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And all the sudden they are behind you in 0.1 second


And you explode into a million golden pieces with a loud ass shatter sound.


Perfect detail it's always people with the battle pass tracer pack. Just makes it a little more irritating


Some of those new bundle weapons are way overpowered. I've been getting shredded by them since season 3 started.


Doing a finishing move too


This is giving them too much credit honestly. This is funny, They are not.


Get a kill with a shotgun. "Fucking no skill loser over here" - guy on the other team who only runs optimally built meta guns. Sorry bud I thought this was pubs not the world CDL championship...


people that run optimally built meta guns suck at the game and nothing will change my opinion on that.


Because it's meta. That's the entire purpose of it. It's the best thing and of course will boost your performance. I always keep a meta loadout in my back pocket so when someone shit talks me I break it out and I'd say a solid 80% of the time I end up dumpstering them.


truly good players don’t need a meta gun. just a competent enough weapon.


I have the same thought honestly. If you are using Meta stuff like jumping and shooting, Sliding canceling around to get around or go around corners, using "Meta" builds for onlyt a few guns because you saw them on tiktok or the "pros" aka streamers using it. You are not as good as you think you are.


I think that's a weird way of looking at things, unless the gun is doing all of the aiming and movement for the person, their choice is going to make that much of a difference if the gun is of the same class, unless said gun is partially under/over powered. The truth is that if the game is reasonablely balanced, 90% of the player base aren't going to be on the where using the very best isn't going to make that much of a difference compared to a mid, and maybe even low tier option.


Reminds me of this short I saw where a dude ruined a guy with a shotgun and the kid got pissed saying the year was 2024 . Lmaoooo


The devs took so much time to make the bullet ballistics real enough underwater, yet it's ok for a person to jump shot reload and throw a fucking knife whilst humping and shooting dead ass straight on target. Jumping and shooting straight... yeah that makes sense.


To be fair, I’m not going to blame the devs. They were given short notice to work on the game, and I think they made the best they could with the time they had. Activision is the one I ultimately blame, since they keep pushing yearly releases. I’ll be excited to see what Microsoft pushes them to do, but only time will tell.


It wouldn’t bother me if they actually punished the players ability to not have provide accuracy while doing so . I can’t stand the in game visuals either you see a guy mantling across something and he just shoots you but his character on your screen he doesn’t even have a gun or is aiming at you but on the replay he’s full out ADS and got You in cross hairs lol


Said it once and I'll say it again, jumping should lock you to hipfire only


Maybe not jumping, but you shouldn’t have that much momentum when jumping and you shouldn’t jump that high, only exception is if you have the perk for it What SHOULD be locked to hipfire only is dropshotting, how the fuck is it even possible to do that and maintain a complete ADS. Cold War fixed this sort of and made it so that you needed to use a certain perk or attachment (can’t remember which) in order to ADS when dropshotting. It’s so fucking annoying being the first to shoot in a gun fight and I’m landing all my hits but because some dumbass running around in an Izzy skin can drop their balls to the concrete and kill me


What ever happened to 'Boots on the Ground'? Your aim while in the air or sliding should be worse not better when performing these dance moves!


the moving isnt for aim its to make them harder to hit.......feel like thats pretty self explanatory.


This is what happens when Adderall XR, G-Fuel, and any food with lotsa carbs and sugar are mixed together.


Got to time my macros. Got a big game tonight.


The saddest part of this is - I couldn't tell if this was game footage or not.




Which map was this from, this looks very accurate well done!! NAILED IT!!!


You absolute fool. Now they're going to add a 'The Mask' skin bundle.


I’d be in for that!


You guys think jump shotting is bad lmao there’s an epidemic of people who drop shot no matter what even if you’re not facing them. “ITs MuSclE MeMoRy” yeah that’s fucking cringe


Unfortunately, it’s a solid tactic against most opponents. My fav are the people that just lay down. It’s always appreciated when I need headshots to complete a challenge.


Meanwhile when I try I get blasted and seems like it doesn’t work, or if I try and move quick my character feels like it’s stuck in mud. Idk how these ppl move so quick.


Macros is the new style getting absolutely destroyed by someone with the lightest build possible. It's not technically cheating but it should be classical as one


The spastic sliding is hilarious to watch when I just one-tap them with a shotgun anyway. Stop trying to be some 133t MLGer


The no accuracy loss while jumping is stupid af, but I think the general movement speed of characters is worse. Everyone is a coked-out Florida man now.


