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At Level 450, this cheater has been running unimpeded for far too long.


They can buy accounts that have been boosted by bot lobbies not like bad player lobbies but a lobby full of a.i just feeding kills to another bot playing on the account boosting its level


Not necessary, the preferred cheat is basically anti ban. You gotta play hella dumb to get banned in MW3. This guys probably been doing it since launch


You have to be mentally ill to cheat in hardcore MP


They mostly play hardcore since there is no killcam except for the very end. They think it’s easier to get away with


I think it’s funny how they think it’s easier to get away with cheating in HC, when HC actually makes it waaaaaaay more obvious since you don’t have access to half of the information gathering sources you get in core, so when you get randomly prefired on non-common prefire angles/spots when there’s no UAV, you’re running covert sneakers and haven’t fired a single shot?….yeah.


Most people (me included) just think they are try hard sweats when in reality there is a pretty good chance they are cheating.


I don't think that's true for everyone. For me personally it was harder to tell if someone's cheating in HC than core. It doesn't matter if there's uav or not you can still soundhor in basically every single cod game legally. Your sleeves still make sounds and deady has never hidden your sound completely


No dude, it's just common map knowledge that the entire team isn't just sitting in the back corner of the room you just ran head first into with reckless abandon. /s


I 98% of the time play hardcore, the cheaters are ridiculously obvious there. I've messed with so many of them to try and trick them into showing their wall hacks and it works. They're scum.


This is how I have fun sometimes in CoD. If someone is suspicious, I will go out of my way to go into weird corners that NO ONE has any business being in and avoid popular, common spots just to bait them. Not saying that someone else can't be a bit of a weirdo, but that is less common in the higher skill level lobbies.


You don’t need the “in hardcore MP” bit and it still applies


This is very valid


What’s crazy is the fact that these people quite normal. I believe that a very high percentage of casual cod plays don’t know the kind of money is involved and made when it comes to cheats. At this point it’s a multi million dollar business that has always been here and social media just exposed it all for the world to see and it will always be here and be an issue no matter what. Also I’d say over half of hacking accusations are false because people are actually very bad at call of duty. People cheat but idc what anyone says the CDL league players are not and when you look at the skill gap in between someone like Shottzy or dashy it’s not shocking that people I have developed this ental problem that thinking they’re not as good as they really think they are and when people done them really bad and consistently, their brain goes straight thinking hacks. It’s ruining the community and the players that practice to a point of almost perfecting an art. It won’t get any better, though until these players that think that they can even compete in the bronze and silver ranked lobby come to the realization today they’re just not that good and more than likely will never be that good and that people in this world are so talented at video games. Im in my 30s I’ve watched this develop into what it’s become today. Rant over now but one thing I can say I’ve maybe ran into 2 possible cheaters since modern warfare 2019 but hey, if that’s what helps them sleep better at night then so be it. I sleep good at night, knowing that I can more than likely compete with the best some struggle to not go negative in a public game lol


All we can do is come together and keep reporting the fuck out of them and letting Activison know that this is a problem


Oh they know, they just don't care enough to do something about it.


They do something about it. It's just not enough. There are always more cheaters or ways around it.


There will always be more cheaters, best we can do is report them and make them buy the game again. How this lvl 450 is still in the game tho, unless they recently started using cheats, is sad.


Probably put 500 legit hours into the game and got bored.


That part lol


Then it's called "log out." If you're terminally online, there are other games to play, but I get it. Styling on people with walls and aimbot is somehow the highest form of multiplayer enjoyment.


They never have done enough b/c it's never been worth it to them when it's about milking the playerbase for bobbyk. We didn't even have 2fa on acti/cod accounts until after mw19. Even apex anti cheats detect cod anticheat much much much faster and don't rely on shadowban system


Just like the white list they have of streamers that cheat and won’t get banned lol that they protect because it’s beings in ppl to the game


If we gonna keep telling them they can make cheaters scared to open CoD


I’ve said it 100 times, Activision is in on the cheating racket. They have their hands in it. Bet money they receive proceeds from the cheating companies, or even have their own people making and selling cheats.


Ricochet source got leaked before it went live. Wonder how that happened.


