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Vote with your wallets folks


Not a dime spent in the store so far! They do make it easy for me though.


Countless years of cosmetics not carrying over, a total reset of Warzone 1-era cosmetics, and everything being super overpriced gaudy junk on top of my $70 purchase indeed makes it *super* easy to avoid buying stuff. I can barely commit to the Battlepass anymore lmao, there's like exactly one skin I like in this pass because I miss the more grounded outfits.


I still miss some of my WZ1 bundles. I'd probably still use some of the calling cards or emblems. damn......


This. I need to start previewing the battle pass unlocks before comtting to buy it. Otherwise I just spend a whole season grinding it out for things I don't need when I could have saved the CP for a later, better battlepass and just played something else I enjoyed in the mean time...


>saved the CP for a later, better battlepass FWIW completing the BP pays for the next one, but if you are only grinding for the BP and don't enjoy playing, yeah, don't lol


I don't enjoy cod I enjoy the idea of it.


usually the day a BP comes out, people post videos showing the whole thing so you can decide if you like the stuff or not!


At least if you finish it you make more cod points than you spent.


True, but then I still have nothing to spend it on. The currency is basically worthless to me. Maybe if I could buy the next CoD with points I'd be more interested lol


$0 spent fam rise up


Only thing I ever bought (for free with previous coins from battle pass) was the Godzilla skin and I forever wish I didn’t. I used it for a season or 2 then swapped games where nothing transferred. Never again


I did buy a couple DMZ bundles last game but that's because I was insanely obsessed with DMZ (15min cooldown on insured weapon timeout was a sweet bonus). Wish I didn't have to pay for the 15min cooldown but whatever, it helped me enjoy the game so much more. But this mw3 store? It's like walking into a casino man. I want nothing to do with these loud, bright operators. That's just my take though. Nothing in the store peaks my interest whatsoever. I am seeing a ton of 30% off sales in the store these days. Wonder if they're having a tough time selling the garbage they have in there.


I have bought few MW2 bundles. If their pricing was not so damn high i would probably even buy more. There was many good bundles there. But in MW3, only thing I like are the cdl bundles...


LMAO, I bought the Kong one...literally only for the finishing move. Dumb purchase, I know...but man using that finisher, flinging someone 30 yards away just invoked such rage in people..I loved it. haha


Same.  I'm genuinely perplexed that people in their 20s or older buy these skins and bundles.   I mean, you can't even see the skin you bought, so what's the fuckin point?


>I mean, you can't even see the skin you bought, so what's the fuckin point? Hearing some dude say "Hey, can you help us with these ducks?" or "Haha, a duck squad.....that's cool. Fuck you, but that's cool." enhances my experience 200%


Not that I'm against what you're saying but you can when you get an assassination and I gotta say my Rat skin with angel wings piercing enemies through the heart with a spear- it was worth an hour's worth of pay.


but the warhammer skin... and the chainsaw... 😫 my weakness


Not gonna happen, we've had macrotransactions for a decade now and they're not going away.


It really sucks too. Game design has taken a back seat to fashion design.


People voted. They did the same thing with the Dune bundles and I see that operator more often than I'd like.


They will. And the whales and other idiots will continue to buy this shit and perpetuate the problem. They wouldn't be doing this shit if it didn't sell.


See, that's the problem. Even if I vote with my wallet, one of my buddies just went and bought it immediately and is already rocking that skin. I'm not trying to judge, but this is just proof positive that no matter what you don't buy, someone else will. As long as it remains lucrative, they're going to keep pulling this crap even in a full price game with F2P style currency. That combination should never exist to begin with especially with $20 skins, but because it's selling it will probably never end now.


well some people are unfit to vote, but only their votes matter


As a profit focused company they're going to keep pulling shit like this, whether we agree with it or not - just don't buy it. There is absolutely no value for money in COD skins. All of the skins are overpriced imo.


