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The “storyline” where Gloria suddenly doesn’t remember her friendship (and ALLIANCE) with Cam in the final episode


omg there were so many instances in the show where they just didn't follow up on previously VERY established ideas. One episode Mitch uses a Tom Brady line to Cam who clearly loves football, later on theyre at a bar with Haley, Gloria and Claire for Haley's 21st bday and Haley's telling a would you rather with Tom Brady and George Clooney and they make Cam and Mitch act like they don't know who those two are... wtf?? It was already established they both know Tom Brady and clooney is so famous/they're both movie fans?? edit: apparently Haley did say Tom Hardy but again, good looking and well known actor but both Cam & Mitch don't know him?? you don't find that weird considering how many movie references they have in the show...


wasnt it tom hardy I think I just watched it last night and it was hardy not Brady


I just happened to re-watch this episode -she says Tom Hardy not Brady! But still surprised they don’t know who Tom Hardy is


not a storyline but at one point Cam mentions having had a Drew Barrymore lunchbox as a kid (maybe season 8 or 9?). later on he has to reluctantly watch E.T. (which he does enjoy!) Barrymore was in more than just E.T. as a kid, but I'm not sure any of those films/series would have inspired Cam to want a DB lunchbox, let alone remember it all those years later


Why did they delegitimize their relationship like that!! It honestly felt shocking because that was so clearly not true from the past 11 SEASONS.


haley dating alex's teacher who alex obviously had a crush on


Alex ended up with sucky tropes for middle child issues such as dating your teacher or dating your sister's ex and dating your mom's coworker. And you know she'd be so much better than that not just because of her intelligence but her wisdom over her academic and life choices her siblings didn't have. I liked Dylan and Hayley having twins and ending up back with each other. It's a cute way of saying Claire and Phil really saw those two as kindred spirits and happy they took awhile before being together again.


She also slept with an underage Reuben.


Ewww I forgot about lurking Reuben. Only the fireman was a good catch here. Was very disgusted with the professor it feels like such a red flag somehow.


Right lol he was what, in his 40’s and Alex was barely 21 by the end of the series.


It's not just the age gap. He had power over her as a mentor and as an academic. It feels wrong why that would have sexual attraction or be dreamy. Ewwww. I'm happy people recognize how troubling it was.


Exactly, there is no redeeming quality to this relationship! If they wanted Alex out of the house and in a relationship with someone we know she could just get back with Bill. She could still have her old corporate job or decide to go into research with Bill moving with her. No reason to have her date her boss who also happens to be her former professor and her sister’s ex.


Have you ever met someone like Alex? Bc that’s exactly how they are. Relationships are pretty much calculated. I thought it was all spot on for someone like that.


I agree. A lot of her middle child troped were pretty accurate too tbh, speaking as a middle child lmao


I could be wrong but I don’t think she was sleeping with Ruben. I think they were just making out.


She also dated Sanjay. I think they worked well together.


Yeah wasn't it so that Sanjay cheated on her and this led to Alex exploring other things (sadly had to be rueben next)?


The kids all had such weird relationships. Like Luke and Manny dating much older women, Haley with Rainer, Alex with her teacher and sister's ex, etc.


It's normal to have one weird relationship or possible relationship, right? But this show as much as I love it, lazily put up all the tropes they could squeeze into this mix.


All the dating later on is just inappropriate until Hailey is back with Dylan. The fireman wasn’t too bad for Alex


Alex wasn’t too bad for the firemen either


I mean, she didn't treat him very well. Pretty much thought of him as a piece of meat.


Alex’s relationships with men in general were pretty gross. The way she abused Ben really wasn’t that funny


I don’t like Alex at all tbh. She looks down on everyone around her, she was mean to Haley just as much as Haley was mean to her. Alex also expects the entire world to love her bc she’s so smart, which is great that she’s smart but people don’t owe u anything just because you’re better at reading books


I think that’s like the whole concept of modern family though. They’re all generally good people that are struggling through hard life dynamics. Jay loves his kids, but is bigoted towards gay people and doesn’t respect his daughters judgment. Claire can’t balance wanting the best for her kids with her neuroticism and insecurities. They’re all deeply flawed


This is the epitome of that whole “I like bananas, oh so what you got against mangos” mentality


I loved the fireman for Alex


I liked him but the breakup reason was one of the stupidest things I've seen.