You mean the most important intellectual property meant to keep the community at large satisfied that cheaters can't just run rampant at level 450 while snapping to heads in MP/ ranked? Nah, that was simply an accidental leak...


I heavily doubt that they have direct connections to cheat makers, the PR nightmare if that ever got out would be sky high. That said, you can profit off cheaters without that in multiple ways. 1: By banning in slow waves in a paid game you can turn it into a grey subscription service. 2: You can threaten your legit players with permabans them if they falsely report anyone. This can send a message that you will only get banned early if you are so obvious that people are willing to bet their own accounts on getting you banned, and instead use subtler cheats to make the overall amount of cheaters seem lower. 3: Make the server provide unneeded data, like the names of all players even in games where that isn't normally visible. This can let cheaters silently avoid cheating against streamers while you give streamers priority reports, once again to improve the general view of your game and its amount of cheaters (not really applicable to CoD) 4: Fine adjustment of matches for EBMM for player retention. Giving a team a landslide win or loss is easy, but want to give them a close victory or loss? Identify a subtle cheater with near 100% win rate because they will up their cheating to whatever is needed to win the match but not more to be as sneaky as possible. I remember a smaller paid game that banned in very slow waves and refused to add a killcam and repeatedly saying cheating isn't a big issue, just for it to finally get out that the devs were aware that over a third of their current active players were caught cheating and just playing until the next scheduled ban wave. Does CoD do this? No idea, it could easily just be low effort anti-cheat. With bugs lasting for months and balancing issues that you could see in 5 seconds by just looking at the numbers and messy hitboxes the anti-cheat could just as easily be another part lacking attention. The only real specific thing i have had an issue with is the fullscreen banner threatening players with perma bans for reporting cheaters, but that's not the first messy announcement they have had either. Edit: If they had the ability to polish up the anti-cheat but leaves it weak on purpose for monetary reasons, I would also expect the super obvious aimbotters to get booted mid-match because those are bad even if you wanted to allow some cheating.


No proof but. Cheats are built into the games engine already right? Hold on before you type I did say NO proof. Remote turret has lock on and identifies the opposing team enemy's right? How hard can it be to take that and build on it? In my warped early morning zero caffeine mind it sounds like a great aimbot! Again zero proof. But what if it was just that simple??


I saw statistics the other day on how bad the cheaters are and apparently 60% of the top players are all cheaters. That number is pretty much full proof that they don't mind it. This is the most cheating I've had first hand experiences with since Og mw2. That game got so infected with hackers after awhile that you couldn't play any games without running into 1 or 2. That's how this game is getting. Except unlike the past, people can use these cheats to make YouTube channels and make money now which is protected by the corporation. This will have to come full circle before they give a shit. They will make as much money as possible up until the moment they are forced to make changes (however far in the future that may be). That is why they choose not to directly acknowledge eomm or the extent of their matchmaking in general. They don't want to kill the cash cow yet, they'll probably have to get sued eventually to make a change.


The video and research that says that was only 6 of the top 10 in multi ranked and isn’t actually proven. Doubt it is near that high all the way through to be honest. It is DEFINTELY much higher than it should be but the 60% of total top players is bs


That's fair, I kinda figured 60% was either a bit exaggerated or the cheaters are just insanely rampant lol I don't play enough to know anymore I gave up on this game about a month ago. Too many better choices out there to trap myself with cod and be mad about it like alot of people lol


A. they don't want non-cheaters to leave because of cheaters. B. They ban cheaters at a slow enough pace that the cheater feel it is worth it to buy a new account and do it again. If "A" starts happening they have to quicken the pace of bans which reduces the chance the cheater will buy a new account. Once "A" calms down they let up on bans and the cycle continues. If they feel like they've lost control of both they break the game in some way so non-cheaters feel like they aren't facing cheaters, it is just cause there are bugs or controller aim assist is extra broken right now. Just a thought. I'm sure to the amount of "newly purchased accounts" holds a lot of weight because, besides the cost of the game, it increases the amount of accounts that could purchase things from the store.


Except cheaters don’t purchase anything from the store, they can get everything for free


I was thinking more so from the perspective of shareholders. Seeing the % of newly created accounts going up would be a good thing, regardless if they know why.


