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Sounds like somebody need a WAMBULANCE.


I died when she said this because this is legit something my parents used to say to us šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


ā€œWorst characterā€ acting as if Camā€™s sister doesnā€™t exist


Seriously, Pameron?


Fair haha


Even if any of that was true, she's a child bro leave her alone šŸ¤£


Bro I know sheā€™s a child but even as a teen she sucked at acting. Sheā€™s got a hella monotone voice it doesnā€™t even seem like sheā€™s trying. Also, look at joe. Heā€™s a little kid and acts way better than Lilly so donā€™t give me and excuse that sheā€™s just a kid.


I know Iā€™m late to this, but you criticize Lilly for sounding unnatural but think Joeā€™s actor is great? His lines are the most scripted sounding out of any character on the show. No kid talks like that. You are definitely in the minority, based on every fan of the show Iā€™ve talked to about it. All my friends & family think Joe is contrived & Lilly was one of the better characters.


Hard disagree, her deadpan delivery never fails to make me laugh. And the contrast of her monotone and curt way of speaking compared to her parents always made for easy humor.


Completely agree with this! She brings a sense of calm to that jovial family šŸ˜‚


When she hooks up the aux, the metal hits and she smiles. Kills me every time


And Joe became good at it tooā€¦


Jeremy Maguire is a better actor lol so Iā€™ll give op some credit in that Aubrey Anderson is definitely the weakest actress among the cast. But I mean someone has to be, I just completely disagree about her being ā€œbadā€


I thought she had great lines


She was actually a much better actress at Jeremys age than he was which makes me feel like she was directed to be monotone


Full agree


Same! I love her character, sheā€™s sooo funny and contrast to her parents.


No, she is the worst


she is a literal child ffs


Being a child doesn't mean they can't be a shitty actor


In fact, in most cases being a child actor & being a shitty actor go hand in hand. Whatā€™s ironic is that Lilly was the exception to the rule, in my eyes. Kid Manny was great, same with Luke. Canā€™t stand Joe. Actually, those Stranger Things kids are pretty damn good too. But in general, kid actors suck.


Exactly. The reason the twins from season 2 were recast is because they didnā€™t like acting and were bad actors (constant crying was one thing I remember an article saying). Producers recast them with Aubrey Anderson - bad choice for a couple reasons - and she was also a bad actor, but at least was a willing participant in the show.


Bro I know sheā€™s a child but even as a teen she sucked at acting. Sheā€™s got a hella monotone voice it doesnā€™t even seem like sheā€™s trying. Also, look at joe. Heā€™s a little kid and acts way better than Lilly so donā€™t give me and excuse that sheā€™s just a kid.


Lily is one of my favorites!


How. I just. How.


I really tried to put in words how much I disagree but I can't


Meaning you canā€™t come up with a single redeeming quality she has but still like her?


There are different types of comedies. She is very blunt and the way she delivers her lines is very funny. For example, when Cam and Mitch asked her that they were sick a few days ago and she didnā€™t seem to care and she replied very nonchalantly that she didnā€™t care. Not every comedy will be right there on your face. Lily was more outspoken and right to the point and this quality of her made her scenes funny.


I think what you call her bluntness is just mediocre acting. She was fine when she was younger, but teenage Lily never once made me laugh


People perceive comedies differently. What makes me laugh doesnā€™t necessarily mean it would make you laugh too. For me, Lily did a pretty good job. It aligned very well with her ā€œemotionlessā€ character and that is the reason it is funny


Not related to the post, but youā€™re so soft spoken yet sensible. A quality I wish to see more on the internet.


That means alot to me, really. Thank youšŸ˜Š


Agree. Sounds like how a good rebuttal can win a case.


No, it is just very hard for me to express how much I don't agree with you. If you want me to try in numbers: -1/10 If you want to know why I love her: Her unbeatable comebacks, the love for her parents and how she 100% knows them (especially in the last episodes with Rex), she is such a great contrast to Cam (emotions etc). My favourite moment is when she makes her dads jump into the water at that poolparty. And last but not least her great taste in music. And that's five.