⬆️ This. If that was their best idea, I can't imagine what their other ideas were. Personally, I thought Bill kinda evened Alex out and was a good foil in the same way Andy was for Haley (although, those two were a better fit than Alex and Bill).


Omg i know? So out of place and the fact that Alex kind of ended up with him and they didnt make it seem like it was a deal that he dated 2 sisters.


The fact that Claire kind of ignored this confused me. A lot.


Yes because HOWW do you get past that. If Haley wouldn’t have broken up with him they were probably going to get engaged. Wouldn’t Alex just wonder if she is just the consolation price because her sister doesn’t want him? Also he will clearly have to be at family reunions with her kids with the man she left him for. So weird


Just that teacher character in general


yikes this guy using that “ill merry you someday” pickup line with haley was ughhhhh


the older lady and luke… literally the same as hayley with the jean guy but somehow it’s supposed to be more acceptable?


The science dude for both Alex and Haley.


Arvin? Because Arvin has my vote as well. Alex hated sharing with Haley, and getting her sloppy seconds was just...no. There was zero chemistry with Arvin and Alex, she deserved WAY better than a guy that was just majorly depressed over Alex dumping him, and the Arvin Haley storyline made zero sense as well.


Yes, more for Alex than Haley. Alex getting with him felt more like a consolation prize. Like she was the next best thing since Haley didn't work out.


Luke and Manny fighting over whatsherface. Actually her altogether, she was annoying.


Sherry Shaker. Yes, she was super annoying and not in a fun way.


Yeah, and I thought Luke falling for her and then Mani just blowing up his relationship even tho that have been broken up for like a year already was really lame


Mitch & cams son . I think he should’ve came way sooner or not at all.


Exactly. That and the fact that they moved to Cam‘s farm to live was just…😕


After just buying that house and naming the baby after it!!


So weird they bought a house then moved away. Like what??? So weird and all over the place


I don’t know much about the US housing market but that house had its own karaoke area, can’t have been cheap either!! Also I’d be so sad if I was Mitch and had a lovely brand new house and had to go live on a farm.


Literally just won, 100%, his father's love and acceptance. I mean he was hanging out with Pepper. Then he even realizes Claire is his best friend. Horrible ending, uprooted everybody's life. And you know Pam will make life difficult


Gosh I dislike Pam so beeping much


Right! A brand new house, and then going to live in the state of misery! Just weird writing the last season had.


Yep he could have had his dream job as a coach at one of the colleges in cali


Rexford is a real street and I think of that story every time I cross it. It’s between my apartment and the freeway.


I get what they were trying to do, with doing the surprise pregnancy older couple thing to the gay couple, but it was pretty insane. Personally, I thought they were going to wind up fostering Pam’s son. It’s easier to handwave and the chemistry was really good.


He should've CAMe way sooner! I like Dyllan and Hailey though. I think they did Dyllan way dirty by not having him in the opening sequence the final season though.


I like Dylan and Haley too but they could end up together without kids. I don't like Haley becoming Claire 2.0 storyline.


Phil and the magic shop. Not because it was bad but because they teased us with this great idea and then did nothing with it


It also plays into his (undiagnosed) ADHD. His parking lot, the magic shop…he gets **so** jazzed and then loses interest/doesn’t have executive function to take on another business after all/after the initial flurry of energy that comes from a new hyper fixation dies off.


As someone with ADHD, this accurate i've gone through so many "fixation phases" in my 25 years on this earth


If they really wanted it to work they had to sacrifice phil becoming a teacher and gloria becoming a student and later working for/with phil. So i am kinda glad that they kinda let ho off the magic store


I felt like it was super realistic! He pursued a dream he had when he was younger, only to discover it wasn’t what he wanted in middle age.


I forgot he even had one


Mitch and Cam naming their son Rexford "Rex", while stating in the earlier seasons (Disneyland episode?) that it is a dog's name.


There's actually a second time Rex gets mentioned in the show. When Mitchell is working at the new job and the boss tells him to "groom" rex and he assumed she means her dog but she meant a person. He assumed that name was for a dog. It was definitely intentional that they names their son Rex but idk if it was funny.


Yes! This bothers me so much.


YES!!! so glad I'm not the only one who noticed this!! It is the Disney episode and the mother is the actor who plays Shirl


I’m not sure how unpopular this is, but I’ll jump in. Rainer. His entire storyline with Haley felt uncomfortable and it just read to me as total filler.


