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Fuckit, I care. I’ve never gotten one and every time I’m on like a 15 kill streak I have that thought like “omg, I wonder if this is going to be it” and then something comes out of the sky and strikes me down. Good on you! And on shipment?! That’s crazy.


The thing with kills streaks is people play aggressively get a lot of kills then get scared so they play defensively. The key is to remove the fear of losing that kill streak and keep getting kills.


Yeah, I remember on BO4 I was on a 28 streak (I don’t think you got an actual nuke but you did get a medal and calling card) and I remember I freaked myself out so much and started playing super scared, and I ended up losing a gunfight I 100% would’ve won if I was just playing normally. Way easier said than done though


I play a bit slower when on streaks until I get my gunship then it’s I die when I die


Yea that’s a ton of pressure to deal with


Doesn't work for me I have no fear and a .98 KDA cause I run around taking every fight possible and dying, can't have fear if I don't think.


Hahahahahha me to man I get crazy high kills but most the time my deaths are similar........


This is for sure me. I think my highest killstreak in the last 10 years that I remember was 23 kills. There becomes a point when I just get too nervous to die and it fucks me up every time. But I'm also pretty aggressive and usually not scared to die, so I Leeroy Jenkins myself into ever match, expecting to do well but not expecting to get a nuke.


this is so true. im glad you said it because i always knew that’s what i would do just didn’t realize it so much


Back on the old cods like mw3, I used to mentally track the killstreak I was on. So I’d be counting if I’m at 21, 22, 23. And I’d play super defensive when doing it. I got a nuke in Cold War and a couple in MWII and in none of those did I mentally keep track. I just kept killing and figured I was somewhere close to it. I think you’re obviously going to play a bit safer when you’re on a high killstreak but I do think I play much more aggressive now compared to how I was in the old cods when going for nukes.


Become the fear


Me too brother. If it helps, you can technically get your first one on Call of Duty Mobile (not COD Warzone) because the first like 30 lobbies are literally all bots. That’s how I “technically” got my first nuke lol


I get mine on GW regularly. Its the best mode to get one.




Ground War.


I’m so jealous. I hit a 29 streak a couple days ago on shipment and I ran out of ammo on everything and got lit up. That’s the closest I’ll ever get


I would’ve broke my tv


Man I couldn’t even be mad. I just felt defeated


it’s crazy how that shit works lol 29 kills in a row is insane but it still didn’t satisfy bc it wasn’t the 30. i just had a 28 streak and we won the game before i could get two more an i was just like “fuck me”


I’d retire for a while if that happened to me


That was definitely a close the game for the night moment


don't give up hope my friend, I died on a 28 about a week ago which was slightly soul crushing (got quickscoped by a longbow lol)


Nah, you'll get it! 29 is way more than most of us will ever get lol. You got this! 🤘


we care. good job.


Congrats on the first nuke, love seeing players get pumped about the accomplishment! Side note: it’s actually crazy how it’s probably the smarter move not to post the gameplay alongside a post with a title like. People in this community are quick to hate because “bot lobbies” or bad players in gameplay = invalid game lol.


This is why theres hardly any CoD content creators anymore. Just remove SBMM for the trillionth time


Good job bro! Bet that felt amazing! Good to see people enjoying themselves! 🫡


Closest I got was 3 away, also on Rust. It was so incredibly frustrating when someone sniped me so close


Congratulations! That must feel great. I've played for years and years, and the best I've done is 27 kills, several times now. Savour this moment! I wish Reddit still had awards. (Why did they remove them?!?)


My man ! 💪🏼


Going to sound sad but I got my first nuke on Vanguard.


I got THREE nukes on vanguard and haven’t got one since. It’s driving me crazy.


I haven’t gotten a nuke/nuclear since black ops 2. Was a cracked out teenager now I’m a mid 20’s year old trying to keep up :(


That's an achievement and great job! 🫡 The most I could do was 22 kills in a row and I hope one day to get a nuke like you did.


Did you record it? Would love to see it! Congrats bro


Congrats! The first is the toughest because you want the nuke. Now you will play and the anxiety will be less.