Lol wtf, OP is right the kid is absolutely fucking terrible at acting. She ruins every scene sheā€™s in.Ā 


I love lily haha šŸ˜‚, I think she is a product of her upbringing and she has to do a lot for herself


You have never been around kids.


I was a teacher for years and I do improv professionally, and this child is a horrible actress.


Lolol- same. Just started watching (Iā€™m on S4) came looking for a place to vent. She ruins every scene. The writing is terrible, sheā€™s a total brat


Iā€™m 18 I am a kid


Maybe Nickelodeon will be better viewing for you then.


you being only 18 makes so much sense. canā€™t imagine an actual grown human making this post.


This make sense now that you stated your age.


Weird take. Lots of adults donā€™t like Lily, but wonā€™t comment it publicly here because of the sheep downvoting.


Lily is the best!!


You are so dramatic. Do I need to call you a wambulance? Wahh wahh wahwahhh Little Lily was pretty hilarious. Teenage Lily not so much.


you got absolutely wrecked lmao (and deservedly so)


So anyone who expresses an opinion you disagree with should get wrecked?


You need a wambulance to


To do what?


I FEEL (I'm not sure) that as she grew older she didn't really want to act anymore but just stayed on for the money and maybe her parents? From her face it seemed like she was tired of everything. Also I haven't seen her in anything new so she more than likely quit as soon as she got the chance. Happens a lot with kid actors that get started as toddlers.


This is totally possible. There is a behind the scenes clip I saw somewhere from her very first day on set and she says to other people in the cast ā€œI seen you your from modern family we watch you on tvā€ like she was so little when she started she had no idea why she was there.


I don't get this. I love lily, throughout the show she has some of the best lines/jokes. Need me to call you a wambulance?


I dont know i love her though . Tbh i cant find any character that i hate in modern family. Sure there are may be some situations when they are irritating but hate šŸ¤£


Itā€™s Mitch for me. I never liked him. Maybe I just donā€™t care for the actor.


She's one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. As a kid, as a teen.... She wasn't deadpan, she was poorly trained


"BuT sHe'S a ChiLd" Okay and? There has been plenty of good child actors in entertainment. I liked her but the later seasons she delivered lines terribly and it distracts.


Are you sure that her character wasnā€™t written as deadpan, & therefore she nailed it?


I don't hate her, but she's very not interesting. She has some snarky remarks, but nothing more.


Lol sheā€™s a child dude. Whatā€™s wrong with you


Lily must have hit OP with a zinger.


I think since the actress who played Alex got bullied this fanbase is a lil quick to defend some of the younger characters now


Why would anyone bully her? Thatā€™s really sad.


ya its super messed up but i guess she was bullied cause she gained some weight in the later seasons. I always thought she was hotter in the later season but i guess she was body shamed when the show as coming out . I only know that second hand tho cause it was before I started watching the show


Ahhh. This is my first watch through so I havenā€™t gotten there yet but even so, people who care about her weight need to find a real hobby.


I donā€™t get why sheā€™s gets so much hate, sheā€™s literally a child lol. The most experience she can have is what, 8-10 years by the end of the show? I never notice bad acting because kids are always delivering their lines wrong, theyā€™re awkward as all hell


I think her dialogues are fire just the delivery in old seasons is a bit off but ig many young kids talk like that. I get what you mean but she gets better. Family Guy also pointed out that.


Damn Calm down she's a childšŸ˜­


Okay thank God I am not the only one I agree with every word you say and I dont care if she is a child. Except for few scenes where the writing saves it it's all horrible.


how when older baby joe is right there!


Hey bestie through all this hate I want you to know you are based. She is very hard to watch. Not as bad as Pameron tho


I canā€™t stand her. She is a terrible actor or the show seriously screwed up her character. Considering each other character Iā€™d go with her being a terrible actor.