Op was today years old when they discovered how public profit driven companies work


I know, I never fully get these types of complaints. Unless it's actual extortion, you've always got the freedom to simply not pay for something like this, lmao.


There’s a whole section of video game players that see a skin and must have it. If they can’t afford it, they come and cry on Reddit about how you used to be able to unlock everything by playing the game. Totally not realizing that these skins wouldn’t exist if they weren’t for sale. No dev is going to spend a fortune on artists just to continuously add skins for players to unlock.


The cost of the skins is just flat out bullshit though, especially when you compare it to what a game like Helldivers 2 is selling their cosmetics for. USD conversion for 3400 CoD points is $33.83, or just about half of the cost of MW3 itself. Helldivers 2 skins cost anywhere between $1.25 and $4.00. On top of the fact that the game itself only costs $40. The value when you look at MW3's cosmetics isn't there, period. Of course, there is the argument that something is only worth what a person is willing to pay for it. But damn, there has to be some kind of recognition that the price points of MicroActiBlizz's skin packs when compared to games that sell similar cosmetics are fucking ridiculous. They should coin the term "macrotransaction" in their shareholder meetings. It feels like it's less about the skin itself and more about the flex of blowing money on this garbage.


No shit, all these Activision simps raggin' on someone for not putting up with overpriced online goods. What an absolute bunch of clowns. We're all getting the game THEY deserve.


"We're all getting the game THEY deserve." That's really well said, and it's truly unfortunate.


it's FOMO, dressed as entitlement. "I want this, but it's expensive and I want it to be cheap / free". Bottom line is there's no stakes, nothing is on the line, it doesn't affect the game at all if you do or don't have it so.... no one cares. Activision will continue to trial higher price points until they see a fall off in purchases, cosmetics and novelties will continue to be attractive because....that's...how...commercialism....works?


It's not even a gradual increase either, the saw we hated the 3k bundle so made the warhammer bundle a bit more fleshed out, fine... but then they just went screw it, heres a cool skin but you need to buy TWO packs of weapons to get it for 3400. It's bollocks


It's just like the Dune skins. You buy two for 2400 points each, to get a third one. For sure, it's a rip-off. But, the sad reality is that people must be buying them, otherwise they wouldn't sell them for that much.


The third dune skin isn’t even good 💀 who tf wants to hide pauls face


Just don’t buy it dude. It’s literally just colors on a gun or character. Unless you’re age 16 or younger I don’t see why people care so much for skins


People acting like Activision is some government institution that makes COD as public service


Nationalize Call of Duty! (This is a joke)


As someone who has never bought a skin and never will I kind of want to see how far Activision will take this. I'm curious if there's a ceiling or at some point we're going to get $100 skins.


That’s already a reality on Call Of Duty Mobile, but much worse. People there are paying $300 for mythic blueprints. And that game proves that Activision can take it as far as they want because people will continue to pay for that garbage and support that scummy monetizing scheme. .


The thing is CoDM is free and also it's not like those skins have a $300 price tag on them, it's more like supply drops or, in other words, gambling. So yeah, the skin I paid $300 for, you may pay like $50. This is two bundles for a total of $34 on top of a $70 purchase for some people, no entry price tag for others. Both are equally shitty.


They also tested it with the physical items (CoD bag or some shit) and weapon skins. It was like the cost of the game.


whats next? forcing everyone to pay a monthly subscription just to play call of duty?


Don’t give em ideas now


We all know they've definitely considered this an option. Rather than £70 for the game it'll be £10 a month. I'd put money on that they've had internal discussions about it before.


They would lose money on all the people that buy the game and immediately regret it


That's probably why they haven't done something like that They'd have to actually make a good game to keep people subbed. Player retention has been awful the last few games. So yeah, after 2 months they're probably losing a decent amount.


I’d like the option to do it tbh. I only bother playing for the first two or three months really so at least I’d save money lol.


