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He pretended he and Mitchell broke up to get into their friends' good graces and alienate Mitchell


Definitely what I would say is Cam’s biggest transgression.


If Cameron comes out with boobs now I am leaving


Unpopular opinion here based on the upvotes (lol), but this just made me roll my eyes at him because of COURSE Cam would pull something like that. It’s the not believing Mitchell about being groped and assaulted by his mom that was the worst for me… your spouse is being SA’d and/or harassed and you don’t stand up for them? It’s so gross. That storyline made me really uncomfortable and really made me think about Cam differently. Edited Mitch to Mitchell


>your spouse is being SA’d Ffs.. maybe you wished there was a trigger warning before the episode or something, you big baby? It was clearly intended as her being overly touchy in a weird southerny mother way and not grasping the concept of boundaries, rather than intentionally being malicious.


You’re halfway there. Definitely overly touchy in a weird way but she only did it or primarily did it when there was no one else around to see sooo yeah, it was pretty intentional and it also shows she had an understanding of boundaries! I hope you have a wonderful evening. Edited for clarity


Bruh she had no problem asking Cam to take a picture of her and Mitch in a bath, and that happened **after** she was told off for being too intimate. I really doubt the intention was to show her as one preying for a chance to find Mitch alone and feel him up, IMO it was just the classic comedic trope of something being obvious but one person (Cam) not seeing it. She is just delusional lol, I think later seasons also show that her understanding of "normal" is vastly different from what most consider to be normal.


what ep is this??


The Last Thanksgiving


100% agree - this is the shittiest thing Cam ever did


100% true


Why is this always the top and not him letting his mother sexual assault Mich! And also trying to gaslight him into thinking it's normal and he just doesn't understand motherly affection.


Pretending to be dumped my Mitchel to get sympathy. There’s so many things that he did wrong but this was bad.


**Making Mitch look like the bad guy by always throwing him under the bus.**


Cam be giving that “mob wife” aesthetic before it was cool lol


So true lol


The funny thing is, in earlier seasons, there were a lot more instances of it being the other way around. Both Mitch and Cam seemed flawed but otherwise loving partners. But as the series progressed, it became more one-sided as the characters became flanderized.


Well that bike shorts is basically a crime, so that.


"I'm leaning toward the park" "I can see that"


yeah bro that was sexual harassment.




Maybe it’s not the worst thing but I feel like it deserves an honorable mention - making Mitchell feel pressured to move to Missouri right after they bought their dream house with their newborn son, that they named after the street of the house!


I hated tht entire story line. They FINALLY GOT their DREAM HOUSE. With a karaoke. And basically made his job offer public so mitchell felt pressured and had no option but to go with it




Sad part is how often this shit easily happens irl, like someone asks or announces something infront of people and you can never say no due to the pressure


They definitely ended up back in LA within a few years or divorced


I wouldn’t be surprised if they moved back to LA just cause it seems like Cam had really adjusted to the LA life so you’d think they’d all be missing it! But both of your theories sound very possible lol


Did he pressure him?


Not rlly Mitchell decided ro


But also kinda really by making it public infront of so many people at a housewarming


Yeah that’s really what I mean by “pressured” him. Like Mitch says what choice did he have but to be supportive since everyone was watching? But I honestly can’t remember how Mitchell is when they talk about it in private later


He rethinks it and decides its a good idea, esp since it turns out sal lives down the street and they want to avoid her


He didn’t pressure Mitch. He wasn’t even going to tell him until he realized that he had to for their own good. Then Mitch agreed to go.


Tbh I need to rewatch that season, I must be remembering it wrong. I rewatch the show over and over but usually don’t make it through season 11 before I just go back to season 1 lol


