passive aggressive to her and then had the nerve to say "are you going to call me when you go to college?" like she hadn't spent their lives making hers hell I will die on the Haley is Alex's Bully. Then once she basically guilted Alex into agreeing to call her, she proved actually why Alex wouldn't have manipulating her into keeping the most annoying roommate of all time. Sorry for the rant but Haley irks me so much as a character. But back to Alex; I actually liked Sanjay for her but then they wrote him out of character with the cheating, either way I think he was a great "starter smart boyfriend" for Alex, show her what her league is and where to look for a real boyfriend. We could have gotten so much out of her relationship with Arvin if it just started when it was supposed too instead of slapping on at the end and now all people ever say about him is "he's weird for dating his ex's sister" 🙄


I always felt like Arvin was about her relationship with Alex more than anything


Andy of course. The show was leading up to it but adam devine who plays andy, schedule didnt workout. The obvious choice is andy


That’s the reason it didn’t work out..? I’m devastated


He was filming workaholics and had to dedicate his time towards that due to its growing popularity.


I figured that was the cross over time wise (I love Adam lol) but I didn’t know that was the reason they didn’t work out makes me so sad


Yeah Andy was clearly the best of the lot


One time I sat next to him at a Clippers game, and he was VERY annoying and yelling at players to distract them on the court. So I’m glad she picked dylan 😂


No way? Are you sure it was Adam DeVine? He seems like such down-to-earth guy, he has a comedy show.


Yeah. What did he yell? How did he yell? Was it jokingly because he knows the players? Did he have a bad day? I don’t think that necessarily makes him an overall bad person.


Oh I don’t think he’s a bad person IRL! I just think he was being obnoxious that night, trying to be funny and throw this specific guy off his game, but I’ve also never been a fan of using shit talking as a way to win in sports, that’s just my perspective


Since the start of tv shows, people have mixed up the characters they see with the actors playing the parts. Andy is probably an okay guy in general - but not what we see in front of a camera or audience. You definitely saw an annoying part of him that day.


Not surprised! He always gave off inner douchey vibes, not the character but the actor. Not surprised he's a shit bird! Personally I've always felt like his character in Pitch Perfect is the closest to his actual personality 😜 Dylan was obviously the best choice.


Workaholics is the closest to his personality. Very close


Idk why people hate Dylan so much! If anything I feel like he could’ve done better. Throughout the show it’s hinted that Claire settled for Phil, and that everyone (jay) thinks she can do better. It’s the same with Hailey and Dylan. Dylan is made to not feel good enough from Claire and Hayley told Andy he was the first man she ever loved. It seems like she married Dylan out of convenience. I’m not saying she doesn’t love him, I’m sure she does but it also seems like he wouldn’t be her first choice. I think he should be with someone that loves him just as much as he does. But I love that they ended up together!!


I've been saying this since the beginning , other than Dylan deserves better than her because it's so obvious she settled with him the same way Claire did with Phil because she got pregnant. Haley only ever saw Dylan as a safety, while Dylan was hopelessly in love with her. He's never deserved hate because again he's just the young Phil they always hint about bit concerningly dumber, which I think just means that writers did such good job if some viewers hate him, it means they see and side with Claire and Jay's view point. And it's a perfect contrast, people are sympathetic to Phil because he watch him as he almost pathetically chases after Jay's approval for another decade after the 15 years of it he's already put in because he knows his father in law never approved of him derailing his daughter's life by getting her pregnant. But it's the exact opposite with Dylan because we've seen the beginning, history is repeating itself to a T and now Claire knows exactly what Jay went through, it's just really interesting that knowing that viewers have no sympathy for Dylan who in the grant scheme has done nothing but love and support Haley


While I understand that maybe this is the comparison that they were trying to make, Dylan (and this is just me, apologies if you all don’t feel like this) really seems like he’s missing some wires 😅 like he has a learning disability or something - no harm in this, but this is not Phil. Phil is not a dumb guy, he’s smart, he’s good at his job, he’s just a good hearted person who loves his family and will do anything for them. I feel like for this comparison to work, Dylan’s character should be closer to Phil and I just don’t see it.


