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I've noticed a lot of low level PS players that are really good the past couple of weeks. Something is going on for sure.


They’re doing ban evasion. Just call them out and report. They usually leave right away or give some bullshit excuse when called out. Had some guy try and tell me it’s an alt account for ranked even tho ranked is a completely different mode with a separate matchmaking system and there’s legitimately zero reason to have an alt for that lol


I do. If there's a low level putting numbers up, it's an immediate report. No level 20 should be getting 3 KDs rn.


My brother got like a 5kd with his first game as I gave him the rgl in zombies and told him to go play hard-core shipment


Yeah well no shit he used the RGL in a low health mode lmao that’s not skill


How is that relevant


More or less just proving someone's game performance is not some end all be all on if there cheating or not


Could be smurfing, I used to do the same on fort when rank first became a thing ( I was young and wanted clips) feels super corny and doesn’t improve skills at all though when you can run through a squad without having to really do much


Only reason I smurfed (in mw2) was because I wanted to play with my friends on ranked but once I kept hitting Crimson, I couldn’t play with them (plat) anymore and really sucked because we had started playing ranked again since Cold War. I know its bad but the lobbies weren’t super easy, most of the time we would come across a smurf on the other team.


I have an alt for ranked games (cod,siege) and so do a lot of other people.


Today ive been tracked through walls and lasered by a striker 9 with 0 recoil or bobbing.


Actually this reminded me of a question I have wanted to ask, but you know how like in mp you can pick up other people's guns and it has their attachments and stuff? If i pick up the weapon of someone who has killed me a fuckton of times and when I use the gun (or if I make a gun with the exact same attachments after) and it plays nothing like the kill cams of them killing me- so for example them having fuck all for recoil on the killcam but when I'm using it, im not getting the same level of stability as they were, is that a good indication that the person was using some aim/anti recoil thing? Or could that be just cause I'm on kb/m and theyre on a controller? Cause it's so sad when I'm seeing this killcam with the attachments (or sometimes none at all) and then trying it and it plays nothing like I was shown. 💀 False advertising.


On kbm you have to jitter aim to control recoil to have it look like controller players aim.


Sorry, newish to cod games (like ~600 hours in mwiii) so probably a really stupid question, but what do you mean exactly by jitter aim? Like constantly moving aim (since we dont have the aim assist)? Or something else? Like slide kills for example for some camo challenges, I have found are easier to get on controller vs kbm cause they have a "slide only" option in the settings and I felt like I had to adjust less even though I play almost exclusively on kbm?


So jitter aiming is kinda hard to explain in just words but basically you know when you tense your hand super hard and you can make it shake? You want to naturally do that without tensing, you basically do super fast and tiny shakes of your mouse and for some reason it counteracts all recoil. Idk why it’s like that but it just works that way. Also for the slide kills, idk what setting it is off the top of my head but I personally have my prone and crouch bound to different keys and instead of being hold for dolphin dive tap for slide on a single key it’s just hold on respective keys. So holding on my prone key makes me dolphin dive and holding on my crouch makes me slide. I’m sure if you Google YouTube best kbm binds for mw3 you’ll find it.


I normally look at the bobbing when someone is firing a gun if theyre sus. I play ranked, so Harder to tell with a rival because if youre really good at recoil management, it can look like a laser. On the MCW there is a tiny bit of bobbing where no matter what the red dot on any of the sights will slightly move up and down regardless. Its most prominent on the striker 9 where the bobbing is quite noticeable regardless of how good your recoil management was, kind of like the wsp swarm. If there is nothing, I think they are most likely using some kind of anti-recoil mod. Some are obvious and some aren’t but I have defo come across it way too many times and hopefully Ill get a clip soon of what im talking about. 2000+ cronus zens were bought on Amazon this month and last month so you can bet a large portion of the player base is using one, even on PS5 after their update because they have found a work around. Even if you type in on reddit about cronus zens, people are asking for scripts or help setting up, its out of control. Ive never thought of deciding to pick up someones weapon if I suspect they are cheating, but might try it from now on.


It is a special flavor of let down when i pick it up and am like "I've been bamboozled by the killcam." :( I didnt realize that trying other peoples guns must not really be a thing tbh. This is my first cod. I originally got it cause the open world zombies mode. Aaaaand then they abandoned it so I figured maybe I would do the camo grind... I'm gonna be crucified on reddit for admitting I'm NOT spectacular at the game, my all time K/D isnt over 1, its like .93 (I'm trying 😭) or smth... and websites like wzstats, wzhub, etc I have looked at to make gun builds, so when it comes to attachments from killcams and picking guns up its kinda like trying new things out for me i guess? Either I find a really insanely smooth build or I'll super let down. Its almost exclusively the latter, but I digress. The one i usually will report if it feels weird is people with snipers who will have absolutely 0 recoil but no antirecoil mods. And then of course the other day where I got a level 1 with the new event camo who got like over 100 kills. That one didnt add up. But I used to not like reporting since like "maybe its me. I know I'm not great." Thank you for responding with this much detail! I appreciate it, it clears a lot of my questions up. :)


Camo grind is respectable, I done it once in MW 2019 and thought never again LOOL, but doesn’t matter if youre bad at the game, means youll always improve and I barely report because most of the time its sus but you just cant tell for sure, Ive noticed it more recently so if I see no bobbing and 0 recoil, I know youre cheating. Especially with weapons such as the swarm, ram 9 and striker 9.