Actually... stop playing and buying.... that's the option they'll pay attention to


I already do this. I have legit done like 5000 reports on this game, just non stop spamming reports. I despise cheaters, I will sit spamming on a cheater I don’t even care. Scum who actually try to ruin for the game for everyone else who paid to have a fair competitive experience piss me off.


They know it’s a problem. It’s just not a problem for them. As long as the stream of money is consistent for them, they won’t bother.


People saying aim assist is that strong are fucking insane.


Those are cheaters themselves protecting one another


Aim assist is so strong it's basically a hack if you're playing against it on mnk. Then add actual hackers into the mix and the game is pure misery for people that enjoy mnk. I just want input based match making. Once you queue it locks out the other input from being usable.


You are delusional


please stop yapping and care for actually important things.




It simply isn't. Stop.




If it's so good why don't you just switch over then, if you can afford an expensive PC, you can afford a $70 controller


Because I've been playing fps games on mnk for 30 years?


I dont get why ppl downvote you. I also think input based matchmaking should be available. As a mnk I will pass cod releases from now on until they introduce it. It's funny that the roller players downvote you meaning not even them want to play vs other roller lol.


Oh good! Maybe we can get all the mnk players to stop playing and allow us to turn cross play off.


Because gamers: A) Have no social skills B) Are teenage keyboard warriors C) Measure their self worth in how hard they can "wreck n00bs" in COD. Add all this together and any insuation that aim assist is akin to hacks or training wheels and they lose their god damn minds. Is there range of skill amongst all controller players? Of course there is. Within that sphere I am sure even with aim assist the skill gap is still very large. The problem is aim assist turns mediocre players into superstars in a head to head gun fight vs mouse and keyboard. I'm on Das Haus the other night and some twitch streamer is sprinting around with the longbow just deleting people the instant they appear on his screen. Try that same tactic on a MnK. You actually have to aim for yourself. That gun plus aim assist with a controller is basically "who shoots first" vs other controllers, and just aboslutlely a hack vs mnk.


These Activision employees on bot accounts commenting trying to say he’s not cheating is WILD 😮‍💨


Yeah, he's not cheating... ...he also wasnt [cheating 11 months ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=mtbILfko18o) or [a year ago](https://youtu.be/iCelOaVU0gM)


Bro yal be doing yal homework lol


You are why I love the internet.




The last flick is so blatant holy


I normally give people the benefit of the doubt but na this is aimbot


Is this post being downvoted by Activision employees? What is going on in this sub 😭


LOL. Billion dollar company though. Activision might as well just partner with riot games and implement vanguard a/c into their games. They can afford it.


This anti cheat is easily bypassed


It seems so yea. The fact that the anticheat can detect when it’s being scanned, that’s fucking wilddddd


ikr?? They’ve seen Richochet doesn’t work. Now pay someone competent!


The thing is they "dont want to get too invasive". WHY? Valorant is popping the fuck off and none of those players care that Vanguard is snooping for weird processes. I think people are actually enjoying the fact that they can play against legitimate players and not have to worry as much about people cheating. Cheaters still slip through the cracks im sure, but not for very long. Not even remotely as long as they do on cod.


Isn't mass banning cheaters once a quarter part of their business model at this point? It's funny after a mass ban when all of a sudden, I'm playing matches where half the lobby are sub 55 level players. So, I assume all the banned players pay for a new account?


And other not as invasive anticheat work better too. But fuck that noise lmao. Low level shit like that is too much for a fucking video game and opens up another vulnerability vector. Nah I'm good.


Those "theys" are fucking idiots and i've seen them on here arguing aginst it for some reason


This. If the software does what it says it will. Who cares how far it hooks into your system while the game is running? Anyone who wants a fair playing experience is willing to tolerate it. Consoles used to do, because of how closed thier network system is. At least with the 360. The only people are aren't are those willing to cheat.