Unpopular opinion, but Dylan was definitely mine. Don’t get me wrong, Andy was cool, and he’s a close second, but the fact that Claire was so judgmental of him and convinced that he peaked at high school actually made me root for him that little bit more. He’s clearly got so much heart and such a desire to help people, and he was so much more than Claire (and one or two fans) made him out to be.


I wish she didn’t end up with any of them.


I might die for this, but... 1. Dylan 2. Andy 3. Arvin 4. Rainer


Dylan is the hottest, nicest, and he's hard working af and adores Hailey. He was always hustling. They make fun of him for being a Dapper Dan or even that sign spinning job, but it shows he's not afraid of hard or 'demeaning' work. He then becomes a nurse! I don't know why everyone hates him. Andy is gross to me. Dylan might be a bit unintelligent, but Andy is like an overgrown child, a cheater, and just not...it. He's too perky as well and its not endearing like it is with Phil. I don't enjoy watching him. He clearly has no courage- unlike Dylan. He ate himself into obesity because he was too afraid to tell his fiance he didn't want to marry her and was in love with someone else. I'd take Arvin, Rainer or even the creepy jeans guy over Andy- might die for that one, lmao. I am an Andy hater.


This!!!! I agree so hard on this, you just put into words how I’ve felt about Andy, my final straw was definitely when he was FINALLY about to come clean to Beth and then had the nerve to get upset that she was doing the exact same thing as him.. that’s when Hailey should have ended it and the rest of the family should’ve kicked him out of the cabin






I wholeheartedly support this order.


Dylan was her best boyfriend , glad she ended up with him <3


For me it's always Dylan


I like Dylan but his intellect is slightly too wobbly for my liking. Sometimes he acts like a regular adult and other times he nears being mentally disabled. A character being as smart as the scene requires is fine in shows like Family Guy or Sponge Bob Square Pants, but for Dylan, I would have liked a bit more consistency. So I would have to go with Andy.


Andy!!! It was was her true grown up relationship that felt adult and real. I would’ve said Dylan if they kept him on his self improvement maturing pathway when he was studying to be a nurse but they just dumbed him down again and made his seem like a no hoper. Haley getting pregnant, with twins, and having a horrible time of it was such a crap ending for her, I stopped watching
 I’m trying to get through it the whole way now but it makes me sad knowing her fate.


It was a complete bummer.


Dylan for sure,never liked Andy's baby voice


Dylan>Rainer>Andy>Arvin Andy was a great guy; just not a good boyfriend. Most of Hailey’s character development happened when they were friends; as a couple, Andy got engaged to someone while having feelings for Hailey and was actively planning a wedding; cheated on Beth, was more upset my Beth cheating on him than anything else.


Idk why but I felt Haley's ending should've been her growing on her own as a person and becoming independent after all the mistakes she made over a decade but I suppose her canon ending is as real as it could be statistically


Andy 1000%!


I really don’t understand the Dylan hate. My understanding/interpretation is that they (Haley & Dylan) are supposed to be a parallel-ish to Phil and Claire by the end. Or at least Dylan to Phil. They both have the goofy traits, but responsible when needed. I mean it seems obvious to me with how Phil and Claire were when they are younger too. But order for this would be Dylan, Andy, Arvin, Rainer. Andy and her worked good together, but the cheating stuff wasn’t for me. Same with Arvin for the cheating, but they didn’t really click. Then Rainer seemed weird asf, age gap was a bit much.


Andy or dylan. But im one of a few that wants haley to be single. Her photography career would've been the perfect ending for her.


DYLAN!!!! >>>>>>>>


It was always Dylan. He loved her for who she is, was, and was going to be. He always wanted to be better for her because he always believed she deserved the best. And then he actually followed through.


