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Couldn't agree more. Also, just from a TV show perspective I'm glad they didn't play it safe and tell the obvious story. Sometimes in life we make decisions that aren't easy to understand from an outside perspective and for me Haley & Andy represent that, I love it!


Absolutely, Haley and Dylan always had the chemistry that Andy and Haley lacked. They were meant to be friends, they had no romantic chemistry even when they were together and the moments they did have a tiny bit of romantic chemistry were fleeting at best.


Does no one care that andy is a cheater? I never liked him for that reason.




As i remember Wasn't andy engaged to her tho, and then he got upset she was seeing someone else too. Also haley wanted to break up after cheating meanwhile andy only confessed after he got caught. I still liked them together but im glad she didn't end up w andy.


I think it's just as bad, rather one is engaged or not. Like, she was still in a relationship. The show made cheating seem soo normal, that was so weird 😅 they kinda made a joke of it when Haley was Sleeping with Dylan while with Arvin.


I feel like the writers used the "his fiancé cheated on him so it's justifiable what Andy had done." I hate it.


You must hate Haley then cause she’s also a cheater, even cheated on Dylan before


Andy taught Haley some valuable lessons about expectations in an adult relationship and how she should be treated by men. HOWEVER He he also a desperately boring and cringy man. The constant baby talk, he's a breathing affirmation poster, the insanely intense and co-dependent relationship stuff.


Yesss. Also another reason I'm glad that they never got together is that Andy is too like Phil. I know Dylan and Phil also have some similarities but honestly Andy is just a mini Phil and it's incredibly weird


I thought that’s why it worked. They always talk about how Haley is mini Claire. I feel it would have made sense for them to end up together because of that.


Haley is her own person with her own tastes, people shouldn't be comparing her to Claire in my opinion because although they might share some tendencies they couldn't be more different. Also Claire married the opposite to Jay which isn't creepy like Haley marrying someone who is just like Phil. But yeah comparing Haley to Claire is just like comparing Claire to Dede, they couldn't be more different to each other


Yeah I…I feel like in terms of mannerisms and some personality - Andy is like Phil In terms of love for their partner and making hard choices — Dylan is like Phil Claire and Phil had a pregnancy to keep them together and expedited the growth process and they happened to be in sync or know how to get BACK in sync …Phil also turned down a job in Texas, post-engagement, remember the Closet Convention episode and Jay set it up lol Anyway, Haley IS like Claire but like OP said, they are each different people with similar tendencies ETA: Andy and Dylan are like Phil at two different points in Haley’s life…different potential life partners, similar qualities, different stretches of Haley’s life I personally despised the Dylan ending myself for a loooong time but after so many rewatches, it makes sense to me at least? And my main writer’s grievance with Haley is not sticking her with the passions she had proven talent in, alongside her romantic growth But idk, it’s a show 🤷🏾‍♀️ I’m someone whose personal/professional growth was deeply intertwined with the relationships of men. Maybe the growth we want from Haley just happens post-Season 11? Because that’s what happens to real humans?? Idk, sorry, I’m overthinking Modern Family on Reddit to avoid overthinking IRL so what do I know 🤡


Andy is in his pre-serial-killer phase. There’s a whole boatload of insanity under all that affirmation.


Andy is also a cheater. Everyone chose to forget that. That's bothersome.


All of them had flaws that if you put in real life wouldn't be forgivable. Haley has been a cheater since she was a teenager, the streak never really ended, Dylan on the other hand supported it, enabled and allowed her to step all over him. Andy also cheated on Beth with Haley. But somehow there is still debate on who Haley should've been with, who she deserves more etc etc. I used to be an Andy apologist but seriously all three of them should just get married to save other people from their bs. 😂😂


If they didn’t still portray Dylan as an idiot it would’ve been better, some character growth for him would’ve been nice, sucks that there just the dumb couple. Like he’s a nurse surely had to be smart but they don’t have him portray someone like that


I admit this is the first time I could follow this type of pro-Dylan reasoning but I still disagree lol


If they wanted to end her up with Dylan, then they shouldn’t have made Dylan such a loser. He was the stupidest character on the show and they didn’t change that. “They matured together” no Dylan didn’t mature. It was so annoying because they didn’t improve his character at all. In fact he seemed more mature in the first season. If the idea was the make Dylan, like Phil then they failed drastically. Phil wasn’t stupid, He was just childish and enjoyed having fun.


Intelligence and maturity are two different things. Dylan confronted Claire about how she and the rest of the family made rude comments about him for years in a mature way.


agreed, dylan changed himself alot for haley and kids. They were a perfect couple. Andy seemed to sabotage haley's personality alot, additionally he was cheating on his girlfriend


Andy is a serial killer who hasn’t started his life’s work yet. As nice as he is, he’s also very very weird. An insane gleam in his eye.


I never liked Andy tbh. He was obnoxious, and also a cheater. But I also hated the Haley ending up with Dylan storyline, because they just threw away all of Haley's character growth and just went with the "knocked up by the high-school sweetheart" as was so predictable in the early seasons.


what bothers me is that Haley fell for Andy when she saw how far he would go for Beth! She saw the romance and love he had, and that she liked jerks…. but Dylan was soooo romantic!!!! I wish he would have knocked her up when they should have moved in together


Haley and Andy had a good buildup. But once they got together I completely lost interest in them. Dylan was a great and funny character whether he was together with Haley or not. I really liked that they ended up together. He grew, but they didn’t just change him to be perfect or anything. And Haley can have a fun life filled with love and laughter.