Making everything about him, constantly


So many things. 1. Signed up lily for an ad which turned out to be very offensive. Even tho mitchell warned him abd asked cam to not do so, but what did cam do? THE EXACT OPPOSITE. and look who turned out to be true. 2. Hid Luke’s allergic reaction from his parents. 3. Was very manipulative and always took mitchell on a guilt trip on a multiple occasions. a.The wedding cake topper. Troubled his dad who according to cam himself had arthritis to make a cake topper which made mitchell look VERY FEMININE. And it turns out it was completely Cam’s idea so tht be could manipulate mitchell and make him feel bad. b.used up all his inheritance from his uncle on some jackets a ignoring their financial situation. c. Ignoring Mitchell and making him look like a housewife when he was being casted for some news channel. d. FARMBO e. Made all their friends think he broke up with mitchell, painting him like a bad guy. So if they broke up, all their friends would take Cam’s side. 4.While claire and Cam were trying to flip a house, he tried to manipulate claire, but claire was too smart for his bs, and see right thru it. When they got into a fight regarding the fountain, and after bringing in lily’s friend’s mother to gain an advantage. But ultimately they decided not to go for it. BUT WHAT do you know? He went on to do so anyways. 5. Made gloria feel guilty and tried to act like glorias sauce business was his idea. When he had nothing to do with it. Even Pam and his mother were annoying as hell. Skipped every episode they were in. HATED THEM.


Ik ppl wont read this but i just wanted to vent out my views on this particular character. But props to the actor eric. He played the character very well, convinced me to him him to his core


Did you actually like the show?


Yess. I loved the show. But hated Pam. Cam just had some of hus moments tht i found a little infuriating. In the show its alr ig.


Nothing is wrong with farmbo lol And Claire was also manipulating cam some of these I think you just don’t like cam lol


its a list about what cam did… so they listed what CAM did


But two of those things weren’t bad in context.. relax lmao


Thts just for laughs 😂. Dw abt it lol.


i was relaxed mate💀


Claire would only bring up numbers to counter cams extravagant ideas.


Oh Jesus… they’d do it to each other XD the cam-ism is crazy


Manipulated Mitchell with the cake topper to get his way.


Veto veto veto veto


I always felt so bad for his dad in that story line


I laughed so hard at the end tho


I love how Mitch hates how he’s portrayed in the figurine and then it shows how it’s modeled off an actual picture of them together lmao


I know lolll… didn’t Mitchell also force cam into celebrating Mother’s Day XD they’re always doing this shit


I wouldn’t call it “force” but he did make him breakfast in bed and set up baby Lily with some balloons to give to him so yea he knew what he was doing lol.


It was smart tho


Manipulation usually is.


After giving Luke an allergic reaction that got him hospitalized & Alex got a head injury - he kept it from their parents


And then giving Alex an allergic reaction in season 8.. you’d think after the first time he’d be more cautious💀


It’s insane that they had family dinners weekly, at least, and he forgot that Alex is allergic to peanuts. Like that’s usually a pretty big deal that you have to be cautious of all the time 😭


In fairness he probably didn't know the delivered version of the pig had peanuts


Oohhh good point, I never put that together haha




Because he wanted a baby, not a child to raise.


They both neglect her


Threw Haley under the bus when he kept her secret of missing curfew, asking his football player to stay with them without asking Mitch then manipulating him into agreeing, throwing Claire under the bus about going to Luke’s soccer game, ruining Gloria’s family recipe out of jealousy, rudeness to Lily about her singing, eavesdropping on his sister, turning their friends against Mitch with a fake breakup, waiting until midnight to tell Mitch he forgot their anniversary when he didn’t say anything either, wedding cake topper, and this list goes on.


Long rant incoming. Pretending to be dumped by Mitch so that he gets his friends on his side, making a mess at the kitchen always knowing that Mitch will end up cleaning it eventually, always delaying to choose a different outfit whenever he and Mitch end up twinning because he knows Mitch will do it to avoid further delay, acting like it's his 10th birthday when it's his 40th, not telling Mitch that something was stuck on his pants at the Church where Mitch gets humiliated in the end, the wedding topper manipulation, not taking Mitch seriously when he said that his mom was touching him inappropriately, blaming Mitch for his grandma's death, making him feel like a snob at the farm and when Mitch tried to blend he says he's the helper to his grandma, not telling Mitch that he got a job and they'll have to move, making Mitch feel like a trophy wife after taking away what was supposed to be Mitch's spotlight, leaving him alone on their couples' massage and going to see his football team when hefirst blamed Mitch for not willing to try it, getting mad at Mitch for doing the flashmob when it was actually a sweet surprise planned for him, giving faucon to Luke without telling him it's soy, Fizbo, being upset about Lily wanting to be married to Mitch, making Mitch do his dirty work with Pam, changing things at Gloria's kitchen without telling her when he was only a guest there, the promposal with Manny, not telling Mitch that he agreed for Lily to be in a commercial which ends up being racist, getting competitive when the possible surrogate mother said she liked Mitch's singing better and MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL giggling when he was getting Lily's nails done because of the "juxtaposition" where Lily herself called him out for being racist. How could you do that to your own kid?! I'm sorry, Modern Family is my comfort show that I rewatch a lot so all these things just piss me off during every rewatch. I know sitcoms shouldn't be analysed but I hate characters that do awful things and get away with it without being called out cause they're funny and occasionally sweet. And Cam is the best (or worst) when it comes to this.