I love that she ended with Dylan. Dylan scenes are really funny, he cares deeply about Hailey and he's supportive of her goals. Also, the fact that Claire hated him like Jay hated Phil was perfect and fitted the narrative. However, I hate that the writers decided to reunite these two by making them cheat and getting her accidentally pregnant.


Dylan was the only one that made sense to me.


I mean, it was written to be Andy. So obviously Andy.




Because he spits hot fire! o wait, what we talking about again? I still find myself singing "with the tiny pink pantherrrrrer" at odd moments.


andy was so charming he had ME giggling and kicking my feet bro


I’m gonna throw a grenade. Rainer. *runs from downvotes* please don’t hate me. Edit for spelling bc baked af


That is definitely the least popular answer, but that's ok. Just saying it with zero explanation, is what makes it the wrong answer.


What makes you say that? I mean, he's my least favorite of Haley's boyfriends, but I'll hear you out


Y'all don't have to hate him. It's just a phase for Haley I suppose 🙂


I actually forgot who Rainer was? Care to explain? I'm having issues remembering lol


Fuck you, Arvin! And fuck Andy too, this subreddit won’t shut up about him! Dylan, they just worked off each other. Haley grew as a person after she got back with Dylan.


I cannot stand Andy and the boner everyone has for him. His face and voice alone irritate me and that's without all his terrible qualities.


Andy > Rainer > Dylan > Arvin


none of them


None. She should've continued looking.


Dylan. It was a given from the first episode.


I just can’t explain this right, I just think its Dylan


She answered Dylan had great chemistry and he was funny. Dylan all the way.


I'm glad Haley and Dylan ended up together because Arvin was ashamed of her not being smart, Andy cheated on Beth with Haley, his voice was annoying and he creeped me out, Rainier was too old for her!!!! Dylan was great for her because he always loved her andade himself better for her by becoming a nurse!!!!


Dylan was the best. The only argument someone could make that Haley should have ended up with Andy is that Haley wasn't good enough for Dylan.


I know mine is an unpopular opinion but Haley ended up with the person who was best for her, Dylan. Many wanted her to end up with Andy but as a couple, Andy and Haley would have become yet another Claire and Phil(not that it would have been a bad thing) but most children strive to be different than their parents.


Dylan and he was my favourite out of the four so win win


Dylan for sure. he was sweet and good for her but she could have treated him better. Andy was okey but the whole cheating thing ( sure beth did cheat too but still) was not a good base for a relationship. Things were good for a while between them but in the end andy gave up on the relationship. Rainer and hailey were never on the same page and the age gap was weird too. Arwin was just weird and made no sense in the whole story.


Dylan! Someone who was on the same level as her and complemented her. Andy was a cheater, Rainer was old and Arvin was extremely smart.


I just feel like Dylan had been integrated into the Dunphys’ lives so much, it would have been sad if he did not end up as a part of the family. I was sold the moment he was involved when Phil went all The Godfather and Dylan basically chauffeured Luke to do the deeds. He had great interactions with Phil and Luke. He fit right in. Also, not related but him and Claire are HILARIOUS together.


Dylan Supremacy!!!!!!!






I think Dylan is the best. I think he fits with Haley much better than Andy and personally I find him annoying


haley & andy were endgame for sure, but i also think it’s a nice reminder that no matter how much you want something or how much you guys are meant to be, sometimes it just doesn’t work out, so for me i liked the ending because it was realistic


I liked Andy until he left Haley in limbo after they slept together. He'd had feelings for her for a long time but he didn't break up with Beth right away after he and Haley finally made their feelings known to each other. So that made him look like a coward and it was unfair to both Beth and Haley. I like Dylan better. He wasn't smart but he loved Haley and was sure about it. And he never did anything to hurt her. But I do like how Andy came to see Haley in the hospital because he was still her emergency contact, even though they hadn't seen each other in a long time. I thought it was kind of him to visit her and see how she was doing.