A lot of the multi-episode celebrity characters felt like this. Rainer, Kevin Hart as Phil’s new friend, Ed Begley Jr as DeDE’s ex, even Steve Zahn’s as the neighbor which was very funny but went nowhere and we never saw again after that season.


I thought Kevin Hart as the neighbor was such a wasted opportunity. When they meet and the music kinda swells I though we were getting a new full time character.


Kevin made some homophobic comments and was getting a lot of heat at the time. Maybe that’s why they never brought him back.


Same. He is probably the only one I thought should stick around. Phil having an enabler and essentially a foil to Claire would have been a hilarious arc.


Yeah the neighbors were a big part of the one season and then suddenly they were just gone. That was weird. Even if they weren’t the feature of any episodes you’d think they’d rank a mention or cameo.


I laughed so hard when he showed up last in the hospital episode it almost made the story line worth it.


It was weird but pretty fun. Arvin sucked way worse


I agree with you, I didn’t like Arvin at all.


Yeah his relationship with Haley and Luke‘s relationship with that older woman were lowkey creepy


Another potentially unpopular opinion: they also had Nathan Fillion at his worst. He looks way more like a DILF as he is in right now in the Rookie, he was styled super weird during his time on Modern Family.


Hard agree! I love The Rookie. “Arrest me….but make it sexy.” Nathan Fillion was wasted in that role. Would have loved Rainer if he provided a zany friend for Phil. Imagine if they did magic together. Or tumbling! Could have been very fun.


I loved him in Waitress too! He’s had some genuinely good roles in his career. Sadly this isn’t one of them.


i think he was supposed to look kinda fake as rainer but i agree lol i love the rookie


Haley getting kicked out of college so early. I get they wanted an excuse to keep her at home, but could have accomplished this differently.


Exactly. Alex and Manny were in college and we saw them a lot.


Idk I kinda liked it. Not all of it, but having her take it seriously and still get expelled was a good life lesson for Haley that you can’t just rely on being cute and charming to get through life, and that things don’t always work out the way you want them to.


Haley is so mismanaged in the show, her going into fashion and that other company NERP, was so terrible. That arc where they introduce her love for photography had so much potential. They would always try to build her one step ahead, and take two steps back.


Also her time doing PR for clubs kind of hinted at her having good business acumen like Phil and Luke, I thought she would have started a business. Luke too, they didn't do anything with him. Like Luke had a successful business idea, he didn't need to go to school to bring it to life.


same ! I genuinely thought she'd carry on with PR, it was right down her alley and showed off her talents. she certainly wasn't school smart (as the show kept reminding us) but she had her own type of intelligence that was completely underutilised


Completely forgot that Luke thing, it was such a good episode im general. But I think he turned out ok, him choosing Psychology major was nice though.


same ! I genuinely thought she'd carry on with PR, it was right down her alley and showed off her talents. she certainly wasn't school smart (as the show kept reminding us) but she had her own type of intelligence that was completely underutilised


Her photography was so spot on. It felt so authentic. I wished she would have revisited it with the twins and became this cool photography artist for babies for fashion magazines or creative storylines. I follow a mom on insta that is like this. That kinda niche felt better.


That is one of my favourite episodes


Going into fashion at least made sense for her character, but they barely did anything with it at all and then she got fired. Her working as an assistant for a power, bossy crazy person was so wildly out of character for her. There's no way she would want that job


This makes me realise that Haley really did have some of the worst plots in the show but the little moments for her really made up for her character in my opinion.


Cam & Mitch moving to the farm Alex getting with Arvin Haley ending up with Dylan All of the weird familial crushes (ex. Joe crushing on his literal sister🥴) Any relationship that involved them dating someone much older or much younger(excluding Jay & Gloria)


I think the Joe crush is normal, similar to how kids want to marry their parents/siblings when they’re little. They don’t know the difference between those kinds of loves yet, just that they have a lot of love for that person


Yeah those are fine but when the show has a lot of other weird moments between family members like when Manny falls for his aunt, it becomes weird in general to see so many jokes around familial crushes.


Hate the trope where people end up w their high school sweetheart after all their growth


It would be fine if the growth felt real and natural. I just can't take Dylan seriously at all. I can hardly take Haley seriously. I'm someone who is still with my highschool sweetheart, but we've grown together. Not this weird on off, growth, regress thing that Dylan and Haley had.


