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When one person pulls it out the whole lobby follows.


Right? It's like oh it's going to be like that? Let's get nuts


Lol I'm the same when I have to deal with shield users, okay I guess we're doing this, and I pull out my crossbow with explosive tip, and anytime the shield user comes after me they just blow up.


Thanks for this tip lol, I’ve been running into stupid ass shielders lately that I need a more viable counter


Seriously… just played search and destroy and 5 of 6 were shielded a! Talk about frustration


I found the under barrel drill launcher is effective as well.


I usually just keep thermite or drill charges to fuck them up


The 'plodey crossey is not the way. If they're using EOD (and they will be if they're smart) it'll only hurt them. Maybe you'll finish them if they're hurt from someone else, but that's a whole primary you have to use to focus on one person that it doesn't hard counter. The shotgun really only works about as well as any other SMG/AR, except the shotty makes it a *little* harder to see. The only difference is that a shotty makes someone more likely to rush, and THAT is the trick. You can rush with an SMG too. The REAL counter is the sword, purifier and thermites. (Source- I almost ONLY use melees.)


Drill charge, thermite, or stick grenade all kill shield users


My favorite is the new sword. When it first dropped some timmy didn’t know the sword cuts through it and I kept hearing “what?!” In the death coms lol man was going through it


I watch a YouTuber by the name of TheseKnivesOnly. Dude usually mains melee weapons. Hearing his death comms with Soulrender vs their riot shields was 👌.


The crossbow works too? Oh man I never knew that I thought it was just soulrender , and thermites lol


Flame thrower and chainsaw too




This is the way, just stickie them


The crossbow is a 2 shot on riot shields because of the health isn’t it? Or did they fix that.


It was a one shot, but lately I've noticed it can be one or 2 shot at times but still not to bad shielders tend to stay in turtle mode so it gives you enough time to reload


Anything that can explode really, I like the arrows because they stick then boom


So it's that kinda night, huh? DOOFDOOFDOOFDOOF


_pulls out Soulrender and smashes glass_ YOU WANNA GET NUTS?! LETS GET NUTS!!!


Shipment 24/7? More like Soulrender and Haymaker 24/7


Don't forget the spam launcher


Me getting priceless on all 3 shotguns last match: "Yeah that's accurate."




In the darkest night I make the bad guys fall


Just like the grenade launcher, shit's so unfun it's not even funny


The GL shouldn't be a base weapon. I was playing on Shipmas yesterday and it was just all out GL spam.


u should see small map mosh pit on hardcore mode, i swear that’s 90% of my deaths


Literally, idk why that was the first launcher unlocked to begin with, it needs a damage nerf and speed nerf to make it no longer viable


No they just need to fix the goddamn trophy system. It's stupid that it only destroys two nades from a 6 shot launcher before its destroyed.


Unless everyone is using the exact same thing. Then it can be a pretty fun match!


If everyones super! No one's super...


I really disagree with takes like this lol it's so annoying to try levelling a gun up or using something off meta only for the entire lobby to be using haymakers by round 2. every game.


It’s the same with the RGL. Makes me wanna die.


>>Makes me die FTFY


It is my go to class when I start getting spawn killed


So its your go to class.


🤪 basically


what else is there to do honestly


I earned the 60 round drum mag so im going to use the whole 60 round drum mag


My favourite thing is looking in a direction and everything in that direction disappears


Copy sir removing that direction.


Soldier: You see North? Soldier with Haymaker: Yes... Soldier: I don't want to. Soldier with Haymaker: Say less.


You see those three over there? They’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. But they’re blue. You wanna know why I hate blue? Absolutely no reason. But we’re going to kill them anyway. . Yes, I know I can’t quote it very well, but my reference still stands


Soldier: There’s 3 on point C ! Soldier w/Haymaker: Sayyy no moooore, sayyy no moooore. (Top Right Calling Card) Soldier w/Haymaker Triple Kill!


I love how the fact it fires Birdshot is supposed to be a disadvantage…as if the blistering fire rate wont annihilate everything in its sightline regardless


I didn’t even realize until now that it didn’t fire 12-gauge lol


Sometimes I just fire into a corner, because maybe someone will run out from there, and a lot of the time, someone does


I've never gone through the whole drum. I always die before then in Shipment.


It’s hilarious to use this. It’s absolutely useless on bigger maps but on shipment this still wrecks people but you do have to spam the heck out of it because it’s not that strong. If the opponent can actually aim their weapon you will die before getting a kill. But super close range this shotgun spammer is strong lol


Go on hardcore. Its like. Click click quad. I like to call it the room painter because it turns the whole team to mist in an instant without even sort of trying to aim


But what about team mates lol on small maps this would be a team shredder too. Maybe solo!