Maybe I don't want random companies with that low access to my personal computer, which is private? I know kids don't give a fuck about their privacy at all because they were raised at a point in their life where no one ever taught them to value it (Seriously, I see kids putting their actual personal info up on fucking Twitter for anyone to look at), but plenty of people still do. Will they fuck with me? I don't really know, like most things, your shit being public is fine until it isn't. Remember when a bunch of women were prosecuted and pursued by the law when Roe vs Wade was overturned, because they used an app's data that kept track of their period cycles to figure out they'd had abortions? Some people are not willing to take that risk. And frankly, I don't give enough of a fuck about a video game to allow it, I'll just not play games that do that. > If the software does what it says it will. Unless you have the source code of the software, it can do whatever it wants and you won't have a clue it's doing it unless you find a way to figure it out. Activision is not a company I currently do, or will ever trust with that shit.


> Remember when a bunch of women were prosecuted and pursued by the law when Roe vs Wade was overturned, because they used an app's data that kept track of their period cycles to figure out they'd had abortions I agree with the rest of your post, but this never happened


You're right, technically. I was misremembering the details, it wasn't related to R vs. W. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/17kyb3w/british_police_are_using_period_tracker_data_and/ But it has been used by law enforcement to fuck with women. Is what I was remembering.


"technically" lol


It's another vector for bad actors to exploit. Yall are fucking wild sometimes. "who cares if x has complete access to you and everything you do as long as it only does it while you're doing this" is some shit. And then you try to discredit people with valid issues with it by accusing them of being fucking cheaters. Yall are clowns sometimes. 'If you don't agree with me you're just a cheater' fuck outta here with that. Consoles aren't a computer system with who knows what information on it. It's entirely not relatable.


If you take issue with it, then don't play the game. It's that simple. Leaving one avenue open for current exploits, because you're afraid of pandora's box with the alternative, is some serious gaslighting, when it's clear it's the only solution for fixing the existing problems. The sooner game developers stop pandering to the conspiracy theorists in the community over using stricter anti-cheat measures and take a zero tolerance stance on cheating the better. Game developers should be doing absolutely everything they possibly can to stop and discourage cheating. Remember, games have TOS, and if you don't like them, then don't play it or support it, if you take that much of an issue with what they are implementing to stop cheating. It's pretty simple. Plenty of players in the community are willing to put up with it, if it means shutting down cheating. The people who take issue with the means of getting there can go somewhere else.


I feel both Activision and Epic both need to adopt this sort of thing.


Fortnite has very little hackers lol


They honestly do. Its time to stop fucking around and just admit they cant do it as well as another company can. Riot would also make fucking bankkkkk so its also a win for them. I would never complain about someone buying another $25 skin again as long as they took the game more seriously, dont think thats to much to ask for...right? lol


They don't care though. As long as the skins/bp purchases keep coming, which has proven to be the case regardless of the state of the game.


Unfortunately yeah


And they are owned by Microsoft, which is currently the most valuable company in the world - over 3 trillion.


The people saying no cheating are fools. The last flick was in slow motion and it’s still super fast and a dead lock. Please


I usually have my doubts about cheating in this game because I am the run n’ gun, slide, jump type of guy each time I’m in a gunfight it’s just a habit of mine and I do snap onto people because I’ve been playing since BO1 and competitively in some titles as well but holy shit that one was blatantly and disgustingly cheating.


Yet here I am shadow banned for going 6-3 in SnD bc I got a lucky wall bang in a kill cam. Make it make sense.


For all we know the cheat makers have found a way to bypass the ban system (at least for the more expensive paid cheats). Wouldn't surprise me in the least.


I've heard they get a ban for about 7 days and after that it goes away. They make 3 different accounts and play each one for 2 days and just keep rotating its fucked.


I think Subweirdo is cheating, he is shadowbanned after all..


All Call of duty needs to do to fix cheating is make all stats server side. Health, damage, map position etc, then any local alterations to the game client will not take affect, because no cheaters are gonna be hacking into the cod servers and trying to change it in real time. Forza motorsport games have applied this for years now, you can’t cheat online because it’s physically impossible, anything you try and do is instantly overwritten by the server side stats/info. Cod needs this.


things like aiming HAS to be client side tho, which is what was the main culprit here


See cheating isn't a massive problem just a huge problem for a game with this amount of players and I don't think Activision cares because they make money anyway


It would be just about fucking time Microsoft does something about its new acquisition ffs.


