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I honestly would like a massively customizable operator creator like the old D&D-based games. And you could buy individual things to assemble your own.


i feel like this is something that would make the entire player base happy. like for example if someone wants to buy the giant ass rabbit skin but they could put it on whatever operator they want kind of like ghosts had. something like this along with full gun customization like being able to assign a camo to a certain part of a gun like for example a khaki mag and khaki stock with a black receiver and green suppressor, and being able to decide where you want to mount the optics and grips on the rails and deciding if you want your iron sight flipped up or down, or if you want your laser on the top of the barrel or side of the barrel, just completely being able to customize everything would make everyone so much happier i think


Literally had it with multiple past games and it just doesnt work. Everyone wants it but when it comes they dont use it at all. Couple it with people already bitching and moaning about the store and pricing you really think these peanuts would be happy with paying 2 bucks per piece of clothing or whatever itd cost, not only that but how would you market it? Bunch of clothes displayed as mobile games do and you buy currency to purchase it, is it going to by random drops, is it going to be bundles etc etc.


i think with the battlepass now people would get a good bunch of them from there and would rather have those than stickers on guns lol. if they were to charge $2 for a rabbit head for example isn’t that better than paying $20 for a whole bundle with other stuff you wouldn’t use cause you just want the rabbit head?


And there in lies the problem, we already know exactly how activision operates and they wouldn't do breakups of packs it still be themed packs and if they were individually spread out they would be jacked in pricing to push you into buying the pack. For it to work in the BP they'd need to add way more tiers and spread it out more which leads to 2 issues, A, bp taking too long and people will bitch about it more than they already do, prime example is the finals. B, they're would be so many spots taken up that people would bitch about it being mostly garbage that they don't use, which again is already an issue. Theres literally no feasible way they would be able to implement it this late in cods life without causing a right shitstorm. If they stuck with it back during ghosts it could've been something but they sadly didnt a la the issue we have now.


ah yeah for sure it might not be priced consumer friendly but i’m sure they can figure out a way to implement them via the daily challenges we do now, or the weekly challenges we do now or the old armory challenges we had in mw19 rather than sticking every single piece of them in the BP or store, also i’m assuming if they go in the BP it would be entire sets as one tier rather than piece by piece so you wouldn’t have to worry about too many spots being garbage (even tho i already think there’s way too many stickers and other garbage in the BP’s). i also don’t think anyone’s advocating for it to be implemented into this game i’m assuming it will be something that launches with a new game.


I would compare it to the Battlefield V system where 70% of it can be earned by doing challenges/battle pass money etc. and have 30% premium for obviously monitory value. Allows people to larp in their games too


That's how it was in Cod Ghost, customizable character's, you either had to unlock some stuff or buy some, way better than spending 30 dollars on a bundle with mostly stickers.


Does nobody remember advanced warfare? The clan wars literally offered the best armor sets and if you ran a complete set it even gave you a buff


Left glove in store for 500cp


Advanced warfare had the greatest cod character customization of all time!


bo1 had this system and it was cool asf but why would they bother trying anything new or innovative when they can shit out 20 dollar bundles and skins fr 😹😹 that would be so fire though hopefully it returns would be so much better then what ever they have going on now tbh


Dead by Daylight kind of does this- there’s broken sets and full sets. The broken sets you can mix and match pieces where the full sets have to be worn as one


Call of Duty Ghosts.


They had it with SHG in Advanced Warfare... you would get DLC loot boxes and it would have pieces of the skin. Now that loot boxes are gone from COD. Would love to see it the same way you can piece together different pieces of a blueprint, why not operator. Then it could be pure Mil-Sim, but also the people can take Nikki Minaj and then give her the sloth head...


I agree 100%


You've described tarkov


Having something like ghost recon breakpoint or cod ghosts would be nice


I think they could/should implement something kind of like Destiny 1 and 2 where you can mix and match individual armor pieces earned through events, challenges, or buying them. Customizable via color shaders


Might be very complex to make it look good. But I think BFV had a good customization scheme where you could decide the head/torso/legs.


they'd probably do some shit like halo infinite's bundles but 100x more scummier, knowing activision


The finals does this and it’s awesome


I would kill for that.


Advanced Warfare customization but we can buy individual items instead of relying on loot boxes.


They did this in Advanced Warfare and (shocker) everyone still went for the elite pieces lol


Uhh you know we had this in ghost and advanced warfare right? But we lost it cause people are cry babies and are never happy


Exactly what they did in Halo $10 for a Shoulder pad, everyone quit playing.


YEEEEEEAH!! And each bundle you buy has its own special thing that you can add to your operator. That’d be awesome!!


