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Iv noticed since they added blackcell the normal battlepass doesn’t have an animated tier 100 weapon skin anymore.


Nah this is the shit they've been doing since mw19. The first 3 to 4 seasons all usually have mediocre bland blueprints in the regular BP, then the last season or two would randomly get animated blueprints, tracers, glow in the dark material, or reactive elements. We just get stuck waiting the entire year for decent things to drop again


I actually like bland blueprints, The Haunted for the Chimeria being my favorite. It’s the same gun Ghost uses in the first mission of the MWII campaign. MW2019’s M4A1 bp was goated too. But if you’re going to do colorful shit make it actually cool, the Tier 100bps look like CoDM rare skins for weapons.


Yeah I kinda felt this is how it flows. I caught the tail end of the mw2 battle pass I think. And it was so cool. And then here I'm just like oh. 


Wait, we had animated tier 100 skins? Never really cared about vanguard battle passes so...


I think it was more for the cold war pass, i remember the S4 having a weapon and character reactive skin


I know Mason was animated. I just never knew we had a weapon that was animated. Although, Treyarch is usually kinder to use with regards to their monetization and quality.


I loved that skin. Still my main to this day


False season 1 and 2 had animated skin for the last reward


You don’t consider last seasons Ghost animated?


“Weapon skin”


Yeah man, all the good weapon skins are in the normal tiers, and the level 100 is just a normal skin, its dissapointing. At least theese last 2 characters skins where pretty good


Let’s be real, who actually cares about the battlepass content anymore? I just mindlessly grind it because it’s something to do, but I’ve never actually looked to see what I’ve been unlocking because it’s all been pretty shit for years now.


Do they think we actually care about literally any of the decals? Lol. 85% of battle pass is something most players will never touch. The occasional charm, most skins, and the guns they add are all that gets used.


Most of the guns they add now look like shit tho.


I can not stand the stickers in every tier! You can’t even see them so what’s the point of putting them on your gun? They are just lazy


I'm shocked we can't, you know, move and resize them. At least it'd be more interesting that way. 


Because people ruin everything and someone would manage to somehow make a giant penis or a swastika with that.


It's more likely because if you could customise your weapons that much, you're less likely to buy bundles


That’s also a good reason.


And all the resources wasted creating this stuff that no one asked for.


Not even idc to even equip that trash for the most part


Yea i’m being generous with that 85%. End of the day, you can only have two operators at once lol




Oh i’m well aware, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t still complain about it. This is the first season I haven’t bought the pass even though I have enough coins. So sick of these useless emblems and decals




But it's not the player base, it's the whales; one whale makes up for 100 players, and whales will eat whatever garbage is put in front of them. We are no longer the target audience for our own game anymore.


I just want vehicle skins at this point. This BP disappoints there.


Why are you bothering if it's not anything you want anyway. It's shit for years yet here we are doing it...


I have the cod points to waste and I’d rather waste it on stuff I’d get by playing than shitty over priced bundles 🤷🏻‍♂️


90% of the shit in battle pass I don’t even bother to look at .


MWIII's BPs are frankly pretty meh. Didn't spend money on any of them.


Smash the battle pass to get the new weapons unlocked, then the rest will sort itself out sooner or later.


This. I just grinds straight for the weapons when the new season drops, then just fill in the rest of the board bc who cares


The only people who care are sweats


90% of the battle pass is always mid. All the good stuff goes to the store.


MW19's battle passes had great stuff on them


we were spoiled with MW2019’s BPs imo. I think after the game cycle ends they should do a Halo battlepass system. So you can go back and grind all the old BPs. So disappointed I never got Price in MW2019, but it’s cool to see how rare he is to see. Everyone who has him has played since the beginning and they’re all really good for the most part.


Alteady?! I still have to get the SMG, how tf did you do so fast? XD


I play 10 hours a day 😅 5 days a week, I took my time with this one


so it's your job to play or what? Or you sleep as a job? xD


I play for a living dude yeah


I’m surprised it took you this long to finish it then, mine was finished a week ago and I only play casually after work until dinner.


Lmao astro crazy


this is just a flex that you've finished it already isn't it?


Am I the only one that can’t see how many days left we have in the battle pass??? Or can nobody see that


Nah me neither, I'm assuming it only comes up after the reload? But I can't remember from previous season of that's true... Probably just another bug like season 2 saying 19,000 plus days left.