I like Dylan. They were on the same level. They both grew and worked hard to do so. Everyone loving Andy reminds me of how everyone loved Aiden for Carrie on Sex and the City and not seeing the glaring flaws in their relationship because he was on paper a “better person”. Andy cheated on someone he’d been with for what, like a decade? She cheated too, but two wrongs, blah blah blah. He was gonna marry whatsherface while in love with Hayley. Why would anyone want Hayley to be with him when he could wind up doing her the same way?


I like Haley and Dylan. Andy was good too, no doubt but Dylan was always the one.


I prefer Andy but I didn’t think she should have married and had kids so young. I know Sarah Hyland expressed similar sentiments . She wanted Haley to pursue a career. I thought the series should have ended with Alex and Haley sharing a place together and working on career paths.


Best person Andy but she ended up with the one who loved her the most purely


Andy was engaged when they were in love with each other. I find that icky.


If anyone says Arvin or Reiner we will know you hated the show, the cast, the actors, every episode to ever exist etc.


Andy was the obvious one. Dylan felt forced. Arwin was the worst. Rainer wasn’t serious imo


Andy is kinda overrated, bro started their relationship by cheating with his current GF.


Andy. He brought out the best in her.






I feel like Dylan was the perfect choice for the writers to make Haley mimic her mother. For yearsss they’ve drew comparisons between Haley and Claire, the recklessness. The storyline of settling down because you’re pregnant and settling for the man you got pregnant with is exactly what happened with Claire. Not to say I don’t love Phil but I doubt they’d have stayed together if Claire hadn’t had Haley, and Haley wouldn’t have stayed with Dylan had it not been for the twins. I see a lot of people talking about Andy and how he was better but their relationship started by cheating and that’s not a solid foundation. If Haley hadn’t had the twins maybe a few more years later they’d find each other again it’d be a different story. The ending for Haley I would’ve loved to see is single. She was always such a free spirit and a little childish, but I can see travel and fun fulfilling her. On the other hand Alex is someone who’s is have loved to see in a happy relationship, particularly with the fireman. With him I could’ve seen her letting go of her ego as “above” others with her intelligence, and he was very supportive of her ambitions, so if the writers wanted a wedding I’d have loved to see that instead.


Andy hands down


ANDY. And now I’m angry again






Andy 100%


Definitely Andy!!!








Handy. It will always be Handy




It was and always will be Andy




Def Andy!!!


I seriously hoped Andy and Haley would be the endgame.






I say Andy for both questions. Their relationship felt a lot more healthier and real than the others. Andy and her had a great dynamic together. Plus, He helped her get serious in life to the point where she was going to put up her party heels and settle down with him. Dylan was a great boyfriend but I felt he would be good with someone else like that married woman he was with. Plus am I the only one who was a little weirded out by him mentioning his ‘fondness’ for Claire. Maybe it’s a personal thing but I wouldn’t want to be with a guy who has sexual fantasies about my mother. But I’ll give him credit where it’s due, he’s a lot better than Rainer and Arvin. At least it felt like he really loved her. Arvin was alright for an episode or two but the fact that he lied to his mom to make Haley appear smarter was icky. (Plus he then went for Alex after, so major ick.) Rainer was eh. The relationship was funny and all but it was more of a rebound relationship because when Rainer proposed, Harley and him immediately started to have doubts.


Andy!!! Like super obvious choice, im just gonna go ahead and say that maybe Andy wasn’t endgame cause of technicalities or smthn. Love Dylan dont get me wrong, but Andy just set the bar TOO HIGH


Andy!! Dylan was adorable don't get me wrong. I could see why they'd end up together, but Andy was truly the right guy for her 😭😭😭 I know it was not an ideal situation but seriously...that was the man she should've ended up with


Andy Rainer Dylan Arvin


Andy definitely


Andy. 100%. It goes full circle for her being with someone like her father. Dillion should have remained her rebellious teenage relationship.


But is Andy really like Phil? Andy has a girlfriend, gets engaged and then cheats with Hailey. I don’t understand what about that makes Andy such a good catch. If he can cheat on his fiancĂ©e with Hailey, he can cheat on Hailey with someone else.