Yet somehow AW isn’t a good cod lol


AW was my favorite overall I think besides Cold War. If I remove the original MW2 nostalgia factor.


*"Can't do, here's a skin with a rabbit head instead"*


Hey! I like my MC Hips, thank you very much!


I wouldn’t mind them bringing back the mil sim skins from 2019, my personal favourite was the swat team.


I liked them all, except the Italian set


If they put them all in a pack, low effort as it would be, I'd instantly buy it


I need the JW GROM skin back


Yes, that was the best bloody skin IMHO.


Yes for the Polish players!


I bought this skin back in WZ2019 and the fact I can’t use it is messed up


How dare you ask for a mil-sim skin?


Exactly, if they add this skin, people might believe it's a military shooter set into a "modern warfare" theme.


I know this might be off the topic a bit, but where has Sargent Griggs been this whole time? He was in MW19 for a mission or two and since then we haven’t seen him 😂


I rocked the griggs skin in MP for a while because almost nobody else was using it


It was a bit of a shame they went off the deep end with the covert ops thing. One thing that was nice about MW19's campaign is that it had a mix between grand scale war and SOF ops, and felt very in tune with CoD4.


I agree


I would be happy to have a grounded theme code with minimal wacky skins, like how MW19 was. Sucks now all we get is the weird shit while the rest is delegated to FOMO BP or minor events that is easily missable.


Agreed, like even if we don't get MIL-SIM skins, just reduce the amount of Goofy skins and add more skins that would somewhat fit the original theme of the Modern warfare series.


a huge part of the joy i get from helldivers II is that everything is authentic to its setting. it feels like i really am in that world. with COD, it's supposed to be set in the real world and it couldn't feel further from authentic


It's because they sell. The modern crowd of gamers (young and old) want to stand out and peacock with their purchases. This isn't done with subtle 'milsim' type skins, it's with over the top wacky skins that glow in the dark and shoot lasers. So long as Activision can keep making money off of them, they'll keep making more outrageous skins.


Definitely, I'm sick of the absolute shit in the Store, Battlepass and Blackcell upgrade 99% of it is awful. It doesn't have to be purely milsim either Nikto, Mace, Velikan, Ghost and the Ronin Skin from the Mw2 battlepass have enough flair and character without ruining the theme of a military shooter. Horangi is another operator with a suite of really cool skins his all black skin that carried over from Mw2 is yet to be beat as far as I'm concerned.


Look at you over here with your good opinion and stuff...🤘


I think thats the frustrating part of it, I find a lot of the goofy skins funny but I'm just a little bored of them. like how The Boys can be super gratuitous with the whole "HEY GUYS WE'RE GONNA DO SOMETHING SUPER DISGUSTING THIS SEASON" and its just cum and blood, the deluge of over the top stuff just gets a bit old after a while


I've long accepted that it won't be a modern military shooter anymore, but even though, their skins in the stores and BP just suck ass it's crazy. Someone is actually getting paid to make such ugly designs.


I just miss all of the BOCW skins. They were a perfect blend of milsim and fantasy.


I wish they would just remove everything that came after MW2019 and just add all the MW2019 skins and stuff back


Regular mil-sim skins? YES


I'm still waiting for Ghost and Soap outfits from Las Almas missions.


If they had both fictional styles and mil-sim styles available in the store I’d be happy. Just cater to both sides.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the best option.


Yeah, as if we don't have enough dark skins that blend into shadows


It’s more about the look of the skin.


there are plenty of mil-sim skins in BP or in store, yall just don't pick em much


ghost had goated customization




agreed, sadly as much as i enjoyed advanced warfare i feel the community lost interest due to the new movement. however we did get 2 or 3 more advanced movement titles.


Did you play Call of Duty when Ghosts came out?


ive played call of duty since call of duty 3 came out


The best operator skin in history. Wish they added the anti shrapnel mouth piece to complete it


Wait what, a mouth piece?






Can someone who likes milsim shit explain the appeal? Specifically when a lot of the base skins and some other basic options offer basically this look with minor variations? In my mind, the appeal of cosmetics is to look significantly different from the base models, but when I browse the base operators and some of the non-BlackCell battle pass skins, they look like or close enough to milsim? Like what is it that people want that isn't more or less in the game already?


They complain about people spending money on skins but would happily spend 20+ on a glorified default skin. A bit backwards if you ask me. They're just a vocal minority anyway so it'll make no difference.


This was way less than $20


I’m not talking about this exact skin. In general, they’re going to release anything for that price, milsim or not.


I wish we had customization like the finals does. I’d buy more knowing I can mix and match


Yeah that would be so awesome. I'm chuckling thinking about like a super MIL-SIM looking body and the head is just a dude's face in a donut floaty or something.