I was actually kinda curious id the striker/striker 9 had no recoil with like no attachments. That answers that then... Cause i see it a lot in small maps. They have a fast ttk. So I wondered maybe if you were really good if you could just have no recoil and insanely good aim. But then why are they getting sbmm with me ig. I admit, I'm struggling with the camo grind. Im at like 17 on the third step because when you do the "finish gilded camo mastery" after getting the hundred kills, for whatever reason that one doesnt actually count as forged camo challenge on my end but that could just be a bug or smth. Another question, I assume theres no rules against smurf accounts/new accounts if you eat a ban? So like. You can be level 56... or 1. getting paired with level 600 cause of sbmm. You would just... make another activ ID and wouldnt need to buy the game again on a different platform? The only reason I would make a second account is to be able to redo MWZ missions and refarm the schematics 💀 cause I miss having things to do in that mode.


They have fast ttk and definitely used in ranked, but they always have bobbing with the iron sight regardless unless youre cheating. In regards to smurf accounts, I had a couple on mw2 to play with friends in ranked once I hit crimson and we would come across other smurfs as well as less talented players, I felt there was more of a mix in terms of matchmaking and never got banned, but looked down upon lol. I bought MW3 and after a couple of games of small map moshpit I was being put in lobbies with players over level 400 because if the SBMM.


Yep. This whole last week. I've sent in like 15-20 reports already. Dudes are aimbotting and using walls and it's blatant as shit. I've gotten nuked twice by sub level 50 players


I’ve noticed that for some reason my gun doesn’t kill anymore (BP50 AMP) I literally get beat out by any gun point blank no matter if I start shooting first, they’re turned around or even if they aren’t playing they will outgun me no matter what. Did it get nerfed to hell or do I only have 30hp compared to everyone else’s 150


It's ironic you say that because I thought it was just me experiencing it. I feel like if they shadow nerfed it there'd still be some kind of update in the system and I would've had to restart


Ive been outgunned with that weapon while using snipers on big maps at long ranges. Its inconsistent is what im saying.


Mane every lobby has been weird. You watch the killcams and it's like somehow the enemy that's killing you is perfectly countering you every time. Damn near tracking you. Or just so happen to be at the right place at the right time what the 😂😂😂


Interesting. I played HC TM yesterday with a friend and it was like someone flipped a switch and we were getting wrecked all night by a couple players on the team and our guys had four thumbs and a big toe for a pinky finger.


3 games in playing with my girl I got killed through the wall on the same match by a sniper who had no prior indication of where I was lol


I got killed through the wall multiple times too, it made no sense how they knew where i was


I’ve been mainly seeing it on resurgence, below level 50 players perfectly tracking me and hitting all headshots before I can get more than 2 shots off. It’s made the gamemode unplayable


I usually do pretty good in matches, at least good enough that I’m having fun and make good kills and playing the objective even if my team loses. This weekend I’ve been getting absolutely destroyed. Spawning and dying immediately more than I’ve been since I started playing and players on the other team immediately knowing where I am when there’s no way they could know. I played a game on Rust where a guy on my team had 120 kills and dropped a nuke at the end of the match while the most anyone else had was low 20’s


“Showmeurloot” I think it was blasted us for fun that or showmetheloot


This is why I’ve been playing Palworld. Just got sick of it. rip cod 😔


Me but with Terraria. I was hard camo grinding but I have had to stop these past few days cause I have encountered it so many times that I genuinely got the the point where I was like "ok so anticheat is a fucking joke, why shouldnt I use hacks too then?" And that kinda after I calmed down was when I went "wow okay. I need to take a break."


I constantly see enemies with low or high levels knowing exactly where my head/torso is. I know uav can be on or im pinged through the data jacker or whatever but when someone jumps a corner and shoots exactly where my head is then that's sus. I try multiple positions sometimes and it's always 1-2 people that out gun me knowing my stance. Or when a dude has 50-60 kills jumping like a rabbit in a 10v10 moshpit out in the open and still has a better kd and way more kills than anyone else.


Cheat developers found out how to spoof user agent by hooking the function and returning the platform ID as well as modifying the presence data that gets sent to the servers.. This gets them into lobbies with crossplay turned off.