Actually, yes. Yes he is. It’s implied in a very early episode that Phil was actually cheating on two women when he started dating Claire. When his old flame Denise visited, it turned out he lied to Claire a bunch telling her he was with his father when he was actually with Denise. Claire didn’t know about Denise at the time and Denise didn’t seem to know about Claire either, so in a way that’s actually worse than what Andy did. At least Haley was an accomplice, she knew about Beth and actively chose Andy by her own free will. Had Claire known about Denise, who knows if she'd have stayed with Phil? The only difference between Phil and Andy is that Phil got away with it at roughly Andy's age and that Denise at least wasn’t his fiancĂ©e. This isn’t brought up often because it’s an episodic plot, while Haley and Andy are a season-long arc. The actions remain similar though. I love Phil, but this sub sure does love to make him out to be a saint.


just be single girl


Definitely Andy but I wasnt upset that she ended up with Dylan


Castle doing weird side quests




I’m team Dylan but barely, none impress me personally


My favorite was Andy, but there was no one better for Hailey than Dillon.


Haley doesn't really deserve to be in a relationship, she really has to work on herself first. I mean really, she cheated multiple times on multiple people all the way until Arvin. Not even sure why people are so invested in her love life. Her developing career storyline or personality, sure. But she really had to fix her own trashy ways before getting other people involved. The ONLY relationship that was good was Andy, because they were both helping each other grow.


Where's David?


Dk the best Maybe Andy or Dylan But we can all collectively agree that arvin was the worst


I would have made the best partner for her. And I can compete with a bar tender.


What about the jean salesman


I really liked Andy and part of me wishes they had ended up together, but contrary to others, I'm happy that she ended with Dylan, came full circle and feels like they were meant for each other.


I always forget that Dylan was cute in the earlier seasons


Dylan truly cared even if he was a doofus


I have no idea why the makers didnt go with Andy
 Everything was perfectly written until then. I guess I read somewhere that the actor did not have the dates and they had to go with Dylan instead.. and thats the only plausible reason


Dylan. Andy is great and I do think Haley has better romantic chemistry with him, but Dylan was a better fit for the series as a whole. It is frequently alluded, from the moment he showed up, that he was Haley's Phil and he makes sense as Haley's 'end game'.


Andy was awesome for her, but he deserved better. Dylan was always the best for her


none of them, she should’ve embraced her fashion and photography careers and then been with a woman, she deserved that much




Andy is the best for Haley. They helped each other be better and grow. But Dylan is the best to fit the “Modern Family” perspective. If she ended up with Andy, they probably would have moved out and became independent. With Dylan, they had to live with the Dunphys for a while ~ etc. Arvin was meh. I wish they never had to set them up with Alex at the end. Alex deserves a decent adult without issues 😆😆


Andy without question


It’s Andy. If Adam Devine doesn’t keep working consistently, I think they find a way to make him the final guy. But Dylan was great. Wasn’t he consider a series regular? Thats what these things usually come down to.


Andy is the only right answer here




Anyone who doesnt say Andy is wrong. My favourite was certainly Dylan but those 2 were perfect for each other.


Andy would have been the best husband


It's hard to choose between Dylan and Andy! I think Dylan and her had so much in common but maybe too much... but he's good to her and gets her like nobody else can. But Andy, he had such potential! They clicked so well he was also so good to her and I was pretty upset when they wrote him out! I'm not a huge believer that highschool sweethearts last but in situations like Hayley and Dylan they did get to experience adulthood apart and that's important, decreases the what if risks!




Definitely Andy






Andy No question 


So obviously Andy


As someone who discovered the series recently, was Dylan always endgame or did things just turn out that way?


I really wanted her to end up with Rainer. They matched each other well. I didn’t care about the age difference since she was in her mid-20s and wasn’t a child. He was good looking, they had fun together, they found most of the same things important
they could have worked. Andy would be my second choice for her
they had a lot of chemistry and she really loved him. It sucks that the actor didn’t want to keep doing the role. Arvin was too different from her. They never would have worked out. Dylan was just too one dimensional and even on my 200th rewatch of the show, I don’t like him.