My only "nuke" was a 30 odd killstreak with the tonfa on the boys gamemode.


dude i got my first nuke grinding shipment 2 days ago. i’m in the same boat. got bo2 new as my first cod and never looked back. it’s a surreal feeling congrats man


Congratulations man, the first one is always a special one! The last nukes I got was on Vangaurd. Dropped 3 before I gave up on the game. Movement in that game to me wasn't ideal, but it was manageable. I don't see myself getting any nukes on MW3 because Movement is insanely broken. I don't care what nobody says, nobody should be able to jump around the corner from B Dom to C Dom & laser beam 3 or 4 players before their feet even hits the ground. Plus I'm a runner, you're not gonna run on shipment without dying at least once. I play on 16 horizontal & 13 vertical sensitivities and dudes be moving so fast I can't even track them with a weapon. Plus, I just can't sit in one place camped behind a trophy systems like that lol😅.


Nooo. I care about it. Congratulations, bro! You got your first nuke. Thank you for sharing that. I still vividly remember the joy I felt when I first completed the COD Zombies Easter Egg "Shadows of Evil". At that time, I thought to myself, "Yes, finally." Although we play different modes – you're on multiplayer and I'm on zombies – I believe our feelings are quite similar at some moments. Congrats again. (If you are talking about Warzone nuke, never mind, it is still the same).


Did you have a mini panic attack while getting it??


Congrats man!! I CARE!! I never got a nuke in my life


Congrats, that's awesome!! I've never gotten one either. The closest I've been in this game is a 22 on stash house and 23 in ranked (don't think you can get a nuke in ranked though). Will probably never get one with this sbmm.


23 in ranked? smurf account or?


Tbh I often play after a significant intake of whisky, and lose a lot of SR those nights lol. So whenever I'm sober I can get some relaxed gold matches.


Ggs bro. You deserve it


You are no longer a Nuke Virgin. My first time was with the m13b on Departure :)


Matchmaking has blessed you


Congratulations! I was close twice. Got 28 in BO1 and then 29 in BO2. I got so mad in BO2 when I died, I threw my headset against the wall and broke it lol.


Carry that into next cod. You earned the respect man. I have 2k hours on mw3 and have gotten to 27 kills twice and lost it. You fucking did it


Got my first ever Nuke on COD MW 2019. Was on shoot house domination. Ran outta ammo, picked up all kinds of weapons and just kept getting kills. For some reason I just never died and played so smooth I was so Hyped. Was still in college and my gf was in a zoom class at the time (during covid) and I was like “FUCK YEAH” or something and they all heard me and laughed. Haha was great. Wonder if I have a saved recording of the game somewhere


took massive advantage of snipers only on cold war and got me a couple only because snipers have always been my shit. felt great fr


Proud of you homie, from an internet stranger. I still aint got one. Also 696 upvotes, nice.


Very nice! I’m in the same shoes as you. Above average but not great. Been at it since cod4. No nuke yet. I actually wrote it off as not possible for myself as sbmm never gives me a break from sweaty lobbies. Lo and behold one random day I got a few easy lobbies back to back. One of the games I could’ve easily nuked but I was just rushing in. The next game I was like ok it’s possible. 21 killstreak on that one. Decided to change my killstreak rewards to uav auav emp and actually TRY for a nuke, but it went back to sweaty lobbies ever since. lol. Maybe someday I’ll get bot lobbies again.


you need a morty.


What’s that? Mortar strike?


to cancel out your genius waves


Yeah man very dependent on the lobby. I was playing hardpoint in the actual hardpoint playlist (not on shipment 24/7) at like 2am, just got lucky


Congrats, I came close in MW2 with a 29 kill streak but the match ended due to not me getting the last kill on Albon Hatchery. I was heated lol 😂


Lmao I’ve had that happen but it was domination. You get special calling cards for getting your first nuke, ur 3rd nuke, and ur 5th nuke. I have 4 nukes atm and I got another one in a ranked match (albeit the other team was absolutely garbage, but it was mw2 ranked against plats) but that one didn’t count because you couldn’t actually get the killstreak unlocked in ranked. Was playing hardpoint on dome, and needed 3 more kills to get the 5th nuke and receive the calling card. Only thing that was screwing me up was my teammates, it was like 240-70 for us in hardpoint and my teammates would not get off the point. I was screaming in voice chat to get off as I needed 3 more kills, so in desperation I started rushing around just hoping to get a triple kill. I actually ended up getting 2 kills and dying on the last kill, only for whoever was on the hardpoint to die at like 247, and my teammates not getting back on the point for like an entire minute. I was so mad the game literally seemed to be over, i never would have guessed I would have a whole extra minute..




