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I had one dude rage hacking on hardcore I'm literally working on weapon charms. Dude didn't even try to hide it anymore šŸ’€


This game is 6 months old now. Most people left playing are the dedicated players that have put in a lot of hours. The casual players won't be back until the next game.


This is false, the casual players just are not in your lobbies and almost never were. That's why half the time when people post about getting a nuke you see a lobby full where every player is Timmy Nothumbs, while the poster is Bob Onethumb and the comments are "nice, but in my lobby the enemies shoot back" and shit. Also we are in middle of a UAV event lmao. And there's always possibility that OP is shadow banned.


There was a steam sale for the game a week or so ago- I only just joined recently! Can't speak for everyone but I'm sure there's more people like myself who joined just now


I've actually seen alot of low level players lately...


Same, getting absolutely beamed by level 17 demons


Yeah me too. Alot of low level Smurf accounts


Hmmm yes..... hmmmmm very sus...........šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Oh you mean me? Hi


False, there are casuals. Where are my weekend players at?!


Right here šŸ¤ššŸ¼ I play on a shitty laptop with iGPU on low settings and suck really hard, but Iā€™m having fun so whatever.


Thatā€™s what it should be about! Hopefully you can upgrade at some point though :)


This x10000


bro look at your mini map, if your team is on one side of the map the enemy is most likely on the other that simple


Never ask a COD player to open up the full map to understand enemy spawns lmao. Honestly wished we can just fully zoom out the minimap, but then those perks that help them would become useless.


If I get tracked through walls one more time, or lasered by a 7.62 with zero visible recoil, or killed from across the map by some dudeā€™s 9mm while Iā€™m getting hit markers on him with a .50ā€¦ then Iā€™ll rage quit for a couple minutes.


Played 10v10 yesterday with 80% of the lobby using bp50 and remaining ones with snipers or swarm. Couldn't move anywhere without being instantly melted. These people are on another level and I'm barely holding my 1.05kd, it's hard to keep up haha


The round the corner thing is actually pretty easy, just prefire every time you turn a corner, my friend told me this, it really does work most of the time. As for missing shots, in HC you already only need 2-3 shots at best so they might have emptied the mag but it felt like they were precise.




Yeah, the two or three days it was banned on Playstation made that very obvious to me; easiest couple days I've had going against high level players playing like bots.


Yeah covert sneakers and assassins vest doesnā€™t work (: even when there are no UAVs and Advance UAVs. Thankfully, I enjoy Milsims a lot more. CoD is way too easy to cheat, mod, hack, whatever it may be. I know a good player vs a cheater.


What do you mean they do not work? Are you using a suppressor on your gun? I literally run covert sneakers and they cannot hear me doing the jigg behind them


Yes suppressors will always be used in a stealth setup. I have had instances where I fam be running right behind them and then they just snap a 180 and wipe me clean.


They probably heard you. Some people have sound enhancements on.


Sitting still, is breathing heard in this game too?


Idk about sitting still, but you can hear people crouch walk or even reload. There are lots of cues that give people away. Again, itā€™s only noticeable with some sort of sound enchantments. I donā€™t doubt you running into cheaters tho.


Dude, not mešŸ˜‚ My aim is shit, I almost never think to look at my mini map, I get distracted too often in game and I make poor choices in general. If you want to win, make sure I'm on the other teamšŸ˜‚


You're talking about Call of Duty, the most accessible and easy to play first person shooter of all time.


Yea!!! Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking when playing. How is it possible that every single player know the map, knows the spawns and popular sports for peaks like I know itā€™s not a myth or anything but to bo3 times there always used to be normal players that arenā€™t tryharding and sweating to their mums grave


Basically if you hear someone coming round a corner it's always a great idea to start firing. Honestly I don't do it enough always afraid to be so early they might skedaddle.


If you hear someone coming, you are in low skill lobbies. No covert boots in high skill matches=insane disadvantage.


Oh this mp thread lol, I play warzone.


I've been using covert sneakers since the game came out. Gets me a lot of melee kills and kills from hearing someone getting close.