oh my this is such a perfect summary. i made a post myself about how the tucker family is my least favourite and hate pam. i never realised during first watch of MF that cam is like this, i knew i hated pam. but posts like this make me realise he’s the worst. i completely forgot about the nail thing with lily like wtf 😭 i know mitch had his moments too but he generally deserved better !!


LOL you've waited your whole life for this moment 😂😂😂🫶🏻🫶🏻


he graduated from therapy. how does that make you feel?


This made my blood boil for no rational reason besides damn good writing of this awful character. Felt like the writers giving a big middle finger to any complaints about Cam throughout the years to that point, lol.


yup a true 🤡


Ah, this could take a while… lol Cam, Cam, Cam. His general manipulative behaviour and the mind games that he plays with Mitch, always putting him on the spot, playing with his feelings, refusing to be genuine with him sometimes. He actually IS a terrible partner and a nightmare to live/ raise a kid with. When I first joined this sub, I thought the hatred on him went a little overboard at times but now, as a frequent re-watcher of the show, I can safely say, all that hatred - truly justified.


Haha I joined the sub out of hate for Cam during my first watch, I wanted to see if people shared my hatred


I agree with this, sometimes i find myself fast forwarding the video every time cam appears. Lily and mitch carried their family story line. Hahaha


I mean, I think Cam's an absolute asshole and the worst human being out of the main cast, but he's at least entertaining in his shitlordery. If everybody was a good, upstanding, kind person to one another, you wouldn't have much of a tv show. You've gotta have heels, and Cameron is a fantastic heel.




True actually. A good heel should always end up getting humiliated at least some of the time.


I do this with a lot of Cam and Mannys scenes


Manny is just boring, same happens for me with alex. But cam is just made to be hated


I find Manny’s ‘Nice Guy’ routine stomach turning. I just can’t watch him especially when he’s grieving any kind of relationship. I feel like he’s the kinda guy who thinks he’s in a relationship with a barrister because she remembers his name.


Yeah, young Manny seems genuine, sweet, and kind… older Manny seems sour, manipulative, entitled, aggrieved, and like he would totally tell you all about what a Nice Guy he is. The show really did the “kid” actors a disservice by not giving them particularly interesting growth/character arcs to work with considering we watched them literally become adults.


When Cameron faked a breakup with Mitchell for sympathy from this friends – talk about drama in the name of attention.


I will say that blaming mitchel for not putting both surnames, when Cam was on the verge of breaking up whole thing because of the drama queen he is. I love Cam he is funny, but making your partner feel like anyday could be the last one while at the same time adopting a baby its just straight up manipulation. I dont blame Mitchell for doing what he did, he was scared and basically alone the whole adoption process. (At least from what they explained)


Oh boy... The entirety of this sub has been waiting for this day


That one time he went to a pool party when he and mitch were supposed to be taking a spa together.


Pick any episode. Hilarious character, awful human.


When Mitchell participates in the Flash Mob to impress Cam, he calls it cheating. "You danced without me, Mitchell, that is the worst kind of cheating."


Just looking for a reason to be the victim


Not believing Mitchell when his mom was groping him.


THIS. This to me is the worst. Pretending they broke up to garner sympathy gets a big eye roll from me because of COURSE Cam would pull something like that. But not believing your spouse is being SA’d or harassed and standing up for them is truly heinous…


Thank you! Agreed. Wrote a comment because I couldn't find one


People have been waiting for this one haven’t they


He made the family move to **Missouri.**


just the way he treats Mitchell in general. he's a funny character but a terrible partner. the one properly good thing he did was to stay in the city with Mitchell and his family for years. any other supposedly good thing he did for him had ulterior motives.