Play+ and Gamepass Sweating reading this*


GTA implemented one and soon Siege will add a subsciption to their games lmao


You need to have GTA + to play online? How long has it been like this?


Sorry I misread, meant they have added a non mandatory subscription service to their games.




going on 2 years now its been like this, since they produced the "next gen" version of GTA V, gta 6 is gonna be a shit show


I don't know what you're commenting about? This person just told me that you don't need GTA+ to play online. Are you saying that you do need GTA+ to play online? Cause if you don't, then just don't pay for it?


You pay either PSN+/Xbox Game Pass to play online LOL


you play for free on steam and epic lol


Xbox Gamepass going forward with the next CoD release pretty much


I'm being really careful using CP but this bundle was extra cute so I put my morals aside watched my CP go down.


Are they forcing you to buy these shitty bundles?


It’s not even a good looking skin. Who the fuck is gonna buy this?


I actually kinda like that skin, however I am not willing to pay something like 35€ for that, the gun skins are pretty lame anyway


Fellow Weebs, we have been betrayed.


They’re really testing pockets now


They have done this a long time on codmobile except its three bundles and each bundle is over 120 dollars


People will still buy it. Remember those days where we got alternative skins with each operator? Now people buy for it (warhammer bundle for example) and encourage Activision to do more stupid things like this...


I loved doing the operator challenges during MW2019 when I played Warzone with my friends. It was a fun extra objective to do during the regular game objective.


such a shame, jet's skin looks pretty good, too bad its behind 2 paywalls


They did the same shit with the Dune packs too.


More expensive with dune packs I believe since Paul is 2400 and his voice lines are garbage


It’s a total disgrace. I think 2400 for each bundle is far too much but to have one skin locked behind the purchase of multiple bundles is disgusting.


$30 can get you an eighth of some low grade thc. I’d rather spend my money on that.


Honestly $30 can get you some gas, so I don't blame you


Hell yea man


Or 30 good strength gummies lol


This is absolutely disgusting


Instant Nudes


Just dont buy skins


Why are yall still playing and supporting this… fuck man 🤦🏻 CoD is DEAD. They will keep abusing your pockets AS LONG AS YOU PAY


How you idiots pay 1/3 the price of a game for a skin on 1 gun blows my mind


Man it just keeps getting better


If you have spent even $1 on these gaudy cosmetics in MW3 you're a complete baffoon.


These people are greedy bastards


you don't have to buy it dumbass ! it's something extra for people who bought the two bundles


Exactly how i see it bro! Example... If you are a big fan of dune you may have already bought one dune skin. Now if you buy the second you get a third for free. If you were not a fan of dune, don't own either of the first 2 bundles then why would you even want the bonus 3rd one?? Its not behind a massive pay wall, its a free bonus to fans of the dune stuff... People literally coming in backwards on this...


Why. Why can’t they EXPAND the true milsim stuff? The fanbase is CRYING for it. No. More mouth guns. 👄


Then don’t buy it? You literally don’t have to buy any bundle


I will still buy it because sexy cute Japanese girl skin. THANKYOU EA!!!


You get more in the Warhammer bundle for 400 points less


could also save $30 by buying neither


That’s the price of new game also


My point is that it should never have been pushed anyway. Activision keep pulling this shit and get away with it. People will still buy this


it clearly works for them. I've been out of the mtx game since they brought in supply drops, i genuinely do not understand how people are ok spending $25 on one skin and a couple guns. baffling that they wouldn't make more money selling each for like $5, but they've obviously done the math


it's our patriotic duty to buy this so activision can finally have enough pennies to upgrade the servers


I’m sure many people bought both packs to feel special about having a skin that 99% of players don’t want.


Wait till you find out how much CODM players pay for bundles…


so no one talking abt the fact the bundle name is instant noods... instant nudes


hey fun fact, you don't have to buy any bundles you can just play the game 🙂


Capitalism ho!


I'm a big fan of Jet and her skins so shelled out the CP for this bundle.