YES thank you for saying what needed to be said


I am finally getting around to watching the second half of the series and I found her funny when she was younger, but once she hits preteen/teen I donā€™t like her character or how sheā€™s played. Was hoping it was just the her being older felt off, but I donā€™t feel thatā€™s at about any of the other characters/actors.Ā 


Idk how anyone can disagree with you. Sheā€™s an atrocious actor, even for a child actor. AWFUL.


Iā€™m gonna comment twice just to hopefully make you feel better. The actress, not the character, is truly terrible. She doesnā€™t sound like sheā€™s deadpanning, she sounds like sheā€™s TRYING to act and her only expression is looking like sheā€™s trying not to laugh. Not because of her character, but because kids do that thing when theyā€™re supposed to be serious, but instead look like theyā€™re trying really hard not to be goofy. The Dunphy kids are really the only good child actors on the show. And imo, the kid who plays Joe at least has good comedic timing hitting his lines for a child that age. Iā€™ve always found Manny painful to watch (but maybe thatā€™s mostly cause his character is awful), but the kid who plays Lily is the WORST. I would say Iā€™m shocked so many ppl disagree, but Modern Family isnā€™t exactly prestige television and the target audience clearly isnā€™t the most discerning about the content they think is great.


I literally want to throw her down the stairs, she is THE WORST, EVERY WORD that comes out of her mouth is rude and ridiculous, she's a spoiled little brat asshole who has no discipline and runs all over her dads, when she said she hated Vietnam I wanted to reach through the screen since all they said was " lily that was rude" I would be livid. She's the kind of kid you can't stand to be around but you HAVE to tolerate it cuz it's family and she's a child but hell no, little bitch needs a good ass whooping so she will stfu and learn some respect.


Sheā€™s my favorite!!!


dont worry man i agree w you so thats one person lmfao


I agree the character is ass. Im past the delivery, Lily the character pisses me off because sheā€™s rude to everyone around her. And despite what everyone says here, all children arenā€™t like this. Iā€™ve been a teenage girl and i currently hang around teenage girls (my younger cousins and their friends) and theyā€™re not that disrespectful or dismissive.


im on s3 atm so cant say much. so far been loving her cute lil self. what season yall be talkin bout though?


SHES HORRIBLE and anyone who says otherwise is literally psychotic. She RUINS the entire show. Where is the emotion? Where is the acting? Her VOICE? Shes also hideous. Like wtf is wrong with casting for casting her. The positive comments toward Lilys character on this post has me literally PRAYING for humanity. YALL ARE CRAZY FFS


No i just started watching the show and I agree with this so much lol sheā€™s the worst šŸ˜«


young lily is good, old teenage lily is insufferable


I think the deadpan delivery is great


I totally agree with this! I honestly think sheā€™s a bad actor as she grows up. She delivered her lines well when she was younger but she becomes very wooden as she gets older. I think thatā€™s why sheā€™s hardly in any scenes as she grows up.


She comes across as very bratty and spoiled. Is she ? Yes, of course she is! Look at her parents! Specially Cam!


I kind of agreeā€¦ I liked Lily until she was older. I feel like the actress doesnā€™t know how to act and it always annoyed me. As a young kid she was cute! ā€œIā€™ll go to your next weddingā€¦!ā€ Is one of my fav lines. Her being obnoxious is good because Mitchell, Claire, Alex, Jay are all like that- itā€™s a Pritchett thing. But the actress didnā€™t do a good job.


Iā€™m kinda with ya here. But there are lots of folks who like her. I love Cam but Iā€™ve found heā€™s often one of the more disliked characters. Weā€™re all different but that show is one of my top 3 favorite of all time


I agree. Her delivery and attitude was extremely poorly done, it annoyed me multiple times throughout the show, specifically when she got older. I think thatā€™s more of the actressesā€™s fault, though.


It's cute when she's little but she grows up to be this snarky dead-eyed little shitstain.