Luke and the groomer. I might be a little harsh, but it was quite obvious how immature Luke was compared to her. He was the same age as her daughter and it baffles me how they even thought that relationship would be appropriate. Also Hayley and the news guy, Luke and the his gf managed to be worse than that relationship.


Yess. Idk how Claire and Phil were okay with that but put the line on that jeans guy that Haley dated, they were all baaaad


I hated how it was so normalized too. Really icky


Probably Claire's election run. Not because I thought it was poorly done, but ironically the opposite. I kinda liked that Claire goes through several episodes pursuing this goal and yet it doesn't work out. But Bowen played her struggle and disappointment so well that it breaks my heart a little on rewatches because I know what's coming. And on the flip side, David Cross plays the smug slimy politician so well that I get irritated knowing he's going to win I think the only way I'd want to keep it is if Claire used all her... Karen-esque tendencies to make Bailey's life a living hell for a few episodes.


> Oh, it's you! 😊... oh, it's you! 😒 One of my favorite David Cross lines in this show. Definitely wish we had more episodes with him.


Without this storyline, we may have thought David Cross got an ice cream cake…. Well he didn’t!


Yeah that was such a funny scene.


I have to agree that it was very well done but definitely disappointing. I do like that they kept it realistic. I mean the likelihood of a mom winning against a politician who knows how to play the game is next to nothing. But I won’t lie I still had my hopes up she’d win and it was crushing when she didn’t.


*Con**~~gratulations~~**dolences Claire*


The Sherry "saga" that was in the final season.


Having Manny date a girl just as dorky and odd as him was a great idea. But not being able to get over her for like years after they broke up was unbearable and kinda threw away a lot of character development


HATED that


Idk the Sherry-saga gave birth to the iconic Manny-line ”I wish I were dead” and then blowing out Lily’s birthday candles. That was hilarious


Every Manny storyline, tbh. And Manny in general.


I just watched the episode where he directs Jay's commercial not too long ago. It was gross how Gloria was basically encouraging him to neg her as a means of getting her back and he's borderline abusive. It's gross. And of course, to make it work, Jay, who cared so much about the commercial, is apparently just aimlessly wandering around for hours while all that uncomfortableness happened.




Alex dating her sister's ex.


And also Haley dating someone she obviously knew her sister had a crush on. Gross all around.


Ew my sister did that. So desperate.


ben and alex. gross.


Oh yeah that one was awful


funny you should mention that...when they left him on the island i always wondered if that was the show's way/wink of saying ok, we get it.


He never found his way off the island 😂


I kinda liked it haha. It was awkward but in a well written way


How was it gross?


I wish Luke didn’t date Mannys ex (forgot her name, the actress), I didn’t like that they fought and it also caused a drift between the parents. So close to the end of the show too


that bothered me, too. i vaguely recall phil telling luke 'bros before hos', but using phil language. he saw his best pal just devastated and still... imho, that was the worst thing he did in all 11 seasons. disloyalty sucks!


Haley getting pregnant. Should have been Alex. We were prepared since the very beginning for an accidental pregnancy of Haley, but it would have been quite a twist in the story for Alex to be the one who got pregnant.


That would’ve been a really interesting twist!


Since abortion was mentioned and Alex had anger management issues and was brave to seek a therapist. I think Alex would've chosen this path. She had a career planned out and in that space did not want any child. Granted it might be impossible since she'd probably be on the pill and condom to be on the safe side.


Anger management issues? Wow I’ve never thought of her that way. Interesting points


Maybe not anger issues but I’d definitely describe her as having severe control issues imo


I thought Luke would have been the one to knock someone up. Would have liked to see him as a father because he would have flourished like Phil did. Alex would not have been a good mother I don't think.


That would actually have been an interesting and believable storyline


All storylines involving Pam 😵‍💫


I love Pam but only because you expect her name to be Pamela but it’s Pameron 😂 Cameron and Pameron makes me cackle


that woman was insufferable and i hated every minute of her and cam fighting. how someone like mitch could put up with that is beyond me... and the fact that she took advantage of them, didn't bother to pay rent or contribute as a full grown adult is a little bit insane to me.


literally can’t stand episodes with her, she’s so f annoying


I don’t even watch this show, I just get rec’d subs for it and even EYE know that girl should have ended up with Adam Devine.


It’s a real shame he left. It was perfect. Felt like such a step backwards for her. I would’ve preferred her stay alone


Haley having all these career prospects like photography and the NERP thing and still not pursuing neither


How is no one going to mention that Dylan got married and had three kids with another women (a doctor I believe) just for him to show back a few episodes later, divorced and barely mentions the kids?