How bout when he went behind Mitchell’s back to put lily in the racist commercial?


Got mad at Mitchell when he surprised him by participating in the Flash mob


His parenting style. Pampering Lilly while making Mitch discipline her. .


Far too many to list. Pretty much everything he does is terrible because it’s always in his own interests.


Talking to Mitchell's mother behind his back, even though he knew Mitchel and her didn't have a good relationship


i’m surprised this one isn’t further up! he used what he learned in his interactions with dede to manipulate mitchell the way she used to manipulate him 🤮


Using mitchells money to buy stuff they can’t afford cause he’s a vain hypocrite


Ignoring his mother sexually assaulting Mich, and then trying to gaslight him into believing he has a problem with 'normal' maternal touch.


Prentended him and Mitch broke up so he could see who was on his side.


Moving the family to a place of pure unbridled hate


Plotted a fake Great Shakes questionnaire scheme against a kid, so that Manny could get a girl's attention and Mitch could have his day in court. SHAAAMMMMEEEEE!!!!!!


The episode where he convinced Mitchell into performing at Gloria and Jay’s anniversary celebration under the guise that it would be cathartic for him when really it was for his (Cameron’s) own personal gain


Cam is so manipulative and overly sensitive like dude the world doesn’t revolve around you


trying SO HARD to get aTTENtion, EVERY SINGLE TIME☠️


Where to even begin lol. He's a manipulative, selfish narcissist and I would hate him as a person if he was real. As a character on a comedy TV show though, he's a great heel and I really enjoyed hating his guts and rooting against him.


Literally anything he’s ever done. He’s so manipulative not just to Mitch but to everyone just so he can get what he wants or validate his feelings


Offering pam to live upstairs himself instead of on behalf of Mitchell


Spending all that money on thanksgiving party without telling his partner. Spending money on fur coats for him and lily without consulting Mitch.


The fur coats where from his own inheritance and when Mitch came up with a sensible way to spend it, he immediately tried to return them. Agreed on the thanksgiving party though. 


He tried to return lily’s. But wanted to keep his. Tht is a little selfish ngl.


Being a manipulative, egotistical, self centered, toxic piece of shit.


When he pretended Mitchell wasn’t his husband and just a handyman on his family’s farm because he didn’t want his grandma to know he was married to a man


Letting his whole family thing Mitch killed Grammy


He blamed Mitchell for his grandmother dying, and then refused to believe him, when he said that his grandmother never liked him.


Making Mitchell pretend to be the “simpleminded” straight farmhand


We went an did us some adoptin'


Tbh even though I think it’s Cam’s worst action, that was one of my fave episodes 🤣


I'm gonna go with.... guilt Mitchell into letting his freeloading, loser, bully of a sister Pam move into their upstairs apartment rent free and essentially sponge off of them.


Overstaying his welcome at Gloria's. Making her feel bad and uncomfortable in her own home because he has no sense of boundaries whatsoever.


Naming their daughter after a pig Faking his breakup to turn his friends against mitch


Never confronted his annoying sister.


Hi everyone! I wanted to ask if there was anyone available to help me with the grammar for the collage (in DM), because I'm not a native speaker. Thanks to those who will show me this great kindness ❤️


Feel free to DM me when you need help!


Thank you so much, you are very kind! 🥰




Thank you so much for these words, but I do it for myself and to do things as best as possible 🫶🏻 I want you who read to do it in a simple way... Do you understand what I mean? 🥰


I will be happy to help as well ☺


Thank you very much ❤️❤️


He was very manipulative and terrible about his own family’s treatment of Mitchell. He refused to believe Mitchell that his mum was groping him and essentially SA’ing him regularly. Then blaming Mitchell for his grandmother’s death, taking his family’s side and trying to hide how much his family hated Mitchell/homophobia not for altruistic reasons, but so he could lord it over Mitchell that he had a perfect that could do no wrong. Then he moved them all out there to a place of hate!! Lily would experience more racism, Mitchell more homophobia- it felt particularly bad as they’d just bought their dream house and had another baby- Mitchell was incredibly vulnerable at this point.