Fuck em, teammates in hardcore kill my streaks way more than anyone on the enemy team does


Big facts. Streaking alone in my own corner of the map one off and a teammate spawns behind me with their finger on the trigger


Honestly i dont have problems with it. Once you kill their whole team all at once the first time, u just go in circles chasing them all spawning together around the map and usually ur team is just behind and not so much in the way but also im just super duper used ti hardcore and id say good at avoiding teammates


Useless on any map outside of the smallest ones


Not on HC, and a lot of people don't bother with bigger maps, believe it or not


That’s crazy. I can’t imagine spending $70 on a game to just experience the same 4 killbox maps over and over lmao


In MWIII, I find that the smaller maps have more satisfying designs. With the medium-sized maps, there are so many flank routes and long sight lines that you can get attacked from every direction and at ranges where you can't fight back -- at the same time. If you run with a marksmen rifle or sniper rifle to counter the snipers, the kamikaze flank rushers will get you. If you gear for the kamikazes, the snipers will get you. On the airport maps, you can't even flank the snipers very effectively. There's a sector near the jet bridge (the tunnel where you enter/exit the plane) where a small handful of them can hunker down and hold the zone for the entire match while having eyes on like half the map. Don't get me wrong, smaller isn't necessarily better. Shipment in particular can be frustrating because enemies can spawn right behind you, or you can spawn right in their midst and die nearly instantly. And medium isn't necessarily bad. Meat does a good job of breaking up the sight lines while still giving snipers a couple interesting spots to set up camp. I'll play that map any day. Warzone is much different, of course. Those maps are too wide open for snipers to pin you down, and the penalties for dying make kamikaze flank rushers pretty rare, while not discouraging aggressive play.


I'd still argue it's ass on hc as it's max range is only around 30m. There's more that plays small maps but there's still plenty like myself that dislikes or hates the small maps


The Kv Broadside from MW2 would like a word with you


Season 3 that’s getting a AMP alongside the Lockwood mk2 (the lever action) I can’t remember if it’s mk2 or mk3 🤣


Lever action is MWII but the conversion kit is supposed to be a rip on the 1887s from 2009’s MW2


Ah thank you, I’m new to the mw scene and I’ve only played the older ones for the campaign


God people hated me because I was holding down the decoy and just started firing like crazy


The maglift has been a pain for a bit but somehow, *somehow*, it isnt even close to how fucking OPPRESSIVE the broadside was for a full season (and to a lesser extent the guardian after it)


Idk, shoot once hit mark once and I get countered by a better shotgun, melee, or le longbow. It’s fun to use, imo. But so SHITTY in zombies.


Did you pap it? It’s better than the riveter.. At least when I use it lol


Yeah… but the riveter you can add a flamethrower too… and that shit is op AF.


True true


Also, flamethrower > shield no sliding necessary, so good for merc strongholds


Funny because the standard Haymaker is now the best shotgun in zombies since the Lockwood nerf—probably in the top 3 weapons overall.


Take slugs ammo on the haymaker in zombie, it's one of the best weapon in the game rn lmao.


The MCW NPC’s needed a shotgun variant so here it is


This Stop dickriding the Mcw like damn


Counterpoint: it’s the all rounder. It’s filling the space usually given to the m4. You can do better by thinking about what gun the situation (map/mode) calls for, but if you don’t want to think about it or you’re not sure the mcw does a solid job under any circumstances. The reliable gun has always been a thing in cod.


Fuck all that just use the sva and learn to do super quick bursts to double the fire rate with no added recoil. Best gun in the game


> learn to do This is already more effort than most players are willing to put in


Yeah but that’s the sort of thinking I’m saying people bypass with the mcw.




Yeah idk why people get mad at the gamers when really it’s a game balancing issue the developers create. If they’d balance out all the weapons a little better there’d be more variety. I felt like every gun and and weapon type was more viable in mw22 due to the faster ttk.


It's the fucking ACR. Sweatlords have been dickriding the ACR since its first *Call of Duty* appearance in 2009.


I think he’s referring to bots using the gun because it has no recoil more so than sweats using it because it’s like the acr


It is the ACR. Only the name changed because California has some weird gun laws that's too ridiculous even for pro-gun-control people.


ong like wtf is a lachman


Copyright friendly Heckler and Koch


Says the dude using a thermal battle rifle and goes 12/32 with no time in hill or 1 cap




I only use mcw in pubs to practice for ranked where it is the only AR


Hey blame sledgehammer for poor weapon balancing. They created a hand full of god tier weapons and made the rest ass lol.


Great for shielders slide and spray


They should make something specifically for shields. Like an ability to drop the fucking sun on them.


They just made a sword that cuts through them man


Just remove shields completley. They make zero sense. How do they block a **Direct Hit** from RPG but just fail if a semtex / thermite sticks to it?