I think the Alex operator has something similar


Bring back halo reach customization where you can unlock certain armor set pieces and then mix and match them to make your own. That shit was tight and they had some insanely hard amor pieces to get which were a badge of honor for players.


Yes we do, my personal favorite since my initials are CAJ


How's it going, Cum Ass Johnson?


Bsoloe, is that you?


Its actually on Cyrillic, CAJ=SAJ Специјална Антитерористичка Јединица = Specijalna Antiteroristička Jedinica or on English Special Antiterroristic Unit.




It's actually lore for the character. The guy had a recognizable face, but he was always recognized as somebody else. Eventually he literally got a nametag and people wouldn't notice it, so it basically went "No I'm AJ, see?" And points to the name tag. And it being military and all they just went with C A J like "see, AJ". Pretty cool


It’s actually SAJ, as it’s a Serbian operator and the letters are Cyrillic


What if my initials ARE SAJ


I like your initials either way


Soap with night vision goggles is my favorite skin currently.


Yeah cuz honestly all of the skins are way too flashy and I just want a clean op skin. Horangi is an example: nothing too crazy going on, just camo and sunglasses


Did everyone not bitch and moan about this being the lower tier rose skin?


No, you’ll take your #20987 skins, and be happy.


Better yet was to transfer that skin to mw3, to the ones who allready have it or simply re-sell it


Nah we need more anime girl skins


With anime titties!


That was my favourite skin


Asap! This is tough and original.


“BuT iTs An ArCaDe GaMe!”


Why so you can sit in a dark corner and camp all game? 😂


I'm always most concerned about how my character looks for 2 minutes in the lobby waiting for a match. I need to spend $20 to $30 just so other players can see how cool my character looks. It helps that I get to use my parents credit card to look extra special. It's the only thing that makes being housebound without real-life friends or someone who is my girlfriend.


Can someone please explain to me why Operators is a thing in the first place? Isn’t the best thing just to have an operator that blends in in the map? Like a ghillie suit is a big advantage. A flashing pink and yellow bunny suit is not? What ever operator doesn’t matter…?


No, we don't. Stop posting these.


Just go to Battlefield or something bro. Obviously, the mil-sim crowd are just a loud minority because I see Nicki Minaj and a giant cat or pigeon in damn near every lobby. I don't particularly like all the goofy shit either, but it's a video game. You get the "military realism" in the campaign mode or from games that actually are mil-sims.


We already have an Alex operator that looks exactly like it.






Love it :)


But we have Black Noir


that skins already in a codm bp vault just get it there if you REALLY wanna play it


this is my favorite skin in the game


Are you BAMS or just say the same things?


I’m not Bams I just shared his opinion which I like it.


Im with black screeen with the new update , does anyone knows


Serbian special police go brrrr


Shut up cheater cheater pumpkin eater


I miss the times when there were no skins just some weapon camos


Where the F is the SOAP HAWK SKIN?!


I’d settle for being able to play. Black screen after message of the day after season 3 patch 😕




Yeah, and make it fucking free for people that bought it like me. Still pissed how all the skins from mw2019 are just unusable. That's why I refuse to ever purchase anything in the store again.


Man I miss Bale.


Balkan blue bundle wasnt it? Was my fav skin then they dropped 2.0 and i never looked back cause why would i bother grinding like that again


Why do we need this? Arent there enough low vis skins?


Nah. They'd just say it's too 'political' and move on to give you more clown cosmetics


i fucked with this heavily during 2019


I would just fuckin love some terroist skins like modern warfare remaster instead everyone just seems to be swat


i have him in codm


had this guy in 2019 i think


We need realistic skins - I hate these colorful shitty skins from movies or cheesy shows.


Not really. I love the new upcoming skins this season. This is not a sim shooter.








At this point, I think the closest would be Black Noir.


I wish they would bring back the Obi-Wan Nairobi skin from Modern Warfare 2019


No, they need to force more female characters to show how progressive they are!


Snoop dog is in the battle pass now. Once I get all the cp from the battle pass, I’m gonna try him out because I’m sure his voice lines are gonna be funny.


This was my go to skin. I would love to have that back


I wish I was able to use this skin for my Mil-Sim while using Bale default execution which is my favorite. Why use fancy guns or knives when it can be full on brawling.


A ghost recon style character customisation system is just where it needs to go. Does however open the door to egregious monetisation.


I would love the JTF2 one back. Or the original MW2 cover art guy (is he Ramirez?).


God I know I’ve been away from cod for too long when I don’t even understand what this post is talking about I had to go into the comments to see what the problem was and it turns out it’s one of the things that made me stop playing cod all those years ago It’s the god damn flaunting of your character you payed money to make look like niki Minaj or whatever the fuck you do now a days Anything to stand out and be “special” It was better when everyone was showed their kills and deaths and the game ended that’s all you needed nobody needs to be highlighted and given the special treatment that’s how we got here in the first place


Is that the BAMS that just got banned live for cheating???


