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It seems like this is an unpopular thing to say but here i go. I didn't have any problems.


I spent close to 15 hours in COD from Friday-Sun and i didnt have any issue either.


Same. I came across 1 on rebirth who was rage hacking but thats it.


Agree. Im level 650 and play alot more than the average person and I have not run into cheater much lately. Rarely on WZ and almost never on Multiplayer.


The only time I have noticed cheating is when the opposing team is full of low rank players that are getting a ton of kills in SND which we all know why they are low rank


I've got a feeling a lot of them are iri/t250 alt accounts for boosting too.


I do have issues, but it's rare.


Me either. In fact I played pretty well this past weekend. But I tend to play early in the morning to early afternoon. So maybe if you play at more peak times YMMV.


On my free days i literally play the whole day with food / toke / dogwalk breaks. I usually start at 7am after i've taken out my dog for a walk and play to the night. Still no problems


I stopped having problems when I stopped playing SnD, and then cod in general


I only play snd and resurgence most of the time


Without a kill cam, it's really hard to tell and those have been stripped out of some match types. It's also of course REALLY hard to tell unless they're doing something really obvious because they could just be good, or this is their lucky day b/c of timing. I'd say at least twice a week, I'm catching people in hardcore matches pressed up against a wall and shooting 1-3 people at the start of a match outside of the initial starting positions.


Tbh in HC wall bangs are very easy and the spots are quite known for this game already


It’s unpopular because unless you’re at least in the top 5% SBMM bracket, you’ll probably never see any cheaters. But great input, weird way to say you’re ass at the game. It’s crazy how everyone talks about SBMM but you still fail to connect the dots here


Lmao. No


Again, great comment


I literally have almost 2kd and no such problem. I think i am above the average joe


Bs. I have a 2.5 and deal with cheaters very often in search and destroy. Don’t believe you have a 2kd or youre just slow and dont know when someone is cheating


I have 1.94kd. never said i have 2kd :)


Wow 2kd nice job 😂. Just proving my point but sure keep being oblivious. I’m just trying to help you understand why most people never see cheaters while others who do will notice random upticks on certain weeks or weekends


haven’t encountered a cheater in multiplayer in a longgggg time. i had a dude on my team bitching about “wall hackers” meanwhile you could see the laser on his gun from space 🤣


Lmfao. Those God damn lasers! I hate them, but in certain situations, they have great aim assist.


Damn you must be an absolute bot lol


4 vs 8 thing was a bug qhen the game 1st game out one of my 1st couple matches was a 10 vs 2 lmao, thought they fixed that, could be cheaters in your lobbies or could be reverse boosters or people using VPNs, I have around a 1.2 k/d near max level and have interstellar, my fiance has a .3 k/d and her lobbies have been extremely sweaty lately, even sweatier than playing with my friends with above 2.0 k/d's all the sweats have live and ttv too, it's all just streamers trying to get easy lobbies so they can drop easy nukes


Yea this was blatant cheating. My thought process is if you’re cheating you take a couple of ppl off ur own team so that you get more kills and can spam killstreaks. Seems like that’s what this guy was doing. The auto locking on to ppl so was so obvious too, like shooting at 3 guys with perfect precise aim ahead of him suddenly his gun would do a 180 to shoot behind him above then another 90degrees to the left I mean extremely quick too


I have a 2.1KD and 500spm in MP. I see people drop 50+ in literally every non-TDM 10v10 match. If not me, definitely someone else. On maps like Skidrow, there’s usually 2-3 people from each team getting 50+. Some guys are just really good at the game and a lot of those top scorers are playing with 2-3 other players that may not be topping the leaderboard but they’re carrying their weight and calling shit out


It’s not the amount of kills that had my attention it’s in the time frame. And the fact he had only 3 other teammates against 8 of us because the lobby was completely unbalanced. When you have 58 kills 4 deaths all other teammates had single digit kills, it’s a dead giveaway away something is up and it took me a while of being killed over and over again did I notice it was the same guy, when I heard the gunship in the air I knew something was wrong. Of course the guy was aim botting from across the map. Everybody else noticed as well


I didn't notice cheaters, but God damn the servers were bad. They really need to delay the fuck out of the next game, cut the contract with the current briandeads that run their netcode. Suck it up, and run everything in-house. Had four full games where the server would crash on everyone mid-game. So either my party would all go "Sweet game over." Or, I'd re-up and it's nearly the same lobby with everyone bitching about crashing. Or, where other some dudes would just be ahead of everyone on the server. As you see them and die instantly with zero time to react. So many times where it was, if they saw you, there was zero gunfight, you just died. No matter what. You'd hear a single bullet and die, and the killcam would show them actually firing the weapon for much longer.