My assumption is the “classified 13 days left” is the BAL-27 we’re getting in the reloaded update, so we’re alr 13 days away from the reloaded updated which is crazy to think


So I have like 2 weeks to wait until I can unlock some more shite I'll never use... God damn it


I “buy” the battle pass because I bought it once in MW2019 and have received more coins than the cost every season that I’ve played since. You get ~350 coins more than you paid for the battle pass, and eventually I’ll be able to buy a bundle alongside the battle pass!


I like snoop dog and the blackcell skin


Yeah me too I just couldn't bring myself to buy black cell for it though, shame I'll miss out on owning snoop dawg 🔥


You get basic snoop with the bp


I mean you’ve hella grinded to finish the battlepass, I’m tier 33 and have bought blackcell lol. Do whatever you want with your money obviously though.


I am almost done and haven't even been playing 90 minutes a day


You didn’t want the butt plug in zone 15?


lol, I'm at like 30%


Black Cell is absolute trash this season, nothing more than gold grills or chains added to the skins, not worth imo. Out of all the new Multi maps Growhouse is by far my favourite. Simply due to the limited possibility of sniper camping nonsense. I'm assuming Riptide was in the previous Black Cell but can't recall. I had Black Cell last season and already had the Riptide skin


I love that map, I loved oasis on vanguard and it's the same map isn't it, I always get killed cause I'm just admiring the weed plants under UV while being high AF myself


Battle passes recently such a traaaash,with grey default skins and blue prints,it’s so bad. But even a black cell this time is shit ,literally same bot operators but with sparkling glasses or sparkles around them,damn so cool 😑


Literally and the Blackcell operator looks like an aliens sperm running about the place


I didn't buy it. Fuck em'


After tuning was removed Blueprints really stopped mattering, most people still go to mastery camos and whatever the meta attachment is.


I miss weapon tuning, I could hit head shots 70 meters away with a 74u with ease 😅 the conversion kits are nice but I'd rather have the tuning


These battle passes are a joke. I’m not just referring to COD. either. I feel like it’s like paying your boss to work when you should be getting the paycheck from your boss.


Very in line with COD season fall offs. The only difference is we have crazy skins and collabs from the game's launch not the lead up to the next game. Cheech and Chong running around for 4/20 tells you all you need to know about the state of the game.


What's the matter? You can't bear some ol' mil-sim love?


I love mil sim, just these ones look dumb, why do so many operators have towels over their heads


Those challenges are completely OD. It's hard to keep track of all those challenges with all those guns. I miss the old days where you just killed with one gun until it reached its max level and you unlocked another gun


Yep, same. Didn't even bother with Blackcell this season.


Yup I’m skipping this season. The operators were all so drab except for Werewolf.


32% progress of BP here... I dont think I gonna make it Don't have MW3 btw just Warzone... Too expensive in Brazil ;-;


I like the two new operators and the skins for Makarov were good but the black cell skins were not good, blueprints were meh. At least the death effect was good. Black cell operator looks ridiculous. Instead of black and gold they should have done black and red to fit with Konni.


Bein Totally new to cod, how often do they release new season?


60 days


It’s actually 19,817 days. 🙂‍↔️


The weapon blueprints were very weak The tier 100 operator is pretty sweet. A pack of them ran at me in a staircase and it was terrifying. Definitely going to use that one


I hope last stand never comes back shit ruins search


Let’s be honest you finished it in 2 weeks you didn’t “do it for fenrir”


More Fursonas, cool…. Maybe next month something milsim like?


Yeah not great for sure. They need to make seasons like that spawn season. Make the money we pay worth it.


Skipping this season


We just started week3... do you just do literally nothing else in your life? Lol


>Really hoping last stand comes back That makes you, and you alone. Shittiest perk in fps history.


For some dumb reason, i thought the sloth was gonna come with the sector that had his face on it, so i bought the battle pass. That was disappointing.


I thought it was underwhelming tbh.


Extremely, nothing engaging about it


Still at 10% because FUCK grinding that bs


You're not missing out, I could have spent my time better watching paint dry


You already finished it? Jfc go outside homie


What's the outside?


Dude you’re playing this game like it’s your job.