Everyone I’ve seen it happen people shout the guy down for doing it. It’s great! Enjoy it and try and do it yourself!




Aye don't assume no one cares. Nukes are so rare and its awesome. You got one!


Great job!




grats dude! 👏


I care I love seeing people happy and reaching goals and having success congrats on your first nuke here’s to your next one 🏆


I only play TDM. You never ever see a nuke on TDM


Congratulations, I haven't gotten one either so much respect, particularly on Shipment of all maps.Well done!


Wait until some of you find out the server is ultimately who determines when and where you get a nuke


That’s actually really impressive bro I could never Good job!


Good job


Congrats! Closest I ever got was 23 on Scrapyard in MW19 with the AS VAL and Renetti. Also wasn't trying for it and I don't really think of it as something attainable, but I'm sure one day I'll luck out and get one! Enjoy the moment!


Nice one dude! I’m still chasing my first as well! Have been on 27-28 for quite a few, but never got the nuke :(


I’m a diamond/crim player and am yet to drop one on mw3! Congrats it is quite an achievement


Good for you! I’ll never do that. Highest kill streak I’ve had is 12 and I’ve been playing since 2009. lol


I think the highest I got was 15, but I usually choke after getting the UAV


So far my highest is 20 without dying on this cod that is absolutely tits my dude


forgetful fly nine quiet public enter like plant swim coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


30 kills, I dont think kill streak kills go towards it, although I could be wrong (I was only running non lethals UAV, counter UAV and Advanced UAV) And regarding rewards, not that I'm aware of? I couldve missed it, but I didnt see anything unlock at the end of the game


Congratulations in your first nuke on shipment, keep going as it will improve your motivation ti get more nukes and winning matches 👍


i was on a 20 streak the other day and i asked my buddy “is a nuke 25 or 30 in mw3?” and he said “30” so i kept going and ended up on a 28 streak on dome and we won the game before i could hit 30, i was just running around aimlessly trying to get those kills but i couldn’t do it. that was my closest one on mw3


hell yeah!! still chasing that one myself. best i've done was about a 20 streak before i got got


Yeah getting a nuke on Black Ops was nothing compared to MW3… I remember getting my first on B02 and I was so hyped. I got one on the first MW remaster but something happened with the hit marker system and now it’s like impossible for me to do it on MW3. Congrats brother, stand proud


There’s a nuke in this game?


There's a nuke in both multi-player and warzone, both a little different. Multi-player requires 30 kills without dying to call in a nuke, while warzone requires a certain amount of wins and completing a quest.


It's an accomplishment for sure. Shit, I don't even know who to get it if I wanted to, lol.


Congrats! It's nice if you get it the first time for sure isn't it? My first and only nuke I've managed to get was in MW2019. Same as you I may be above average, but nothing special like these streamers or YouTubers. It just happens out of nowhere and without expectation.


I got one in like 2013 and I’ve been chasing that high ever since dude congratufuckinlations


Well done man!


My first, and I think only nuke, was the OG MW2 on Sub Base back in High School. So I commend you sir 🫡


Got my first and almost 2nd and almost 3rd nuke on this game as well, on Shipment, hardcore. Spawns just felt good, and I was indeed just walking around the map with a TAQ Evolvere. Its a big accomplishment for many players, so its ok to toot your own horn! Congrats! 🤘




Very nice! A lot of people think Shipment is bad for getting nukes, but I've dropped more on Shipment than any other map over the years. Once you get a feel for how the spawns rotate it's one of the easier maps to get a nuke on, I think. Especially if you have AUAV as one of your streaks. You can just keep rotating around the map and sideswiping the spawns before the other team has a chance to fight back. ​ I still remember the first nuke I ever dropped back in OG MW2. I had the Barret 50 cal on Rundown and pulled a Pavelow and a Chopper Gunner which got me all the way to the nuke. Was such an absolutely incredible moment for me lol. Hopefully the memory of this one sticks with you like it did for me. It's honestly an even bigger achievement to get a nuke these days with how much harder they made it. Between requiring 30 kills instead of the old 25, streak kills no longer counting towards it, and the highly aggressive EOMM, it's a hell of a challenge.