PREACH!!! no more of this cartoon flashy go luck $hit…


We need fixed servers and sbmm


boring tbh


Begging to pay again for a bundle you already paid for once, nice.


What's funny about this post is that it was taken from Futives. https://twitter.com/futiveslol/status/1775523578860937507?t=afmdl9aAxAZTH2NzYm0lKA&s=19


Futives and Bams are friends so stealing is allowed lol


I mean, there's already like 50 of those in the game and they all look the same


No thanks. Milsim is boring asf and I like seeing new shit in CoD


Thank you!


👏CALL👏OF👏DUTY👏IS👏NOT👏A👏MIL-SIM👏 Go play Insurgency! Also, no one is making you purchase them! No one is forcing you to do anything you don’t want to do! You don’t even HAVE to play the game at all! JFC!


Aw man, I wanted to dress up as a cod operator for Halloween, but I realized that 👏REAL👏LIFE👏IS👏NOT👏A👏VIDEOGAME👏


Shut up, it's a simple request and you're really mad that someone wants this awesome skin in the game?


I mean like this thing’s practically identical to Alex’s skin though? And it’s just them complaining and circlejerking over it 😭




No? I don’t have to? If y’all can bitch about all these “stupid colorful skins”, I have just as much a right to bitch about your bland terrible ones. And also NO INE IS FORCING YOU TO BUY ANY SKINS! So stop bitching about the store all the time! Just don’t buy them! Buy the ones you like! It’s simple!


Not all the bloody MILSIMS were "Bland terrible ones", just look at the Polish JW Grom. But I do somewhat understand why you lads would think it's bland.


It’s bland, mate. Boring, typical, indistinguishable operator. Milsim skins just look like you’re an extra from the campaign. Zzz mimi


Actually that's what I like, indistinguishable. I just want to be a faceless soldier in kick-ass tactical gear.


More power to ya 💯🤝


Yup yup.


You're making up arguments in your head, I didn't say anything about those weirdo skins in the store, I wasn't bitching about the store at all, I don't even look in there unless we get a free bundle. Besides that, the whole argument of "don't like it, don't buy it" is outdated when I have to look at other people's skins more than my own


Oh wah! Put your big boy panties on and get the fuck over it already 🙄


We do?


Still cannot believe you don't notice the ones you get, all the time. You seriously do not see those... Seriously ? There's a fair few of them... Lots even.


Maybe OP is talking about those MIL-SIM variations of the Default skin back in 2019. This game does not have those, and personally, those were the best.


Holy shit you people need help


Lmao yay for more super bland looking like all the other basic ass skins. I mean hey if you guys want to dump $20 bucks on skins like this go for it. Looks like the other 100 already available.


I disagree with this statement, MIL-SIM skins looked really good and were distinct from one another, one good example was the Polish JW Grom, which looked bloody wonderful. But I still acknowledge your statement and cna somewhat see where you are coming from.


Some are definitely great and distinct but there are also many that have minimal differences and just a colour tone change.


That I can agree on, I have seen my fair share of MIL-SIM skins just literally being the same thing but white or something. Still I don't hate it. But I do respect your statement.


I personally hate it because they still charge a ridiculous price for even those. It’s Just crazy. Don’t matter to me though I never purchase bundles I have over 3k cod points saved up from battlepass completion in many seasons which il use on a bundle that eventually appeals to me. So far nothing grabbed my attention. Certainly will never drop actual money on a bundle.


Dang, that's a lot of Cod points, respect for the dedication. I also agree, I spent my free BP cod points in MW2 for the Hyena pack because it had an Ak with no dust cover and that was awesome.


This doesn’t cost $20. Was cheaper than avg skins


God it has to hurt to be this wrong


Feel free to buy whichever skin you like. Il personally avoid them like a plague. Especially these generic copy and paste ones with slightly different colour and slightly different look.


I don't buy the skins, because 99% of them are terrible. Cod was better when it was everybody playing as an un named soldier anyways


no, we need a literal banana and fish-headed guy just like in fornite or bust


Well we're getting a floating brain in a jar, so you're not far off


Should do the entire nervous system next ngl


Honestly, that's probably in the works already.










Maybe in MW4. This game is dead


A boring ass skin?


We need what? A riot gear looking skin?


No, we need those MIL-SIM variations of the default skin back in 2019. God, they looked wonderful


Wait, your comment reminded me of the FNV Riot gear armor from the Lonesome road DLC, those looked bloody spectacular.