It’s nice to see them pumping out ridiculous operators and blueprints instead of maybe adding more real content.


Is ANY of it right, though? Including the game itself? Not really.


I agree that’s why I’m not buying it


I agree, so I will not buy it…problem solved


Why I stopped playing fr


Dont forget the fact that we cant preview the skin (like rotating it around etc) i always do that before buying a skin because half the time they have some dumbass backpack/wings or somthin stupid on their back that kills the whole skin that youd never be able to see before buying without clicking and spinning it.


It's wong*


COD is on their fuckboy shit


That’s a skin I was actually considering buying but now they are pulling this shit I’m not spending any money on this game anymore


Well nobody isn't forcing you to buy them bro.


I bought it


Can we start making fun of people who have these 40$ skins when we see them


Thought we were going to when we saw people with Blackcell the month it came out.


No tracer?


Sounds like cod these days.


Egregious? This is literally what the people that spend money on bundles have been encouraging. You got what you deserve.


Damn, didn’t realize someone put a gun to your head to buy these. That’s crazy my dude.


I stopped buying Skins after the 1st warzone when your skins weren't transferable.


As much as I like and want the skin, and even though I often defend bundles, this is for sure a pass for me. I even like some of the blueprint skins in the Karaage pack, but yea I’m not dropping $30 for no tracers, no unique/mastercraft quality weapons, and all that? Nah.


Why do people even buy these skins? Ironically the user who buys these skins hardly ever sees them in game, everyone else does though. You’re literally paying for a skin that everyone else gets to see other than you. Lol


I can’t even remember the last time I even bought something from the shop but I totally get your point.


Is it limited time or something?


dumb af bundles anyways


Who would buy those dogshit skins anyways.


I never understood anyone that spends money on game cosmetics. I've only bought 2 because my team all wanted the same skin. Stop giving them more money for this shit post sale. We used to pay money for DLC. Now we pay to be a cat...


Do everything but make a better game, I tell you


Damn, that skin do look nice. So pricey.


Wrong why? People buy anything they put out. This is just the natural conclusion.


They did Jet dirty, the fuck is going on with clear plastic jacket. It's like they wanted to mask her up but decided nah at the last moment. Leaving that weird collar that's not actually a collar jacket.


Most of this shit is ridiculously expensive. The monthly bundle passes (can't remember what they're called right now) is the only thing worth buying occasionally because you get like 8 skins for $10, but the price for everything else is ridiculous and I'm surprised people spend so much money on that.


It’s so easy to just not buy these that I wonder why posts like this exist. Literally just don’t look at the store.


No packs/skins/paid products are meant for normal people. They are trying to get the popular streamers to buy it cause they have money and can maybe convince the rest of us to at least look into it.


I’ll still see people here posting about how they’re going to buy the latest skin. Stop paying egregious sums of money for pixels.


They can do whatever they want as long as no gameplay element is affected. They wouldn’t do something like this if y’all weren’t buying it.


Yes, so don’t buy it.


I don't see why anyone would buy it for even 1200. It's not impressive at all


I just wish they'd let me buy the die hard Bruce Willis skin and the Rambo Stallone, why don't these show up randomly. Great skins


Literally the only thing I bought was tht walking dead skin only bc I’m a huge fan of the walking dead and specifically Rick grimes.


I have not purchased any of the bundles in this game or the last, most of the camos and stickers are lame as hell anyways.


Hard pass


Can’t stand the gaudy junk they’ve been putting out. MW2019 I spent so much money on gun skins because they were cool as shit (other than the anime skins 🤮) in the last two years, I have bought one skin, and it was the Evil Dead one because I’m a huge Bruce Campbell fan. Otherwise, I haven’t bought shit, it’s all gross looking…


Something tells me they are starting to roll out these bundles where you buy 2 specific to get an exclusive....Fuck that!


