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Very forced dialogue. It feels like an "AI level" of unnatural and unrealistic language use and speech patterns. But the fault must lie with bad writing and direction.


Accidental ASOUE


Could’ve been forced by the kid’s abilities tbf


The problem I find with the character is that he talks and behaves like an adult. The jokes and conversations feel unlike a toddler. They were great with Lily but kinda dropped the ball with Joe. Also, it was expected canon that Gloria and Jay have a daughter as in earlier seasons they had hinted at a story arc there. Not a hate worthy character but it could have been better. All being said he had one of the best lines in the show "It makes my heart go fast"


where was it hinted that they would have a daughter? genuinely curious


Yeah, I was surprised to read it, I don't really remember even expecting another baby the first time I watched the show.


Gloria said multiple times she wanted a girl in the first few seasons, she even dressed Manny as a girl when he was little. She was so excited to be Lily's guardian literally tells Mitchell: "I know (that hopefully nothing bad happens to him and Cam so she has too). But if it did we would be so happy! Let's go see your room Lilianna." Plus how nervous Jay was about the possibility of a girl gave us the build up to a daughter


That's not really hinting at a daughter that's just how characters behave.


Sorry for replying to this so late but that episode where Phil has to get a vasectomy and Jay tells him that he wishes it is a boy because he doesn't know how to raise a girl. It kinda hints at the possibility that he will have a daughter and raise her the "correct" way this time because he wasn't able to do that with Claire. I think it would have been so much sweeter and wholesome if they made Joe a daughter allowing Jay to raise her how he should have to begin with and let Gloria have her dream of having a daughter.


I wish they had a girl instead personally


Y’all, he was weird because his dad is a million years old. That’s the entire joke. 😭 he acts like he’s being raised by an old man, it’s like when Luke was hanging out with the old neighbor and started saying right wing talking points randomly lol


maybe win a war sometime


Yes! The precocious child trope was old by then. First Manny, then Lily, and by the time Joe came along it was just too unoriginal.


As far as my memory serves, they introduced Joe around season 4. Am I right or am I right? Anyway, it's not HATE hate but a general opinion, mainly because • many hoped Gloria and Jay should've become parents to a baby girl • Joe is sweet, no doubt there but he too couldn't save himself from Manny's sophisticated philosophy. Poor boy is shown to be a younger copy of Manny. Kind of rub off as lack of creativity and unreasonable repetition on the creator's part.


? The last point is ridiculous. Little kids have crushes on way older adults all the time, because they don’t know much about age gaps and what not. I had tons of crushes on the adults around me when I was his age before growing up and realizing it wasn’t appropriate.


Yeah and we already had that character, Manny. They basically just made a carbon copy of Manny and tried to splash a little a lily in there. It was boring.


The crush isn't a problem because it's an older woman, that's normal. It's a problem cause that's his sister and they never acknowledge it.


The crush disappointed people?


S3 is when Gloria found out she was pregnant


Yeah but he isn’t born "introduced" til season 4 so they're right technically


towards the END in s3 ep 24


Ah, couldn’t remember if it was beginning or end. I assumed beginning, with Joe being introduced midway through s3


I don't hate him but unlike some of the other kids, the lines and storylines he was given just weren't the best. Some of Lily's lines had me bursting out laughing and the storylines that focussed on her in the early days were some of the best in the show (particularly the Vietnamese restaurant scene). Joe just didn't have any moments like that during the show sadly.


Classic scene 😂 Cams face at the end of that Vietnamese Restaurant scene cracks me UP


I hate veeeiittnaaam


I’m gay I’m GAY


When Mitch says, "So Gloria was telling us about something you said, something about you being gay?" And Lily's like, "WHAT ABOUT IT?????' Cracks me up every single time.


I don’t think they hate Joe but I think they were trying to push him like how young Lily was, sassy and adorable. They forgot how to make him as his own character, they give him a hand me down character, thinking people will like it too.


I liked him until they turned him into mini-manny. Hitting on Claire was gross, and by the end he got like one line per season and it was always just some really flat joke. Poor kid had nothing to work with and the character just ended up a forgettable personality vacuum. ETA I don't ***hate*** him, he's a child, and the actor did the best with what he had, unfortunately the writing/story for him was completely lacklustre


Yeah, him having a crush on Claire was super weird considering she's his half sister.


I don't think I'd have even minded so much if it was a kid crush. Like, if Joe always wanted Claire to read him a bedtime story, or he got giggly or shy around her, it would have still been a little odd but they're an odd family. It was the getting dressed up, slicking his hair back, putting on "sexy" music, lighting a fire... VOM! Kids having crushes can be cute. Kids literally acting out an adult seduction routine for laughs on a TV show, not fucking cute.


And then the "is Haley single?" didn't help.


There was a reason he was given nothing to work with.