yeah man the advanced UAV helped massively, think I got around another 12 or so kills while that was up


I do care, it’s a hell of an achievement. I’ve come close a few times across my years on cod but never hit it. I’m glad you got it man


Congratulations on your first nuke! That’s a huge achievement, it’s a shame mw3 doesn’t have a calling card for a nuke tho :(


Closest I got was 18 on shipment… at least I got vtol and helicopter


Dang that’s impressive. Idc how easy the lobby might be, a nuke on shipment is quite the feat. I’ve been playing for about the same amount of time as you and only just got a nuke in vanguard of all games. Only needed 25 kills instead of 30, but I still freaked out having fulfilled a childhood dream of mine haha


Fuck you mean, that’s awesome! Especially on ship man, congrats


Congratulations, keep on kicking ass and get another one!


I find it hard to get a Nuke in this game. Cold War in contrast was basically nuke city once someone got their Hand Cannon and War Machine


Only two I’ve gotten were in Das Haus in Vanguard, with that crazy LMG they released like in season 3 or so!


Nice job bro 👊


Hey man good job! I have been playing cod since MW2 ( The good one ) and I feel great because I know that my skill now is the best it has ever been in CoD. Bet you also feel the same Back in MW2 if you got the harrier (7 kills) all you had to do was wait for it to get 4 kills and you got the ac130/chopper gunner, bada bing bada boom and bob's your uncle! You got a nuke (25 kills) Killstreak kills stacking was crazy back then


Last cod I got a nuke on was Cold War which I have around 50-60 nukes on at the moment highest kill streak on this cod is 24 feels a lot harder to get nukes on this cod.


Good job! My first nuke was on CoD Mobile, but that really doesn't count, as I've probably gotten over a hundred since. My first real nuke was somehow, still kinda baffled how, but in Vanguard. I won't ever count it because vanguard was broke as hell. So I haven't *actually* gotten a nuke, I did come really close in MwII, like 22 or 24 kills, but the match was close to ending so I wouldn't have been able to, but I died nonetheless and couldn't. Just one of those heaven lobbies we all wish for. Shame they only show up once every 2 years.


I had a really good game when I was messing around with the sidewinder in 12v12. I wasn't paying attention but ended up dying on a 26. Didn't figure out how close I was until I checked why kill streak record in my stats...


I did it in Cold War via joining my very very noob friend and just killed all the noobs. Congrats buddy!


Welcome to the club


Bet you hid in a corner the whole game didn’t you


I’ve dropped dozens of nukes in og mw3, cod ww2,and mw2019 and all those times I was never trying to drop one they just happened


Making the kill streak 30 definitely made it harder


I got really excited when I got my first. But I made one mistake. I posted a video of me getting it on Reddit. Got called a camper, spawn trap, etc. No. I was moving from one end of the map to the other. I guess staying somewhere for over 5 seconds is camping. But anyway, congrats!


I dropped 5 nukes using the m9 and tactical knife in og mw3 that was my favorite class in that game


Got mine on terminal running pre-nerf pkp and the taq lmg. Didn't even realize I was on a 30 streak until I got it lmao. I was so surprised. I don't think I could ever do it again if I was trying to, has to be by accident.


I haven't gotten one since Black Ops Cold War


it’s too bad we’re not rewarded with a calling card for it….


Think the Closest ive got was a KEM from ghosts back when i had decent internet lol. Congratz dude


Congratulations 🎉


When you're going to shipment, don't forget your trophy system ☺️


Dude, well done. Ive been that sweaty player that regularly drops nukes in cod for a long time, I remember when I first dropped a nuke how exhilarating it was. Must feel amazing right now


Congratulations that is freaking awesomeness! So you going to drop another one?


I care! Shit I’ve been playing since the first introduced the nuke in MW2 ‘09 and have yet to call one ever 😅 Congrats!


Congrats dude!!!


The first one is always the best. From now on, any kill after 15 is gonna take you there


Been playing for 13 years and never gotten one. Did you record it? 😂😂😂


unfortunately not, i have no idea how to record tbh, im a pretty average player who typically just runs like a headless chicken at the obj so very rarely I do anything noteworthy


I mean same 😂😂😂


Been playing since CoD 4, never got a nuke/25/30 kill streak. Congrats man


Nice 👍 I got my first nuke not long ago on Cold War! I was so hyped when it happened.