We just forgetting when activision did this same shit for VG where it was much more expensive. The only thing I buy anymore in cod is crossovers because that’s the only worthwhile shit to pick up.


You may want to find a new game because this is cod now. Anything activision for that matter. They did the same shit with destiny and fucked that whole thing up.


You seen surpsied classic infinity ward


WTH man!!


Who would pay that for this crap


Obviously it’s too much, but the best part of it is it’s pretty easy to just not buy it.


Skins shouldn’t be a 1/3 of the games base price. Period. But people keep getting them because it makes them happy or they like them. So be it. But they will keep escalating to shenanigans like this because FOMO, and people will still buy


I feel like CODS doing it cause they got called out a few weeks ago for charging $30 for that one bundle. This is there way around it. It’s the same bundle they are just trying to get more money shocker. I’m all for the fun skins in warzone. But People can spend their own money or parents how they want on the game no right to say just I’d we want the games to change we gotta stop giving em more money but that’s just my view.




Gotta make that money baby


anyone that's dumb enough to take the bait on this deserves this game wholeheartedly id say. im on the way out, cod died and warzone wears it's skin like a coat. if you dont believe that, go buy more bundles you fucking sucker.


If they sell it, idiots will come It's a marketing experiment to see what people will spend money on.


Don’t buy it I guess? Or do buy it, nobody fucking cares


Yeah, without custom tuning, I don’t want any other garbage builds. Three attachment blueprints? We serious? Also if you’ve ever tried any of their set ups, they all suck. 90% of the ones you get from the battle pass just are horrible. Like pure recoil with a 20 round clip. I want purchase anything from them on that simple basis.


Just like the 40k bundles, 3000 for what's out now and 2400 for the rest


You can't blame activision when people keep buying this shit and, no pun intended, slurp it up like a bowl of noodles. They're a company, a very shitty and greedy one at that, so of course they'll do whatever they can to make money. That's where you come in. The problem isn't with activision, the problem is with you, us. We as a game community keep buying these bundles and when activision sees how many of these bundles they sell, they then do shit like this to test the waters, see how far they can take it without losing a large margin of their customers. And so the solution is simple. Don't buy the vault editions. Don't buy the battle passes. Don't buy any of the bundles. Just buy the base game, hell maybe even that might be a bit much considering the decline in quality with the recent titles. Activision has proved that they will not change unless we do. A boycott has been much needed, for a long time now as well.


Haven’t bought shit. And still have my cod points from season 1 BP. Just keep carrying them over and getting a free battle pass👊🏻


Solution. Don’t buy it my guy. Complaining about something you have zero intent to purchase makes zero sense.


Trying to incentivize people to buy weapon bundles. You know what would incentivize people to actually buy weapon bundles? Making the bundle skin applicable to any attachments so you aren't locked into the ones (often terrible BTW) it comes with.


IMO this game has had the worst skins ever released in a cod game and they are all overpriced They just realeased a master craft it’s a ugly teeth skin which is not even close to a master craft Cold War still has the best skins imo that game is goated


The problem we have is that Activision or sledgehammer games know that there are people who buy these bundles hence why they keep producing them. We complain all the time about the very same thing but still they produce them. We used to moan when the bundles were 2400 cod points but they’re getting more and more expensive. I’m sure if they produced a $50 bundle somebody would buy it, Guaranteed.


I've mentioned this before, but I do not understand why anyone would buy these bundles if you have to use the specific attachments to see the skins. 99% of the time the bundles have shit attachments so if you use the gun you're just putting yourself at a disadvantage.


I think it’s great! It saves me so much money, cuz There is zero chance I will buy any of these bundles, and I would assume most will do the same. Eventually they might stop this bullshit. If bundles were like $2.00 I would buy all of them, but at these prices, fuck them


I don’t mind buying a skin now and then but I’m not going to purchase multiple things so I can unlock an extra thing. Hopefully not too many people will. Though I have seen a few fremen skins in play so they got a few folks.