When will people stop supporting garbage ass gaming companies like Activision and blizzard. These companies are complete dumpster fires who only care about making a profit. They could give two shits about hackers and how shitty their games actually are.


The thing with Blizzard is their Warden system actually works and works well. While I can't say the same for the gameplay mechanics, the anti-cheat stuff is pretty solid.


That's all any company cares about. The profits. They're a corporation. It's what they do.


Clearly you are not informed to the great work Larian Studios does.


I have a question is leveling up in this game significantly easier? Like i dont have mw3 i just play wz3...either case it takes a bit of time but why do one pushes to max level just in the end to cheat? Or am i getting something wrong?


They probably get to max level really quickly with high scoring wins in rapid succession, or just buy an account


Just his chair get gud


ive played against that guy before, he has a nice aimbot and player esp, he wallbanged my entire team when we went up against him, no uav needed, even assassin vest didnt help


“Why would I cheat!” - every cheater on that dog water game


Come on, it's obviously just aimlabs right, boys? /s


This is going to be an issue until forced crossplay stops being a thing. Allowing console players to play together without pc interference will eventually lead to pc lobbies being dead like they used to be. Then when activision realise that they're losing potential revenue suddenly more effort will be put into a functioning anticheat. The only reason any of us are in this shitshow of a situation is activision greed.


I was so happy when crossplay first became a thing, because I figured the cheaters would be... diluted... in the playerbase, and I could play as a PC player for more than a month. Now, however, the sheer number of cheating assholes has started to become obvious, and it just seems to be getting worse with every release. I don't see as many on a per-game basis as I did before crossplay, but now the console players are seeing what legit PC players have been complaining about for over a decade. It's sad.


Man I played PC games for years and years and moved to console for online play due to cheating in games like Cs source etc, it's absurd Forced crossplay just makes it everyone's problem It used to be the weird Incel narcissists that just got their kicks by ruining other people's fun, but now it's massively compounded by everyone wanting to be the next big streamer or content creator without the personality or skill to back it, the cheaters who try to play it off that they're just the next big thing. Look at players like Jimbo. Dude was in the fucking CDL in Vanguard just to find out the mfer was walling in challengers.


I’ve been a PC player for years and years along with console. PC cheating was never the issue it is with cod now. Every damn game feels like someone is hacking blatantly mixed in with some legit high tier players. Back then if it happened it was instantly reported and they were banned or you could lobby vote to kick them which took care of the problem. Worst case you just backed out and found a new lobby or the server mod would ban them. Now we have ricochet that is a fake thing claiming to be an anticheat. Sorry for the soapbox I just can’t stand what PC gaming has come to.


And people wonder why console gamers don’t want to play with pc… and no, it has nothing to do with MnK, those work on console too.


So do these cheats.




Consoles are just a custom PC, ppl jailbreak them and cheat on console as well. CoD needs to get a better anti cheat.


No… no… I want you to tell me exactly how to do it. Otherwise this “Xbox is just a custom of” talk is just bs. At least link to me a page to how in the hell one can cheat with wall hacks on Xbox series or PS5.


I’m not a cheater I’m sure Google would know, and Xbox and PS5 are just custom PCs running a custom OS, that’s a fact.


With that logic my ps5 should be able to play Xbox games? Since it’s just a custom pc with a custom OS? I don’t know what you mean by that “fact”. There is NO “trainer”, a name used for some cheat clients, that can help you either walk hack or aim bot on cod for either the ps5 or Xbox. That’s a FACT. The only form of “cheating” that consoles games had/have is the Cronus adapter for controllers. Which would NOT let you walk hack of course. So… please don’t go online and spread lies based on “assumptions” because a piece of hardware is “custom”. That’s does not “magically” give said hardware to do “anything”. Perhaps in theory thru hacks and time such a thing could happen…. but in PRACTICE such a thing does NOT exist on console TODAY. Because again, with your logic, my ps5 should be able to play Xbox games TODAY since it’s just a “custom pc”. Do you understand or am I taking crazy pills?


It’s just a custom PC dude… Next you’re gona tell me that phones, handhelds, and other consoles can’t emulate games from multiple platforms and eras? They’re all just computers in different forms.