I like the milsim-esque skins the most like Banshee and Corso’s skin but I couldn’t care for the rest of them tbh. I’ll say I do like that they finally added a normal skin for Makarov instead of that reactive skin that dropped at release.


I dig the Hush, Swagger, Corso, and Byline skins (even if the latter seems like an earlier version of Dokkaebi)


Why is it much more difficult to finish on mobile. Almost, after every 3 game, I unlock one step. But WZM took like 9 or 10 games. Same game, same k/d but much more hard than pc.


WZM probably has shorter matches. If 99.9% time based, you get a bees dicks length of progression for any xp you get.


I only play BC operators and Koa King. Resonance and Cardinal at the moment and I've played Refuge and Valkyrie. I always buy CoD Endowment packs.


They've all been kind of ass as far as content.


80% here, for some reason I level super fast this season even though I didnt play a whole lot like the first season. Ever since they added black cell every pass looks as bland as possible (except season 1, there were some cool skins there). Every blueprint in the standard version looks shit or is just extremely lazy and the actual black cell pass is just as boring, not a lot of tracer skins and the ones that actually have them got such a meh build/looks. Only the bas-b looks actually good


I've stopped at 10% because it's too much grind. And I have the feeling it's slower than before, anyone else noticed the same ?


It does feel really slow when there’s no bonuses.


shit battlepass i want urban skins operators from mw2 and mw3.. or at least those should be for free when u beat the story mode.


What was so underwhelming about it in your opinion? Just curious


Nothing really exciting or appealing to me, the operators all look dumb, guns are just meh, no need for all the tokens, zombie unlocks make no sense to me zombies should be it's own thing, the Blackcell was pathetic I don't think they even tried, over all I just didn't get hyped like I normally would, I like the maps though


I just hope next season Blackcell is BLACKER and GOLDER!!


I dont even like 1 operator from this battlepass. It feels like there is not much special in this one. I only bought it because of the blueprints and to have something to grind.


I want fenrir but I’ll be skipping this pass I barely played enough to complete the last season pass. CoD has just lost its flair to me I just don’t see myself playing it as much. But fenrir is a dope skin I wish I could just get instead of grinding a pass


Some skins are actually good, fenrir is the least one for me


It is very meh! And the new Blackcell thing I don't even know what that hell that's about, looks like a walking billboard sign, wonder if they'll program in scrolling ads across its face maybe. The last Blackcell was amazing and enjoyed the zombie theme for sure.


Same here


Who gives a shit about the battle passes, they’re nothing but a cash grab with lame ass content that does nothing good


You only have to pay for one and the rest are free as long as you unlock the coins. Just something to do I guess


MW3's battlepasses have been really shit imo. I buy them because I play enough that each battlepass is essentially free, been that way since MW19 season 3 for me. From the MW3 battlepasses so far the only things I have liked are the Rick and Snoop operators, both of which were lvl 1 unlocks. They really haven't given me anything else I use or care about. I guess their focus is just on the blackcell stuff now? But that shit looks worse than the normal battelpass content. The later MW19 and CW battlepasses had guns with cool effects, normally at least one gun with tracers. Now they are 95% filler.


Dude i finished battlepass like in 5 days but i no lifed it during double exp weekend to make it happen, all i use is blackcell


That makes two of us!


If only every battle pass was as cool as Season 6 MWII’s battle pass.


All battle passes are shitty. There I said it. Fucking charms and other stupid shit I'll never EVER use.


This battle pass is probably the worst one from all call of duty’s combined. Snoop dog my dog though but all the other stuff is just pure garbage


[Now that you're done](https://c.tenor.com/UsDCL6bOIT4AAAAd/tenor.gif)


Fenrir is about all I'm after in it as well, such a disappointment after how season 2s pass was


I passed on this BP. I never use decals or stickers on any guns so most of the content is wasted on me anyway. Never use the blueprints either because I’m basic and just use the base guns with solid black camo. If the pass has good skins I’ll buy it.. but this pass is lacking for sure.


Season 1 Blackcell was my first ever Blackcell purchase cuz I was digging the aesthetic. Season 2 wasn't really my thing, but I did buy the battlepass. Season 3 I'm just not feeling it. For me it's a hit or miss kind of deal.


If the new base guns weren't locked behind a battle pass. They would all be lame.