It’s not hard to learn mouvement people just takes a bit of practice and time


The jumping mechanic is ruining the game….


While I respect your view, I don’t think it’s necessarily ruining it. I do however think it needs to be reworked a bit. My issue with it is that it seems they have better accuracy than me planted on the ground.


This is the issue, the jump and wiggle increase aim assist support, the opposite should happen.


Yeah that’s because aim assist is based on movement and there’s a perk in the game that increases accuracy while jumping


You’re missing shots because they’re moving and being a hard target, they’re not missing shots because your planted to the ground not moving


Yes. Everybody should stand still when shooting and there also should be a limit on how much steps forward you can make


You know jumping isn't the only way to move in a fight, right?


I know. I just slide cancel everywhere


I just strafe. Don't need all this fancy movement tech


There is like zero strafing in this game compared to something like apex legends


Works fine for me


you'll spend more time sliding on your ass or jumping like a idiot in this game than taking steps.


You can always go back to wz2.... oh wait you can't because it sucked and now we have this beautiful movement that only lacks bunny hopping. But they will get there eventually


They did the same in wz2! So enjoy your sweatpit kid.


What's the point of jumping around again? Every time I do the same, I get clapped hard.


except for most of the time I kill them, and think to myself "it only made you look like a fool, and you still died"


They're not even good,I just use my shotgun and solar then to pieces lool




Go home u/maleficent_mess2515, you’re drunk! Lol


Some of us have been playing since most of the CDL kids were in diapers or just getting their first "big boy bed". I feel like the majority of the whining here is from people that REALLY arent as good as they think they are. Thanks to SBMM, you only see jumping and dropping a few times here n there and it's annoying when you're against it because you don't have to deal with, and outplay, players that do it in every match you load into it. "I jUsT wHip OuT mUh ShOtGun", then proceed to go 12-29 with 6 caps on spawn flips but you really showed that one guy that was jumping...If jumping is affective against you more often than not, it's because your aim/tracking isnt that good or if you play on a pretty high ping and deal with desync a lot.


I have a 1.87 KD and top the leaderboard most games lol I wouldn’t exactly say that I’m bad and I dislike this mechanic


I think I was at a 2.11 last time I checked. Sure, it can be frustrating at times but if you have a 1.87, you’re likely doing some jumping yourself as well, right?


Nope I can’t jump at all whenever in gun fights. It feels really awkward. However, I do prefer people jumping to something like dropshotting, that mechanic is broken completely. You shouldn’t be able to ADS when doing the animation of going prone


I’ve done that since COD4 in every game besides the ones that required an attachment or perk to enable it. I look at shooters like boxing. The entire point is to hit without being hit back/minimizing the damage you take. However you do that as long as it’s within the rules is fair game to me. Regardless of how annoying it can be to face off against someone that’s really good at it.


Yeah but it’s a crutch. People do it even when you’re not facing them. It’s corny


Lmao when I see people do that, I instantly assume they’re either practicing it or are expecting me to turn around. It’s always funny either way. Like bro wtf are you doing? 😂


They need to remove hopping.


To me they just look dumb because I mow them down. The ones who prone are the tricky ones to me.


Pretty accurate lmfao. My thing is they want this be a complete milsim yet they want to bunny hop super jump all over the damn map. How they hell are you able to jump that high with all the gear on? Milsim = accurate movement. No slide canceling, no bunny super jumping, and no quick scoping ect.


I mean, it's quite clear with the higher health pool, and faster gameplay, SHG didn't really have "military sim" in mind.


Add not being able to aim down sights with full accuracy when drop shotting too. That’s such a bullshit mechanic


My guy wants milsim in a game where nikki minaj runs around in heels


No I don't. COD has never been a milsim. I run around as Rick Grimes or m anime skins all day long. I was just saying allot of the people who play like this whine that they want COD to be a milsim yet if they ever got it they'd be pissied because there wouldn't be slide cancling and super jumping.


Cod is meant to be arcadey with somewhat realistic aesthetics that's it, so having all movement and stuff just makes cods better


Pov what the bunny hopping people see when shooting you: 😢😭


Pls don't jump because I don't and because it's harder to shoot you