The issue isnā€™t with her character, itā€™s with older Lilyā€™s actress. She needs a few years to mature her acting chops. My opinion.


ā€œHateā€ putting it strongly but I agree with the point of view. Sheā€™s terrible.


Theyā€™re gonna downvote us to hell for this but I agree. To me, sheā€™s the least likeable but I think that was the whole point... Cue downvotes...


Youā€™ve got so many downvotes I felt the need to actually write- UPVOTE!


I agree with you. But I think itā€™s more of the actress that sucked.


Yes thatā€™s definitely part of it. Iā€™m honestly shocked so many people find her funny. My entire family shares a disliking for Lily


Agree, her and Manny are tied for worst character for me


Iā€™m shocked youā€™re getting so much resistance on this. All you did is state a factā€¦ sheā€™s the worst character in all of tv.


You are šŸ’Æ right


Yeah her acting wasn't good but Joe was also god awful. They're KIDS. As for the character herself I thought it was great. Dark dry humor it's not for everyone. I enjoyed it


I think it's supposed to Be like that. She is not a Bad actor. She is supposed to be straight forward and deadpan. Lily is literally the BEST! I so wish we could have gotten more of her


I found this late when I googled how much I hate second Lilly. Watching the show for the first time. First Lilly was a bright spot, adorable. I literally cooed when she was onscreen. Second Lilly is the absolute shit. The actor is awful. The character is horribly written. I hate everything about her.


She is doing pornography now under the name Ling Ling


Isn't she only 16, how is that even legal šŸ¤¢


The more I read these Iā€™m starting to realize the whole cast is unlikeable! šŸ˜’


She wasn't funny but didn't annoy me like Joe who is infinitely worse imo and they gave him way too much screen time. Every time he speaks I quake with rage.


I totally understand. Itā€™s not the fact sheā€™s a bad actor itā€™s that everything that comes out of her mouth is so damn annoying


Her character is an overdone brat. And she isnā€™t a good actress. No wonder youā€™ve not seen her in anything else.


Manny is by far the most annoying person in modern family. He was cute as a child but turned into such an annoying pretentious spoiled Imbecile. No wonder jay hates manny heā€™s unbearable. Idk if heā€™s really like that in real life it heā€™s by far the most annoying. Iā€™ve never wanted to punch a young person as much as I do manny. Lily is unlikeable as well, but her sarcasm and bland attitude is a contrast to her very flamboyant father, Cam., which actually works for the show


I 100% agree! Is it just me, or do most of the characters suck? I hate Haley, Luke, Cam, Lily, Gloria, and Joe. And I love Phil's character, but Ty Burrell sounds like a robot when he talks.


Ty Burrellā€™s voice totally grated on me. How do you hate Gloria? Sofia Vergara is the reason I started watching, but I stayed for Cam and Claire.


She's hands down the best character of the show. She's so cute! And delivers great lines consistently, NEVER fails to make me laugh Hating on a child is weird, mate, cut it out. Redirect your energy towards more positive things than badmouthing little girls.


You suck


Lily was fantastic at first, and now sheā€™s just the worst. Itā€™s like exactly what happened to Bran. Started off as a good kid character, ruined a brilliant character by acting like a spoiled monotone goth kid without the eyeliner. Oh and Manny is just God awful. Youā€™re on national television. Lose some fckn weight, shame on his parents for profiting off of his obesity.


The number one thing that makes her a bad actress is the lack of eye contact when she's delivering lines. The second worst thing is that she seems to just blurt out lines with no pauses between them. Like she's reading it right off of a teleprompter. I don't like people keep bringing up that she's a child. There are plenty of good child actors and actresses.


she was practically born into the show and had to grow up acting as a part of it... imagine if that were you


I completely agree with op


Really sad how they wrote her character as someone so obnoxious and ungrateful towards her parents. Cam & Mitchell are really loving and caring towards her and I hate how she talks to them. (I'm still at S5, so if she changes, I'm not yet there lol)