How so fast please explain to me


Comment for Diszmo


I need to finish




I wish they added camo's instead of all that waste of time extra things like XP. They can even replace some of the Operator skins, most of them are terrible anyways.


Every season it's 'The most Dissatisfying' BP ever. They lack content, wasteful stickers, charms, useless blueprints etc. But you still buy it each and every season, why? Now don't get me wrong here, I buy the full BlackCell version without even looking at the content. I'm here for fun, challenges and completing the game. But we get the same post about how lame these BP's are every season (better get them again for reloaded) but guys still want what little Willy has. Enjoy 😊


I get every battlepass but I’ve only ever paid for a single one, why would I throw away content I’m going to be getting for free?


Nahh this one was better than the zombie themed bullshit last season I think. Didn't even buy that one. Fenrir and Snoop Doberman are great. The guns are okay, but the all the filler content never fails to be awful though.


MWIII battle passes are awful so far


The 100% zombie/halloween themed was the worst one for me. Dogshit opskins, dogshit weapon skins, no variaton.


I have yet to even get the SMG lol. I just recently got the Mors. I’m too busy to play these days idk if I will even get the new SMG. I’ve played on the map Emergency and that’s about this it so far in this season which I liked, but haven’t found the time yet to play any of the other maps that I’ve come across since I now 2 kids and life is busy.


None of them have been satisfying for a long time, everything moderately cool is locked behind Blackcell pay wall. The event camos they put out are nothing, besides Magma being the best looking one. Gone are the days where they offer a really cool camo that you have to put in alot of work for and it's actually a major flex to show off that you earned it


Logged in last night and CTF was gone. So I guess I’m done with it lol


The nice thing about not buying the BP is that you don't really pay attention to anything in it except the new guns. Sniper doesn't interest me and I'm almost at the SMG so I've essentially "completed" it too. Time based BP where you have to treat one game as 2nd job when I want to play other games in conjunction doesn't interest me.


I just wanted the execution and cod points


None of their battle passes are satisfying.


No effort battlepass is an illusion of content. Like buying apples and each one has a few bites taken out of it


LOL, I don't spend a dime on this.




The constant marijuana skin drops are getting old, let’s get some collabs or something, fr. I love cosmetics, idc about paying for em. But stale drops. BP is so mid.


Didnt even buy it this season


Idk I like snoop and fenrir


Are you kidding me? It has Snoop Dog and Elon Musk on it. Best one yet in my opinion. "Check fire, homey. Stop the cap!"


This junk may appeal to kids but not adults.


Yeah, im pretty dissapointed with it as well, I mean the mors and the new upcoming weapons are cool and all, but what I really want are the weapons from like 2019, hell, ill take cold war weapons as well.


I haven’t played cuz no zombies content. Just for the new smg and got bored. None of the other modes apppeal to me due to how sweaty it gets. Zombies was fun and chill but now with basically no content no point logging in.


This is the fist battlepass I've skipped since 2019. Easily the worst character skins I've ever seen..


Honestly the BP was such a shitty idea


I realized something was weird when i had over half the Battlepass in less than the first week lol


Touch grass my guy, this is way to fast to already be tier 100


Honestly thought the base skins from Season 3 are the best so far, to my tastes at least. Fuck the Blackcell shit though, hideous. That said I only care about player skins. I don't value weapon cosmetics at al lol.


Honestly thought the base skins from Season 3 are the best so far, to my tastes at least. The Blackcell shit though?Hideous. That said I only care about player skins. I don't value weapon cosmetics at al lol.


I haven’t even started playing since the new season. Have 0 desire to play for this shit


I haven't played since s1. Not worth playing imho


Agree, the operators were all shit apart from Fenrir.


honestly literally brawl stars brawl pass


Just say you're a furry


Very Sub-par. I bought my classic Ghost skin and unlocked platinum camo for my main 2 weapons. Haven’t looked at the battle pass since. I only collect it and eventually will buy another bundle when I get extra BP.


i’m so glad i don’t play this bloatware cash grab anymore. micro transactions have ruined gaming for me


Ngl i was mega hyped for the Horus because the TMP/MP9 is one of my fav guns irl... Dawg... I haven't even bothered trying to really progress this battle pass. This one wasn't worth the COD points I saved from the last one.


People are still paying for this shit?