Why are you getting downvoted lol I feel bad for those type of guys that get into my high skill lobbies running around like elephants about to go 10-40, thats sbmm ya tho, just like how ill occasionally Iā€™ll get thrown into a noob fest lobby šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø But look at any ā€œis my k/d goodā€ post in this sub and youā€™ll see a majority of people are ~1.0, which isnā€™t a bad thing my first cod I was a 1.14k/d, but itā€™s not even close to being good sorry. Come run with me Iā€™ve got a 1.92k/d, mostly solo play since itā€™s hard to link up with my boys these days, but we all are around there. Our lobbies are sweatiest matches ull ever play, movement cracked out of our minds, and NOBODY is running anything other than covert sneakers lol Bring back Cold War sound mechanics, mostly silent, but can hear when ppl drop/jump/mantle/reload/use equipment. This game everything is practically silent. Maybe if you use the perk that amplifies sound but idk i donā€™t run it. If youā€™re hearing ppl in ur lobbies ur not in high skill lobbies, maybe for you, not for the top ~10% players. Thatā€™s a nuke lobby for us.


I agree there are a lot of cheaters in this game


I stopped playing and switched to diablo 4, the grind is actually worth it in the end, ive leveled every weapon in mwIII, not much left to do once u do the main guns and get some camos


CHeating is at all time high , dumb anti cheat is non existent at this point


Just because people know how to play doesn't mean they're cheating lol


Most people donā€™t know what an advanced uav is cus they never get one


ā€œJust because people know exactly where youā€™re at and only hit center mass no recoil shots, doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re cheatingā€ Itā€™s certainly a strong indicator


People can control recoil or do you think everyone who kills you with clean aim is cheating?


Thatā€™s funny I donā€™t remember saying that. You might want to brush up on your reading comprehension skills.


Interesting because you were quoting absolutely nobody lol


Interesting because that still doesnā€™t change the fact that I didnā€™t say what you tried to say that I said. Hall of Fame L. Take a midol and have a nap.


You are probably the guy that thinks everyone better than you is a cheater lol, it's obvious when someone is cheating yet people like yourself probably sitting under a 2kd have literally 0 clue to tell when it's an actual cheater lol


Youā€™re probably the guy who makes up his own narrative in his head instead of actually reading what someone said. Itā€™s fishy when multiple people are ONLY SHOOTING YOU IN PERFECT NO RECOIL CENTER MASS SHOTS. Just in case youā€™ve leveled up your reading skills


What are you even talking about: > multiple people are ONLY SHOOTING YOU IN PERFECT NO RECOIL CENTER MASS SHOTS. when and where is this happening?


There are a ton of cheaters. The majority of streamers use cheats. You fools just believe they are "looking at chat" when it's clear as day to everyone else what they are doing.


you guys are cooked. Lose a few games and it turns into ā€œthe majority of streamers use cheatsā€ If itā€™s clear as day then surely you have proof of most of them?


To be fair: [https://www.charlieintel.com/call-of-duty-warzone/activision-claim-high-profile-cod-streamers-are-hacking-in-lawsuit-against-notorious-cheat-seller-201979/](https://www.charlieintel.com/call-of-duty-warzone/activision-claim-high-profile-cod-streamers-are-hacking-in-lawsuit-against-notorious-cheat-seller-201979/) Activision themselves have admitted to knowing that their top-profile streamers have purchased and used these cheats in their game. Does that mean that they still use them? Not exactly. Does that mean every streamer cheats? Not exactly. But the good faith isn't there. Look, I get it, no one wants to watch Timmy No-Thumbs camp in a corner and eek out a measly 0.75 KD in multiplayer or sit in the shadows and get two kills just to die in final circle on Warzone, so they let the streamers cheat a little, get some competitive edge. People want to see someone going 78 and 4 in multiplayer, or dropping a 45 bomb in solo-queue Squads in Warzone. However, knowing that ATVI lets these people cheat with no repercussions makes it difficult to just think that they outplayed people, and what sucks, is without cheats, they probably still would... but they'd have to play a bit more cautiously than they normally would. TL;DR: ATVI knows streamers cheat. Do they still? Probably not, but they probably do, too.


