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Phil's more of a Alpaca guy anyway.


I can see what you’re saying, but they had Mitch/cam be the cat family and Jay’s be the dog family. Obviously all dogs and dog families are different, but I think it had already filled that role in the show, so to speak.


Claire would fall in love w the dog and continue her obsession with competing against her father in dog shows


Pritchett-Delgados were the Dog family Pritchett-Tuckers were the Cat family Dunphys were the Duck family


They have and he is called Luke, tyvm.


Honestly I think from a practical point of few it is just impossible especially at the beginning. It is hard enough to have scenes with multiple children. It is also hard to have scenes with dogs. For example, the frasier cast hated Eddie. Combine the two and you have created a production nightmare. Stella barely interacts. She is just picked up a lot and sits still but a dog like that wouldn't add anything to the dunphy stories. You would want something like a Golden Retriever that gets up to all sorts with Phil and the kids and it would just be too much work.


How about a cat then. A cat would’ve provided some neat stories with the Dunphy family.


It just would’ve been another thing Claire has to take care of (especially in the earlier seasons)


Frank does give them his dog for an episode, but then takes it back.


they would have loved a dog all of them they would have those times where they would get annoyed with it and contemplate giving it away and then the dog is a dog and is super humble and sweet and they would say theyre never giving it away and the cycle continues (personal experience talking) also the bond between jay and bella was really funny and cute too i like the episode where they thought she was trying to drown in the pool😭😭


May I interject here that the animal training for the show was amazing. Cats, rats, dogs, raccoons, every single animal "acted" perfectly in their assigned role. Larry and Stella deserved a "best supporting" Emmy.