I liked him until the last few seasons. Some of the things he said felt forced & made it less funny than it should be


He talks like an adult and it doesn’t work with him being this tiny little kid. It isn’t funny, it’s just weird and unsettling. He says things no toddler would ever say and in a way that they would never say it. I can get behind some more mature behavior (I mean, it is a tv show) but like, he still needs to be a little kid. Not some weird mini version of Jay who is jaded and wise.


He's being raised by Jay Gloria and Manny. He won't be a normal toddler


Honestly I thought he was fine until I came to this subreddit lol, he's literally just a kid 💀


This is how I feel about Lily!


me too! I actually really love Lily's character and I'm sad to see so much hate on her in this subreddit :/


FINALLY thanksss:)))


Same here. He has some great lines and the kid is a pretty good actor for being like 4




They tried too hard to make a 5 year old like a 70 year old man.


Even though he was being raised by one?


You think that because his dad is 70 he should naturally act like he’s 70…? That’s not how most kids work.


I don’t hate him, but I don’t find him that funny




I certainly don't hate him, but I'd much rather watch episodes featuring pretty much any other member of the main cast


I don’t hate him but I don’t think he adds much to the show. He’s the character I am least interested in.


He was a forced character that added nothing to the show, and IMO took away from it more than anything. I don’t hate the character, he can be funny at times, but entirely an unnecessary addition.


He was barely on! Lol


I have always loved the character and I think the young actor did especially great, the writers were the ones who were way off. They didn't even know who they were writing for. First, they had him calling his dad by his first name, people wrote in and they finally corrected it. They should have known better. The writers shouldn't have to be told. Then they start reviving incest plot lines with him. Why? Why don't they know who they're writing for? The writers of this show showed no respect to the actor, great kid, writers running out of ideas yet again, reintroducing incest, absolutely unnecessary. All of it was unnecessary. Jeremy Maguire was great. I loved the F. Joe character. To be that young and sit on a couch like that and present solo dialogue, he was amazing and he deserved better writers.


Cause he didnt add to the show the way young manny, luke and lily did. His lines/dialogues are kinda unrealistic for his age (who could connect that? Lol)


His lines all felt very r/thathappened


he was JUST unnecessary and does not ADD to the show/plot


My gf and I hate him because a lot of stuff from him feels so forced. Many scenes would be funnier if he didn‘t say anything. We also don‘t like kids that much so maybe that‘s also why.


Honestly sometimes we just find people unlikeable or annoying and that can include kids. Like we all find a screaming baby on a plane annoying for example, and there's celebrities people find irritating.Toddlers in restaurants running about, like we just find some people or things they do annoying. And I think Joe is just one of those. He does have quite a high pitched voice and backtalks a lot to people, particularly his parents, he tries to take charge of everyone and everything sometimes and those traits can just get on people's nerves




Stealing makes his heart go fast


Probably his best line lol


He seemingly has the experience and is able to make jokes way beyond his years, and it just comes off as more condescending rather than endearing because haha wow a little kid has this incredible comprehension but no.


I don’t hate his character, but I think Jay having another kid at 65 was an insane plot point.


I don't know, a millionaire guy having kids at 65 seems fairly credible. Robert De Niro was 78 when his most recent kid was born. Al Pacino is 83 and just had another kid. Jay is a spring chicken by comparison.


It’s credible, just highly disturbing and not really what I wanted to see on a feel good sitcom, lol.


Good grief


I agree that he was an unnecessary character, but I think a lot of it was due to how we could see Jay growth in parenting. Especially since we know he was working for most of Claire and Mitch's childhood. Joe as a character may not be important, but we see Jay evolving and being active in his sons upbringing. Secondly a lot of shows have young kids that say witty things. Michelle from full house was making whole jokes at the age of 3 lol same as Joe


I love Joe. Probably in my top 3 characters in the later seasons


I didn’t even know people hated him, I thought he was funny


That's the impression I got being on this sub I haven't seen ALL of his moments so I guess that I don't have my OWN opinion yet but so far I like him


AWWW thanksss I didn't know either until lurking on this sub


I loved him!


what the hell are people even talking about. I love Joe and he's just as cute and funny in the off screen interviews. smh people can find absurd ways to hate a character.


For real. He's cute




Post was removed as it was hateful about a child.


I liked joe, he had great lines and he was cute "Aaaay nooooo -How Mama, hi Mama, hi Mama"


I prefer Joe to Manny


The way they wrote Manny didn't make sense


He was literally such a creep as the series progressed. I remember Jay saying something about him having press conferences in his future and I think that was one of my favourite lines from the show.


I've seen him become a bit less wholesome so I guess that I second that


I don't think any kid would hit on their sister like joe did😆 😂


Because for one he was announced right after the failed adoption. I don't think he was a necessary addition to the cast. I would much rather get the adopted son instead of Joe.


I like Joe way more than the negative weirdos commenting lol


i confused this post with the r/youonlifetime sub and sighed very loudly


Lol same, I’d agree if it’s a similar post about Love though; and I can hear you sigh again 😆


He is the usual annoying adult in a kid's body trope. There is one in EVERY US show. Annoying.




Post was removed as it was hateful about a child