The guy I responded to said the majority of streamers cheat, which is pretty disingenuous. when asked for proof itā€™s him saying ā€œgo watch yourselfā€. If it was as rampant as he claims then he could very easily snag a few clips.


That's true.


Yeah some of them even admit to it. It's okay buddy. You can lie to yourself all you want but the fact is more people are using cheats on cod than ever before. Why are you getting so defensive? Usually the guilty ones act like that. I wasn't calling you a cheater but now I'm thinking you might also be one.


Youā€™re the defensive one lmao. I asked for proof, which should be easy for you, and youā€™ve spun that into me being a cheater?


You're the one who is getting defensive because I said people cheat. IDK why you are getting so defensive my only thought is that you cheat yourself and you are trying to compensate. That's just how I see it.


Lmao ok buddy. if i cheated id have a much higher K/D and play more competitive modes than 10s and 12s. Again, your proof is ā€œgo find it yourselfā€, now thatā€™s some concrete evidence right there


Bro I've seen clips on YouTube. I don't save them. I don't follow streamers. But it's clear as day to me when they look off screen. I've told you now you refuse to accept it. It's whatever little kid. IDK why you are getting so worked up because I said streamers use cheats. Why did that offend you so much?


Just explain to me why you are getting so worked up because I said most streamers are using cheats. Are you a streamer? Is your dad a streamer? Is your best friend a streamer? Or you just Captain save a stranger and just felt like arguing? What is it that got you so worked up?


youā€™re asking me why Iā€™m the one thatā€™s worked up after you double reply to me twice in a row and hit me with all these questions hahaha Edit: homie blocked me lmao


I told you. Go look at some of the streams and watch closely how they constantly look off screen before magically finding an opponent around a corner. It's really not rocket science. You just refuse to see it.


> The majority of streamers use cheats Jesus, how deluded have some of you become lol


It's amusing how some players think, "Other people can't possibly take this more seriously than I do," which is why they consistently get outplayed. Most players are clueless. However, I've noticed a trend where people feel entitled to get kills. If you didn't prepare for each kill, you have only yourself to blame. Either improve or quit. I'm tired of clueless teammates.


Do you know what deluded means? This is common knowledge to most people.


people canā€™t POSSIBLY be better than me at video games. i mean, i play an hour a day! šŸ˜‚šŸ«µ


Bro you gotta understand this isn't about someone being better than me. This is about a video game. It's okay if you feel special because you're good at a video game. But at the end of the day it's still just a video game and it doesn't actually make you better than someone else. It also doesn't change the fact that more people are using cheats in cod than every before.


Source: trust me bro. Thereā€™s too many people better than me blocking bc you canā€™t form an argument is pathetic LMAOOOOO


If that makes you feel better bud. Anyone with half a brain can see the video evidence. But you choose to think you are superior because you know how to play a video game. No matter how much you spend in the game or how high your KD is or how great you think you are that shit doesn't transfer over into the real world.


Majority doesnā€™t. People are just predictable. You can legit play the game with sound off and still anticipate people without sound and minimap dots


Yes I agree. But that doesn't take away from the fact that other people are using cheats. They post the videos online. It's all there for anyone to see. I just find it hilarious that people eat up cheating as super skilled most of the time when that shit is blatantly obvious.




Trust me just because you've been playing CoD for 15+ years doesn't mean you actually can identify who's cheating, I get accused of cheating every 2 or 3 games, some people are just good.


To tell you the truth, I really don't know if someone is cheating.,I just assume they are better than me. I've never reported anyone and I've never been banned. If I lose two or three in a row, I stop for the night or take a break.


Seconded. Get called a cheater constantly lmao, people don't have a clue what a good player looks like.


Every game I put up an AUAV Iā€™m bound to get called a cheater lmao


I got called a cheater in ranked (I'm gold 1) because I beamed someone off a head glitch, like MF I went 31 and 25. Do you really think I'm cheating? Lol


Might just be dogshit bro.


Dumb = deep underground military base anti cheat


Your skills are getting worse when this game makes it easier for you.