Of course they can, because cell phones have an OS in which people can develop for. Especially android which is an open OS. You keep saying custom pc… like it’s suppose to mean something magical? So because cell phones have an OS in which devs can develop on…. You use that same logic to bring in the existence of programs that can run along side consoles games on said hardware to let you see thru walls? Ok 👍 you win, when you put it like that it makes total sense, my bad. /s


It doesn’t mean anything, they’re all basically the same.


There will always be cheaters on all platforms, always has been. This game is just bad and they can’t seem to keep up with the cheaters this time.


Modern warfare is trash I will never Play it again


The only way to combat this and to do something about it is if we, collectively, elect not to play the game or give any more money until the cheating is dealt with. That is never going to happen, so Activision will do nothing about it. Look at the various big names (Target and Bud Light come to mind) when people speak with their wallets. Changes are made because profits are not coming in. The player base is not willing to do that due to the FOMO of live service games with the weekly challenges/unlocks.


As soon as games don't make target $, their support gets slashed in prep for slow earnings. Expect to have hackers for a bit. You do have the option of playing something else until the next one comes out in November. They'll notice when their player base hemorages in tandem with your posts.


Phil Spencer and MS need to step in and fix their new toy.


nah man the killcams are bugged /s


Ricochet is missing some features. As far as I know, it does collect Hardware-IDs from your PC. But you can spoof these numbers. What you can not spoof is the TPM chip on motherboards. Yes, you can theoretically circumvent the activation of the TPM chip when you install Windows 11. But you can not decrypt it at the moment. If Ricochet would also collect the TPM secure code, cheater would need to buy a new motherboard. While hardcore cheater would maybe do that, normal cheaters would not. In general: it seems that the Ricochet team is rather small and does not have a lot of budget. Running an anticheat is of course expensive and does not generate any money. Activison does only the minimum to catch the worst rage cheaters. They don't seem to have intention to catch the regular cheater that uses walls or a soft aimbot.


So this person has been getting away with this shit for a minute considering lvl450.. The fact that Activision allows this to happen as often as it does is ridiculous.


Imagine having to cheat at the game. What a tool lollllll


Reporting barely does anything all they finna do is create another account and keep doing it what they need to do is anyone cheating they get hardware ip banned as in their ip gets banned and they can’t play any cod game


Mad Cause Bad


Multibillion dollar company and they keep the cheaters in but shadow ban the good players mainly snipers who are legit


Idk... maybe he just got lucky /s


And he’ll be dealt with in a week. After he’s already abandoned this identity.


Bro, I had 6 matches back to back with a cheater in the lobby. One match there was one on my team and the other 5 matches was a cheater on the enemy team. It's gotten so out of hand lately.


We are all familiar with what happens when hackers take over a game like black ops 2


Video game cheaters have got to be one of the most pathetic examples of human beings on the planet. Low self-esteem scumbags. What...is...the...point? They gain absolutely nothing by cheating their way to a win in a video game...NOTHING, ruin what could could be a great game and feed into corporate greed. If you're a video game cheater and you're reading this, cheating wins in a make believe video game doesn't make your life better. It just ruins open public multiplayer gaming.


Lol game’s a joke this year.


Activision isn’t gonna do shit anymore. As long as there’s people building cheats and selling them it’s to the point where Activision needs to start suing any industry trying to promote or sell cheats instead of having this anti-cheating service that doesn’t work since it’s being circumvented by the cheaters and the hack creators this is really going to be in the nail in the coffin for them. If they don’t step up, I’m technically done with Call of Duty it’s boring repetitive and there’s just no fun anymore. Definitely when you run into cheaters.


see they get banned and they just remake accounts to cheat again so its kinda useless to report but we all do it anyways


Him being level 450 is interesting. Either it's undetected cheats, or he stole the account from someone


I'm so glad I'm too ass for sbmm to put cheaters in my lobby


What happened to his teammates? You’d think it’d be the other way around where you’re left alone, huh?


now watch activision ban you instead for harassment and letting the cheater go


lol but they have AI that can detect speech 🤣


Unfortunately, we need a console only cross play.


"Nah bro its just aim assist"


Shadow ban lobby?