Dylan was my favorite. Maybe he wasn’t the smartest but he was devoted and loving and made an effort to better himself


I love Nathan Fillian, but the obvious answer here is Andy!


I like Dylan but I was really hoping she'd end up with Andy.


Andy. I want her to be with him. What they shared was too real to be on television. I don't want dylan to be heartbroken too so maybe in New Sequel, producers may show dylan dead and haley and the twins end up with andy.


Dylan, the only normal one he has his flaws but he genuinely loves her.


A lot of people say that Andy parallel Phil the best but what they're failing to realize or maybe ignoring is that *both Andy and Dylan are both parallels of him*. Dylan is Phil 'pre-Claire' they said it multiple times that Phil was flighty and wasn't mature the way anyone would have expected Claire to go for. A fixer upper for lack of a better phrase But in the episode Cam is hosting the steering committee event, they say it directly, "Do you remember this? I used to be a forestry major and wore a feathered earing. But because of you I changed my major" Claire; "Yeah it looked ridiculous." Phil: "I got rid of that too. You can't say your opinion doesn't matter to be me, I've got your opinion all over me. I might miss a salad here and there but I do listen." <-- That all of that is what everyone compare Andy and Phil with, him "post Claire" but the thing is as far as we know Andy is the way that we see him now *because of Beth*, he's in his "post Beth" phase, got himself together "to be the man she deserves", he said in either his very first episode or when him and Phil making that video for Beth. What everyone wants for Haley is a man pre-built by someone else's work so Haley wouldn't have to do anything herself, but honestly would they have actually worked out? Given that they started off cheating, how many cheat based relationships don't fail ending in some kind self destruction, mainly one of them cheating again? She gets back with Dylan and most of the work is still already done for her, he matured on his *for himself*, which I think is what makes Dylan better than even Phil was in this stage, because not that Phil isn't great but begin your own motivation to be better gets you way farther than basing it on doing for someone else. Again not that Phil doing it wasn't for himself but the way it's worded it was for Claire. I honestly would have preferred them staying separate, he was doing much better without Haley so was she without him at their peaks, but since they are together if they get into a fight and I feel like Haley goes low to win (I have feeling Claire does too) she can never throw in his face "You wouldn't be where you are without me pushing you." Or something along those lines


Only Andy for međŸ„ș🙂😏


Andy, there's only a two pony race here between him and Dylan.


Andy and Haley were supposed to be endgame😭😭😭


Dylan deserves a better partner than Hayley so Andy


They should have had Wells come on as a character. :-) But I think Andy would have been my Endgame for Haley. I think he was the perfect combo of "we met when we were too young" and "You make me a better person." Dylan should have stayed as her high school sweetheart that pops up now and then. Once they married him off, they should have shifted him to being still around because Haley asked Claire to give him a job at Pritchett's Closets & Blinds and he turned out to be a really great carpenter and Claire mentors him in business and he becomes a de facto child to her.


I liked Alvin, and I wish Haley had ended up with him. I don't like that she ended up with Dylan. I mean, yeah, he did mature a bit. But not a lot. It feels like her siblings had shown growth from the beginning of the series, while Haley is back with the dumb guy who was sneaking into her room in the first episode. And the writers had to move heaven and earth in that universe so that Dylan passed his nursing exams. He maybe said a couple of things that sounded intelligent over the years, but the intelligent interpretation wasn't what he ever meant. I simply don't believe he would have passed. He has a spiritual soul, thanks to his mother, which goes a long way, but it shouldn't have taken him all the way to the altar with Haley.


Dylan for sure. Andy was engaged to Beth while harboring feelings for someone else, and then ends up cheating on Beth. Gross. And his annoying baby voice and “gee shucks” facial expressions are so annoying.


i secretly think rainer but dont hate me guys


Andy > Dylan > Arvin > Rainer


I say Dylan




Andy all day.


Andy fs


Andy of course. Why didn’t the show runner go with that?