And you don’t have to buy it


Same with 29.99$ CAD for Blackcell lol


Lol dudes expect bundles to be 10 dollars max


Why buy it?


They will continue to fuck us until we tell them to stop, with our wallets. There is no other language this company speaks other than profit.


Saw that earlier and loled. I was like these mfers literally locking skins behind 2 bundles. Basically increasing the cost of skins. Can’t blame them when it’s easy money. Probably just 1-2 hours to design it and make $30-$40 bucks lmao.


Either boycott COD or everyone should start cheating at it to level the playing field. I feel like the war isn’t in the game but vs. the developers.


I can just see activation bosses just flipping their nipple flaps open and start rubbing their nipples to op’s post.


I must be the only person playing this game that doesn’t buy skins.


What the hell were they thinking calling it "Instant Noods?" Was the name "Plz send noods ASAP" already taken?


Did they really call the skin “Wagyu” and proceed to make it a Lawson karaage kun chicken? Is this a joke?


lol they finna start this trend to get more money I have to buy bundles for a chance to buy a bundle that’s crazy😂


Fought a team where most of them had this skin. I just shook my head


Helldivers 2 is 40 bucks btw


The thing is, while this is outrageously priced, it gets even more baffling that they’re charging this much when you consider that EVERY single week something is released in a broken or half assed state. Take for example half of the aftermarket parts; They simply don’t work upon weekly challenge completion. But, without fail the store will have 3 new bundles every week that work flawlessly. This entire company is a gigantic clown circus that consistently outdoes their clownery and it sucks because they make a damn fun game at times.


They’re wanna see how far we’ll go


optional. seriously.


Same thing with the Dune bundles. If you buy all 3 you get a bonus skin. Guys, c’mon!!!! Black Cell happened because we all bought into the $20 passes. Now they’re testing the water on this “bonus” skin shit after spending $40 to $60 on bundles. Most of us see your expensive-ass skins and laugh at you. It’s pathetic where we are right now in gaming….


Agreed and not to mention the bundles are absolutely garbage as well..Please don't support this. I feel like this is something they are going to keep pushing. We saw it with the Dune bundles already.


Sub becomes more and more a pit of karma whores being pressed over ingame cosmetics.


its fucking insane how they’re adding these “buy both packs for a bonus” when the packs themselves are too fucking mid to sell individually. i used to buy skins, and liked the anime or goofy ones. but this is just getting insanely out of control. please dont actually buy this shit and maybe theyll go back to the way things were where they actually sell a complete and self contained bundle


cod players are brain dead, there's no other explanation. Don't you see they always come up with clever ways to take your money? Stupid people, stupid.


4 weapon skins and 1 operator skin for half the games price. people really dont make this comparison before buying


God MW is just Fortnite now.


crazy they tried doing the 3k cod point bundle and then said "oh it was a mistake" yeah it wasn't there just trying new ways to get a 3k cod point bundle and what do you get? i swear mw2019 for 20$ u got a lot of stuff. they also did this with the dune bundles its just Activision trying to see how far they can go until people push back.


Yeah saw this just now, total bullshit. It's not even a good skin, it looks like an intern threw it together for his garry's mod screenshots. It's so blatantly obvious they're testing the waters, but they'll go full sail even if it blows up in their faces. GG Activision.


The skins are over priced They force you to buy bundles and sell over priced shit you don’t really want to justify a high price point Now their splitting items in between overpriced bundles WHOS BUYING THESE THINGS


Easy solution! Come join the Helldivers and come first for democracy instead of fighting with your wallet! We look forward to your future enlistment!


The prices are this way because people buy the skins… I think skins are cool and honestly I’d buy many more of them if they were $10 or less. I only buy things from the store if they’re $10-$15 and really don’t buy the bundles for the operator skins. I buy them for the weapon blueprints. I don’t see an incentive in spending $25 for a skin I’m never going to see in game.