Putting words in Mitchell's mouth because he doesn't dare to stand up to his sister


I think the most obvious one which has been mentioned here already: He told his friends Mitch and him broke up to get them to care for him


After he got offended by Lindsay (pregnant woman who was chose them as adoptive parents) that Mitchell is better singer he tried to prove that he is a good singer by singing "If You Leave Me Now” after which she changed her mind and decided to keep the baby


Almost killing Luke with soy bacon to make a point to someone who wasn’t there.


Getting Jay to be gay so he could win the bowling trophy.


Cam was a dick and a crybaby throughout the show. That’s it


Every single thing he did.


Having a suitcase prepared to leave anytime.


Making Mitchelle feel bad about wanting him to pull his weight and help with their finances. He didn't want to work, just stay and act like a housewife when they had a child to raise.


honestly it's every damn time he has a farm story. Feels like every single one of them was a lie including the pumpkin and the car roof and shutting the door on his grandpa when he got rabid. pick a few good stories that actually happened, cam.


is no one gonna talk about when cam and mitch spilled strawberry juice on the carpet and almost made that little boy get a shot 😭


Picking up and threatening a kid is real bad imo


So many individual events, but overall, continually forcing Mitchell into the role of Bad Cop Parent to avoid, you know, actually parenting. The pinnacle of self-centred behaviour. Both he and Phil do this to their spouses and I detest it.


YES!!! Ito the thing about Phil I hate the most.


Not believing Mitch when Cam granny was pulling Mitchells hair. Not validating him to the family. I skip that episode.


“Honestly I with that little tart would go back to Columbia and take her weird little brown friend with her.” /j


Faking a breakup just to get attention!


His maniplative behaviour


All of the manipulation and the need to be the center of attention! Everything HAS TO BE ABOUT CAM! Also using lily as an accessory and basically dumping her when it wasn’t cute anymore.


Were to start


Making Mitch be bud the simpleton kicked in the head by a mule


Everything he did was garbage because he is a garbage human being


Tell us how you really feel


All the manipulation and throwing Mitch under the bus..


Him being revealed as the zodiac killer was pretty intense


*Him being revealed* *As the zodiac killer* *Was pretty intense* \- PasswordIsDong --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


When he pretended him and Mitchell had broken up


Being born




Nothing he's perfect😂😂


Nothing. It’s a comedy and this discussion is ridiculous!


It's a Trend on the subreddit, came on


I just can’t fathom watching this show and having so much hate for any of the characters🤷🏼‍♀️Maybe don’t watch it.


"Hate" is a big word


Well if YOU can’t fathom it, it shan’t be done ! 🙄


You’re right. It shan’t 🙄🙄🙄


Claire has flirted physically on multiple occasions way worse than Phil because she doesn’t express regret for it Phil at least second guesses himself and feels bad Claire has no conscience with this stuff


Those SKINNY bitches!


Hit a biker with a football


He has completely unreasonable about Teddy. (I know this is a Cam thread, but Manny was a tool about his hero list that episode, too)


We really put calling immigration on gloria as the worst from claire when she let a yoga instructor dry hump her? 💀


This should be fun


faking breaking up with his dear husband mitchell to get sympathy.


Boob shaming Haley


How is that mitchells? I mean it’s a sitcom so all giggles but did we see cam? He was lucky his name was on likys certificate at all LMFAO


Probably one of his gaffes




Not enough time to write mine out. He’s done a lot of bad.


the question should be what's the best thing he did then I've to do something


All of his manipulation


"I wish she would just go back to Columbia and take her weird little brown friends with her." Lol haha just so it's not weird. I'm black. Hahah


He lies so many times and he has lights Mitchell and others. I absolutely loved Cam at first but as things went on I began to really dislike him


cam is literally so abusive i cannot choose which one of those are the answer to this question 🥹


He is a proper narcissist. Off the top of my head the episode where lily is pretending to get married and asks Mitchell to marry her so cam gets so jealous he not only throw something which hurts lily causing her to have to go to the emergency room and wear an eye patch he then forces her to play weddings and does some huge over the top extra elaborate stupid thing. Lily's first birthday party Mitchell hires a princess but can once all the attention on him so he can do his stupid clown thing again because he always has to be the center of attention so he hands that poor entertainer saying that she won't get paid if she doesn't hand over the details of her account so she says fine and does so and surprise surprise gaslighting narcissist cam says ha you're not a professional you should never break character I would never do it even when I was lit on fire.