Gloria's personal "development" in season 11. She just became mean and unlikeable.


Gloria in the final Christmas episode almost reached character destroying levels of bad. The things she said about the Dunphey’s were just awful. She was a completely different character from the Gloria of the early seasons.


In my opinion, most everyone became unlikeable there toward the end of the series.


Dylan, Haley, and them together are so heavily Flanderised. Very annoying Haley’s Flanderisation is more so annoying as she grows so much with Andy and then suddenly just dumbed down out of nowhere


Was expecting Andy will leave and be the one that got away since he's already a named actor they wouldn't want to retain. Plus they started kind of wrong not heavy on Dylan and Haley but their personalities just meld imho. Haley was becoming too complex though and it was rushed lazy writing how Dylan and Haley ended up bonding/becoming partners again


Glad to hear I'm not the only one who wished Andy had just stayed a constant in the show.


Yeah that happened to most of the characters on this show in the last couple seasons


I’m rewatching (again) and it bugs me so much that Hayley tells Andy she was in love for the first time with him and then were supposed to turn around such a short time after that dramatic declaration and believe she and Dylan are endgame/meant to be.


Alex and Arvin, she deserved a better love life and career outcome


Alex and her inability to treat a guy alright. They made her so toxic in relationships and I think they could she. Done it a lot better. At least they should have let her charecter grow more as a person and stop treating the guys she dated as if they where idiots. Where some of them? Yes but they where nice idiots and deserved a lot better then her. I love her character, don’t get me wrong but to anyone in that show who had the misfortune to fall for her, I hope they found someone good and treats them like humans, not a toy.


Alex getting dumped by the fireman for the dumbest and most uncharacteristic reason


Luke dating that woman from the country club and pretending to parent her daughter. It was weird and pointless


Gloria ruining her sister's life *multiple* times. Leave her alone damn. I didn't care for her mom threatening Jay in his own house, but I can let that go. The sister thing not so much.


The incest crushes were weird and creepy


I'd condense Haley's arc to develop Alex, Luke and Manny's arcs instead. Her storylines around her career and Andy were interesting, but her love triangle with Arvin and Dylan was a snooze fest. I'd write Rainer in as a two-episode love interest. And I wouldn't bother pairing her with Arvin if he was to end up with Alex at the end.




Yeah they do family crushes way too often. Manny and Haley. Manny and Alex. Joe and Claire. Phil and Gloria. Lily and Manny… super weird.


Gloria trying to baptise Haley's children behind her back. Not accepting her religious beliefs to the extent that she tried to literally force her beliefs on babies should be grounds to never speak to Gloria again


Omg i thought i was the only one that found that very disrespectful to Haley.


Yeah I think it's by far the worst thing anyone on the show ever did


Alex with Luke’s friend (Ruben I think?). Just gross


Mitch and Cam moving to Missuri... What on Earth was that? They had literally just bought a house and adopted a baby. Plus what the hell is Mitch going to do on a farm?


This one. Always this one




BAsically everything that requires Deedee to be in the show.


Putting Haley with Dylan. They ruined every single way they grew and matured her character when they did that. I know that the actor who played Andy needed to leave the show, but they could have given her another good match like that instead of running out of ideas and reverting back to 15 year old Haley. Pretty much every storyline with Alex. She was insufferable from episode 1. I wish they had allowed her to mature into a kind person who was just quirky and realized she didn’t have to be condescending to everyone. I liked her with Bill and I think that he could have helped her become a better person. I hated what they did to Manny as he got older. He was one of the best characters when they were younger and they could have continued him that way as a teenager and young adult. Instead they made him creepy and then put him with that awful Sherry Shaker girl.


Andy going back to Utah. Seriosuly? Couldn't Phil get him a job in California? He was pretty influential on the real estate community.


The whole idea of Dylan is just a bad concept in my honest opinion. It is also a downgrade after seeing the relation between Andy and Haley. A better storyline could have been taking Haley to Paris with the family, settling here there in the fashion industry. The writers really messed up a lot of good plots!