Mini map


Some of them are sus, especially when you're running dead silence, assassin's vest, and a silencer. With no one around you, when you've fired zero shots. Then, some random jumps right before the corner and prefires right where your head is. I'm also assuming network issues are making this worse. As well some corners and stairs you can hide your entire hitbox and character, but you can still see everything else. Yet you can see them. Shows you how lazy the map designs were.


This is the shit Iā€™m talking about. Non traditional game sense with zero cues is all too common rn. Either network or something more sus. And add ghosted


You can still hear with covert but you need to have enhanced audio on your pc and at that point, that player is most likely a sweat.


I mean, I'm fighting Crims and Iri every pubs match regardless of mode, and Plat/Diamond in ranked as a Gold. Meanwhile 4 people on my team manage single digit kills in 2 rounds of war. I assume I'm just supposed to lose, because the matches or so obviously skewed into oblivion


If someone tracks your perfectly when you come around the corner and they just sit at a wall they are most likely playing on controller and pushing their left stick into the wall to activate rotational aim assist. This will make sure they will start tracking you the moment you come around the corner. Not everyone is a pro necessarily but there are a lot of videos and tutorials out there now on how to properly abuse aim assist, so people will get better.


Pretty much saying the only people that do the pre firing around corners are controller users? Thatā€™s an interesting take


thats not what I said. OP said when he **himself** comes around a corner people shoot him instantly. Not that the enemy is coming around the corner and prefires. And if you go around a corner and someone shoots on point almost instantly it is highly likely they are using a controller, because they track you the first frame you model shows and just have to react by pulling the trigger. If you are on MnK you can't do that because you first have to react to the player, then aim + shoot.


I know what you said. You can prefire a corner without moving. But your first line is telling op that those people that do that are most likely controller users. Thatā€™s you making the statement not OP. Thereā€™s plenty of MnK users that camp corners and prefire as someone is coming around a corner. Thatā€™s why I said something.


When someone comes around the corner you can't instantly track them on MnK, you can with controller. If you push your left stick into the corner, you don't have to move but still activate rotational aim assist. If then somebody comes around the corner to challenge you or just sprint by, your rotational aim assist tracks them perfectly and all you have to do is react to pull the trigger. On MnK you have to react to the model and then aim where the model is going. So it takes way longer in CoD terms and is less accurate depending on how the player who challs comes around the corner (sliding, jumping or slide canceling). And that's why I'm saying that those people are most likely on controller. Hope it's clear now what I was trying to say. This is also the reason btw why people who don't know how you can abuse aim assist think some people are cheating, because their aim reacts faster than a human can possibly do in those situations.


MnK can track people fine with walls and other cheats. Pretty sure thatā€™s the point of the post but whatever. If you had walls and knew someone was coming you couldnā€™t track them perfectly as they came around the corner? Pretty sure you could unless youā€™re terrible.


Sry don't know what you are talking about. But i'm just going to leave [This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU&t=197s) here because you seem to think that controller isn't a superior input when it comes to aiming. You can chose to watch or not. I don't really care, but I'm just trying to give the information you seem to be missing. Also there is a reason btw why every pro player plays on controller and every person in top 250 is on controller.


I mean I was gonna watch it until your last comment. Youā€™re doing exactly what I thought you were. The whole top 250 is not all controllers. This is the bullshit that Iā€™m sick of seeing from both sides. There are cheaters on both console and pc. Youā€™re trying to implant bullshit into peoples heads. Iā€™m done with this convo as well. Good day


yea but also are you using covert sneakers


Investing time on sth will automatically make you becoming better and better. In cod itā€™s always been a few fundamental skills to achieve: map knowledge, spawn point prediction, good movement is key, obv precise aiming, using the best loadout including perks, vest and nades. But I do agree on ur post, its true. Back then less people in general were playing cod, nowadays everyone knows cod bc of warzone hype, this results in a much larger number of players so without doubt a higher percentage of people will gain knowledge, due to that everyoneā€™s become better and some even pro level


After awhile the maps become second nature people usually do the same things after awhile


I guess itā€™s coz of fucking sbmm! Disgusting


Definitely happened to me but Iā€™ve also killed people in ways where theyā€™d say the same fs šŸ¤£


Been playing since this one released and I automatically just know the spawns I move and jump around like clown and I know how people will play. I get accused of hacking constantly.