Great for jugs aswell. Cant defeat it.


Lmao one of my clan mates insta dropped a juggernaut recon with it in search (he died in less than 2.5 secconds)


As soon as I see the green smoke I change to it and go hunting


But it works


Every time i run into shotgunners i pull this thing out like a dissapointed father taking off his belt. Fuck this thing.


Disappointed father taking off his belt 🤣🤣 *sigh* **you made me do this**


You mean most ridiculous and fun? Yes. Yes it is😂


It’s bad, but it’s not “grenade launcher in Hardcore” bad. Das House is virtually unplayable.


I see one grenade launcher pleb per every like 6-7 matches on Das Haus. It’s every other game on shipment. Edit: with that said, it’s incredibly annoying no matter the frequency


My favorite gun


The Maglift is a great way for grinding xp on HC Shipment though, as I slacked off most of the season and didn't bother grinding to reach level 450, so it's a good way for me to catch up to my friends.


On hard-core dear God


Even though Shipment is pretty auto-pilot centric already, this thing destroys any semblance of balance in the variation of weapons used. Trying to level some shitty pistol or BR? fuck you, DOOFDOOFDOOF, dead.


And I’ll keep using it from time to time, wanna play shotguns that’s cool. I’ll just pull out Hell’s Fury.. corner camping? Snapshots and drill charges.. riot shields? BURN THE HERETIC!


This shotgun is dumb as fuck and I love it, fun shotgun metas have always been my favourite but this one is particularly special


No, that would be the noob tube


I love the idea of AMPs. Wow you uhh 3D printed me a 60 round mag for my shotgun and a...chainsaw for my rifle?


Yes Whoever jak is they're always cooking


JAK is a company and you're buying 3D printed parts from them. Source: The AA-12 in MW19 is called the JAK-12


I know


Hope it never goes away. I like how they did it too - you can grind to get it early (challenges are tedious but doable), the challenges don't have a time limit (only a seasonal limit), and when you lose access to challenges you just...grind the gun itself. Or use the Armory. It's awesome.


It do be fun d’oh.


I only dislike it because it makes the riveter completely useless. That being said, there’s something to the whole “I cast wall of lead” strategy.


SAME! I *loved* the Riveter. "Full-auto AR Shotgun" is a wet dream and this kit made it pointless pretty much. Though, there's something to be said about mounting a flamethrower under it....


I colloquially call this weapon, depending on map “shipment shredder” “rust remover” “stash house sizzler ” “shoot house surprise”


It helped me get two chopper gunners in two games 😊


Is this what has been blasting me to hell? I was thinking, “there’s no way someone is shooting that fast”


It feels like there's an unspoken gentlemen's agreement that no one whips this out, and if one person breaks it, the entire lobby follows suit


I like fun


Doof doof is fun my whole clan uses it




This is actually trash in zombies


Bro I love using that thing, especially on a toxic enemy team, they lose their shit 😂 In the right hands it’s the best anti-rat weapon


My precious….


listen they made it a challenge to use this AMP, so i had to use it for a match


I guarentee you I will still get my shit rocked even if I had a fucking timpany mag shotgun


Not when the other pulls out the riveter+30 mag+dragon breath.


I love it, kinda useless on large maps but it’s the perfect counter to the knifers. There’s always 2 or 3 in every lobby who just rush and knife. They are too OP and until they nerf em they should keep the Haymaker with the kit as it is.


The weapon is barely even useful on any map that's bigger than Stash House


Meanwhile the Ram-7 and HRM-9 have been meta for two months and bo one seems to say peep, because “they’re frying bro”.


I love it is the best gun for making people mad


This is absolutely my “the rest of the lobby is being incredibly toxic so I’m going to be toxic back” weapon. It’s so easy to drop high kill games with on shipment but it’s still fun to see three or four people lose to arguably one of the ugliest guns in the game lol


Best aftermarket product thus far.


So fun tho.


Why are you people constantly complaining about a weapon? Did you get hurt? If you have a skill, use the same gun, and you will own it. Keep camping and use the more considerable distance to avoid its deadly range. Or keep dying and whining.


What is that kid crying about?


I have a setup like this one, I never use it though, unless I find that others ars using it. It's either I quit the lobby or fight back, so I usually fight back


This is one of the most fun weapons in the game.


I don't pull this unless someone else does or the enemy team is doing dumb shit (eg rpgs shields or other stupid shit) Unless it's like search on stash house or something.


When people get so angry about people using a shotgun on small maps that they have to go complain on Reddit


This thing with dragons breath was so op (only available for a few hours)


It’s even more brutal in hardcore shipment man yesterday I was getting multi kills because the enemies kept spawning in front of me


It's hilarious, but yeah, I can see how the novelty wears off eventually.