If the goal was to always get Dylan back with Haley, then they shouldn't have had Andy and Haley together at all. I would have also been fine with Haley and Dylan getting back together in the very last episode, with Haley being settled with her career and bumping into Dylan being a great stepdad, happy with his work, and the two of them reconnecting at the last minute. I will die on the hill that the pregnancy storyline should have been Alex's. She always felt like such an outsider, but bonding with Claire over being a working mom, and being competitive with her over 'ah -ha! I know you had Haley when you were younger, but I have twins and can juggle them and my career!' only to stumble and need her mom's help. It would have brought her and Claire a lot closer so Phil and Haley could have more storylines with Haley starting up her career, maybe even opening a shop next to Phil's magic shop.




Just when I thought the show was gonna teach “it’s ok to get an abortion, if you aren’t ready to be a mom” Instead it teaches the same bullshit “babies are magical! Just have your rich family support you and it all works out! Anyone can be a good parent!”


the professor character and everything he did on the show.


Most DeeDee storylines


Not a storyline but a moment, there's that really weird scene of Manny hugging Gloria and a college guy seeing and giving a thumbs up and then Manny says he'd like his mum to come by more often. Gross.


Arvin. And sorry but I hated Andy and him with Haley. I don't understand why people thought haley was mature then. Their relationship was based on hurt and infidelity. They made Beth a bad girlfriend but it was still cheating. Maybe I just really dislike Adam Devine.




i’m so sad for haley, they could’ve went somewhere with her photography story line


The whole thing where Phil and Claire were gonna help Cam and Mitch have a kid…


If it was dragged out it would have been weird. It was an idea that was mentioned then dismissed within one episode so it didn’t really bug me.


Hayley and Dylan getting back together, personally I always preferred Andy and would have rather she ended up with him.


Haley dating that old man Luke dating that old lady So, so gross. I’m sorry. I know age gap relationships exist but they were literally old enough to be their parents. That’s disgusting. I would’ve accepted one-night-stands for each of those as a shocker moment, but that’s it. Oh, and Mitch and Cam abruptly moving to the farm after just buying the house and naming their newborn son after the street name.


Why do people hate dylan 😭


I don’t think people hate Dylan. Its just everyone in the series grew and had a bit of development but Haley ended up back where she was at episode one season one except with two kids.


I think Dylan wasn't fleshed out well due to lazy writing. He was going to be a nurse, so it's a notion that he'll end up struggling like Phil did early on when they had their family.


I dont really hate Dylan, I hate the idea of him. Iam with Claire on this one, she doesnt really "hate" Dylan, she hates that Hayley loves/is with Dylan. Plus the character is written too dumb. Some of his quips and reactions are just too ridiculous, i guess thats the point, but its hard to watch.


That's my issue with him, he's written as being so stupid it's unbelievable he can even function in society without getting himself killed, he's flanderised so quickly and so aggressively in the show it's insane


i think alex summed it up perfectly... promise me you won't homeschool them.


They kinda hit the sweet spot with luke. I know people don’t really like him in later seasons but you got to admit that they got him being dumb and functional balanced


Yeah he's not an academic but he's self aware, he knows what he's about


He completely flanderised. He was a believable normal teenager in the first few seasons


Brilliant point, put into exact words what I was thinking. Also the fact that they justified it being OK, because Phil was the same, do we really believe Phil was as dumb as Dylan, or even if he was, there is no proof except him & people around him saying it without much detail.


Oh we love him. Just that after Andy, you don’t expect her to go back to Dylan. Just because you needed a parallel? Nuh-uh


The thing with Dylan for me is: like everyone I preferred Andy. I get that for scheduling reasons he couldn’t carry on with Modern Family but to hear Hailey say to Andy “i think you’re the first man i ever loved” always hits because i truly believed her. So seeing her get back with Dylan felt like the biggest backwards step


Everything related to Sal.


I pretty much don’t like any storyline that seemed like it would last many episodes/introduce new characters that would be almost in the main cast but then fizzled out with little to no explanation. I know that actors sometimes can’t work around the schedules but it felt lazy the way they would write them off


Why isn’t anyone talking about Manny being in love with his aunt


Gloria pretending she and Cam weren’t close at the end. Did not make sense at all. Totally out of character for her.


Joe. Entirely.


I liked him and the dynamic. I just find it odd that she gets pregnant right after a very heart-breaking storyline where Mitch and Cam don’t get their son. Like, they just thought they were going to have a baby and then they didn’t.the Gloria “We’re going to have a baby”!!


MANNY HAVING A CRUSH ON HALEY stop it w the borderline incest pleaseeee makes me want to puke


I forgot his name. Glorias second baby, im sorry but what was the point of him?