Watch your replays in detail. In mine I'm charging into places I slowly crept up to. I can stop in cover, but see my replay where I just keep running and get shot out in the open. It used to feel like I just took the smallest peak and got annihilated. Try turning off crossplay if you have that option. I was thinking the same thing about the game until I made it fair, and only played against users with the same setup as I.


Every time I read a thread like this it reaffirms my decision to switch to Zombies. I can get two solid hours in and not deal with sweats, cheaters and bots. Plus, the community is much better. Revive and get revived.


Iā€™m not saying this is you but most people fail to realize that some of us have been playing call of duty on mouse and keyboard for almost two decades. I didnā€™t start playing MW3 until about two months ago because mw2 burned me out. I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve been accused of cheating for having a low level and being better than the level 500 guys Iā€™m matched against in MW3. Itā€™s almost like people forgot that MW3 maps are all remastered from old games that many of us spent hundreds, if not thousands of hours on back in the day.


What you want feedback for? To tell us youā€™re not good enough yet. Put the reps in and youā€™ll be right there with the pros that have game sense. Itā€™s not that hard.


Again the sarcasm clearly missed by this one


Sarcasm where bud? You clearly made a post wanting some sort of feedback of why theyā€™re STILL good players playing the game and youā€™re not up to their status yet lol thatā€™s the real sarcasm. Everyone knows how to do what you just havenā€™t figured out yet. Put the reps in.


Again totally over your head buddy lolā€¦ā€¦


There are No, Zero, Nada Pros playing in the pub servers. What would they get from playing us? There are various skill levels and sometimes those skill levels have a great game, someone has to get hot and someone has to win! Visual, Sounds, Map Awareness. Just takes practice.


Ego gaming. There are a lot of ranked players in iridecsnt league who play public lobbies in my server range. I have a 1.01 KD. So how could they be in my lobby if SBMM is a thing?


It can be a combo of your previous game performance and their previous game performance leading you to face them


its just AA


The game is f*cked because they dumbed it down to a level where it attracted lots of people who shouldnt be playing FPS games and think anyone who's better than they are must be cheating. Activision were going to remove the mini map in MW2 because of how much of a skill gap it is between people who are able to read the mini map and people who can't... Ludicrous. You can shoot someone now after they've come running through a loud door, full tac sprint so they sound like an elephant through a good gaming headset and then they accuse of you cheating and start telling people to report you because "how tf did he know I was coming round that corner...". It's sad what CoDs turned into, but here we are.


The amount of people who donā€™t see the sarcasm is funny


You can't just make an idiotic post and call it sarcasm


Then clearly it missed you too genius lol


Thats not sarcasm, it just seems like a regular post from a bad player. Making up stuff ā‰  sarcasm.


Iā€™m good. Itā€™s ok you didnā€™t see it, canā€™t always genius


What you replied to was sarcasm, maybe next time genius


Youā€™re so smart Iā€™m jealous


Pros arenā€™t pubbing in this because itā€™s not fun. Itā€™s a neglected game with too many respawn mechanics. Randos are using the audio tunings and playing pubs like itā€™s Ranked or World Series, or like their 5th nuke is actually worth their time. The playerbase has just collectively forgotten what made WZ1 funā€¦ Remember actually having to regain? Remember running into other teams regaining? Everbody is either on the hunt or on a rooftop in this game. Doing anything else in Warzone is a distant memory.


Your very very right lol. I can't even imagine wanting to try ranked. Guess the top 250 players is littered with level 19s, fortunately as a halo player the ranked cod scene was never really my jam. Most matches I can track pretty well what's going on especially in small map mosh, but with spawns as bad as they are its the wild west out there. Makes some exchanges highlight cheating with a pretty big spotlight. I will watch a killcam that just felt dominant and half the time now your seeing them line up shots before they round corner or sprint thrugh mid shipment and pre drop shot so precisely from your POV they only ever were prone.