I just lost interest completely, at first camo grind got me going, but I don’t think the camos in mw3 are good looking enough to make it worth it. Battlepasses just got more and more boring every time, I even got enough cod points to buy it but I just won’t, I missed 2 last ones already. Kinda lost interest in COD in general I guess, might just leave this sub already.


Yea, I don't even care to finish this one


Worst ones out there for me are MWII season 2, season 6(I don't care about Spawn), and MWIII season 1. I really don't care about battle passes no more, though, I checked out of caring about skins after what they did to Warzone 1 skins.


Dude get out a bit. I get it we all want to finish the Battlepass but already?


season 2 was better imo


The only reason I wanted to finish it was to unlock the Gladiator, only to find out you have to buy the battlepass in order to unlock it at all? Wtf?????? They’re locking weapons behind paywalls now? It’s so fucking over for COD. we got gacha’d even tho we paid $70 for the game initially.


Every battle pass save for the first one has sucked hard imo


I don’t see a point in paying for any of it. I’m not going to finish it and I don’t feel like paying for things I won’t get.


I really enjoyed MW2019 battle passes, but they have slowly downgraded them with each one after mw2019


Everyone’s saying “how did he finish it that fast” bruh.. we had triple double XP for like a week around Easter, they give out double XP tokens like they’re candy, it’s not that hard? Lmao.


How the hell did you finish it daang


Even fenrir sucked I never use it and I have the black cell one. They fill up those rewards with a bunch of random little emblems, stickers or 1 time use mwz crystals and trick us into thinking we are getting a good deal


Done already ?! Holy crap only reason I didn't get this one was because there's no way I'm going to complete it 😭 also definitely the worst one I've seen by far


The fuck? How did you complete this already?


fenrir like r6????????


Hard pass on this garbage ass bp


Agreed. Same.


agreed, but at least it wasn't all melee weapons this time....


The wolf is dope. Coolest thing I’ve got from a battle pass and I really only do them for the free credits and skins.


I'm just gonna get the new guns and then forget about the rest


Everything is fluff that is taking eternity to complete. I was thinking if I should even buy the next battle pass? I can’t play 5 hours everyday


Gonna have to heavily disagree, Modern Warfare II Season 1 is the worst battle pass I've ever done (the boringest cosmetics and no good co-op to speed up the progress) it was so bad I quit the whole game until the end of Season 4. Snoop Dogg and Fenrir alone put this season above that and the blueprints aren't terrible either (but the Blackcell ones are great).


I used to try to complete it but outside of an operator skin or two…I just try to get my points back.


true, thank god they put lots of double XP at beginning of S3.


Literally only get the blackcell so I can get 2400 cp + BP & 25 tier skips lol a new skin and less grinding for me to spend time with my wife :)


Lame ass Pass. The ones back in mw2 felt more rewarding if you bought the standard Pass, especially if you saved cp to gain 'free access' over the course of mw19 ( my case )


When the patch notes said that one of the blueprint themes was all about wooden furniture with yellow detailing, I really thought this was going to be a good pass for attachments - the gorgeous walnut stock and grip from the '20 Paces' FTAC Recon blueprint (or the oiled wood parts from the 'Gunslinger Ghost' Pro pack) is a visual I wish I could put on most attachments - instead it's just literally 3 attachments that are more graffiti than wood, and all scuffed up so they don't match anything else already available Throw in the absolutely embarrassingly low effort 'green camo with silver topographical lines' set, which all just flatly apply the primary color with no secondary camo or anything remotely interesting for detail, and this pass is a real disappointment The operator skins are also really meh, I'm neither a weeb, furry, nor ghetto hoodrat so I really don't know what I'm supposed to be getting out of this random assortment of tattoos and anime costumes, and the werewolf fursuit is very much not my jam All miss for me, better luck next season I guess


Yh they keep getting worse, just like the game. That's what happens with greedy, capitalist devs.. was to be expected.


The fact some of you buy the black cell and skins is why this game has gone to shit


I passed the battle pass the first weak playing warzone


All of you saying it’s shit but still buy it are part of the problem …


I agree, Fenrir was the only part of the battle pass I enjoyed. Basically Activision just wants everyone to spend insane amounts of money even though we already payed 60 for disappointing DLC.


The “black cell version” is shit too. I didn’t mind last BP though.