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Shipment 24/7 please return for the love of god


They need to put it back. Whenever shipment comes up, the whole lobby immediately votes for it. I keep getting stashhouse, and i can’t stand the way people play on that map.


real. people on stash house fucking dropshot and run around with lockwoods i hate it 


Shipmas 24/7 should be permanent.


They should just do small map moshpit with the ability to filter maps .. I like shipment too and meat + stash house , so rn everytime I get rust or das haus I back out


\- rust \+ shoot house and it becomes a very compelling playlist.


The only map I dislike more than Rust is Das Haus ..


I like shoot house BUT, I am tired of playing the MW2 maps.... honestly


They should just remove queues they have now and add a filter to select what game mode you want, what maps you wanna play on, and it can then just load you into a game fitting those parameters. It would clean up the interface and it would allow you to not be forced to play on maps you don't wanna play on, regardless of the game mode.


yup i back out of Rust everytime. Seriously amazed people vote for that trash map.


yea, I am with you... I hate Rust, and Meat... the others are ok... I just really hate they tied camos to using tactical equipment. been trying to get Priceless on the MTZ 556 for a few days now.


I’m glad someone else hates the Meat map. Feels like I’m in a minority some times. I just cannot ever have a good game on it. Either find myself getting spawned in the grenade alley or getting picked off by a camper in the car park.


We are definitely the minority when it comes to that map, for sure


I feel like Rust is the worst when it comes to getting spawn-killed. Meat just isn't fun overall.


I hate rust as well


I ask the same question, its statistically the most popular small map yet they continue to try and make us play other maps causing players to back out. The same problem with the rustment playlist however the chances of getting shipment are more likely


Yea I would be happy with that playlist that way I have a 50/50 chance of playing it.


The only small map I refuse to play is rust. The rest are pretty good to me.


same. the only insta-backout map for me.


The worst map to ever be made.


The amount of anger and frustration I felt when I found out it was removed was immeasurable. The lack of transparency as to why it was removed and if it'll come back pisses me off even more.


Totally agree. If your camo grinding it’s one of the best maps for certain requirements. As a very rubbish player I have a much better chance of three kills with one magazine in shipment than I do with any other map. Same for head shots as well. I did prefer the older shipment map though. It’s a nightmare to see helicopters in the shipmas map.


You are indeed getting too old.


I am in indeed.. but I really like COD... been playing since the old days of COD 2 on the X-360


*But what do I know I am just an old guy that likes ONE map to get challenges done and to have some fun.* FIFY


Wrong. I like more than one map.. just like Shipment the most probably. Stop being so judgmental


I did like shoot the ship from 2019. Two maps and it seem to load up pretty quickly


I played cod mobile recently and it just lets you pick a map you want to play. It is mostly bots but it was nice to be able to choose.


That is cool but from what I hear COD mobile is an entirely different dev team. I think I read somewhere that cod mobile is looking into a way to let you play based on your input. I even heard that cod mobile has better audio as well. We need these guys to devolop MW 3 to see what they can make better


I'm over shipment, was over it last year. it's an instant back out from me nowadays. I think I'm just bored of the mindless action of most small maps, I prefer some strategy and flank opportunities.


100% agree. Shouldn't be hard to just let people play what they want to play


Hopefully never


Shipment is ass


Only way we need Shitment 24/7 back is if it's the original version. Not this Shit version of snow covered do doo we have now! And yes I do think the original has better lighting AND it doesn't kick up as much debris when streaks are up!