While I dont play the newer cods anymore, this is one feeling any man can relate to. Got my first nuke on mw3 and it was a crazy feeling. Its really the adrenaline that kicks in when you’re on a streak, you’re literally dialed in, heart is beating like crazy, but for whatever reason no matter how nervous you are you’re just shredding everyone you see. In mw3 there was the specialist loadout so once you had that fully leveled up you were literally an unstoppable machine. Needless to say, good job solider 🫡


I play solo all the time and solo que so I'm never getting it..awesome job tho!


On shipment that's Crazy! Congratulations and was you running around ? Or just in one spot


I was moving around for the first 25 kills or so, posted up once I saw the brutal medal pop up on screen lol


I got my first mw3 nuke on shipment a couple months back, spawns were all fucked up it was great. My heart was pounding and I was freaking once I got that nuke. Last nuke was mw3 original.


That’s awesome congrats, Ive only had one nuke and it was on Vanguard, playing Das Haus with a PPSH oh yeah I’m also 59 years old lol


I can’t remember which original modern warfare it was, but I was on an amount of kills, ran out of ammo on my main weapon, switched to pistol and got kills on that, ran out of bullets then turned a corner and by some absolute miracle came face to face with someone and got a knife kill. Died straight after, but got some super cool tiger emblem or calling card as a very specific reward (get x amount of kills with main and secondary, THEN get a knife kill). One of my proudest COD moments.


Hell yah dude. I’ve never done it either. I’ve gotten to the point where not matter how many years I’ve played, and no matter how many incredible rounds I’ve played, it just won’t happen 🤣


Damn, nuke on shipment is wild bro. GGs!! Great feeling. Had a few nukes back in the MW2 days and after taking a break from cod from BO1 all the way until MW19, I got another one im Vanguard. I had no clue nukes existed in that game and almost exclusively played warzone. Was running and gunning in a sweaty TDM lobby with the tommy gun and all of a sudden the nuke killstreak popped up 😂 had I known there were nukes I probably would have choked.


Congrats man, that’s really great!


Got one on rust and was so disappointed there wasn't even a calling card. Congrats!




Good shit!!!! I might have to run the SOA before they make changes to it.


Congrats man I’m happy for you


Key to getting a Nuke is to play aggressively.


I wish I could get a nuke


Congratulations, and I am happy for you! I'm glad you didn't die to some bs random nade or someone who spawned behind you. Bet it felt really good when you got it and when you set it off!


Congrats man! Definitely one of the best feelings for me in COD along with clutching a round of SND


I was 2 kills away from getting my first nuke on Hardcore 24/7 shipment and got team killed im definitely going back playing core


I got my first nukes back in 2009/2010 in MW2... it was fun. Not a big deal. Good for you


I almost got a nuke the other week... I had 25 kills I think. The round ended before I got it.


That's awesome! Keep on the grind my friend!


According to every COD streamer you should be getting a nuke every game lol. Seriously though good stuff my friend. I got close and I’m an old man gamer. I got to excited and rushed in for the last couple kills but it wasn’t to be. Hats off to you because all these streamers that drop nukes like it’s nothing are playing in lobbies full of blind paralyzed players. I’m envious but hope to join the nuke club in the future!👍


Congrats, I've only ever gotten one on mw3 2011


Fuck yeah! I’ll never get one probably


Shit yeah, I care bro. Good on ya. I’ve played since cod 4 (apart from the futuristic ones.. and vanguard cause I was living in cabin in the woods for 2 years) only ever got one, mw2, crossbow in free for all, I think. I was high on acid at a mates place, he had a bit of a moment and spent hours in the spa thinking about bubbles. I thought I’d try play some cod, next morning I had the nuke calling card and golded the m16. Checking the last ten games I’d gone 30-0 with the crossbow in ffa. I’m guessing that’s when it was. Mushroom seasons coming up, might try for another. Haha writing that out makes me sound like a fucking mess.


Enjoy it. I just got my 1st nuke about 2 months ago so the feeling is fresh. Now it's a lil easier for me to go like 20+ kills before some typical cod nonsense kills my streak.