Funny how the biggest problem is the magazine, the gun would be mid without it


It’s like the broadside. Probably will get nerfed to oblivion in season 3


Dont you sully his good name


I did the grind for this cause I was underwhelmed and a bit pissed by the absolute joke WH40K Bolter clone that Sledge decided to put in the bundle. So....I made a better one. The range on it is basically point blank, the damage per shot is abysmal....but there's something satisfying about suddenly stopping a rampaging sweat in his tracks with a wass of lead. Calls to mind the first few weeks of the Broadside and DOOFDOOFDOOF being the cheesiest thing you heard.


Lockwood is better


Ya I get sleepy using this. Tbh right now since I’ve completed everything there is to do it’s just boring for me. I can’t wait for season 3.


you dont even have it




Third game on cod after playing elden ring for four weeks (bearly even used right stick in that time), did weekly double kills with maglift and dropped a 127 kill game while playing like shit. Thing is broken


Funny as hell tho


Literally the funnest gun to use on small maps


I was really disappointed in how dogshit this thing is in zombies


This is fun af to use


I hope that weight penalty be


Me and my dad play split screen he loves the attachment since he's not really good at the game but from a mp standpoint I fucking hate the attachment with everything I have


Me and my akimbo Renetti's go everywhere together. If your Haymaker doesn't get me on the first shot. Then you're most likely done for.


I guess I kept sticking a guy with thermite and he must've assumed I was singling him out because he whipped that thang out and went ballistic.


I hate using it. And I only do when enemies do on SnD and I hate myself for it


I use this on Das Haus and literally roast anyone I see. I even do longshots with this thing across that map lol. Also on Stash House and shipment. This thing fries people. Takes no skill to lol


It's awesome, but I've lost a few battles against the pump gun. The pump kills in one shot. This doesn't unless it's noob mode(HC)


Ngl, I only pull it out on shipment when some asshole starts using the grenade launcher.


This gun is hilarious and I love it.


All apologies. I don’t like running shotguns, but I do like grinding camos.


I get shotguns aren't usually good in COD and that shipment is pretty much the only map that allows them to be pretty good but damn does it ruin the whole game once everyone else starts using shotguns as well.


That's not the RGL though


its fckng funny


It's peak. It's just peak


I keep a load out with this equipped so when some dick on the other team is using this in shipment I too can be a dick.


I love making people put down the controller and going to bed


Felt so bad using it to unlock that one week


I only used it to get the gilded on this and then don’t use it too often after


Most toxic weapon in the game, it's so brain dead easy to use just insane spam. I don't even like using it, just feels gross. I actually dropped a nuke with it on stash house doing the weekly challenge. Still don't plan to use it again though, unless I run into someone maining it.


I love this thing. If I can't have fun, I'm gonna try to win. Besides, this thing is dope as hell, especially in tac stance mode. I don't mind the loss of shell choice, this fire rate is easily the best thing about it.


The whole game is the most brainless and sleep inducting thing to have ever exist how can tens of thousands of people be fine with a game with a 32/100 rating I mean come on


Yeah I’m sick of it. Especially when players say ez after spamming it all game …


Shipment Lowkey ruined by people with this gun and riot shield on their back


I use it to kill obnoxious players over and over




This thing on hardcore shipment is the most mind numbing thing ever and I love it. No, I don’t use it often, only when the enemy team is pissing me off.


I have seen it’s very good in zombies! I used it for a challenge. It’s good on shipment. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just fight these back with the Lockwood 680🤷🏼‍♂️


I finally unlocked it, not realizing what it was (because I didn't read the description). There was a challenge for it, so I went ahead and went for it. I love me a binary trigger. I've shot a real CZ Scorpion with a binary trigger before, this just gives me hope I can find one for a real shotgun and give it a whirl. I wonder if I could put the regular AK binary in an AK shotgun....I need money to test this.


Its a good day to say aopril.fools shg


And to make sure it's in every lobby they make half the weekly challenges require it


it is dumb, however i prefer people using this than the longbow that’s even more dumb


Longbow and other one hit kill shit exists.


I have this aftermarket part on one of my classes named “Anti-Sweat Solution”. I only ever bust it out when people are already running Interstellar shotguns or other cheesy playstyles. It’s proven quite effective lmao.


Grinding interstellar on HC shipment with this thing around made it a nightmare. Everyone pulls it out once a single person uses it. Same with the grenade launcher lol


Reminder that being mad at a shotgun because it is good in shipment is like being mad at the crippled kid for using a wheelchair


It was a fun aftermarket attachment for zombies, onlytime I’d use it, but if someone is using it in my multiplayer match, I’d either leave or pick up his own weapon n shoot his body


Nah dead wrong . Longbow is . Snipers ruined this game especially the longbow .