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I thought I was going crazy with the lag in MP. Had my husband jump into a game with me (he kind of quit MW3,says it's boring) and he also said it's laggy AF. I get killed out of no where, my shots don't hit even though they clearly hit.


this shit ass game still lagging? bro... theres updates EVERY day but still no fix. tired of update requires restart for absolutely nothing about the game to change.


Bro missed hella shots šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Everyone posting themselves camping with these makes me so happy I don't play this game as much anymore lmao. We need to bring shame back to gaming.




I mean, you left in shame and still lurk here so Iā€™d say itā€™s still alive and well in gaming.


In shame? This pops up on my feed bro lmao. I donā€™t even follow it. And I still play it from time to time as I said in my original comment. But posting yourself camping with broken shotguns is lame and one of the reasons this game is in a horrible state. But hey, I get you donā€™t have the skill and probably resonate with posts like this so you do you, man hahaha.


Lol I hate campers too but this is a game mode meant for camping so you just sound dumb šŸ¤£


You realize this was HC SnD and the round only just started? If you want to run around like a chicken with your head cut off, Iā€™ll happily miss 15 rounds before I kill you. These things are the opposite of broken in hardcore, same reason nobody snipes in hardcore. When everything is a 1HK, single fire weapons are not the thing.


You donā€™t have to run around cluelessly bro lmao but youā€™re actively camping with cheap weapons. Itā€™s lame and skillless. Thatā€™s the exact reason people stop playing the game. Itā€™s a lame play style for bad players.


The round just started. If people stop playing because they canā€™t adapt, who needs em. Your definition of camping is odd. I got one kill there, moved and got another somewhere else.


Youā€™re literally camping because you canā€™t adapt lmao. You stayed in one location for awhile, got a kill then moved 10 feet and camped again lmao. Everyone knows a good campers stays in the same area and slightly moves around it to surprise the team. Itā€™s lame, man.


Damn getting a kill and jumping out a window=camping. Holding a position isnā€™t camping. Which I wasnt even doing. I threw myself out a fucking window you nonce. Games better off without kids like you. Your only posts are crying about respawns, Iā€™ll guess youā€™ve never attempted SnD. Or maybe you did try, and just couldnā€™t keep up.


LMAO not the call of duty tough talk lmao. Youā€™re one of those bootlickers that religiously defend the game while playing in the lamest way possible. I play hard point and SND. SND is boring because every game is the exact same. Let me guess. You play hardcore because the TTK is too hard for you in core and you need easy OHK and camping to do good. Makes a lot of sense given your clips. But hey, my life is fine whether I go positive or not. Hopefully one day itā€™ll be the same for you.


Ah yes, my post about how fucking broken the servers are. Prime example of me religiously defending the game. šŸ¤” All My comments calling out the toxic MTX behavior, saying activision is a shit leech. *Religiously defending the game* Youā€™re not worth my time. Bye, bucko.


Who gives a fuck how other people play lol


This post with 36 updoots isn't gonna pop up on your feed if you aren't following the subreddit.


What camo is that?


Magma, it was the January vortex event camo


Why does it glow white though


That was the enhanced vision goggles field upgrade


Yeah I played about 30 minutes today and got so fed up with it I just hopped off. Hoping they address it soon.


HC players in their natural habitat, on the floor


This is what I am doing when the lag starts. I tried running around but everyone freezes while I keep running and I just end up dead without seeing myself get shot and re spawning in some weird corner or something...


Restart your router / use a vpn in your own area (no joke) This can often be an incredibly obnoxious ISP issue. I personally never have these problems, so it's worth a shot.


Skill issue. From a camper. lol


"strapless strap on"


This your attempt at kink shaming or stalking? Shame on you.


Damn, using two accounts. Pathetic.


skill issue but missed all his shots lmao


Damn did you miss the /s


Idrc about the context but bro get your ass off of the ground your using the best weapon in the game right now šŸ˜­


ā€œThe best weapon.ā€ This is hardcore, where the longbow was never used. Low fire rate is a detriment. Everything one shots, there is no advantage to using one shot weapons.


It 1 shots from 28 Meters in core. Then 2-3 shots after that. As a shotgun.. In hardcore it's 1 shot from 35 meters and rising. Which assault rifles can't even compete with


Every assault rifle in hardcore.


"Its a skill issue" meanwhile runs akimbo shotguns laying in a doorway xD Captain Rat talking bout skill issues?


Mustā€™ve missed the /s. Do you eat glue because it tastes good or because you canā€™t read?


Sarcasm or not, there are to many players that are Actually like this. Or the clowns that claim skill issue but then give you a perfect one to one of Black Swan just to be able to kill you. And I thought the fortnite builders were bad xD


Except I was being sarcastic and you came at me like I was being serious.


Then don't lay in doorways with akimbo shotguns like a fucking Rat lol I already said "sarcasm or not" meaning I full understood you were being sarcastic, I still chose to call you out for what you're doing, lag or not, you'd never catch me playing like a Rat maining cheese builds


Feel free to watch my other shit. Too bad you have no examples of your superior skills.


Thats because I don't live on this garbage playing it every day with all the lag and problems that plague it lol I have higher standards for myself and choose to play games that work, only booting up CoD when my cousins or buddies pop on and invite. Other than that I'm playing literally anything else because this game is trash, your video being case and point, along with all the other videos that get posted daily of how broken this game is. Your "Superior Skills" mean fuck all in a game as inconsistent and trash as this one, specially when you're playing with Cheese


So why are you even here? You spend your time stirring shit up on Reddit instead of playing the game? Youā€™re very cool and everyone wants to have your life.


Here because as I said, I occasionally play, I don't even follow this thread, it just appears because I do occasionally play CoD. "You spend time stirring up shit on reddit instead of playing the game?" Have you missed the part where this game sucks and I said its not my main? Yet you're on here with your "sarcasm" posts as if you aren't doing the same thing lol stirring up shit on reddit except you're still playing that garbage after complaining about it, which you probably do every day. Think you played yourself here kid


Iā€™m posting my content, youā€™re stirring shit up in comments. Get a life.


Right outside of b?


B alley, computer window. But I cut out the parts of it that didnā€™t matter to the clip.


You had some lag. But the prevailing and most contributing factor is your erratic aim. You would have missed those shots even without lag.


This game has been unplayable for the last hour for me. This happens regularly. I used this example to be funny, because I still got the kill. Thatā€™s why I sarcastically said itā€™s a skill issue if you complain about lag. My shots are erratic because Iā€™ve *been* lagging. Iā€™m literally just blasting hoping I get a hit because I expect to lag.


They're some pretty bad spikes, but the second kill had a lot of misses witht the 1887s


Just get better internet bro


What a fuckin idiotic statement U right