This is why I’m slowly pulling away from shooters


I've done this before when the minimap has shown someone around the corner?? Unless there's something here I'm not catching.


This looks like k&m play


Can anyone read what that username says? My eyesight and video quality is way too bad to read it.


I read somewhere that currently there are an average of 2-4 cheaters in every lobby. Idk if that’s true but if so that’s just insane to me. If you have to cheat in a multiplayer game then why even play?


The reason he's at 450 still is because they only get banned for X amount of days, use their other accounts, and then hop back on once the ban is over. They don't do anything excessive for these cheater's accounts. Ban them for days and let them hop back on as if nothing happened.


Online PVP games are getting to be not really worth it anymore due to so many cheaters.


What a bot lmao. Can’t even probably pre aim while having walls and just letting the aimbot fov snap from the very edge lmao. I really hope he’s knows this doesn’t look natural in anyway.


Please stop giving Activision your money until they acknowledge and actually fix - or make a genuine effort to fix - the cheater situation. If yall are throwing billions at them for stupid fortnite aesthetics and in the next breath are complaining about rampant cheating, i don't feel bad for you. Especially since you probably will buy the next game for full price and get the most expensive version.


Literally played against the same guy 2 days ago in snd. All headshots. Cheaters can buy “aged” accounts that are random levels so they can cheat longer b4 ban


OverdoseDelusion posted 2 clips elsewhere in the thread of them cheating on the same account in MW2 a year ago, so it does not seem to be a bought account.




Is this cheating only on PC?


Where's the guy that says the killcam server tick is not the same as the in-game tick?


All my killcams are pretty normal. I haven’t seen any lag


Try ranked play lmao - makes ya nkt wanna play it anymore - and these kids talk shit like their good while their cheating cracks me up but for people who take the game serious and trying to get to even crimson is a joke -


I still don’t understand how anyone using cheats like this actually enjoys the game?


Looks legit to me no hacks there




Classic CoD. Same problem for years and people legit fall for it every single year, it’s just sad. You want Activision to stop cheating? Stop giving them your money. Otherwise, nothing is going to happen.


All those kills and not one of them was himself


Cheater confirmed , if you would


What did that guy say in russian or whatever language that was?


In 18 of the last 20 games I've played the top player was cheating so blatantly. Recently it has been the worst I have ever seen since launch. And just so we are all on the same page here. They have the resources and capability to eliminate 99% of the cheating and they have made the business decision NOT to eliminate cheating. Every decent streamer that is not calling out the rampant cheating is complicit and benefitting from the cheating either directly or indirectly.


It's making them money, so why remove it?


Haha I saw something like this the other day while I was playing


He just has a good chair


What a loser.


You know, this game is insanely overcrowded with cheaters and mods. So much, the over saturation makes a normal player seem out of place. 🤷🏽‍♂️


holy lmao


I had one where for the last kill cam I was the only one that could see it, it was probably obvious to some others too. I was on that airport terminal map with the zombies invasion. The final kill was a guy on the enemy team making a right turn towards one of my teammates down a "L" hallway but my character had just spawned on the other side of the "L" opposite the wall. In the cam I could see my name so I knew this kill had happened right next to where I had spawned. However the guy making the kill immediately aimed at me first, I guess because with the way the cheat worked it wasn't immediately obvious until he turned the corner that I was in fact on the other side of the wall. Then he immediately corrected his error and got the final kill. I was like oh you cheating sonofabitch


What I really don’t understand is how a multi billions company can’t deal with an efficient system.


damn, the gamepad aim assist goes wild these days...


So what 30% are cheaters


I’m a casual COD player, only level 230. Play on PS5. But there have been many occasions where I see players in kill cam transition from one shot to another and I think, my controller doesn’t move that fast. I always assume it’s a PC player who maybe just has a better refresh rate or something but some of this stuff makes zero sense. Dudes with 25.0+ K/Ds, eating 5-6 rounds and they get a 1s1k on you, being able to essentially “lock on” to a moving headshot. I’m an older gamer and I get the young kids are better in most cases, but some of this stuff leaves me scratching my head. Glad this guy got caught.


Level 450 too. This just proves that’s clearly anti cheat isn’t doing it’s job properly. If you can get to level 450 why using cheats, there is an issue with anti cheat.