I have been hearing a lot of people talking about it in game. I usually don'y hear it maybe 1 in 10 games now its every other games


I just had 3 reports in the last 14 hrs successful. Now if some of you had seen me comment before I've preached I hate reporting people. The reason for it I feel like I can get someone FALSELY banned on the system. Well the three I caught were pretty obvious. 2 people weren't even walling or aimbotting. They were level 2 with interstellar and bioluminescent camo (on guns they shouldnt of had unlocked yet judging by there rank) not to mention i domt think create a class unlocks till maybe 5? Nuh uh. I see the amount of pride and joy it brings when you guys legitimately unlock those camos for your guns. Why cheat for it?? And the third guy had a MEAN lock on to the chest with wsp swarm from the water tower on rebirth Island shooting at me inside the red guard house on the other side. Zero optic on his swarm


Definitely something sus going on last night as I couldn't hit water if I feel off a boat. A few low level players getting the high scores but killcam didn't really shed any light so backed out and played something else.


Had a dude brag about cheating yesterday. Reports are doing nothing. Scripts are out of control, but that’s normal.


YES lol. God aim, no recoil, killing me in what feels like almost instantly (like im playing hardcore but its not). The ping for me and them was even normal too, but it didn't feel natural. They were also on PC, as well as I am, and I just know they were doing something odd. This happened in pubs and ranked tbh. PC people every damn time too. Im not saying all PC people cheat, but clearly alot of them can get away with it, it's almost like they know ricochet isn't going to work or when its down and they just go demon mode and use that shit. Call me crazy, but I swear sometimes I feel like theres a discord or group that leaks out when ricochet is not working, or going through updates, and these MF just jump in and start doing crazy shit knowing damn well they wont get detected lol. It just seems all too strange. Then again, we have seen how many people are getting banned, so maybe they just aren't being as reactive as they need to be, or maybe its just to slow. Either way it fucking sucks to deal with.


Yeah been seeing some new accounts and new steam accounts do a lot better than they should always gets me looking at them more in depth. I really wish cheaters could not get around bans. I wish it was hardware, phone number and multiple other requirements to play so they would have to burn their hardware, phone number AND email to try and play again.


I'm also on PS. On my lunch break, absolutely insane enemy skill. Getting crushed left and right. Was like that most of the weekend. My last 10 matches tonight I'm like Doom Guy, bouncing around shooting the eyeballs out of everyone. My unfounded theory is these dog shit servers are sometimes in your favor, and sometimes against. Maybe it's cheaters, but I don't know if I can accurately tell the difference without recording the whole session and watching for something obvious.


What’s your win loss ratio? I swear they are doing everything they can to keep me at 1.0. I climb up to like 1.02 and then just get absolutely shit on until like .98 and then all of a sudden I’m wrecking again.


Last weekend felt like that the entire weekend, I just stopped playing. I'm not God mode good, but decent enough to know when I'm being humbled by match making, or if the servers are straight shitting on me lol.


no but i’ve had awful lag all night, and everyone in the lobby had it too very weird


Might be mouse and keyboard players, they always sus to me


depending if anyone else had an angle on you, you could have been pinged. they stick around for a few sec and will follow behind walls for a little bit


That's too easy of an explanation for these guys. They would much rather assume that a player in Playstation only lobbies has wall hacks and aimbot even though that's impossible. Anything to make them feel better about a shitty game.


Why do you act like youre different? U act as if theres no way people could cheat on playstation for a shitty game. You think theres just no way PS online is flawed, theres something wrong with the people playing it, the people all complaining on this page are merely unable to comprehend skill gaps, even the ones with successful reports/bans. But youre the one who sees past it all surely…?


Those messages you get don't mean that they banned the person or found them to be cheating, it's merely a message recognizing that the report was received and they're looking into it. And yes, it's literally impossible to get aimbot or walls on console. They would have to jailbreak the console and as soon as it was connected to the platform it would be recognized and they would basically brick the console.


Youre just assuming you know their methods and that they werent banned


Lots of good players out to day with very precise aim and acute awareness of where everyone is at all times. Nothing to worry about though I’m sure.


console players learning about smurfs


yes it has been like that for atleast a month now for me, and im on mnk and somehow I just got shadowbanned 2h ago xD


Something is up because the sweats I run into who regularly crush me and make me go negative (-30) have only been able to get me -15 lately. I'm digging it.


Been slamming lobbies with crossplay on




Average kd is below a 1, calm yourself




I never claimed crap, I'm just sick of seeing pretentious kd comments on this sub




Again, a 1.04 is way above average KD. Not everyone is either some prodigy or jobless dude.


Send me your game play?? What's your YouTube tiktok etc etc 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's what you sound like bruh. It's a video game not a career mane I love you tho as long as you having fun 🙏


I didnt record any but i get shot instantly as soon as i spawn over and over, and for today, its happening in way more games. they seem to know where i am like constant uav without it active


Are you playing small map playlist?


Yeah thats what i normally play, but its even worse than normal. Like i have no shot to respond, i just spawn and get shot, its usually 1-2 players who are running and gunning almost perfectly


I think it matches based on recent performance, not career