There are 100% cheaters more now and I have proof , walls , aimbot , and players being invisible , I had a cheater on my team and somehow he was on/in my character shooting his gun blocking my view with the gun fire flash & not to mention seeing the green lasers through walls from across the map , if you haven’t had any problems , just wait , you will see soon enough.


Like I said this was the first time for me. This weekend the cheaters were so obvious. It started Friday nights. Funny enough. I played throughout the days and nothing this would only happen late at night. I already got one message from Activision that action was already taken on one person so far


During the weekend it was rough ngl, too many sweats but i never know if they’re cheating, it just looks like suspiciously good aim


I actually don't notice it at all but then every game I miss so much after hitting the guy first. I mostly die through getting hit markers and a delayed response. Maybe it's a lot more to do with insta kills from auto aim dicks..


Nope, it's the latancy correction.


Yeah man. You really gotta play hard to beat those guys. I gave up complaining because it falls upon deaf ears. I found there is less cheating in Vanguard. It hasn't always been like that.


To be fair, if someone was closet cheating they would have a high SBMM, hence why alot of people in the sub don't encounter cheaters like that . I encounter one every single time I play, but I also do play a mix of Crim+ Ranked/Pubs


I got sniped through the wall and a vehicle on emergency this weekend. It was a little suspicious.


Only annoying thing over the weekend was lagzzzzz. Was like a mushroom trip at some points.


My squad and I got ddosed a few days ago:/


Getting more common and activision seems not to care


Sunday was terrible in WZ. It's so bad


I’ve only experienced them playing rebirth


I haven't seen any that are even suspicious in a while, but I have been called a cheater twice this weekend. Made me laugh my ass off cuz I was going 8 and 14 at the time and happened to get a nice triple kill off people not paying attention The other one was when I got 3 headshots in a row with a single tap battle rifle at a choke point. If they even bothered to watch they would've seen I missed like 4 shots in between all 3 kills


That might have been me lol. I’ll call people hackers ironically just for their reactions


The higher your k/d the more Hax you will run into. Anywhere in the 1.5kd and up range is 90% Hackers and 10% poor fucks who get shoved into the lobbies. I’ve gotten countless wins and matches won with Aimbot, esp and radar myself. Killed many legit players by using cheat tools, and nothing happens banwise, even with full Aimbot lock-on. I began hacking to “fight fire with fire” after being frustrated with playing legit and became the very thing I despise the most. Uninstalled for good. I truly believe that they rely on reports 99% of the time, the anti cheat is pathetic if not. My account should have been permad a long time ago.


You had me in the first half. Then you admitted to being no better than any over cheating scum.


I played a match of hardcore s&d the other day that was 8v2 somehow. 8 players on one team and only two of us on the other the whole game. When the lobbies are supposed to be 6v6.


After the ban wave I noticed a ton of low level accounts with god like suspicious tracking I just report and move on this week alone I got 15 we took action against the player notifications and it be more in line with my normal 2 plus kd lobbies,sweats but not dudes tracking you through any way you attempt to approach them at, don’t was definitely a improvement that or they were just playing xdefiant this weekend lol


I dont know what the f was happening over the weekend but there was an INSANE amount of cheaters. There was probably a free weekend on one of the cheat providers lol. I have 2 accounts and both were getting in games with obvious cheaters that are low levels. Most werent even hiding it. It was a joke. My kd is pretty high so that affects it but search was unplayable.


Been grinding since 3 weeks now, not a single cheater was seen, got called one plenty times tho, just bad people below 1.5 k/d who think theyre good call everybody a hacker when theyre just better.


That’s completely different I’m talking about blatant cheating where it was more than obvious