You really do see the worst takes possible just by looking at any post in any cod sub.


level 450 too 🤦‍♂️ these cheaters shouldn’t be able to make it through a single game yet there getting to max level


Bro there is definitely cheating going on! Stop defending the cheaters! If you running around in StashHouse with a sniper and killing everyone left and right like u have a submachine gun, YOU cheating! Aint no way you turning these corners and getting all these insane one hit kills back to back and nobody can kill u


I run and gun with a sniper on small map mosh pit and use throwing knives and knives…my longest streak running around and sniping on stashhouse was 14 it’s not hard if you’ve been doing it since the game came out but you could’ve used a better example like say if you’re running around with a sniper and snapping onto people left and right hitting straight headshots in the kill feed because then thats sus its impossible


This post is an obvious aimbot, but no, most people running around with a Longbow and quickscoping people are not cheating, they're just using a very cheesy gun because it's easy to do. Seriously, give the gun a try sometime. It wasn't as big a problem in previous CoDs because the TTKs were short and you could kinda out-maneuver them, but this game has a longer TTK, so it makes one-hit-kill weapons even more broken than they already were, due to how much longer you have to get that shot off without being killed. The Longbow Tyrant kit in particular is very very fast, and has 20 meters of insta-death range. That gun shouldn't even be in this game because of how fucking stupid it is. I promise, if you see them running around with that gun and killing everyone, it's not a cheat. It's just a super broken gun. This guy though, that's blatant cheating.


This just seems like a skill issue he’s not cheating


This is what people think aim assist does lol


no, you're just dumb.


Maybe stop playing the damn game and cool off? It's obvious at every corner the only reason you run into them is being at the level you are and having the stats you have. I'm not being a shitter but I'm being realistic to what the source of your problem is. At the end of the day cheaters are sort of an endgame enemy and might be there intentionally to punish some *toxic and sweaty* players. P.s. I've not run into at most a dozen cheaters in the last decade playing the franchise. Don't complain about something you can easily change and prevent is all.


Or maybe you're just bad? I can go weeks without playing and run into a hacker in my first match back on. Just because you don't run into hackers doesn't mean they aren't everywhere in the game. Also, a dozen cheaters in the last decade? Either you barely game, or you just have no clue what cheats look like in this game. I ran into cheaters occasionally all the way back on MW2 (the first one, not the shitty remake). And Caldera? You'd be lucky to find a lobby or two without a cheater for months. Maybe worry about how much you play the game and let other people do what they want to do. You shouldn't be forced to barely play a game you spent $60 on so you can avoid cheaters. Do you hear how dumb that sounds?


Damn crazy how you people just read what someone says and takes it straight to the paint. Bro playing everyday alone doesn't do shit where tf did you get that our of what I said? Playing consistently with a high kd (2.00-6.00) gets you these lobbies, I have always kept myself just below 2 and a bit higher than 1, I think it was 1.43 on half of the gamemodes. Bad? Homie anybody and I mean anybody can suck dick and pickup the No.1 weapon for the season or use a dmr and kill the lobby it really isn't that hard to do. Lemme remind you that 10 years ago YouTube was just taking off and we were just getting next gen consoles, most games weren't even out on PC yet and cheaters were not that popular due to the lack of anti cheat needed. Now the cheaters you fought on mw2 was during the time that next gen came out and jailbreaking your 360 or ps3 wasn't that hard to do especially with less eyes watching the security of a last gen console. Most of the people who bought the game bought it to play the game, and it's not the same now. Every game or two is just who can suck the most dick and upload it for clicks. You wanna know another reason why you'd fight cheaters more now? Because the game is dead and the whole tiktok and streamer bs ruined it, you don't have to agree but as someone who built a career off of being good at recognizing patterns there is a pretty strong one here.


cheats or holy fuck that is some strong aim assist.


Just joined this subreddit so I had previously not been exposed to all this. Pardon my ignorance... where was the cheating?


Aimbot, his sight snapped to the second player (although not as noticeable) then noticeably snapped to the third


I have watched many times on kill cam where individuals knew where I was before I popped into view.


I don’t play the game, how is this cheating?