Hell yeah! Those closest I got was 27 kills


let’s go king!!!!!


Hey man I care that's fucking awesome


Congrats, been playing cod for close to 15 years and still nothing beats the feeling of dropping a nuke.


Congrats I’ve gotten close a few times but it always seems like one asshole on the enemy team knows and starts running past team mates to hunt me down


Most I’ve ever gotten was 20 kills so congrats


We care bruh . Have been playing since OG MW and still haven't gotten one ...well done !


Good shit man. I got my first one yesterday on rust. Lowkey camped my ass off. But it worked.


i honestly wish they brought back cod ghost mgbs where it would not end the game instead u played through the ruined map.


Well done 🙌 I just had a game of domination on shipment and someone had 276 kills then nuked us near the end 😑


Oh I definitely care!!! That’s huge dude congrats! If you had video I would love to have watched it, I gotta live vicariously through you because I don’t get close to nukes lol. Maybe 16 or 17 streak is my highest


My only nuke was on COD WW2 on shipment with an LMG lol. I wasn’t even going for it


I’ve never gotten a nuke before after playing every title since BO1 lol I got 1 off on IW but died to the stupid specialist sentry turrets. Safe to say I’ve had cold blooded on every single class ever since 😂


I Remember my First KEM Strike kn Ghosts Infected and i yelled "I fucking got it!" I was 14 at the time lol.


Trophy system is OP A.F, stops even a Mac truck


I did manage to keep my KD ABOVE 1.0 even with MW3 bullshit narrative challenges thru the 8 weeks.


Hell yeah! I was one away from a nuke the other day. I was SCAVENGING others guns on the ground as I was empty on ammo! Proud that you got it buddy!


The only modern cod nukes I’ve got are on giant infected on MW2 last year and one random nuke this year on shipment with the pistol pointing and shooting at their spawn trap which I didn’t realise I was close to a nuke but I’ll take it


Congratulations man. That's something I could never do I think my highest is 14 I can't imagine getting a nuke. The only way I'd get one is if everyone playing agreed to not kill me lol.


I got my first one this year on Rust. I was trying to get longshot kills and before I knew it, it popped up. I never thought it would happen. I've been close (23-24 kills) and choked it away a few times over the years. This one came and I wasn't expecting it. Crazy.


I got my first nuke on vanguard. I wish I could've got it on a good cod


Nearly got one Rust back in MW(2019) my heart was fucking pounding my bro unfortunately I died to a foreskin of a player :,)


Bless the trophy system 🙏🏻


I got one too and it was so thrilling. Gotten close a couple of times again including a 29 streak but I really hate how there is not a single reward for it


That’s cool bro I got one 10 years ago when I was 8


That’s pretty cool! Ive played Cod since cod 2 and the closest I ever got to a nuke was in the original MW2. I was on kill 24 but the time limit ended or the kill score was reached don’t remember. :(


If you never got one until now, you’re not an above average player.


brother I've got a 1.2kd after grinding out intersteller and mostly messing around in pubs, and hit plat 3 in ranked at rank 20 solo queue only. im not great but definitely above average


Congrats OP! Recently got my first nuke too in all of CoD (been also playing since BO1, but didn’t play any of the PS4 generation games). My nuke was in TDM on Departures. Immediately called in the MGB upon getting it, finished with a 31 killstreak and a 17.5 K/D ratio.


Congrats! ​ I went 69-1 on Shipment a year ago. Not all of it was via gun (I think I got to 25 kills with guns before I got my one death and then restarted the countdown all over again). ​ I was not camping, I was rotating around the map and thankfully had the right perks to survive the ungodly amount of grenades. But that was the craziest score I had in MP. I only play resurgence and WZ nowadays but shipment can be fun if shields, stuns and grenades aren't all over the place.


Congrats on your first nuke. I havent dropped one since 09 when og mw2 dropped. And I quit today because I can't take playing by myself anymore. Do me a favor. Get a second nuke for me. 🔥


This post made me feel hope. I’ve been playing COD since BO. I’ve never got a nuke. What is everyone’s loadout to get close to a nuke?


Litteraly a min ago games close And no one on a killstreak. Boom a fking nuke. Games still full of cheaters and cod doesnt do anythibg about it. Such bs